

Politics Weekend Posting

October 12, 2024

Hi everyone, here is the politics posting for this weekend.


I hope you all have a great weekend!


    Oct 12, 2024 12:42 AM

    CFS…late for work again…and so are all of you…

      Oct 12, 2024 12:53 AM

      Well, I guess at least one blogger is still alive…and hopefully well… I was about to do a test post myself… Have never seen everyone this late before. 😢

        Oct 12, 2024 12:54 AM

        Maybe they were fighting tax increases. I’ve been talking to people about the local sales tax increase I am trying to defeat and most don’t even know what I am talking about. I talked to one cashier today who didn’t even know what the sales tax rate is even though it’s printed on the receipts he hands out all day long. He was not registered to vote, didn’t know about the sales tax increase on the ballot and didn’t care. He said he doesn’t pay attention to things like this because he did not want any stress. So there you go. I would bet that represents the vast majority of the Ameroconned public. They don’t know, don’t want to know, don’t care and certainly won’t do anything.

          Oct 12, 2024 12:02 PM

          …and the county sent out the ballots Monday….so everyone has received them by now…no longer any in polling precincts in person voting anymore….it’s all vote by mail or you drop the ballot off at one of those drop off location boxes (what Biden called the “battle box” maybe?) or you can drop it off at the clerk recorders office…and of course on ID needed.

            Oct 12, 2024 12:24 PM

            should be NO ID…needed to vote.

        Oct 12, 2024 12:11 PM

        Same old BS……………….. Nothing NEW TO REPORT until NOV 5….. everything else is a FREAKING SIDE SHOW…… ENJOY…..
        I will post when there is something IMPORTANT TO POST………….. 🙂 LOL…..
        We all know HARRIS IS A WITCH…. LOL…. and the US is CONTROLLED… anyone that does not know that is a MORON….. and not worth to be around… LOL….

        BTW…………… WHERE IS LARRY…… hope he is not PISSED OFF………

        AND YOU ARE ALL GREAT PEOPLE…….. STAY SAFE……. BEST….. OOTB… and plan to stay that way…… 🙂
        SCREW FLAT EAT…… rally does not mean anything….. FLAT OR ROUND…. you are HERE on this planet… and the CABAL can go FLY A KITE…. 🙂

        OH,,,,,,,, GOD LOVE YOU ALL…… 🙂
        Take it for what it is worth……. If, you do not believe it….. SO BE IT….. NO PROBLEMS with ME…
        It is not going to make any difference with me. 🙂

          Oct 12, 2024 12:09 PM

          Seems the controllers have taken liberty to edit.. my post….. LOL

          SHOULD READ ….. “SCREW FLAT EARTH”….. hummm must be something to it…. 🙂
          BTW…. I am not on either side of the issue….. WHO CARES…. 🙂
          Other than ,… the SHEEPLE are deceived … in most cases…. 🙂

    Oct 12, 2024 12:21 AM
    Trump’s age concerns me.
    But I’ll choose a getting senile old man over a totalitarian socialist everyday.

    Oct 12, 2024 12:25 AM
      Oct 12, 2024 12:19 PM


    Oct 12, 2024 12:30 PM

    Trump: “He’s interested in his legacy, and he wants his legacy to be the President who ended the wars, who brought the money home to rebuild the middle class, who ended the censorship, who ended the power of the CIA over the American people, and who made America healthy again.”

      Oct 12, 2024 12:05 PM

      Went for a ride to get the pulse of the political sentiment and saw only four Trump signs and about 30 Harry Balz signs…not good…this is a red county but in a blue commie state…but maybe it’s not red now…due to more commies moving in from the blue counties like my neighbor….who didn’t want to hear the truth…four years ago I saw more Biden signs then Trump but not this bad…in 2016 it was about even. Saw a bunch signs for yet another school bond tax. Only good news was there were no signs for the county’s sales tax increase and they’ve been plastering facebook telling people to get their free signs. And before I left got my second huge flyer in the mail telling me to vote for their tax increase.

        Oct 13, 2024 13:19 AM

        Thanks for the drive by signage report Ebolan… I live somewhat remotely and don’t put out political signs – few would see them and I don’t want to deal with anti-Trump hate/violence… Most of my neighbors are independent thinkers and I would like to think they are smart enough to pick Trump as the lesser of the two evils… One Democrat does have a Harris Walz sign – not particularly neighborly folks… On the other hand a number of neighbors fell for the COVID jab scam and might still listen to mainstream media. 😢 Neighborhood has too many health and family issues to even discuss politics.
        But on a county wide basis, driving around I tend to see more Trump signs. 😊

          Oct 13, 2024 13:06 PM

          I don’t put up signs. I also try to remain anonymous if possible. The special interests in this county are ruthless concerning anyone who opposes their tax grabs. The last go around they got a state agency after me. That went know where because I did nothing wrong. They will try to bankrupt you if they can or worse. Anyone who doesn’t think this country is a banana republic hasn’t a clue.

            Oct 13, 2024 13:37 PM

            Gee… not sure US lives up to the standards of a banana 🍌 republic. 🤔
            “In political science, the term banana republic describes a politically and economically unstable country with an economy dependent upon the export of natural resources.”
            Definitely US meets the unstable part, but the US economy depends on the export of fiat currency.

            Oct 13, 2024 13:44 PM

            Certainly prominent traits that immediately jump to mind when one thinks of a banana republic. They waited until after the election results were certified (and they had won the tax increase) to come after me. They knew they had nothing on me and the state agency would rule that way but they waited until after the election because if the state ruled that way before the election was over they would look bad. They were trying to intimidate me into silence and make an example of me. And of course cost me money and time defending myself.

            And ironically, I am drinking a banana milkshake right now.

            Oct 13, 2024 13:50 PM

            And then of course some other things happened in a prior tax increase I worked on defeating which was supported by the local cops. I even debated the president of the local cops union. It was defeated which of course they didn’t like and one of the things that happened very conveniently after the election was me being the victim of criminal activity by a criminal very well known to the local cops. And even with a witness and a mountain of evidence I discovered, the cops and DA refused to do anything. None of this surprised me because I’ve known governments are corrupt ever since I was a kid.

          Oct 13, 2024 13:20 PM

          Even though I didn’t see any signs for the county’s sales tax yet I would be very surprised if it does not pass. The county spent $167K of our tax dollars to hire two PR firms to write the ballot measure for them to make sure it passes and to “survey” the public. They figure out what deceit needs to be told to get the rubes to vote for it and then they write the ballot measure and come up with talking points for the county politicians and bureaucrats and their special interest allies to “educate the public.” The county would never have put the measure on the ballot if they did not know in advance it has a very high likelihood of passing.

          This kind of cr@p should be illegal but of course it isn’t. They are spending the money they take from us to propagandize us into voting to take even more from us. Anyway, if they didn’t know it wasn’t going to pass they would never put it on the ballot. Their was a multi-county measure south of here for a huge bond measure that never made it on the ballot because the PR polling firms told the politicians it wouldn’t pass.

            Oct 13, 2024 13:47 PM

            We are treated like lab rats… they study how to convince us to see things their way… wordsmithing… repetition of fake news… etc….. they prefer the carrot approach… but will not hesitate to use the stick.

    Oct 13, 2024 13:15 AM

    We watched 20 Trump rallies. His racist, anti-immigrant messaging is getting darker

    Nationwide razzias coming

    Oct 13, 2024 13:02 AM

    Concerning Chartster and flat earth, it does matter. And it also matters who refuse to call him out.
    Flat earth, Q, Trump saving the day, all a bunch of crap.
    I have said many times it will take a higher level of thinking to solve the problems we face, not some dumbed down logic supported by those that cannot pass a third grade science exam.

      Oct 13, 2024 13:10 AM

      The stuff Chartster spouts is so crazy even he doesn’t believe it. He is just yanking everyone’s chain…seeing how people will react and then getting a good laugh.

    Oct 13, 2024 13:57 AM

    A country with out borders is not a country.
    The United States has become a banana republic, corrupted by a Zionist agenda proliferated by those who have no allegiance to the U.S.
    Don’t forget to vote.

      Oct 13, 2024 13:09 AM

      …and good old disinformation agent AJ surely must know….

    Oct 13, 2024 13:19 AM

    I try to post, but get……
    “ Sorry, replies to unapproved comments are not allowed.”

      Oct 13, 2024 13:34 AM

      ..there is still censorship in this blog…

        Oct 13, 2024 13:02 PM

        That or this site has the stupidest spam filter on the face of the planet

    Oct 13, 2024 13:19 AM

    The posters here might think it is bad in The U.S. spend a day in Canada and you wouldn’t believe how this place has changed. In Toronto we have 256 homeless tent encampments, 2 million people per year using food banks, crime and drugs are way up! This is not the Canada I used to know and love. It gets worse by the day, and they say we aren’t even in a recession, I would not like to see a “Depression”.

    Three days ago, at 10:45 in the evening I caught a young man coming down my driveway and trying the back side door, I had him on my security system so I confronted him out on the street, he apologized for not knowing where he was, but I didn’t bother notifying the authorities because that just might make things worse. We have a catch and release policy that when someone is arrested, they are immediately let out on bail. We need jail not bail. DT

      Oct 13, 2024 13:11 AM

      …the entire western world has gone insane…the criminals who rule us are evil…are you still walking 18 miles a day…if so you might want to be armed…maybe not as Truedope will throw you in the gulag for that…

    Oct 13, 2024 13:53 AM

    First, they are voluntary……..
    Then you can’t access your bank account or many events in public without face recognition.
    Then the national I.D. has to be carried by everyone.

      Oct 14, 2024 14:09 AM

      Then there’s MAD magazine for October, 2013, special War on Privacy issue.

    Oct 13, 2024 13:16 PM
      Oct 14, 2024 14:59 AM

      At least since the diversion last summer from landing at Bozeman, Montana to Missoula. Stinger missiles maybe? Portable package of 35 lbs., can reach up to 12,000 ft.

    Oct 13, 2024 13:23 PM

    Third Trump assassination attempt foiled – law enforcement
    A man has been arrested with fake press passes and loaded weapons outside a rally being held by the former president in California
    Third Trump assassination attempt foiled – law enforcement
    Donald Trump gestures as he walks onstage for a campaign rally in Coachella, California, October 12, 2024
    A third attempt on the life of Donald Trump was prevented on Saturday when law enforcement officers arrested an armed man with fake press passes outside the former US president’s rally in Coachella, California, a local sheriff has said.

    Oct 13, 2024 13:05 PM

    What is even worse is the B.R.I.C.S. Conference on resources on October 22.
    AND NO U.S. POLITICIAN seems to care.
    With China providing infrastructure in Africa in exchange for resource mining rights, and with so.many resources in Russia, the U.S. is about to be in big supply deficits. Combine raw supply deficits with lower numbers of U.S. manufacturers and with loss of dollar dominance and you get deep trouble with sky-rocketing prices.

    Oct 14, 2024 14:26 AM

    Ameroconned soldiers in Israel defending the Israelies…of course they could never defend you or the border in the US…sure AJ is happy with this…maybe he can join them…in any case…get back to work…tax livestock…to pay for the Empire…

    “The US deployed a special anti-ballistic missile battery system and its 100-member crew to help defend Israel against a potential third direct attack from Iran, as Tehran warns it has no redlines in the war with its archfoes.”

      Oct 14, 2024 14:05 AM

      That is the THAAD system…..promised but, I believe not yet delivered.

      Oct 14, 2024 14:17 AM

      The U S Political machine plus the media have always lied to the American Public about Israel being a Democracy.
      Those that are most in debt are most inclined to be liars.

        Oct 14, 2024 14:30 AM

        True John, they have also lied about the states being a democracy.

        People believe it tho, they believe whatever they are told to believe.

        The number of people that think for themselves is pretty much insignificant.

        Its the way of the world.

    Oct 14, 2024 14:11 AM

    Using a combination of advanced radar systems and interceptors, THAAD, short for Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense, is the only US missile defense system that can engage and destroy short-, medium-, and intermediate-range ballistic missiles both inside or outside the atmosphere during their terminal phase of flight – or dive on their target.

    Oct 14, 2024 14:24 AM

    The British have wanted a war with Iran ever since they were given the boot.
    China is Iran’s number one customer for crude and India is number two.
    Do you really believe China is not going to get involved at some point?

    Oct 14, 2024 14:32 AM

    CFS’s post about the upcoming BRIC’s summit is spot on. The American public have no clue what is transpiring.
    Economically China’s economy is stumbling and India’s currency is at an all time low against the dollar.
    The U.S has abused it’s privilege as the reserve currency by weaponizing the dollar and the use of sanctions.
    The conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine are distractions as to keep the focus off the real problem which is the debt situation and the inability for anybody to conceive a way out of it short of killing people.

    Oct 14, 2024 14:09 AM

    Hi Tony:
    History doesn’t lie, people do.
    The Zionist’s will label you as anti-semetic as opposed to history being told.
    Within Judaism, rabbinical orthodoxy attributed to Hillel developed the prosbul clause by which debtors waived their right to have their debts cancelled in the Jubilee Year. Hillel claimed that if the Jubilee Year were maintained, creditors would not lend to needy debtors- as if most debts were the results of loans, not arrears to Roman tax collectors and other unpaid bills. Opposing this pro-creditor argument, Jesus announced in his inaugural sermon that he had come to proclaim the Jubilee Year of the Lord.
    The Jubilee was meant to protect the agrarians from bad years due to mother nature and circumstances beyond their control. To me, this is another
    example of how the selfishness of the Jews once again shows it’s ugly hand.
    Much like those who control the porn industry arguing that porn is protected by the 1st amendment.

    Oct 14, 2024 14:09 PM

    Jewish activists, not the Zionist’s have stormed the NYSE and shut it down protesting companies like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin profiting from the genocide in Gaza.
    It seems that the American public has no conscience and has no problem looking the other way when innocent women and children are little more than collateral damage.
    Good for the Jews protesting the Zionist’s.
    Once again this is reminiscent of the American Jews calling for a boycott of Hitler and the Zionist’s over riding them.
    Like I said History doesn’t lie, people do.

    Oct 14, 2024 14:21 PM

    At this point in the discussion I will once again reiterate how brain toasted are those who do not think that Biden, Harris, Trump, Vance, the U.S Senate, the U S House are anything other than Zionist puppets.

    Oct 14, 2024 14:23 PM

    Hello John…. Until such a time as the common Jews around the World , rise up & proclaim to the fake jew Zionist’s in Isreal/ America/London . Not In Our Name , they will continue as the fake Jews , to control the World ., useing Anti Semitism as ” THEIR ” tool.

    Oct 14, 2024 14:46 PM

    The false flag set up to attack Iran and cancel the election?

    Oct 14, 2024 14:15 PM

    Civilizations millennia before the Bronze Age had advanced tools……

    Oct 15, 2024 15:51 AM

    I thought this should be ATTACHED TO THIS SECTION…… 🙂

    20 hours ago
    Food For Thought:
    During the above conversation, there was raised a question as to whether one party had a better solution of repaying the “unpayable debt” than the other. The general conclusion was that neither has proposed a solution and have avoided addressing the issue.
    A possible way to determine a difference is taking a look at the following considerations or questions:
    — The debt problem leading to the Great Depression was identified as growing from the establishment of The Fed in 1913 after a meeting/s on Jekyl Island of Wealthy Elites.
    — Following The Great Depression, several Regulatory Acts were put in place in recognition that weaknesses in the Central Banking System led to The Great Depression.
    — Following WWII, the US was a creditor nation and Bretton Woods resulted in the US being awarded the Reserve Currency with the objective of backing the US currency by gold.
    — Having the Reserve Currency backed by Gold necessarily required that the US had budgetary restraints based on limiting deficits within the gold backed capabilities.
    — The US guaranteed that holders of US Currencies could exchange US Fiat for gold.
    — French President DeGaull decided to test the situation by demanding a gold Exchange. Nixon elected to remove the gold option window and ended the system in 1971.
    — Since there was no longer a gold backing system, politicians saw the opportunity to: spend more than was earned from taxing by creating deficit budgets.
    — As deficits expanded, there was also the “deregulation of those Acts designed to prevent another depression”. These Acts were weakened by both parties with the assistance of all Administrations.
    — As Regulatory authority was undermined, it was noted that The Fed and Exchange Stabilization were barred from “Audit” and for whatever reason “Gold” was considered worthless as it was a threat to the “full faith and credit” and “ confidence in” the fiat currency. Audit of the gold in Ft Knox became near impossible or thwarted within Congress and Administrations.
    — Computers were born and expanded to control all public and private corporate and governmental matters, including stock and commodity markets making it more difficult for Regulators and the common man to monitor financial matters of all kinds.
    — Derivatives and other creative trading mechanisms of all types were significantly expanded, which coupled with deregulation, opened the door to a plethora of high risk unregulated casino like ventures for Wall Street.
    — Wall Street, who owns The Fed, began to bleed the US Treasury for personal gain and some did not fear prosecution because they were the “Bankers” for not only the US Government, but also for the elected members of government who now were protected by new statutes protecting them from prosecution for insider trading.
    — When the Banks and Corporations got in trouble for their risk taking, to prevent their failure, Congress voted to bail them out initially during the 2008 Great Recession.
    — This, in turn, put bad debt on The Fed’s balance sheet and other corporate bad debts off balance sheet along with an unpayable level of derivative debt that could also be destructive to the World Economy. A partial audit of The Fed directed by the Senate showed The Fed was bailing out foreign banks and corporations in addition to a myriad of US banks and corporations under the table.
    — While all the above was happening, Congress became locked in stalemate and refused to deal with pending economic disaster. Dodd – Frank was passed to give the appearance of bringing sanity to the financial debacle but, in essence, was nothing but another smoke screen kicking the can down the street.

    So We Have An Election coming up and one party wants to work within the system by restoring the law and the other wants to undermine the democratic system in favor of an autocratic system.
    So here is your choices:
    — If you want an autocratic system, you have to get rid of the Constitution, its underlying laws and defer all rights, power, ownership of personal property to An autocratic leader, Political elite and Corporate power. This is by definition.
    —- if you want to have a country with a Constitution where the people determine who their elected officials are, you have the right to practice a religion if you want or not and sets moral standards, that gives you an equal chance to receive an education or a job or other things supporting life itself, that does not intervene in markets with unfair advantage, does not unfairly compete with your small business or livelihood, that does not interfere in your medical well being, etc etc etc (just think those things a Fascist State will take from the individual)

    Bottom Line: you can’t get rid of the Constitution and have a fair and equitable country. If you believe that some are entitled to better treatment and opportunity because of some “special interest belief” then you may want a Fascist State where you have no control over your future.
    If you want to restore the laws and regulatory order that has been eroded by political special interests, then vote to retain the Constitution and elect representatives that will only represent you and have them get rid of Citizens United to start and appoint Supreme Court Judges that aren’t bought by special interests.
    Those that have stolen from The Treasury and future Treasury through risky unregulated/unaudited schemes are relying on you to push an autocratic regime that will eliminate the Constitution/associated statutory laws and capability to take criminal action against the thieves that committed the biggest theft in the history of the World … the current and future US Treaury… the property of the people.
    They would absolutely love to walk away with your Country and leave 300 million bag holders behind who they led down the path of destroying The Constitution, many of these criminals having sworn their allegiance to when they took their Elected Oath of Office.
    So listen to what the Candidates are saying and also to those who are seeking reelection. Are they “for” something or just “against” someone else getting the job and power. If against everything, see if they are for something. See if they want to get rid of law and regulation or restore it.
    Good luck to all…

    18 hours ago
    Porter Stansberry explains that either candidate will be unable to right the ship due to the debt. Likes gold as a diversification, and certain mainstream stocks to get thru this mess. For whatever that is worth.

    18 hours ago
    Yes… I mentioned “unpayable debt” at the beginning. It depends on whether the people want to accept the fact they have bern scammed and continue in a new autocratic regime that guarantees generations of autocrats and serfs or try to attack the symptoms of criminal activity and restore the law. (It is not limited to the US as Central Banking is worldwide. It just depends if one accepts transfer of wealth and gives up.) There is always alternatives for democratic countries for restructure and debt forgiveness Autocrats who thrive on Criminality have no motivation but to continue corruption. Corporations thrive on corruption also. That’s why corporations are major elements of Fascist power.
    The Concept of bail-ins is not consistent with democracy or capitalism because it is a direct transfer of private wealth to cover corporate risk failure.

    18 hours ago
    “ No Man is Above The Law “. Is a Constitutional principle. Making an exception for one or more is not …

    Dick Tracy
    18 hours ago
    The trouble with your thinking is that you can’t have American economic planning which might prevent disasters from recurring like the debt bomb because you are handing over undue power to an incompetent and venal bureaucracy whether it is the Republican or Democratic Party. I’m sure even you have heard of the two headed snake. Your ideas only work in a vacuum not in real life. I’m surprised that someone like you who is always talking about how corrupt the government is would even think that voting matters. LOL! DT 😜😉🤣

    17 hours ago
    Thanks for supporting the issue that this is about a Democratic Republic With a Constitution Versus Fascism governed by Corruption. You made your position clear but still found the need to point out my weaknesses as if somehow that’s make your point. I will say that I can not support your views as mine differ just like the choices that all Citizens have to make in the near future.

    17 hours ago
    I should also mention that the structure of Federal, State and Local governments are all constructed where the elected and their appointed assistants control all government organizations. To imply otherwise suggests a lack of knowledge of reality. The tail does not wag the dog. That is why it is critical to elect only those candidates of sufficient character to remain loyal to their oath to the constitution and to the people and not to a party or special interest or personal belief or personal gain.

    16 hours ago
    Two simple quick examples which are common over the years of all Administrations:
    — The current Secretary of The Treasury is the former head of The Fed
    —The current head of the Securities and Exchange Commission is a former partner from Goldman Sachs.
    (Ask yourself if that facilitates the transfer of wealth and deregulation of financial statutes, or is it just a conflict of interest of little concern)

    Dick Tracy
    16 hours ago
    Lake says, “The tail does not wag the dog.” Tell that to The Israeli lobby, you don’t even know who is in charge. LOL! DT 🤣

    16 hours ago
    Lobbyists lobby elected politicians that submit or support or vote on legislation that are favorable to their position. This power to influence outcome was expanded under Citizens United when SCOTUS made corporations have the status of “people” and gave them campaign donation authorization to levels very few citizens can compete with except those very few .01% extremely rich with biased views for personal gain of one form or another contrary to the best interest of the Constitution. These lobbying opportunities give Corporations and the extremely wealthy unfair advantage in the election process and sways elected persons loyalties away from the Constitution and the people to that of the interests of the various wealthy donors. Lobbyist concentrate on only those elected or appointed officials that can influence outcomes consistent with the lobbyists special interests

    16 hours ago
    Lobbyists lobby elected politicians that submit or support or vote on legislation that are favorable to their position. This power to influence outcome was expanded under Citizens United when SCOTUS made corporations have the status of “people” and gave them campaign donation authorization to levels very few citizens can compete with except those very few .01% extremely rich with biased views for personal gain of one form or another contrary to the best interest of the Constitution. These lobbying opportunities give Corporations and the extremely wealthy unfair advantage in the election process and sways elected persons loyalties away from the Constitution and the people to that of the interests of the various wealthy donors. Lobbyist concentrate on only those elected or appointed officials that can influence outcomes consistent with the lobbyists special interests. Lobbyist are not necessarily “party oriented” as they are “special interest” oriented whether for money or principle or power or some other reason not compatible with the best interests of the country as a whole. Dem/Repub is an easy topic that can inflame the public away from the core issue of criminal acts being committed to transfer wealth or power. Unfortunately their are too many bias, prejudices and beliefs that can be played upon and divert the voters from the true issue of transfer of wealth and power through financial and economic channels which go unmentioned and unchallenged. Where is the Media … owned by those with an interest in the economic outcome? Surely they couldn’t control the “free investigative press”. Could be …

    15 hours ago
    Congress is responsible for making laws. In order to change the law or statutory regulations, Congress must do it. The SCOTUS interprets the Law and the Administrative Branch carries out the Law or enforces them. If one or more of those checks and balances fails, then the system is designed to investigate and correct. If a portion of the elected body goes rogue for a party or religious or racial or etc reasons the system is in jeopardy, the Constitution fails and most likely the country is at risk of forming a government that acts in its own interests and is also doomed to failure, but not until there is severe suffering that could have been prevented by elected officials following their oath to the Constitution. But those days will be gone when the Constitution is gone, There will be no choice in elections but only the appearance. That is why thousands of people show up at our border… because they are the ones excluded from living safely or meeting basic needs in their autocratic country that lost their democratic Constitutions in the past.
    So there is a serious choice to made and it requires the Constitution to remain and Laws that have been altered, be restored to those that protect “all” the people … not a chosen few.

    Terry Huebert
    19 hours ago
    Money of Mine talks about Westgold(WGX) at the start of this podcast.
    They completed a merger with Karora(KRR) recently and are now listed on TSX as well as ASX.

    Terry Huebert
    19 hours ago
    Above link doesn’t work, try this one.

    13 hours ago
    Thanks for sharing that link Terry. I’m a Westgold shareholder now, by way of 1/2 my Karora shares that I left in place to switch over during the merger, and wanted to dig into the recent quarterly metrics, but those guys and gal and did a great job of breaking things down. I share the one guys optimism that this was an quarter reset of the proforma company without a complete quarters production and lots of extra costs, but that moving forward there is going to be growth, especially in 2025.

    I’m working on getting Westgold on the KER soon for an update now with the new combined company.

    16 hours ago
    Anyone who thinks the Democrats aren’t the bigger threat to individual freedoms, the constitution and the rule of law has a screw loose. Such individuals are incapable of critical thought so they perfectly reflect all the propaganda they’ve been fed by the corporate media. Are they comforted by the fact that the most powerful corporations and bankers in the world are on their side along with the rest of Wall Street? Or is it Dick Cheney’s endorsement that inspires them?
    It is beyond laughable when ANY Democrat pretends to respect the constitution.

    16 hours ago
    It should be crystal clear why it’s the Democrats who’ve been pushing to lower the voting age to 16 but apparently it’s not clear to D voters. The answer is this: The less you know the more likely it is that you’ll fall for the insanity and criminality that is collectivism and in the US collectivism is the domain of the Democrats.
    Forget the future, our present isn’t looking good at all…

    14 hours ago
    Simplistic but still nailed it…
    Tucker Carlson says Dick Cheney supports Kamala Harris because they are both “neocons” who believe “it’s okay to kill people in order to get rich.”

    OOTB Jerry
    7 hours ago
    WITH THE POLITICAL DIALOG above…………. WHY is the ORPHAN SECTION not UTILIZED for this benefit….. I thought this was the MINING SECTION….. hummm….

    Again…….. hard to separate the issues…. since GOLD and SILVER are POLITICAL….. LOL…
    Have a great one….. 🙂

    All good stuff posted above…. I have zero problems with mentioning anything political…

    Click to Edit – Reply

    Oct 15, 2024 15:36 AM

    The Origin of Lawlessness

    “What do you attribute the lawlessness to that currently plagues the nations?”

    It is a product of the mystery of iniquity, which is Satan’s plan to undermine all God-given authority. He has been effectively working behind the scenes since the days of the Apostle Paul to bring the world to a state of chaos, with a specific purpose in mind (II Thes. 2:1-12).

    The false religions that Satan introduced throughout the centuries all stand in direct opposition to the true Church, where righteousness is extolled as a virtue. Contrariwise, in the name of religion, which Karl Marx called “the opiate of the people,” terrorists shed the blood of innocent victims to promote their ungodly ideology. Sadly, we are only witnessing the tip of the iceberg. Make no mistake, the primary target of these extreme jihadists is Christians. Simply watch their training clips, and you will find that most of the images they are shooting at have the Cross of Christ embossed on them.

    Satan also loves to sing the praises of theological liberalism! The Word of God that once influenced the lives of both the believer and unbeliever is no longer held up as the final authority. The new normal is there are no absolutes any more. The mantra of our day is, “Let every man do what’s right in his own eyes” (cf. Judges 21:25). As a result, our streets have become like the wild west with shootings and murders commonplace.

    With no spiritual mooring to the Word of God, marriage has become optional with more and more couples living together. This is the seed plot for immorality and pornography which have become rampant, leaving the souls of men and women burdened with guilt and a sense of worthlessness. Satan has successfully undermined the authority of the home, which is foundational to any society. Every time he destroys a home it weakens the moral fabric of a nation.

    Clearly Satan is behind these evil influences and every other evil known to mankind. He merely sets things in motion, and the flesh is more than willing to accommodate whatever sinful pursuit that is put before it. The goal of the evil one is to bring the world to the precipice of utter confusion. When he accomplishes this objective, he will introduce the Antichrist after the Rapture of the Church. The man of sin will step onto the stage of the world as a man of peace, with all the answers to the world’s ills that have eluded men. He will be an overnight sensation being the Devil’s “Answer Man.”

    Oct 15, 2024 15:56 AM

    Lawlessness……………. Scum Democrats……..

    Oct 15, 2024 15:38 AM
    I, cfs, disagree with the calculations, I believe over-compute energy costs.
    There are two ways of getting energy on Mars: solar and nuclear.
    The Chinese have already developed low-cost modules for producing nuclear power.

    Oct 15, 2024 15:52 AM
    Oct 15, 2024 15:11 PM
    Oct 15, 2024 15:35 PM

    The Joke that is Kamala….

    Oct 15, 2024 15:40 PM

    Cognitively Impaired Trump Finally Snaps in Disastrous Town Hall


    Oct 15, 2024 15:42 PM

    Donald Trump Melts Down During Interview At The Economic Club of Chicago

    more elder abuse today

    Oct 15, 2024 15:21 PM
    Some serious questions need to be asked AND ANSWERED.

      Oct 15, 2024 15:24 PM

      Notice the leak was FEB 4 ,2020. mentioned in the tape……
      … FEB 22,2020…… was the date, the HOAX was uncovered here……. by yours truly…..
      Not sure there is any “new” news, that we have not covered ……in the tape…
      I guess it is news to the slow pokes….

      Oct 15, 2024 15:29 PM

      Poking the BEAR….. is not a good idea….

      U.S. President Joe Biden ordered an additional 20,000 U.S. troops to Europe in the first few months of the Ukraine war, placing more than 100,000 U.S. service personnel in Europe by the end of June 2022. Many of these were serving on NATO’s eastern edge, the U.S. said at the time.

    Oct 15, 2024 15:28 PM

    Hairy/Walz plan for black men….Kamaltoes is hilarious…but she’s not trying to be….

      Oct 15, 2024 15:30 PM

      …you need to turn up the volume…but don’t worry…Kamaltoes has a plan….

    Oct 15, 2024 15:37 PM

    …new skiff…skiff talks about Kamaltoes chances of losing…

    Oct 15, 2024 15:44 PM
      Oct 15, 2024 15:46 PM

      …oops…the Rooskies did not kill 8 Trumpkins….but 8 Ameroconned soldiers…according to this…

        Oct 15, 2024 15:48 PM

        “…but this is the first recorded case of regular military personnel of the US Army destroyed in the border Kursk region. Russian experts supposed that this may be due to the fact that the Kiev regime allowed foreigners to hold command officer positions in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The decision was made due to heavy losses suffered by the Ukrainian military, lack of qualified servicemen and unwillingness of Ukrainian men to join the army.

        Since it recently became clear that it was the Americans who were one of the main conductors of the attack by Ukrainian nationalists on the Kursk region, it was expected that American servicemen also took part in the attack, – Russian military sources commented on the report.

          Oct 15, 2024 15:56 PM

          ….Uncle Joe and Kamaltoe sent the cooks over there…to fight the Rooskies….the cook got cooked…

    Oct 17, 2024 17:13 AM


      Oct 17, 2024 17:19 AM

      She fell out of a coconut tree…and knocked heads with AJ…

      Imagine putting up with this for the next 8 years…

        Oct 17, 2024 17:16 AM

        I think , if, she is elected…. I am turning off the electric and going to the woods for eight years….

          Oct 17, 2024 17:18 AM

          I have not watched MSN…for over 4 yrs…. and I have not missed a thing….. freaking freak show…

            Oct 17, 2024 17:34 AM

            …the cackle alone will drive me insane…not to mention the idiocy she spouts…and in that condescending tone…

          Oct 17, 2024 17:37 PM

          The prediction markets are saying it’s gong to be Trumpkins on Halloween and election day. Demorats going nuts…falling out of coconut trees on their way to the battle box.

    Oct 17, 2024 17:51 AM

    How would you like Uncle Joe campaigning for you???

    Oct 17, 2024 17:00 AM
    Oct 17, 2024 17:41 AM

    Project Sandman is in operation.
    Russia is now buying approx 8.5 billion rubles per day of Ag, Au, Pt and Pd in world markets……
    Majority appears to being bought in London.
    Delivery is being taken on ALL purchases.

      Oct 17, 2024 17:37 PM

      Dumping the dollars…… buy all the gold you can get……

    Oct 17, 2024 17:44 PM

    “The Case Is More Serious”: NYT Hid Extent Of Kamala Harris Plagiarism From Their Own Expert
    Tyler Durden’s Photo
    THURSDAY, OCT 17, 2024 – 04:45 PM
    Earlier this week journalist Chris Rufo revealed that Kamala Harris plagiarized giant sections of her book on crime, after famed Austrian “plagiarism hunter” Dr. Stefan Weber found that “Kamala Harris plagiarized at least a dozen sections of her criminal-justice book.”

    PLAGIARISM…………. LIKE DUH……… Freaking NUT JOB……

      Oct 17, 2024 17:54 PM

      …probably even plagiarized her word salads…

      Oct 17, 2024 17:05 PM

      …shaking the Demorats out of the coconut trees…

        Oct 17, 2024 17:21 PM

        Lol…. she is truly a MORON….

          Oct 17, 2024 17:04 PM

          I can’t even image her as POTUS…would be like some kind of weird dream…or nightmare…

    Oct 17, 2024 17:39 PM

    The U.S. MADE BOMBING RUNS OVER Yemen, using bunker- buster bombs to take out 5 deep storage Houthi munitions storage facilities.
    U.S. ,as far as I know, has refused to sell B2 Spirit bombers to Israel.

    Oct 17, 2024 17:10 PM
    Oct 17, 2024 17:15 PM

    Democrats desperate !

      Oct 18, 2024 18:51 AM

      OREGON…….. Needs to be removed from the Union/Federation of States and their… Electoral College votes should also be removed from the count…….
      If, they do not want to participate… that would be fine,…just do not ask for any further FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS going forward.

    Oct 18, 2024 18:08 AM

    This is how North Korean troops could be used in Russia’s war in Ukraine

    Oct 18, 2024 18:06 AM

    Cant see N Korean troops going to Ukraine.

    Moving to south Korea maybe.

    Oct 18, 2024 18:41 AM

    Gold seems to be moving up.

    Its going straight to $5000.

    Then the nuclear bomb goes off.

    At least we will feel vindicated when we go. 😉

    Oct 18, 2024 18:02 PM

    North Korean troops in Russia readying for combat in Ukraine war, S.Korea says

    Kim entering the European Theatre is a major escalation

      Oct 18, 2024 18:29 PM

      I do believe south Korea would say that.
      I’m surprised the eu hasnt joined in.

      “we saw a mongolian lookin guy, obviously from n korea”

      The Russians dont need foreign soldiers, notice the Ukrainian casualty rate.

      We have been and are being decimated.

    Oct 18, 2024 18:14 PM
    What Dr. Campbell has NOT SAID (but should have) is that for cost reasons, increasingly mRNA techniques are used to fabricate vaccines, EVEN FOR YOUNG CHILDREN VACCINES.


    Oct 18, 2024 18:59 PM

    The Choice this Election is between Corporate and Oligarchic Power
    There is a civil war within capitalism. Kamala Harris is the face of corporate power. Donald Trump is the mascot of the oligarchs. Either way, we lose.
    OCT 18

    The choice in the elections is between corporate and oligarchic power. Corporate power needs stability and a technocratic government. Oligarchic power thrives on chaos and, as Steve Bannon says, the “deconstruction of the administrative state.” Neither are democratic. They have each bought up the political class, the academy and the press. Both are forms of exploitation that impoverish and disempower the public. Both funnel money upwards into the hands of the billionaire class. Both dismantle regulations, destroy labor unions, gut government services in the name of austerity, privatize every aspect of American society, from utilities to schools, perpetuate permanent wars, including the genocide in Gaza, and neuter a media that should, if it was not controlled by corporations and the rich, investigate their pillage and corruption. Both forms of capitalism disembowel the country, but they do it with different tools and have different goals.

    Kamala Harris, anointed by the richest Democratic Party donors without receiving a single primary vote, is the face of corporate power. Donald Trump is the buffoonish mascot for the oligarchs. This is the split within the ruling class. It is a civil war within capitalism played out on the political stage. The public is little more than a prop in an election where neither party will advance their interests or protect their rights.

    George Monbiot and Peter Hutchison in their book “Invisible Doctrine: The Secret History of Neoliberalism,” refer to corporate power as “housebroken capitalism.” Housebroken capitalists need consistent government policies and fixed trade agreements because they have made investments that take time, sometimes years, to mature. Manufacturing and agriculture industries are examples of “housebroken capitalism.”

    You can see my interview with Monbiot here.

    Monbiot and Hutchison refer to oligarchic power as “warlord capitalism.” Warlord capitalism seeks the total eradication of all impediments to the accumulation of profits including regulations, laws and taxes. It makes its money by charging rent, by erecting toll booths to every service we need to survive and collecting exorbitant fees.

    The political champions of warlord capitalism are the demagogues of the far right, including Trump, Boris Johnson, Giorgia Meloni, Narendra Modi, Victor Orban and Marine Le Pen. They sow dissension by peddling absurdities, such as the great replacement theory, and dismantling structures that provide stability, such as the European Union. This creates uncertainty, fear and insecurity. Those that orchestrate this insecurity promise, if we surrender even more rights and civil liberties, that they will save us from phantom enemies, such as immigrants, Muslims and other demonized groups.

    The epicenters of warlord capitalism are private equity firms. Private equity firms such as Apollo, Blackstone, the Carlyle Group and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, buy up and plunder businesses. They pile on debt. They refuse to reinvest. They slash staff. They willfully drive companies into bankruptcy. The object is not to sustain businesses but to harvest them for assets, to make short-term profit. Those who run these firms, such as Leon Black, Henry Kravis, Stephen Schwarzman and David Rubenstein, have amassed personal fortunes in the billions of dollars.

    Trump’s cohort of Silicon Valley backers, led by Elon Musk, were what The New York Times writes, “finished with Democrats, regulators, stability, all of it. They were opting instead for the freewheeling, fortune-generating chaos that they knew from the startup world.” They planned to “plant devices in people’s brains, replace national currencies with unregulated digital tokens, [and] replace generals with artificial intelligence systems.”

    Billionaire Peter Thiel, a founder of PayPal and a Trump supporter, has waged war on “confiscatory taxes.” He funds an anti-tax political action committee and proposes the construction of floating nations that would impose no compulsory income taxes.

    Israeli-American billionaire Miriam Adelson, widow of casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, with an estimated net worth of $35 billion, has given Trump $100 million for his campaign. While Adelson, who was born and raised in Israel, is a fervent Zionist, she is also part of the club of oligarchs who seek to slash taxes for the rich, taxes that have already been cut by Congress, or diminished through a series of legal loopholes.

    The economist Adam Smith warned that unless rentier income was heavily taxed and put back into a financial system it would self-destruct.

    The wreckage private equity firms and the oligarchs orchestrate, is taken out on workers who are forced into a gig economy and who have seen stable salaries and benefits eradicated. It is taken out on pension funds that are depleted because of usurious fees, or are abolished. It is taken out on our health and safety. Residents of nursing homes, for example, owned by private equity firms, experience 10 percent more deaths — not to mention higher fees — because of staffing shortages and reduced compliance with standards of care.

    Private equity firms are an invasive species. They are also ubiquitous. They have acquired educational institutions, utility companies, and retail chains, while bleeding taxpayers hundreds of billions in subsidies which are made possible by bought-and-paid-for prosecutors, politicians, and regulators. What is particularly galling is that many of the industries seized by private equity firms — water, sanitation, electrical grids, hospitals — were paid for out of public funds. They cannibalize the nation, leaving behind shuttered and bankrupt industries.

    Oct 18, 2024 18:09 PM

    Listen to Bill Clinton near the beginning of this…
    The idiot, non-thinking moron says that we have to have increasing immigration because reproduction in the U.S. IS FALLING.
    By what logic does it follow population steady or increasing is the optimum ?
    I would strongly suggest; A SMALLER POPULATION IS BETTER.

    Oct 18, 2024 18:52 PM


    Your US Feral Gooberment Ends Fiscal 2024 Paying A Record $1.1 Trillion In Interest Expense×900.jpg?itok=CsptZZ8h

      Oct 18, 2024 18:53 PM


    Oct 18, 2024 18:01 PM


    Oct 18, 2024 18:14 PM
    Oct 19, 2024 19:37 AM

    Some of the normies……… will soon wake up….. maybe………


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