

Marc Chandler – CPI Data Impact, Interest Rates, and The Trump Trade

July 19, 2024

Marc Chandler, Managing Partner at Bannockburn Global ForEx and Editor of the Marc to Market website joins us to discuss the latest CPI data and its market impact. 


We delve into expectations of a Fed rate cut, market reactions, and potential future movements. Mark shares insights on stock market trends, commodity adjustments, and evaluates the Trump trade scenario. Discover how interest rates and a stronger US dollar might influence gold and the small caps market. 



Click here to visit Marc’s site – Marc To Market. 

    Jul 19, 2024 19:43 AM

    Based on an Interview between Peter Grandich and Michael Gentile concerning Michael Gentile’s recent visit to Northisle, I added some more Northisle. Northisle located on the upper area of Vancouver Island.

      Jul 19, 2024 19:59 AM

      Interesting mention Lakedweller2. I’ve not checked in on Northisle since Brandon (previously of Fireweed Metals) was involved years ago. It may be worth another look if Michael Gentile is positioned as an activist investor. I’ve peppered in a few more copper development stories into my account the last few months like Arizona Sonoran (with an interview I just put up earlier today), Faraday Copper, Surge Copper, and the ETF (COPJ). Also companies like Stillwater Critical Minerals and Metallic Minerals still have a lot of copper exposure in my portfolio. I’m also considering Cascadia Minerals. There are actually a lot of interesting copper stories out there to choose from. Cheers!

        Jul 19, 2024 19:30 PM

        The interview was today and they do talk about the history and new developments including a gold resource that could fund the mine. Peter Grandich has admitted to taking a hit in investing in the miners, but has a lot of trust in Michael Gentile’s opinions as well as ethics. What is particularly impressive is the work and money spent by BHP in developing the area which is a large bonus in the millions for infrastructure support that Northisle can take advantage of. Political support is excellent and there is a town where by workers can commute from home. Two of their engineers are buying homes rather than commuting from some other areas. The CEO has been throwing a lot of personal funds in the pot which is always a positive. Sounds like they have revitalized the investment.

          Jul 21, 2024 21:38 AM

          Lakedweller2 – thanks for the heads up on Northisle Copper…

    Jul 19, 2024 19:56 PM

    Turn-Around Stocks – Snatching Victory From The Jaws Of Defeat

    Excelsior Prosperity w/ Shad Marquitz – 07-18-2024

      Jul 19, 2024 19:01 PM

      Lion One became a turn around story with a near 25% sell off, that will suprise and disappoint/hurt many investors.

        Jul 21, 2024 21:47 AM

        Yes, unfortunately, Lion One hasn’t really executed well on their move into production last August to present, and only recently put out the first encouraging quarterly report, but then followed up with yet another dilutive raise, when the last one was already a surprise and pissed a lot of folks off. Now this new one really has folks in an uproar, and it’s a shame such a good project is being overshadowed by their odd corporate decisions and poor execution on their strategy. They’ve had years to prepare for going into production, and assemble the right team to carry things forward, and yet almost a year into this, they’ve yet to achieve escape velocity where the mine is funding all company initiatives.

        Now, could it become a potential turn-around story here, where the mine finally does start throwing off enough revenues in this higher metals price environment to get things back on track….? I think it is still a good probability if they can make this capital raise their last, clearly communicate why things have been off with the launch of the mine over the last year, what they did wrong and what they learned in the process, and more importantly, how they are going to get things back on track for successful operations. If they could do all those things, I’d have more confidence in a turnaround story, than if they keep acting like everything has been OK or saying hardly anything, when clearly things have not been running as planned until just the last month or so. Unfortunately, this new capital raise does not instill much confidence that they budgeted correctly for their sustaining capital or cost overruns (which companies are supposed to do in advance, not as things are unraveling with negative market surprises).

    Jul 19, 2024 19:00 PM

    I’m calling shareholder abuse on Lion One. Another Capital raise. No explanation and funds used for general corporate purposes? What BS. There stock tanked today after the release after hours Thursday. You think these guys would learn after the last financing debacle which was only a few months ago. I am losing confidence in this team bigley.

      Jul 19, 2024 19:08 PM

      Charles there must be fairer way to involve more shareholders in this giveaway. Why private placement, open it up to everybody… 37 cents with a warrant included for all existing shareholders.

        Jul 19, 2024 19:26 PM

        Agreed Terry. Quite the slap in the face to existing shareholders. Also announcing the night before options expiration to exert maximum pain to existing shareholders. It’s outrageous! Still I bought more into the close. Could be chasing a falling knife, but the significant undercut of the previous low on outsized volume seemed excessive and smells of capitulation of existing shareholders. Probably just what this sleazy management team was hoping to achieve. The first attempt first offering did obviously not cough up enough shares for their friends.

          Jul 20, 2024 20:19 PM

          Charles, I think you were right to buy more. I don’t own it but it looks like a great buy to me. The upside looks huge. Fledgling producers face a lot of risks and often completely unforeseen ones so I don’t have a problem with the capital raise. And the debt the company carries just makes me more okay with it.
          I have no concerns about the prospects for gold and silver during the second half of this year so I’m also not worried about the dilution that some strong juniors have seen recently.
          It’s been a brutal 4 years for most juniors no matter how sound they are.

            Jul 21, 2024 21:22 AM

            Thanks for the chart and comment Matthew. It also got the lower vollinger band on the montlty although that is bending down now so hopefully it just goes sideways for a little while.

            With miners earnings reports starting up this week it could get interesting for the producers especially the silver producers given the gold silver ratio at 82.

    Jul 19, 2024 19:33 PM

    This drop in Lion One also came on the heels of a substantial drop in the price of Gold. I am not purchasing anymore stock of any company period. I think we could see a big drop in the conventional markets and our sector will go down with them, although I do think we will lead the recovery. DT

      Jul 19, 2024 19:13 PM

      Sage advice Dick.

        Jul 19, 2024 19:18 PM

        Thanks Chuckie!

          Jul 20, 2024 20:05 AM

          I haven’t been called Chuckie since grade school LOL!!

            Jul 20, 2024 20:47 PM

            I guess they understood your personality. I didn’t think I was that close to being right, but I guess I was. LOL! DT

            Jul 21, 2024 21:48 AM

            Nailed me Dick, but I am nothing like I was as a kid. I am a lot more cynical now than I was as a kid. I wish I had the same happy-go-lucky personality I had years ago, but history and events of the times we are living through have change me. I don’t think I will ever get the genie back in the bottle even if Trump is able to radically change our trajectory as a country. I tend to doubt he will be able to make that much of a difference give the debt we are saddled with. Regardless we are definitely living through interesting times! Cheers!

            Jul 21, 2024 21:58 AM

            I don’t believe in cynicism, when you look at The World with a critical eye something that most of us take years to develop that is realism. When someone says they are being cynical I think they are just being realistic. DT

    Jul 19, 2024 19:39 PM
      Jul 19, 2024 19:47 PM

      Hi Jerry (OOTB), if you show up here after all it is Freaky Friday you may want to look at the link I posted above. DT

        Jul 20, 2024 20:43 AM

        Hello DT………………
        Thanks for the post…..
        Nothing strange there…. insiders know what is about to take place in advance of EVERYONE…
        The Sheeple, only try to guess…. Zionist/Cabal agenda….. Trumpster is being used and using
        the Sheeple……..

    Jul 19, 2024 19:45 PM

    Follow The Money, Frank Giustra has been heavily buying into Libero Copper and Gold. DT

      Jul 20, 2024 20:45 AM

      Frank is a user…….. following him you will make money if, you jump out before he does… 🙂

      I bet he had money on the Trumpster bullet…. LOL…….. 🙂

        Jul 20, 2024 20:08 AM

        Do you remember when Castro went to the United Nations, and he stayed at The Waldorf Astoria in the early sixties, and he brought live chickens for a food supply. Everyone thought he was crazy, he was crazy alright, crazy smart. LOL! DT

          Jul 20, 2024 20:04 PM

          DT……… that is a good one…. Yes indeed……crazy smart…. LOL

          Sad, the generations before us,…. were so stupid…. believing in a cabal Govt…
          When we finally put it all together…. we are considered crazy….. 🙂

    Jul 20, 2024 20:15 PM

    Visualizing 1 Trillion

    It’s hard to wrap your head around how big 1 trillion is, much less 35 trillion. Here are a few factoids to help you visualize just how big that number is:

    There are 1 million seconds in 11.5 days. A trillion seconds is about 32,000 years.
    If you could say one number every second, it would take about 11.5 million days to count to 1 trillion.
    If you had spent $1 million every day since the birth of Christ, you still wouldn’t have spent $1 trillion.
    If you line up dollar bills end-to-end, you could go to the moon and back around 203 times with $1 trillion. You could wrap them around the earth about 3,893 times.
    If you stacked up 1 trillion dollar bills, the dollar tower would rise to 67,866 miles.
    If a cup of coffee costs $3, you could buy 333 billion cups of coffee with $1 trillion.
    If you had 1 trillion dollars, you could give every person on Earth approximately $125.
    One trillion grains of rice would weigh about 20,000 metric tons.

      Jul 20, 2024 20:52 PM

      If you take $1000 bills and you pile them one on top of another you will get a pile 58 miles high when you reach one trillion dollars. DT

    Jul 21, 2024 21:16 AM

    I’ve looked at all possibilities on the charts and I personally just don’t see gold heading down to $2100 like many bloggers, YouTubers, Gary savage, garoth soloway who by the way was left behind in that call long long ago. IMO there is to many investors calling for that $2100 test and I have much more respect for guys like David hunter right or wrong, Pierre lassonde and Michael Oliver as these are the pioneers and seniors of this world. My bet is with them.

    Long story short the explorers/small cap miners and even developers have been almost in a 4 year downtrend which is unheard of. Some bounces of the recent lows others are now on the monthly starting to make there move. The lower the base the higher in space. My money is on an explosive move from here till year end to say the lease. I would then bet US dollar turning and falling off a cliff with equities sideways to up into election.

    Again I have looked at every angle in gold and bull markets do this even to the good ones like garoth. This looks prime walll of worry climb. And if we do drop $2220/$2240 is the lowest I can see. You don’t make a move like that and build a base like that to turn around and go all the way back down to target $2100 it does not line up in a bull market. That $2400 was a target and they flushed it down to $2380 not sure exact numbers. Anything lower here and china, Russia etc step in and buy!!

    As Matthew said cad will go and make an epic move with miners imo.

    Catalyst is cycle time is due on a 4 year down trend and the beginning of rate cuts of which many have been waiting for aka more money printing is about to be unleashed and gold smells it and so does silver.

    Hang tight and strong! Wayyyyyy overdue

      Jul 21, 2024 21:51 PM

      Great to see you back

        Jul 22, 2024 22:24 PM

        Ann thank you!

        As you can see it is why I don’t post anymore from long ago. This site does not appreciate hard work plus technical analysis. To be frank even when Matthew post your lucky to get one or two acknowledgments. It is truly sad because I consider myself and a few others on this site at a higher level then what you get with main stream media.

        Regardless I commend Cory and shad for what they do. I truly believe they care for this site and there both scholars when respecting are post. It’s not them who I speak of. I just think there are so many viewers from years in the closet that don’t come out and say thank you. I don’t even think they understand the sacrifice some of us do 24 hours a day in brining blog here and sharing at a free!!! Matthew has been giving free advice longer then me and at this point I consider the work I do very valuable.

        We are faithful to the ker! If some of you out there don’t get it or appreciate it that’s fine. But I hope in some shape or form we help to make you understand how you can make some money.