

Politics Weekend Posting

August 24, 2024

Happy weekend everyone! Here is the political posting for this weekend 🙂 


I hope you all have a great weekend!

    Aug 24, 2024 24:40 AM

    CFS…late for work again….did he become an old shoe???

    Israel Will Bleed America Dry and Discard It Like an Old Shoe

      Aug 24, 2024 24:54 AM

      The United States must disengage from the Israeli Death Grip

      With friends like these who needs enemies???

      In reality, Israel could care less about the lives or well-being of Americans, Brits and the others whom their sacred text the Talmud and many Israelis regard as subhumans that only exist to serve Jews. Those goyim are little more than sources of consequence-free money, weapons and political cover

      There is plenty of first-hand evidence coming from Israeli politicians and Rabbis to confirm Israel’s complete disdain for non-Jewish lives among its “friends” and enemies as well as its utter willingness to see them be killed or starved to death without any remorse. And what makes the matter worse is that the Israelis have so corrupted the US federal and state governments at several levels and in so many of their operations that the average citizen who is abused or even killed by Israel will not find the State Department or the judiciary interested in crossing the Zionists by demanding answers over what took place.

      Get back to work, boys…to pay those taxes…Bibi Nuttyyahoo wants more of your money…and remember, no matter who gets (s)elected in November our good friends the Israelies ALWAYS win.

        Aug 24, 2024 24:08 PM

        Well said Eddy.
        Sad but true.

    Aug 24, 2024 24:05 AM

    Thanks CORY………………… sleepy OWL missing in action…. 🙂

    Aug 24, 2024 24:40 AM

    Traitor Biden (or whoever is ruling) is making law by executive order again.

    Biden Gives Legal Protections to Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens
    The new policy is one of the most significant actions to protect immigrants in years. It affects about 500,000 people who have been living in the United States for more than a decade.
    Many are registered to vote………….ILLEGALLY………under motor-voter laws.

      Aug 24, 2024 24:48 AM

      I left you a NOTE……….. on the Executive Orders…………. in the other section….
      if, I do not hear from you…. I WILL POST IT AGAIN….. thanks…

        Aug 24, 2024 24:50 AM

        OOTB Jerry
        7 hours ago
        YOU HAVE NO………. REPUBLIC/Democracy……. as you indicated … when you have EXECUTIVE ORDERS…..
        This has been discussed before……… starting with the CIVIL WAR and LINCOLN issuing the FIRST
        EO…… since that time the US was taken over by the CROWN GOVN…..
        Confederation of States….. failed to exist as originally designed…..after this time.
        If, you study the ACT of 1871, and what happened before the CIVIL WAR….
        The state representatives left the assembly at the time of the CIVIL WAR…..and were never brought back under the UNITED STATES.

      Aug 24, 2024 24:07 AM

      …there is no end to the influx of “migrants” no matter who wins the (s)election…I suggest you get back to work…to pay those taxes…you will be getting millions more new friends courtesy your government masters…and you know…friends ain’t cheap…

        Aug 24, 2024 24:54 AM

        paying those , so called FEDERAL income taxes, are a con on the PEOPLE….
        Did you steal the $32 TRILLION… 🙂
        If, you stole the money, then you might owe the money….. 🙂

    Aug 24, 2024 24:51 AM

    Spending bills used to start in the House, but not with Biden executive orders !
    The United States has announced a new round of military assistance to Ukraine, following a phone call between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and US President Joe Biden.

    The Pentagon stated on Friday that the latest aid package would be worth $125m, and Biden said that it would include air defence munitions, ammunition and anti-armour missiles

    Aug 24, 2024 24:23 AM

    Hartnett: Gold Just Surpassed The Euro As The World’s 2nd Largest Reserve Asset

    @ zerohedge

    Aug 24, 2024 24:24 AM

    …Timpons now plug and play…

    Aug 24, 2024 24:36 AM

    …Hitler can see through Kamaltoe…something brain dead sheeple cannot…

    Aug 24, 2024 24:08 AM

    Doesnt matter which way you vote Eb, you end up with zionists running the nation.

    But its all good.

    “For you are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people of his own possession, out of all the nations that are on the face of the earth” (Deut. 14:2)

    “For you [Israel] are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession” (Deuteronomy 7:6).

    God says its all ok Eb so we can just relax.

    Aug 24, 2024 24:09 AM

    Why is the true history of mankind kept hidden ?


    Aug 24, 2024 24:17 AM

    A Trump judge ruled there’s a Second Amendment right to own machine guns

    Aug 24, 2024 24:58 PM


    Mike King….video #009…………. go to the 1hr.30 min mark…..”red folder time”
    Just a note,… I see “now” how they unfolded it…

    Aug 24, 2024 24:39 PM

    Most politicians seek permanently to be in power, rather than to do what is best for the people.
    They are perpetually in a position of choosing to spend more rather than less, because this allows them to buy the favors (votes) of everyone who benefits from the spending.
    The problems are, however, that spending always correlates with inflation AND government spending rarely spends money efficiently…….there’s always waste.

    Furthermore excessive government spending slows real growth by reducing the money available in the private economy for growth.
    When did any government last run on cutting spending in favor of growth ?
    Or even trying to balance spending with taxation ?

      Aug 25, 2024 25:44 AM

      Marty says…… approval ratings on HARRIS………… ……10 1/2%…….

    Aug 25, 2024 25:30 AM

    Hitler phones Crazy harris.

      Aug 25, 2024 25:11 AM

      Explanation……. of Q…. on the last few min..of the tape… for those who are questioning….

        Aug 25, 2024 25:19 AM

        More and more people waking up to the reality of the Q drops. As future proves past.
        Now the Q drops are coming from Trump at his rally’s and on Truth Social posts.

        Still a little ways to go before the hammer drops.
        Mid September to mid November will be wild.

          Aug 25, 2024 25:26 AM

          I thought , the video, I posted was a good explanation of who is behind the “Q”…. which makes a lot
          of sense …. which is entirely possible…IMO….
          So, I can be more appreciative of the work behind the messaging at this point…JMO
          I posted the video… for those who may have some concerns or doubts.(which is ok).. but, they
          have to think for themselves at this point… I am not selling anything… they need to do their own DD.

            Aug 25, 2024 25:04 AM

            Most that have doubt about the Q drops have doubt because it doesn’t fit their narrative.
            Any amount of honest research will prove out the Q plan.
            One could listen to Mike King 007, 008 and 009, and get the authenticity of the Q drops.
            Some of us get it since day 1.
            Some will never get it.

            Aug 25, 2024 25:43 AM


            Thanks for the reply……
            and you are spot on…..” some will never get it”…..and that goes for a lot of things…
            always appreciate your thoughts…..

            Oh,,…. THE “red folder” which Trumpster was holding,,,.. in video #009……. give a whole lot of credibility of…. “past and present”…. and “we got it all”

    Aug 25, 2024 25:32 AM

    Hi everyone…My days seem to be flying bye lately!…I cannot keep up…lol..Well here is your answer ED…Trump will not have to admit to being hustled by big pharma during the covid scam…Kennedy will do it for him…True political geniac theater at work…gotta luv it…I will be back to read the posts…glta

    Aug 25, 2024 25:56 PM

    Going to the DNC convention in Chicago 1,200.00.
    Trolling the commie morons at the convention, without them having a clue, priceless!

    Aug 25, 2024 25:31 PM

    When i was a kid the…..we would play army…Army shirts fake rifles…it was fun…..We would imagine being invulnerable in a Patton tank…not so much for youngsters now…more like a mobile coffin….unreal…


    Aug 26, 2024 26:32 AM
      Aug 26, 2024 26:22 AM

      BIDEN took one in Public…. LOL…. 🙂

        Aug 26, 2024 26:00 AM

        Actually, the public should take a cognitive test before voting…. 🙂

    Aug 26, 2024 26:08 PM
    Aug 26, 2024 26:11 PM

    Tulsi Gabbard endorses Trump…..

    Aug 26, 2024 26:20 PM

    It is heating up…..the war to start all wars…plus guarantee Kammmala her shot of fame////glta…..

      Aug 26, 2024 26:48 PM

      War and more War…. the cabal bankers love it…. SHeeple should be waking up by now…
      No, they love the bread and circus….
      The others like the charts and being scammed by the elites… like FINK…. and Aladdin …

    Aug 26, 2024 26:45 PM

    18:50ish I don’t see how they can allow him to win….good interview….really good….

      Aug 26, 2024 26:04 PM

      Yes, … it was a good interview…. They can not allow him to win,,, but, I bet he wins….
      A machine is a machine… if, you know what I mean…. 🙂

    Aug 27, 2024 27:41 AM

    Tough to have a civil war if your most pizzed serfs are struggling to just survive each day alone and isolated…HUGE tragedy….Amerika….

    We may all face similiar desperation if/when the power grid glitches out or worse goes down…glta…nothing is a slam dunk in world of corporate psychopathic eugenics freaks…

    Aug 27, 2024 27:51 AM

    The corrupt polls say Kamaltoe is increasing her lead…if that is true…looks like even the little kiddies will be dancing the Kamaltoe Walz…the public “schools” are nothing more than youth indoctrination camps that must be abolished.

      Aug 27, 2024 27:13 AM

      anybody that does not home school now …. is nuts….. jmo

        Aug 27, 2024 27:23 PM

        Yes…and it’s an outrage that the people homeschooling are still forced to pay for schools their kids aren’t using…especially considering those “schools” and the people who run them are evil.

          Aug 27, 2024 27:57 PM

          Free lunch to the aliens….. also…… how many people do you think get SNAP cards….
          and the School teachers are living in their cars…. the system is screwed up for sure…

        Aug 27, 2024 27:59 PM

        It is incredibly time-consuming and quite difficult to home school. My son and his wife have tried and finally given up this year, when a new baby has taken away time availability.

          Aug 27, 2024 27:09 PM

          Glad , I home schooled my daughter….. paid off in spades…

          There are different types of home schools… you do not have to do all the work
          yourself…. if, you get with some other professionals… that will contribute/trade,, some of
          their time.. it can be a great opportunity.. and time well spent….

          The REGULAR SYSTEM…. is designed to PERVERT….. especially NOW….

            Aug 27, 2024 27:38 PM

            …exactly…and evil…letting a kid go to these public youth indoctrination camps is child abuse…

            Aug 27, 2024 27:16 PM

            They now have 3 kids, roughly 3 years apart.
            I’m hoping counter-propaganda will be enough.
            Tennessee is fairly conservative and minimizing TV time helps.

            Aug 27, 2024 27:12 PM

            Good luck ………

            Aug 27, 2024 27:39 PM

            Private schools are a good, though an expensive, alternative… My daughter has been home schooling her 3… They are involved with some home schooling group, which distributes some of the work… I am very proud of her family, she had to give up working to manage the schooling… considering the public schools in their area are demorat liberal, they did what was necessary… And now, her oldest is starting private high school…

    Aug 27, 2024 27:00 PM

    GOLD …………….. $2524……….. Looking good…………
    Where are all those guys who said….. headed to $2000… humm

      Aug 27, 2024 27:18 PM

      Hello Jerry… I must say that with silver underperforming, I speculate that gold is due for a correction to the downside… I smell a bull trap… Not down to 2000, but a 250 point drop to keep things interesting… Before resuming a bull trend with silver also joining the party. JMO.

        Aug 27, 2024 27:24 PM

        Hello Tommy……………

        Thanks for the input……
        Silver needs to play catch-up.. for sure…… still needs to do that cup and handle thing…
        getting back to the $49 mark…..

        Silver is a funny thing…. I think the elite ruler families /cabal,, do not want the Sheeple to have any significant wealth build up….via silver…. JMO…
        They seem to be playing all the Sheeple since 1964…… and before that…

        They know most people can not hold, nor want to hold gold in bulk,… Warren Buffett tells them that.. LOL
        and the Sheeple like to follow a leader … lol… can’t knock success .. of course if you are an
        insider… lol….

          Aug 28, 2024 28:37 PM

          Thanks Jerry… for the followup… I think you have a good understanding on the silver situation.
          I like both metals, but feel silver will triple while gold only doubles from here… And these low targets are assuming the dollar does not collapse… which it will in due time… less than a decade to go, IMO.

    Aug 27, 2024 27:09 PM

    Good one from Scotty mar10 and eye drop media.

      Aug 27, 2024 27:39 PM

      Great video……

      This is a great video… for the one’s who have been behind the curve….
      and who have not had enough time to filter all the stuff….
      Everything is getting exposed…. and tied together for the normies…

    Aug 27, 2024 27:37 PM

    More Kamaltoe Walzing by Republoslimes…

    It’s A Bipartisan Miracle! Over 200 Bush, McCain, Romney Aides Endorse Harris

    Aug 27, 2024 27:24 PM

    Major gas supplier to Spain, France and Germany now becoming Algeria as Russia cuts supplies.

    (Norway still supplying to UK and Northern Europe, although supply tight.

    Aug 27, 2024 27:56 PM
    To the best of my knowledge, Clayton is over 5 years early in his warning..”probably over 10 years.
    The other problem is that I’m not sure mankind can do much to ameliorate the situation.
    (Moving to far South America does not seem that useful )

    Aug 28, 2024 28:50 PM

    Harris for “unrealized” capital gains tax.
    Only an idiot would vote for this!

      Aug 28, 2024 28:40 PM

      Yeah… And who gets to value the property for purposes of qualifying the unrealized gains?… a judge in New York?

        Aug 28, 2024 28:32 PM


    Aug 28, 2024 28:56 PM

    The future president would be asked to step in the garbage can at the rear of my 3rd grade class for this sort of selfish rationalization ..

    Aug 28, 2024 28:21 PM

    Tommy left you a note above… concerning silver…. let me know if you are able to read it…
    I posted it earlier… and it went missing…. 🙂

    This concerns the GSR….. something new has happened , which according to the podcaster, has not
    happened for decades…..

    Thanks.. OOTB……

      Aug 28, 2024 28:32 PM

      Thanks Jerry for the GSR analysis video… Overall good, but I think the analysis overlooks some important details… I will collect my thoughts and post more.

        Aug 28, 2024 28:28 PM

        His analysis is of limited value… Overall the GSR is in a consolidation pattern, almost a triangle, and only when the pattern breaks will we learn something important.
        I don’t agree with some of his trend lines… For the current period, he emphasizes a bunch of touch points, but the line is violated occasionally and he draws two parallel lines… WTF? Clearly the trend line was busted, and needs to be redrawn… But he goes on to pick a breakdown confirmation point based on the old invalidated line… Meaningless! And he assumes the most likely continuation is to meander higher… A downtrend line needs to be drawn, and only if that is broken higher, should we think bad consequences for gold and silver.
        I agree there was a false breakdown, but historically there are others… Those older trend lines were redrawn to incorporate the false breakdown into the trend, effectively hiding them – but he won’t redraw the current period trend line. 🤬
        I will stop now. The general point of his analysis is good: Which way the GSR consolidation breaks from here is meaningful, but his details are crap, IMO.

          Aug 28, 2024 28:46 PM

          …I don’t know, Tommy…you’re a radical…the guy who eats frozen custard on national ice cream day…
          🙂 🍨🍨 🍨 🙂

            Aug 29, 2024 29:35 PM

            Yeah… Good memory Ebolan… I am a chameleon… Sometimes I cooperate… Other times I question… Like you, sometimes I laugh 😂, otherwise I cry 😭.

            Aug 29, 2024 29:53 PM

            My memory really ain’t so good…but the reason I remembered that is because Uncle Joe called it quits on National Ice Cream Day.

          Aug 29, 2024 29:04 AM

          THANKS TOMMY……………
          For the breakdown……

          I am glad you took the time to go over the info. , I wanted to bounce that info off of someone.
          I thought it a little off, but, since I am not a chart man,… except for the Big cycle”cup and handle” …
          which I follow……
          GOLD has broken the Big cycle when it passed through the old highs, we all know that ….

          Now , SILVER,…. has yet , to break out of the BIG cup and handle… WHICH is why, I brought up the article, ..which the guy indicated some sort of “different thing happening”….. I wanted
          to make sure,,, that I did not miss something…
          …. I think the BIG CYCLE, cup and handle , has to
          break the $49 mark, in order to be significant …. Until that happens, … I think we are stuck
          in this “uncertain” take off….. JMO

          So, I think the GRS……. is still a good indicator going ,… as to value long term….

          Also, I thought the guy was trying to fleece his listeners,… by the old “pay me” and I will show you
          newsletter trick… 🙂

          Again….. Thanks for the follow up….. appreciate it….

            Aug 29, 2024 29:45 PM

            You are welcome OOTB Jerry… You have more of an eye for the chart technicals than you realize… 😊. You listen to many sources, I am sure you have learned through osmosis. 📈

    Aug 28, 2024 28:19 PM
    Aug 28, 2024 28:27 PM

    Tucker Carlson….
    Tour ad for 90 sec, then good show.

      Aug 29, 2024 29:02 AM

      …US Gooberment…the world’s big bully…how can the world not hate it??? And of course your tax money and the inflation tax pays for it…so get back to work, tax serf….and never forget…the US Gooberment is corrupt and evil…the Great Satan.

    Aug 28, 2024 28:41 PM

    BOYS!!! Look at all the nice friends Uncle Joe and Kamaltoe have brought in for you. And in particular, have a look at Cookie. He’s a nice little cookie…

    Maybe AJ can share his home with some of our new friends….what do you think???

    I think you are losing your country forever.

    Aug 29, 2024 29:08 AM
    Aug 29, 2024 29:17 PM

    US will be ‘crypto capital of the planet’ – Trump
    The Republican presidential candidate has promised to unveil his bold plan in the coming hours

      Aug 29, 2024 29:00 PM

      That just shows how ignorant Trump is.

        Aug 30, 2024 30:38 AM

        Trump is not talking about bitcoin. He’s talking about the quantum financial system under blockchain protocols which will make the new financial system safe and transparent. And void of deep state fraud.
        Trump is not the ignorant one..

      Aug 30, 2024 30:27 AM

      I know…He said that…But I think he is conveying his distrust of the current monetary cartel…and understands that most red state peeps want a currency that does not deflate away…..Like a threat to their faces…IMHO…who really knows exactly…glta

    Aug 29, 2024 29:16 PM

    I can see many countries attempting to go to central bank digital currencies,CBDCs, but the U.S. wil not dominate. Aa CBDC is backed by a central bank and is essentially a digital version of a country’s fiat currency. Virtually all countries are exploring a central bank digital currency for potential use,hand some, like China and the Bahamas, have already implemented them. This shift could offer significant benefits over the current financial system by sidestepping the high fees and inefficient timelines associated with moving money, particularly across borders.
    A well-designed CBDC could also address the issue of financial inclusion. “Millions of Americans do not have a bank account. Maybe this technology would allow many underprivileged Americans to get access to the payment system. Despite the political challenges of transitioning away from traditional currencies, digital currencies are on the horizon. The challenge is striking the right regulatory balance between fostering innovation and mitigating risks.

    Aug 30, 2024 30:00 AM

    The U.S. must be controlled by morons….
    China, not Russia is the real enemy.
    Yet traitorsObama and Biden give US technology to the enemy.

    Aug 30, 2024 30:06 AM

    Our leaders sell out the U.S. for a few million dollars in bribes and kick-backc.

    Aug 30, 2024 30:43 AM

    China beginning to restrict food products and fertilizer exports…..
    Given that China also controls the majority of meat processing industry in the U.S. and has been buying up most grain stockpiles AROUND THE WORLD, we are heading towards major Chinese controlled food problems.

    Aug 30, 2024 30:43 AM

    I certainly do not want my tax payer dollars to go to abortion. Why would I want my taxpayer dollars to fund IVF? I am not against IVF.

    Aug 30, 2024 30:28 PM

    The thought of taxes not going to abortion makes me wonder why is killing the children in Palistine not opposed by every church that opposes abortion?

    Once children are born killing them is ok?

    Just doesnt make sense to me.

    I wonder if every church goer stopped paying their taxes until the war support ended, if that would end the genocide.
    Funny the christian churches dont do something like that.

    Course there is a christian church in Texas that raised red cows for sacrifice in Israel so dif kinda christians maybe.

      Aug 30, 2024 30:07 PM

      THE PRETEND churches …….with the 501 3b…. corporation status for tax write offs…. can not say a thing about the MIC/war machine… they are the church of Satan… and do not even know it…. CLUELESS fake christians… 90% do not even read the Bible….
      The pastors are raise up by the corporate education system… been over that before….

      Mega churches are the worst…. CLUELESS….

    Aug 30, 2024 30:07 PM
    Aug 30, 2024 30:33 PM

    NASA finally proves existence of a third energy field around earth.
    And you thought weather and temperatures on earth were exactly predictable ! What BS.
    Around earth there is a gravity energy field.
    We are all familiar with a magnetic energy field……incidentally which has been decreasing for several years and ay even flip in a few decades.

    Now at about a hundred miles above the earth’s surface, NASA has finally measured an electric energy field, hypothesized for several years but now measured.IT IS THIS ELECTRIC ENERGY FIELD WHICH MAY SUBSTANTIALLY CONTRIBUTE TO HURRICANE DEVELOPMENT.
    Sarcasm on
    And you don’t think this might affect global warming
    (It does partially hold up the atmosphere and reduce its collapsing under gravity)

    Aug 30, 2024 30:40 PM

    Food…….is it what you think it is ?

    Sep 03, 2024 03:01 AM
    But HAMAS is the terrorist group that took INNOCENT hostages.
    HAMAS is doing the MURDERING.