

Weekend Politics Posting

October 5, 2024

Hi everyone, here is the weekend politics posting.


I hope you all have a great weekend!

    Oct 05, 2024 05:58 AM

    Who is late this morning ?

      Oct 05, 2024 05:28 AM

      Ebolan… He’s working so he can pay those taxes to help all his friends: illegal immigrants and foreigners.
      If he works extra hard, there may be something left over to help American citizens, like the hurricane Helene victims.

      Oct 05, 2024 05:46 AM

      Dang…guilty as charged…but I do have a good excuse.

      I was up late last night then up early today trying to fight a local tax increase. It will send the sales tax up to 9.25%. Second tax increase in a couple of years when it was 7.25%. I tried to fight the first one too but it was futile.

      The local governments are completely captured by corrupt special interests and the sheeple couldn’t care less. Anyone who thinks the people of this country are going to rise up and doing anything about the corruption are just clueless. They won’t even spend 5 minutes to vote against tax increases. The vast majority don’t know, don’t want to know, don’t care and certainly won’t do anything.

        Oct 05, 2024 05:47 AM

        Thanks for the explanation Ebolan… Your excuse is acceptable to me.
        I just reviewed the referenda on my local ballot… In the spring, a referendum to build a new high school failed, but as they usually do, the same sh*t is on this ballot only with a bigger price tag… And there is another referendum to increase the property tax rate for the forest preserve scam – that crap usually passes – tree huggers – helps the government buy swamp land and other trash property at premium prices from the insiders in the know who acquired it cheaply. It’s not that we don’t need any forest preserve and park land, it’s that they do a tax increase or issue bonds to accumulate more every other year or so. Enough is never enough when it comes to government programs and services!

          Oct 05, 2024 05:19 AM

          I feel your pain. I tried fighting a property tax increase several years ago. As far as I know only myself and one other person did anything to fight it except a couple of people who wrote letters to the local paper. That property tax increase was defeated. I will never know if what I did made a difference.

          Two years ago I fought that sales tax. Here’s the web site I put up
          That one passed by about 53% to 47%. This sales tax will probably pass, too and I don’t think it will be close. The PR/research firms the county paid at least $167,000 to write the ballot measure and propagandize the public predicts it will win with 60% of the vote.

          And there’s another school bond that will definitely pass meaning property taxes going up yet again. The school district plans to pilfer a billion dollars from us with multiple future bonds in the “Master Plan” as they call it. We are already paying on four. This one will be five and of course more to come after this election is over.

          The tax increases are relentless.

            Oct 05, 2024 05:08 PM

            Thanks Ebolan… That web page you put together was good.

        Oct 05, 2024 05:18 PM

        In Tennesseee we have city and county sales tax rates.
        I live south of Nashville @ 9.25% and NOTHING IS EXEMPT.
        IN Indiana at least food was exempt and the tax rate was lower.
        And there’s still pretty high property taxes.

          Oct 05, 2024 05:26 PM

          I recently was in England, where I thought their sales tax is hidden in the price of things, and food there was much cheaper than Tennessee……although hotel prices have gone through the roof in the last few years, and I don’t understand why they tolerate gasoline prices where they are……that really increases prices of everything.

          Oct 05, 2024 05:19 PM

          In CA there are cities with a sales tax rate of 10.75% Fortunately unprepared food, prescriptions and services are not subject to sales tax although there is an effort to apply the sales tax to services. That will most likely happen but will probably take a while. But every election there are local sales tax increase measures on the ballot throughout the state. I think within ten years we will see sales taxes of 15% or more in CA. I think ten years or less is realistic for that since there are 2 elections every 2 years (primary and general elections).

    Oct 05, 2024 05:10 AM
    May help in imaging, medical and otherwise, but won’t move megaliths.

    Oct 05, 2024 05:14 AM

    Thinking about getting flood insurance ?
    Good luck with that.

    Oct 05, 2024 05:42 AM

    It seriously is time to do something with the communist-dominated U.N..

    Oct 05, 2024 05:42 AM

    Israel should strike Iran’s nuclear sites – Trump
    Preventing Tehran from acquiring weapons of mass destruction should be a priority, the Republican candidate has said

    Can it be more obvious that Trump serves Israel and not the U.S.?

    I dont understand how these peoples minds work.

    Understanding how the general public views things is much easier, people simply believe as they are told to believe, always have, thats human.

    Maybe wanting to kill many thousands of children is human too.

      Oct 05, 2024 05:16 AM

      Unless Israel has some computer method of disrupting the Iranian centrifuges, or persons that can carry in explosives, I don’t know how Israel can hurt the centrifuges short of going nuclear bombs.
      To the best of my knowledge bunker buster bombs cannot penetrate deep enough.
      Biden may say attack nuclear facilities, but I don’t think he understands.

    Oct 05, 2024 05:08 AM

    Is the media lying ?
    Just a difference between the known number of dockworkers and those the media says we’re on strike !

    Oct 05, 2024 05:51 PM

    THIS IS TOTAL F ING BS……. FEDERAL GOVT NON RESPONSE……. BIDEN AND HARRIS should be Ousted…… CRIMINAL…. what they have done to NC and Tenn…

    State and federal authorities have**** NOT been on site for the first week**** or so after the storm dropped like a bomb. There is no update on the number of dead, missing, and rescue of those who have survived other than local accounts. A report out of Asheville, the largest flooded out community in North Carolina, says some FEMA workers have just arrived with porta potties for the local inundated hospital which is still without any electricity or any water. Volunteers, community members, and now some aid workers beginning to trickle in are bringing the dead to the privately owned Mission hospital in Asheville, which is now designated the place to bring bodies in the region. FEMA is quoted as saying they are too tied up at the border and won’t be sending refrigerator trucks for body storage. FEMA also was overheard saying “add a couple zeros” to whatever the body count is right now…One local report on X cites reports of over 900 bodies already at the hospital that haven’t been identified.

      Oct 05, 2024 05:53 PM

      The Kingston Report cross-posted a post from Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators

      Karen Kingston
      Oct 5 · The Kingston Report
      Dear Readers,

      Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin’s in-depth report on the human devastation caused by hurricane Helene is heartbreaking. The government and FEMA have abandoned these families.
      “There is no update on the number of dead, missing, and rescue of those who have survived other than local accounts… some FEMA workers have just arrived with porta potties for the local inundated hospital which is still without any electricity or any water.”
      How You Can Help
      Strategic Response Partners (SRP)has the equipment and manpower to help the victims of Helene. They currently have boots on the ground providing food, water, power, medical care, and other much needed services. I personally know the owner.
      Your help is greatly needed. Please donat

      Untold potential for riches are there for the taking in the mountains of Appalachia. The Americans living in the mountains are the only barrier. Murder always happens for a reason.

      It is no less than mass murder.
      Reports of a complete absence of state or federal assistance in the devastated areas hit by Hurricane Helene are now crowding the social media airwaves. Bodies floating down the rivers. Bodies hanging in trees. Tangled in piles of debris. Utility company linemen are the first into most of the demolished areas. They report finding children as young as three wandering naked in the mud, crying for their parents, some with ropes dangling from where their parents lashed them in desperation to timber. The smell of death is everywhere. About 1 million souls lived in these Western North Carolina counties, with additional souls dying in the mountains of Eastern Tennessee.

        23 hours ago

        Lets hope the american people start to wonder about sending all the money to Ukraine and Israel instead of helping american people.

        Wouldnt it be nice if enough people figured out their government is treasonous.

        Well, we can only hope. Ya never know.

          21 hours ago

          SGT REPORT…………… Shawn has a good one out today…. on the GOVT….

          Anna Von Reitz…. today…
          International Public Notice: Change of Government Underway
          By Anna Von Reitz

          We thank all those who have made and are making the change possible.

          This includes our brethren in the now-actual American Military which has been lawfully converted into a true military force instead of a mercenary force for the first time since 1860.

          Our Federation of States has ingress and egress treaties in place among the several sovereign States of the Union which specifically allows American Military Forces to engage enemies both foreign and domestic within the borders of the physical States.

          We have declared Federal Agency Personnel, including but not limited to FEMA Personnel, who have been obstructing local and State-based search and rescue and relief efforts in the area impacted by Hurricane Helene to be Enemies of the State.

          This makes it a capital crime to obstruct these local civilian efforts and also makes it a capital crime to fail to assist.

          All Federal and State Franchise Employees and Subcontractors are hereby additionally placed on Notice of these facts. It’s not good enough to stand down and back off. They have to assist with all resources available to them.

          All public employees at all levels and stations must actively and in good faith assist rescue efforts to the best of their ability or they can be arrested, shot, or hung as the situation demands.

          There will be no trials.

          Every reasonable effort will be made to inform Federal and Agency Personnel, but any public employee who fails to stand down, anyone who fails to immediately assist, will be treated as a criminal engaged in genocide.

          Our Government of, for, and by the people of this country has always been here and still is and we pray always will be. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t heard from us in a hundred years. We are still here.
          We are resuming our rightful place.

          Any hostile action by any foreign Principal or Organization resisting our natural rights and guarantees, will identify that Principal or Organization as an accomplice to genocide.

          Issued by:
          Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
          The United States of America
          In care of: Box 520994
          Big Lake, Alaska 99652

            21 hours ago

            One last one…………. Constitutional Sheriff organization is now asking for 1000 Sheriffs to take back the states…. and arrest Illegals .. and close the states borders….

      Oct 05, 2024 05:32 PM
      One large lithium deposit and one small, but very concentrated on in the area……..I don’t know….?

    Oct 05, 2024 05:02 PM

    30 DAYS AND COUNTING…….. YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS…………….. real simple sheeple

    Oct 05, 2024 05:11 PM

    HERE COMES the DEATHS we were talking about….

    Shock Study Finds SIX-FOLD Increased Death Rate in COVID-Vaxxed Kids
    Armageddon Prose’s Photo
    SATURDAY, OCT 05, 2024 – 9:28
    Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

    COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.

    Study shows six-fold increased death rate in vaxxed kids
    Intrepid journalist Alex Berenson recently dissected a much-undiscussed study from last June that, ostensibly, points to higher asthma rates developed in vaxxed versus unvaxxed children post-injection as the takeaway — until one, as he did, digs deeper into the data for a much bigger and damning conclusion.

    Oct 05, 2024 05:36 PM

    It is going to be expensive, putting in roads to exploit the lithium deposits.
    But there will be lots of developable land for housing in a couple of decades.

    23 hours ago

    Katrina-Like Disaster Unfolds For Biden-Harris As New Round Of Tropical Trouble Takes Aim At Florida

    22 hours ago

    No one can make trillions of dollars doing nothing but fooling people.., well, except NASA..


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