

Weekend Show – Marc Chandler & Matt Geiger – Recapping This Week Market Moves and Key Data, Unique Opportunities In Resource Stocks

August 3, 2024



Welcome to The KE Report Weekend Show! On this Weekend Show we recap key economic data and major market moves from the week, and discuss where opportunities lie for investors in metals equities. 


We hope you all enjoy this Weekend Show! 


  • Segment 1 and 2 – Marc Chandler, Managing Partner at Bannockburn Global ForEx and Editor of the Marc to Market website kicks off the show by recapping the US jobs data and market meltdown at the end of the week. Only 114,000 jobs were added, against the estimate of 185,000 further confirming the slowdown in the US economy and potential recession around the corner. Marc explains how Fed rate cut expectations have increased. On the market front we ask where, if anywhere, is a good place for investors to hide out.
  • Click here to visit Marc’s site – Marc To Market. 

  • Segment 3 and 4 – Matt Geiger, Managing Partner of MJG Capital wraps up the show discussing the performance of the MJG fund in the first half of 2024, the resilience of junior mining stocks amidst metal price increases, and potential catalysts for the junior sector’s momentum. Key topics include significant M&A activity in the resource sector, particularly the noteworthy Filo takeover, and strategies for investing in mining projects
  • Click here to visit the MJG Capital website to learn more about Matt’s fund. 


Marc Chandler
Matt Geiger
    Aug 03, 2024 03:14 AM

    Anybody else find their mind wandering as soon as Marc starts talking? Maybe its the listening underwater sound quality, or maybe its just my short atten Hey a squirrel!

    Aug 03, 2024 03:40 AM
      Aug 03, 2024 03:55 AM

      Kiss It Goodbye!

        Aug 03, 2024 03:45 PM

        Of course, we know who’s running the government in Argentina, they got their man in alright! DT

          Aug 03, 2024 03:02 PM

          Hi Rufust, do you think this could have anything to do with the 300 million plus barrels of oil sitting off The Falkland Islands! DT

            Aug 04, 2024 04:51 PM

            300 million barrels? At the rate the U.S. consumes crude oil, that’s less than a month’s supply.

            Aug 05, 2024 05:38 AM

            Thats true, but I don’t think Britain would risk war with Argentina if they didn’t believe there was much more, and the cost of deep-sea drilling is prohibitively expensive. DT

    Aug 03, 2024 03:56 PM
    Gold Week: Bearish Gartley Avoided
    Dollar Index Volatility
    NatGas Lower

    Aug 03, 2024 03:29 PM

    Commodities Update – Week In Review And The Week Ahead – Part 14A {Precious Metals}

    Excelsior Prosperity w/ Shad Marquitz – (08/03/2024)

      Aug 04, 2024 04:23 PM

      Commodities Update – Week In Review And The Week Ahead – Part 14B Energy Commodities

      Excelsior Prosperity w/ Shad Marquitz – (08/04/2024) (Oil, Nat Gas, Uranium)

        Aug 04, 2024 04:51 PM

        Ex: “…reliable base load power substitution is going to mean even more natural gas power plants and even more nuclear power plants.”

        Soon an increasing number of LNG trains will be coming online in North America and elsewhere, which would normally mean that increasing supplies will drive down prices. However, NatGas as the cleanest ‘easy fuel’, particularly when compared to nuclear, makes it by far the most logical, outweighing any supply/demand conundrum.

        Others have signaled similarly. It has even been reported that (all?) new-build large ocean going vessels are being powered by NatGas!

        Note the bullish Declining Wedge pattern (3rd chart) here:

        The breakout may come this Fall, if not sooner. BDC

          Aug 06, 2024 06:46 AM

          Hi BDC – the multuple LNG export terminals coming online in both Canada and the US are actually going to export nat gas to Asia and Europe at much higher prices (since their prices are multiples higher on a region by region basis). Then as more nar gas supplies are shipped overseas it will reduce some of the domestic oversupply situation and drive prices higher in North America.

          I agree that Nat Gas is relatively cheap power, but for many nations they don’t have good access to it, and they have carbon zero goals to hit a few decades out. In many cases nat gas will help replace coal plants, to reduce carbon and pollution, but nuclear is the only carbon-free base load power source. That is why 60 nuclear plants are in construction, and hundreds are planned and proposed.

          As mentioned in the article there are and will be ample opportunities in both nat gas and nuclear power.

    Aug 04, 2024 04:10 AM

    WOW! An office building in New York City sold in 2006 for $332 million, just sold for $8.5 million. If you consider the buying power of the U.S $ then and now,18years ago that is like paying $3million. The Japanese stock Market just had its biggest loss on Friday since the flash crash of 1987 wiping out 5,81%. The Nikkei has wiped out in three days all of its gains for 2024. DT 🙄

      Aug 04, 2024 04:17 AM

      The everything bubble is imploding! DT

        Aug 05, 2024 05:45 PM

        Looks that way….
        The Mall owners are not absorbing the retailers….
        Simon Malls,… are just taking over the retailer tenants… who can not pay the rent…

    Aug 04, 2024 04:10 PM

    Dr. Quinton Hennigh discusses Brixton’s recent drill assays…

    Aug 04, 2024 04:39 PM

    When fascist (commie-lite) FDR grabbed the people’s money the people knew what he did. Here’s a picture to help today’s sheeple figure it out:

      Aug 05, 2024 05:40 AM

      Good one. In addition, the elimination of Glass-Steagall, which protected much of the ‘people’s money’ late last century, put the Destruction into hyper-drive!

    Aug 04, 2024 04:51 PM

    Bitcoin getting whacked.

    Aug 05, 2024 05:47 AM

    Do not be tempted to buy the diip…for a few days…this is going into margin call monday mode..notice Russia index is up just under 2 percent….what does that say…to me it says they are marching to a tune of fiscal sanity and prudent policy…glta

    Aug 05, 2024 05:46 AM

    THE DAY……….. has arrived…………. hang on , shaking in my boots….. lol…..

    Freaking Fake Fed……. controlling the economy….. lol

      Aug 05, 2024 05:38 AM

      Hi Jerry, BLACK MONDAY! Just like I have been repeatedly saying, wait till The Magnificent Seven loose one Trillion Dollars in one day! BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👀😉

        Aug 05, 2024 05:48 AM

        Hello DT…….
        Yes, you have been saying it…. now…. BINGO BONGO TIME…. 🙂

    Aug 05, 2024 05:54 AM

    i bought Boil…technicals look good and day TD9 count tommorrow…price is below the 5th bar down…we will see…glta

    my stop is a bit below early AM swing low…not easy this monster is

      Aug 05, 2024 05:59 AM

      Larry – The Saturation indicator has a timing aspect which gives the possibility of one or two more NatGas down days. It is not precise, but worthy of consideration. I will fill this chart out later (current NG1):

        Aug 05, 2024 05:32 AM

        i cant understand you bullchit…acronyms w no meaning,,, ,charts w unreadable time frames…bye

          Aug 05, 2024 05:39 PM

          Larry – I apologize for posting too much, particularly under your threads. No more. BDC

            Aug 06, 2024 06:43 AM

            BDC relax…Your presentation needs more clarification…like saturation means all 7 indicators are in synch…what indicators…Acronym like NFS or something …what does it stand for…Why so continuously vague….The graph view has the chart times indecipherable…ect…improve don’t quit!

            Aug 07, 2024 07:04 AM

            Thanks for that, Larry!
            Much of what I do is unique – never done before. Ever!
            Therefore, learning to express what I know takes time to flesh out,
            which is the reason for nebulous terms and statements: It’s new to me too.
            I will take time to explain more on weekly reports.
            Mid-week stuff is time constrained.
            Again, thanks! BDC

            P.S. Glad to be back…

            Aug 07, 2024 07:17 AM

            Note my comment at Sean Broderick, August 6th.

    Aug 05, 2024 05:59 AM

    Forget The Recession, Canada is already in a Depression and if The U.S. gets really whacked this will be worse than “The Dirty Thirties”, The U.S. consumes 75% of our exports. We will be on life support as the political physicians try to figure out WHY?

    It really isn’t a mystery for anyone with a modicum amount of intelligence, all The Western World is ” BROKE AND WOKE”! DT

    Aug 05, 2024 05:11 AM

    [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[TECH WRECK}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} DT

    Aug 05, 2024 05:47 AM

    Added: CDE @ $4.71
    EXK @ $2.92

    Aug 05, 2024 05:32 AM

    It will be interesting to see how the last hour of the markets plays out today. This terrible situation will only get worse until they fix the economy. Printing and lowering the interest rate is belief beyond stupidity but trying to get out by applying the same logic time after time is insanity and if your broke the best thing to do is declare Bankruptcy! Call in The Trustees!

    The American public has a love affair with the stock market, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the bargain hunters out tomorrow morning, BIG MISTAKE! This is a terrible time for the markets and the economy. DT

    Aug 05, 2024 05:45 AM

    The Second World War pulled The U.S. out of The Great Depression. Now The U.S is fighting two major Wars one in The Middle East and one in Ukraine that takes away the war premium to boost your economy and if you escalate any more there will be Armageddon.

    The U.S was a creditor nation with a gold backed currency at the start of 1930 now they have gone so far down the rabbit hole that they are the largest debtor nation the World has ever seen. This coming Depression will be much worse than the 1930’s. DT

    Aug 05, 2024 05:02 AM

    This will boost Trump’s chances at the polls in November, if there is anything America needs it is a businessman to head their government, besides you never want to have a CRASH on your watch. DT

    Aug 05, 2024 05:17 AM

    The Dow losses are heading up again, with Warren Buffet getting out of Apple that was one trigger that started the avalanche. The circuit breakers are starting to “POP”, The Fed will be thinking about the margin calls and pulling “The Main Breaker” soon. Over and OUT! DT🤣

      Aug 05, 2024 05:42 PM

      Warren knows… he has all the inside info….
      Just like Fink….. going to be a whole lot of homeless Sheeple….

    Aug 05, 2024 05:32 PM

    SILJ took just 13 days to correct 24% after rising 72% in 96 days. Today it finished 7.3% off its low. The “6-1-8” Fibonacci level was almost reached while 3 supports from 3 separate forks were in play so the 7.3% bounce off the low makes sense.

    Aug 05, 2024 05:43 PM

    It looks quite bearish for the dollar that the plunging stock market isn’t helping it. Typically such broad selloffs provide (by default) a sufficiently strong bid for the dollar that it rises.