

Politics Weekend Posting

July 13, 2024

Another week in the books. Here is the politics weekend posting for you all 🙂


Have a great weekend everyone.

    Jul 13, 2024 13:11 AM

    Thanks for keeping this up.
    How is Big Al ?

      Jul 13, 2024 13:37 AM

      BEST VIDEO OF THE WEEK…………….. Every Sheeple should watch….

      Jul 11, 2024 11:41 PM
      …you boys see this???

        Jul 13, 2024 13:39 AM

        THIS ANSWERS all the question WHY AMERICA………. is in TROUBLE……

        Jul 13, 2024 13:42 AM

        What do you mean every sheeple should watch Jerry?
        I watched it, I’m no sheeple.
        Or am I ? Or are you?

          Jul 13, 2024 13:23 AM

          Jerry is posting for the sheeple, we are the only people that read this blog. 😉

          I notice this week the opposition to the U.S. is growing.
          More countries want to join brics even discussion of secession in some U.S. states is a gianing in popularity.

          I am still believing in the sleeping prophet.

          Doesnt hurt to prepare for rising prices tho.

          Jul 13, 2024 13:03 AM

          Hello John………

          Thanks for the question……… I do not think you and b are sheeple…….
          I do not think a few others are sheeple….

          John,… you should not worry…. because you have been well ahead of the pack…
          Considering you know the difference between…. There is neither GREEK NOR JEW
          in the TIME IN HISTORY……

          I was thinking of opening up a dialog……….. ON THE FAKE JEW ISRAEL …. and
          outlined in the VIDEO (by EBO)………..
          Of which I guarantee you……. the SHEEPLE DO NOT KNOW…….

            Jul 13, 2024 13:39 PM

            Trump shooting……………. Israel ………… humm

            Did he say he was going to end the FED…. humm

      Jul 14, 2024 14:44 PM

      Trump will stop the Ukraine Sorry ! And Europe will have a European Army ! And Eat the dust ! It’s all a Planed ! Stay strong boy’S ! I think Silver will start to go UP ??? BOY’ S ???

        Jul 14, 2024 14:51 PM

        Thanks Franky
        and you stay strong….

    Jul 13, 2024 13:20 AM
    Jul 13, 2024 13:25 AM

    Biden’s days are numbered………
    Money begins to talk loudly…….

    Jul 13, 2024 13:27 AM
    Jul 13, 2024 13:51 AM

    The Southern border is mostly about illegally importing Democrat votes, but it involves other aspects……

    Jul 13, 2024 13:10 AM

    And we wonder where all our money goes……
    China may be thinking the moon is a better starting out point.

    Jul 13, 2024 13:46 AM
    Jul 13, 2024 13:49 AM

    Good to see all you boys up and at ’em today! You all got to work early…

    And never forget…the US gooberment is not just feral…it is rabid…

    Jul 13, 2024 13:54 AM

    Your new Biden/AJ friends….acting badly…

    …but it is what your rulers want…just part of the Great Replacement…tens of millions more to come…your rulers won’t stop until you, your kids and grand kids are finished off…never forget…your rulers are not just corrupt…they are evil.

    Jul 13, 2024 13:09 AM

    Lady’s and gentlemen, President Putin…

    Jul 13, 2024 13:14 AM

    We finally beat Medicare…

    Jul 13, 2024 13:18 AM

    …wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if she wasn’t qualified…

    Jul 13, 2024 13:19 AM

    What happened to Franky??? Franky, you out there???

    Jul 13, 2024 13:50 AM

    Bird flu could become a human pandemic. How are countries preparing?

    Jul 13, 2024 13:52 AM

    US and Germany foiled Russian plot to assassinate CEO of arms manufacturer sending weapons to Ukraine

    Jul 13, 2024 13:32 AM

    With a brain-dead leader, we are going to get into problems……
    The German Defense Ministry has drawn up contingency plans for a potential military conflict with Russia, Der Spiegel and Bild have claimed, having seen the alleged document. The plan reportedly envisages Germany serving as a key transit state for NATO troops, with its population and civil services being expected to assist foreign military personnel.

    Last month, the German government officially updated its wartime guidelines for the first time since 1989, to include such measures as mandatory conscription and forcing manufacturers to produce war goods.

    In its report on Friday, Der Spiegel alleged that under the classified ‘Operational Plan Germany’ (OPLAN DEU), the country should be able to arrange the transfer of 800,000 NATO troops and approximately 200,000 vehicles, including tanks and other hardware, from ports in the Netherlands and Belgium to the East, within three to six months.

    Several key highways would supposedly be used for this purpose, meaning that they would be closed to civilian traffic. Local communities would be expected to supply the passing military personnel with food, housing, resting areas, and fuel, both media outlets claimed.

    German secret service ‘finally fit for war’ – Welt READ MORE: German secret service ‘finally fit for war’ – Welt
    Der Spiegel quoted Ralph Tiesler, president of the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, as predicting that “enemy actors could take measures to hamper or slow down the movement of NATO troops,” be it through sabotage or a missile strike. German police and emergency services would reportedly have to prioritize protecting these key routes and eliminating the consequences of any attack on them.

    According to Bild, citing a Defense Ministry spokesperson, aside from its role as NATO’s logistical hub, Germany would also need to establish a major prisoner-of-war camp on its soil should a military confrontation with Russia break out.

    The two media outlets quoted Bundeswehr Inspector General Carsten Breuer as estimating that Berlin has until 2029 to get ready for a potential military conflict with Moscow, as Russia could supposedly be in a position to attack NATO by then.
    The MIC simply has too much control and power.
    (Or maybe there’s a desire to reduce population, by the elites !)

      Jul 13, 2024 13:13 PM

      I wonder how our genius leaders can figure we would need pow camps.
      Some estimates put the 3rd world war lasting 72 minutes.

    Jul 13, 2024 13:37 AM

    Prior to 9/11 there were 9 four star generals.
    Today there is 41 four star generals.
    Prior to 9/11 there was 3 ships per admiral
    Today there is 3 admirals per ship.
    You do the math.

      Jul 13, 2024 13:43 PM

      Good one JOHN………………. all on the PAYROLL of the Zionist…. me think….

    Jul 13, 2024 13:01 PM

    Trump bloodied after apparent shots fired at Pennsylvania rally.

    Jul 13, 2024 13:04 PM
    Jul 13, 2024 13:08 PM

    Well, a nick on the ear is too close !

    Jul 13, 2024 13:23 PM

    Man in Trump audience, behind Trump, hit in head by bullet and killed.

      Jul 13, 2024 13:39 PM

      You can bet there will be a lone gunman story. Makes sense they are trying to assassinate Trump since they think they can’t cheat enough for Uncle Joe , Kamaltoe or any DemonRat to win.

        Jul 13, 2024 13:42 PM

        Wonder ………….. hummm………… replay of Lincoln, Kennedy…. humm
        Nothing as it seems, … you can bet… YOU WILL NEVER KNOW,… who , what and when….
        DID TRUMPSTER piss off Israel… Zionist….. hummm

          Jul 13, 2024 13:49 PM

          This is probably the kick-off for some wild times. How could it be any other way? The corrupt, evil empire is dying and it’s people are insane.

            Jul 13, 2024 13:50 PM

            Ditto……….. SHeeple are not insane….. the Zionist are insane….
            Something strange going on…. depend on it…..

          Jul 13, 2024 13:51 PM

          Trump is nuts to rely on the Secret Service. After all, the Deep State and others hate his guts.

      Jul 13, 2024 13:00 PM

      Brain should definitely NOT BE CALLED GRAY MATTER

    Jul 13, 2024 13:38 PM

    Trump shooting recorded live with sound…

    Jul 13, 2024 13:43 PM

    Maybe Chartster is right and Trump might actually do something.

    Or maybe, the miss was intentional.

      Jul 13, 2024 13:46 PM

      We will be digging deeper into the subject this week….. me think….
      Sick ….. really not funny , sad….

      Biden and the Bullet….

      Or inches away from a head shot… SICK new world, but, it has been that way for 6000 yrs.

      Jul 14, 2024 14:37 AM

      lot of missed shots… far away was shooter?

    Jul 13, 2024 13:55 PM

    It sounded to me that there were TWO GUNS USED.
    one fired relatively slowly 5 or 6 distinct individual shots.
    Then another gun fired bursts of rounds AAFTER THE THIRD OR FOURTH SINGLE SHOT.
    But it has been over 50 years since I have used military weapons. I only have shotguns nowadays.

      Jul 13, 2024 13:10 PM

      Last few rounds from another gun could have been Secret Service sniper wiping the perp out. BBC and Sky News have fuzzed out what on other channels appears to be a body and weapon on top of the building in question.

    Jul 13, 2024 13:59 PM

    DemonRats couldn’t put Trump away with lawfare so they just decide to try to kill him…

    “A source familiar with Trump’s security detail tells @FDRLST that the former and future president’s detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.

    DHS, which oversees Secret Service protective detail “wasn’t responsive to those requests” for more resources, the source said.”

      Jul 13, 2024 13:05 PM

      “One Trump supporter told the BBC that he and others saw the shooter before the assassination attempt, alerted police and the secret service, and was ignored…”

      And Biden completely refused any Secret Service protection for Kennedy. And you know that’s because Biden’s people think Kennedy will take votes away from Bribem.

      Cheating ain’t enough for DEMONRATS…they are going all in on murder.

        Jul 13, 2024 13:28 PM

        One shooter was on a rooftop with clear view of the Trump rally stage. It is reported he has been shot dead.

    Jul 13, 2024 13:17 PM

    You have probably all heard of China’ s Terracotta Army buried at Xian.
    But did you know buried in Cyprus there are some 2,000 (plus) terracotta figures buried in Cyprus, thought to be dating from about 600 BC ? (In Turkish sector)
    There are also early megalithic structures on Cyprus dating back 12,000 years.

    Jul 13, 2024 13:25 PM

    The incident comes days after Joe Biden and top Democrat donor Reid Hoffman make assassination comments.

    Joe Biden on 7.8.2024: “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
    — Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) July 13, 2024

    Joe Biden: “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

    That just happened.
    — House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@JudiciaryGOP) July 13, 2024

    Just yesterday, Joe Biden mega-donor @reidhoffman was making jokes about assassinating Donald Trump.
    — Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) July 13, 2024

    Democrats are bummed…

    A field director for Congressman @BennieGThompson (who headed the Jan. 6th Commission & recently proposed legislation to remove Trump’s Secret Service detail), wishing Trump’s assassin had better aim on social media.
    — Russ Latino (@RussLatino) July 14, 2024

    Democrats on X are upset that the shooter missed Trump.
    — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) July 13, 2024

    Fuck Reid Hoffman
    — Eoghan McCabe (@eoghan) July 13, 2024

    Jul 13, 2024 13:01 PM

    Trump shot…. and we are interested in clay figures….. LOL…..

      Jul 13, 2024 13:28 PM

      I’m sorry your mind is closed to increasing knowledge.

        Jul 14, 2024 14:28 AM

        Like wise…………
        I find that an amusing comment , considering the source….lol

    Jul 14, 2024 14:16 AM

    Thomas Matthew Crooks
    Of course, he will be identified as a registered Republican.

    Jul 14, 2024 14:24 AM

    What are the odds it will be called an AR 15 style rifle ?
    If he did use such…….that will explain why he missed.

    Jul 14, 2024 14:49 AM


      Jul 14, 2024 14:29 AM

      Not with Uncle Joe Brandon and Alejandro Maydorkass.

      Shooter is seen by several crawling up the building with a gun even before Trump starts speaking, they tell the cops and secret service and they do nothing. Uncle Joe Brandon denied beefed up security details and none for Kennedy.

      It was a setup by the Deep State and DemonRats.

    Jul 14, 2024 14:53 AM

    It’s obvious Trump needs to provide his own security.

    How convenient that there were numerous poeple telling the cops and secret service there was a gunman on a roof and they did nothing until AFTER letting the gunman get off several shots killing one, critically injuring two and wounding Trump.

    And of course, Uncle Joe Brandon denied the request for increased secret service security. He also denied any security for Kennedy.

    The Deep State most likley pulled an MK Ultra on this 20 year old shooter. At the very least they let him get off several shots.

    The Deep State and DemoNRats couldn’t lawfare Trump into oblivion so they have decided to up their game and just kill him.

    But how could it be any other way in a bankrupt, corrupt and evil dying empire?

      Jul 14, 2024 14:09 AM

      “Killing no one”
      As part of the group of shots in which Trump’s ear was nicked, there was a direct head shot of a man in the audience. The brain virtually exploded into a bloody mess as the man slumped down.
      His body was quickly removed and all photos have disappeared from internet coverage. I was watching a live feed, which unfortunately I was not recording. But I know what I saw. You can’t unsee that kind of thing.

        Jul 14, 2024 14:17 AM

        Another 9/11 type situation: statanist in the gooberment set it up or at the very least, let it happen.

        You need to be recording these things. There is a bunch of software you can get to record what’s on your screen and audio.

    Jul 14, 2024 14:17 AM

    “The moment you realize you are being replaced in your own land”

      Jul 14, 2024 14:25 AM

      …just another page from the Deep State/DemoNRat play book…

        Jul 14, 2024 14:48 AM

        Something sinister is going on….
        Mass illegal migration.
        Deliberate reduction of food production in .U.S., U.K. and France for sure.
        It started with Obama, maybe Clinton or even earlier…….

          Jul 14, 2024 14:51 AM


    Jul 14, 2024 14:38 AM

    Military Summary has an overhead map of where the Trump shooter was located etc.

    Trump Survived🔥Someone Screwed Up Really Badly⚡️FAB-3000 – The Legend💥Military Summary For 2024.7.14

    Jul 14, 2024 14:02 AM

    Guess the info I posted is controversial.

    I try again.

    Trump Survived🔥Someone Screwed Up Really Badly⚡️FAB-3000 – The Legend💥Military Summary For 2024.7.14

    Military Summary has an overhead map showing the location of the shooter etc.
    Also what the Ukrainians think of it.
    Ukraine doesnt like Trump.

    Jul 14, 2024 14:31 AM

    just heard about trump…will catch up on news feeds right here…glta

    Jul 14, 2024 14:05 AM

    How could a 20 year old get on a building with a direct line of sight to Trump’s head and get off several shoots before the secret service did anything?

    Got to be a Deep State/DemonRat operation.

      Jul 14, 2024 14:10 PM



        Jul 14, 2024 14:49 PM

        Right on Ebolan… They will investigate this with the same attention that was applied to the JFK assassination… 60 years later, and they still can’t report the truth.
        It was such an easy shot, for a pro, that multiple assassins were not necessary… But the sighting from so far back on that hot tin roof was probably distorted just enough that the first shot only caught his ear… And the aim for subsequent shots in rapid succession can only get worse…

          Jul 14, 2024 14:43 PM

          If Trump hadn’t moved his head in that instant he would have been toast.

          Not only did they not have any secret service or even local cops up on the roofs of those adjacent buildings they let a gun man go up on one and get off enough shots to kill one, seriously injure two and wound Trump.

          And not just that. There were people on the ground yelling to the cops and secret service there was a gunman climbing up the building long before he got the shots off. Yet the cops and ss did nothing. HOW COULD THE SECRET SERVICE AND COPS NOT KNOW THAT??? THEY HAD TO KNOW!

          You can’t blame all that on just incompetence.

          Clearly, the Deep State and DemonRats want Trump dead but their attempt failed.

            Jul 14, 2024 14:12 PM

            I don’t think Trump moved his head enough to cause the miss. -my opinion. But this failure to defend Trump was gross incompetence at best, but more likely part of a plan to allow the lone shooter to do the dirty work… Some people in the Secret Service need to be fired.

            Jul 14, 2024 14:36 PM

            Listen to this Tommy…..
            I don’t know if it was incompetence or something worse.
            (I suspect the latter)

    Jul 14, 2024 14:59 PM

    Up above I indicated I heard TWO DISTINCT GUNS BEING USED.
    IT IS NOW CLEAR TO ME THE TWO BURSTS OF 5 +/- rounds being fired WERE THE FBI TAKING OUT CROOKS, after he had been allowed to get off a number of shots at Trump.

      Jul 15, 2024 15:29 AM

      Yeah… Looks like they gave the shooter, not one, but two chances to kill, before they decided to take him out… If we wait any longer we will look incompetent…

    Jul 14, 2024 14:08 PM

    What we know about the shooter…..
    In a statement released on Saturday night, the FBI said that it had “identified Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, as the subject involved in the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump.” As the agency appealed for anyone with information to submit photos and videos of the incident, details of Crooks’ life began to emerge in the press.
    Crooks lived with his parents in Bethel Park, located around an hour from Butler. He graduated from Bethel Park High School in 2022, winning a $500 “star award” from the National Math and Science Initiative, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
    In a high school yearbook photo posted online, Crooks can be seen wearing a shirt emblazoned with an American flag, while video footage shows him receiving his high-school diploma in 2022 to scattered applause.

    A classmate of Crooks, 21-year-old Jason Kohler, told NBC News that Crooks was a “loner” who was “bullied so much in high school.” However, another classmate, 20-year-old Michael Dudjak said that Crooks was not actively bullied, but was “on his own a lot.”
    Conflicting politics
    Crooks was a registered Republican, according to Pennsylvania voter records cited by multiple US media outlets. However, he made a $15 donation to ActBlue, a liberal fundraising organization, on the day of President Joe Biden’s inauguration in 2021, according to federal Federal Election Commission records cited by the same outlets.

    Classmates of Crooks told NBC News that they couldn’t recall Crooks being active on social media or outspoken about politics.

    “We do not currently have an identified motive,” FBI Special Agent Kevin Rojek told reporters on Saturday night, adding that the agency was working “tirelessly” to determine why the 20-year-old attempted to kill Trump.

    Jul 14, 2024 14:15 PM

    I will add that Crooks was clearly NOT a trained assassin.
    He took a head shot, instead of a body shot.
    The time between the single shots was two long, indicating a loss of target and re-acquiring it each time.

      Jul 14, 2024 14:45 PM

      How do you know Crooks took the shots?

        Jul 14, 2024 14:08 PM

        He missed.
        Any professional…..police, fbi, or even an experienced shooter would have hit.
        I have not been on ashooting range in decades, but I used to be able to 8” group at 400 yards, and I rarely miss a bird, even a pigeon in flight at 30 to 40 yards.
        Don’t consider myself a great marksman.

          Jul 15, 2024 15:19 PM

          Exactly. He missed. He was just a pasty, useful idiot…the real Deep State assassin got the hit but was off by about an eight of an inch.

    Jul 14, 2024 14:43 PM

    You should watch this discussion…..

      Jul 14, 2024 14:56 PM

      Yes, very good… I did not realize he was shooting without a scope… The calculation on wind speed influence was interesting… The looooong delay on the secret service snipers taking the shooter out is inexplicable.

    Jul 14, 2024 14:26 PM

    Barnes is saying it’s a Biden/DemonRat/Deep State operation…I think that is pretty obvious.

      Jul 14, 2024 14:50 PM


    Jul 14, 2024 14:30 PM

    Face it…the DemonRats are going to cheat like h#ll in this election…and if that won’t work they will just assassinate Trump…he’d better pick a good VP…someone the Deep State hates…and not a little Marco or Tim Scott…

    Jul 14, 2024 14:10 PM

    Uncle Joe said former Trump instead of former President Trump….in his address to the Empire tonight.

      Jul 14, 2024 14:14 PM

      …and said “We resolve our differences at the battle box.”

        Jul 14, 2024 14:51 PM

        Alzheimer’s word slurring… Joe’s fine…
        “verbal changes might be an early sign of mental decline, which can lead to Alzheimer’s disease”

      Jul 14, 2024 14:46 PM

      Speech was originally written before the event, expecting the more likely result… They failed to make all the necessary changes for the Trump survived scenario…

    Jul 14, 2024 14:38 PM

    Trump Assassination Attempt: Security Lapses, Manipulating Public Perception

    The New Atlas

    Brian mentions how the people can take their government back.
    Also, when Trump was prez he followed corpration plans just as all prez do.

    Jul 15, 2024 15:33 AM

    RFK Jr. interviewed by Dr. Phil…

    Jul 15, 2024 15:17 AM

    Assassination Porn and the Sickness on the Left

    Jul 15, 2024 15:24 AM
    Jul 15, 2024 15:52 AM

    The director of the US Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, said on Monday that changes have been made to Trump’s security detail following the assassination attempt to “ensure his continued protection for the convention and the remainder of the campaign.” The new flexible security plan will provide for “the highest level of safety and security for convention attendees, volunteers and the City of Milwaukee,” Cheatle insisted.
    Anything less would indicate Biden does not give a damn about protecting Trump.
    Any honest, responsible person would have resigned, anyway.

      Jul 15, 2024 15:12 AM

      …if she gets fired…it won’t be for that…it will be for the assassination attempt being botched.

        Jul 15, 2024 15:36 PM

        Either she or the head of Trump’s detail should be fired to make an example of incompetence… No excuses… The failure is so apparent that someone must be held responsible.
        But in today’s corrupt government culture, loyal people will never be fired… DIE (diversity inclusion and equity) are more important than competence.

          Jul 15, 2024 15:13 PM

          From the FBI, rest of the Deep State and Demonrats view the only incompetence was that the assassination attempt failed.

            Jul 15, 2024 15:22 PM

            Perhaps true… But the failure was not the fault of the Secret Service… they did an outstanding job giving the assassin an excellent opportunity to make the kill shot… Whoever recruited Crooks for the job made some mistakes… he was not a very good marksman.

    Jul 15, 2024 15:52 AM

    OOPS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUMPSTER WINS>>>>>>>HUGLY>>>>>>>>>>> 🙂

    Federal judge dismisses Trump classified documents case over concerns with prosecutor’s appointment

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal judge presiding over the classified documents case of former President Donald Trump in Florida dismissed the prosecution on Monday, siding with defense lawyers who said the special counsel who filed the charges was illegally appointed.

    Jul 15, 2024 15:03 AM

    MSNBC Yanks ‘Morning Joe’ Reportedly On Fears Of Inappropriate Trump Shooting Commentary
    Tyler Durden’s Photo
    MONDAY, JUL 15, 2024 – 09:20 AM
    MSNBC has taken its celebrated “Morning Joe” off-air on Monday reportedly on fears that their well-known leftist hosts could say the wrong thing or something deeply insensitive about the Saturday Trump assassination attempt which could leave the network in a bind. The show is missing in action on this crucial day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

    “The progressive news network confirmed the decision to preempt its influential and top-rated morning show after a CNN inquiry Sunday evening,” CNN confirms. “The network said the show will resume airing Tuesday.”

    Jul 15, 2024 15:19 AM

    American memories are very short…..
    Do you remember all the false accusations of Russian collusion and aid against Trump.
    Do you remember the FBI lying to obtain FISA warrants (and the false trial which cost taxpayers
    $36 million.
    . Do you really think Crooks had no assistance (even if it was look the other way) in his assassination attempt ?
    Are you that stupid ?

      Jul 15, 2024 15:40 AM

      Oh, Danny Boy…..
      The preponderance of the evidence must make one believe THERE WAS NO MISTAKE. THIS WAS DELIBERATE, WANTED ACTION.

        Jul 15, 2024 15:51 AM

        Too many “mistakes”
        Allowing a rifle within 150 yards.
        Allowing a ladder near a roof in firing proximity
        No drones overhead for surveillance
        Snipers watched assassin for 3 minutes
        Snipers asked for permission to fire on assassin – denied
        Secret Service only knocked Trump to floor and covered him AFTER assassin was shot and communications had indicated he was shot.
        (Don’t forget the Secret Serice agents all have wireless in their ears.)

          Jul 15, 2024 15:48 PM

          Agree completely CFS… The failures were widespread… Even if someone felt uncomfortable taking out the assassin on visual sighting without confirmation, taking immediate action to protect Trump was required by any reasonable advance training protocol… The protection detail either did not train for such an obvious scenario or communications must have been very inadequate or blocked… Gross incompetence or worse.

          Jul 15, 2024 15:21 PM

          “Secret Service only knocked Trump to floor and covered him AFTER assassin was shot”

          Really? The video clearly shows Trump getting down on his own after getting hit with the first couple of shots and several Secret Service agents immediately rushing to Trump, covering him before any other shots were fired. The “assassin” was not shot yet.

            Jul 15, 2024 15:52 PM

            Listen to the shots….
            Three from the assassin.
            One from sniper of different caliber.
            Trump surrounded by secret service.
            Another shot from assassin.
            Another from sniper
            Final shot from assassin.
            I was going ONLY BY SOUND, which I heard originally.
            I have limited trust in anything published later.

            Jul 15, 2024 15:15 PM

            Three shots fired by the assassin. Trump gets down while Secret Service agents rush to Trump and cover him. More shots fired after Trump is covered. These are the facts.

            Your statement “Secret Service only knocked Trump to floor and covered him AFTER assassin was shot” is false. Trump was not knocked down. Trump got down on his own. The agents covered Trump before the “assassin” was shot and even you admit the “assassin” shot again after Trump was covered so the “assassin” was not shot until after Trump was covered.

            Jul 16, 2024 16:50 AM

            Glenn, just for the record,President Trump said he was knocked down so hard by the Secret Service they knocked him out of his shoes. And his shoes were tight.
            Go back to the first videos cited in this forum of the shooting… my opinion the latest ones have been frames edited out. I.don’t know why, but my hearing which is pretty good, can sense discontinuities.

    Jul 15, 2024 15:29 AM

    Bob figures we could be close to civil war.

    Jul 15 Civil War 2.0 Bob Moriarty 321gold

    Maybe we are but would that be enuff to “wake” people up?

      Jul 16, 2024 16:27 AM

      “The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.” — Winston Churchill

    Jul 15, 2024 15:38 AM

    Hey Slave…………………

    Jul 15, 2024 15:46 AM

    Govt BONDAGE….. have a great day…..

    Jul 15, 2024 15:59 AM
      Jul 15, 2024 15:23 PM

      Your Demonrat-Deep State assassination attempt failed…get over it. You and the rest of the insane liberals have a lot of nerve to try to lecture us on violence.

      Jul 15, 2024 15:29 PM

      According to Trump, he avoided a fatal wound only because when the first shot was fired he turned his head slightly to the right to read a chart on illegal immigrants in the US.

      The Secret Service “did a fantastic job” by swiftly neutralizing the attacker, he said. “They took him out with one shot right between the eyes.”

      The snipers had the assassin in their sights for 3 minutes before they fired.
      The snipers clearly did not want the assassin talking about anything.

      And you don’t think this was a coup attempt ?

        Jul 15, 2024 15:39 PM

        The assassin got off 5 shots before being killed…….Interesting delay with a sniper having his sights on the assassin.
        Assassin killed with a head shot……… Interesting not an incapacitating shoulder shot, or a body shot.
        Sometimes, one learns from what did not happen…….

          Jul 15, 2024 15:05 PM

          Dead men tell no tales…

          Jul 15, 2024 15:06 PM

          In defense of the sniper taking out the assassin with a head shot… It might be that the head was the only body part elevated enough to serve as a target… He was lying on the roof behind the ridge…
          But your point is good… How this person was MK-Ultra’ed can never be known by the public

    Jul 15, 2024 15:39 PM

    JD Vance over Tulsi Gabard?

    Jul 15, 2024 15:47 PM
    Jul 15, 2024 15:02 PM

    J.D.Vance nomination…

    Jul 15, 2024 15:14 PM

    The J.D.Vance story……

      Jul 15, 2024 15:40 PM

      5 ft 7……….. and Yale Law School…
      Originally, Vance was a critic of Trump and in 2016 wrote a critical piece in The Atlantic against him, but he later came to support him.[8] Vance launched his first political campaign for Ohio’s Senate seat in 2021 and won the Republican nomination after being endorsed by Trump

      They were a family of Scots-Irish………… Trumpster…. look alike…

      was adopted by his mother’s third husband.[1
      J. D. later went by the name James Hamel,

      Vance moved to San Francisco to work in the tech industry as a venture capitalist.[25] He served as a principal at Peter Thiel’s firm, Mithril Capital,

      In 2017, Vance joined Revolution LLC, an investment firm founded by AOL cofounder Steve Case, as an investment partner,

      In January 2017, Vance became a CNN contributor.[33] In April 2017, Ron Howard signed on to direct a film version

      In 2019, Vance co-founded Narya Capital in Cincinnati with financial backing from Thiel, Eric Schmidt, and Marc Andreessen.[35] In 2020, he raised $93 million for the firm.[36] With Thiel and former Trump adviser Darren Blanton,

      Vance was criticized for his delayed response to the 2023 train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.[5

      Vance is a vocal critic of U.S. military aid to Ukraine in the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War.

      Vance supports U.S. funding to Israel in the ongoing Israel-Hamas War.[

      After historian Robert Kagan wrote a November 2023 Washington Post opinion piece titled “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending”, Vance wrote Attorney General Merrick Garland a letter suggesting Kagan be prosecuted for promoting “open rebellion”

      He opposes the PRO Act, which expands protections related to employees’ rights to organize and collectively bargain, instead voicing support for proposals by the conservative group American Compass,

      Usha Vance’s background

      She was a registered Democrat until at least 2014, per the Times.

      She has also clerked at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky and for Justice Brett Kavanaugh w

      The daughter of Indian immigrants,

      They married in 2014 in Kentucky, in an interfaith ceremony.[5][6] They have three children: Ewan (born 2017), Vivek (born 2020), and Mirabel (born 2021).[7][8] Chilukuri is Hindu and her husband is Catholic.[9][10]

      She has served on the board of the Gates Cambridge Alumni Association

        Jul 15, 2024 15:32 PM

        PROBLEM>>>>>>>>>>> WITH JD VANCE
        Vance supports U.S. funding to Israel in the ongoing Israel-
        Hamas War.[

        Kind of clear now the path we are headed…… clueless
        fake christians…..

          Jul 15, 2024 15:18 PM

          Not funny in the least but I got a laff.
          Not the choice but people thinking Trump is a savior.
          Un real how some people can think Trump is any dif than the rest.

          Vance being a pro amputate childrens limbs without anesthetic person displays clearly why Trump chose him and not Tulsi Gabard.

        Jul 16, 2024 16:19 AM

        Jerry…how many times?…lol…Israel is a cheap forward base for usa to protect the(our) oil interests…no one cares about Israel or the people…relax…glta

    Jul 15, 2024 15:55 PM

    Remember the SCOTUS decision was due today….

    US Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump over the alleged mishandling of classified documents has been thrown out, on grounds that his secondment to the case was not legal.

    Smith was appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate Trump for supposedly keeping classified documents at his Florida home after leaving the White House, as well as probing an alleged conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election.

    “None of the statutes cited as legal authority for the appointment gives the attorney general broad inferior-officer appointing power or bestows upon him the right to appoint a federal officer with the kind of prosecutorial power wielded by Special Counsel Smith,” Judge Aileen Cannon wrote.

    The “strained statutory arguments, appeals to inconsistent history, or reliance on out-of-circuit authority” by Smith have not persuaded the court otherwise, Cannon added.

    Trump claims Biden authorized FBI to use deadly force in Mar-a-Lago raid.

      Jul 15, 2024 15:01 PM

      OOTB Jerry
      14 hours ago
      OOPS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUMPSTER WINS>>>>>>>HUGLY>>>>>>>>>>> 🙂

      Federal judge dismisses Trump classified documents case over concerns with prosecutor’s appointment

      WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal judge presiding over the classified documents case of former President Donald Trump in Florida dismissed the prosecution on Monday, siding with defense lawyers who said the special counsel who filed the charges was illegally appointed.

    Jul 15, 2024 15:34 PM

    I am hearing Trump regular Secret Service team was pulled….supposedly to protect Jill Biden.
    (Like she does not have her own team !)
    If that is true…….This was a Presidential authorized ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT.
    (Shades of JFK’s assassination, if you ask me….CIA.)


      Jul 16, 2024 16:34 AM

      The CIA, FBI, the Mob, and the Dallas Police force, according to Roger Stone.

    Jul 15, 2024 15:26 PM

    New info coming from Secret Service…..

    .one round fired from 488 yards away !!

    Jul 16, 2024 16:57 AM

    39 Things To Know About JD Vance, Trump’s Running Mate

    38. Supports Israel Aid
    Mr. Vance supports aid to Israel.

    In a May 2024 speech at the Quincy Institute, Mr. Vance gave a contrast between supporting Israel and Ukraine.

    With Ukraine, he said, there’s “no strategic end in sight” and that the Europeans are not doing their fair share. But Israel, he said, is “doing the most important work to give us missile-defense parity.”

    He also opposed the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and applauded President Trump for withdrawing from it in 2018.

    39. He Says US Focus Should Be on China
    Mr. Vance has also taken a tough stance on China, encouraging the United States to focus its efforts there.

    Between war in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, Mr. Vance said, America has “to pick and choose” where it invests its resources.

    “We should be focused on our own problems, and that’s mostly China,” Mr. Vance said in April.

    “My argument is the Chinese are focused on real power. They’re not focused on how tough people talk on TV or how strong our alleged resolve is. They’re focused on how strong we actually are, and to be strong enough to push back against the Chinese, we’ve got to focus there, and right now, we’re stretched too thin.”

    In other words, just another zionist scumbag.

    I agree with George Carlin, I wont vote for them, if you do its you that supports them.

      Jul 16, 2024 16:00 AM

      Senator JD Vance, the Ohio Republican nominated to be Donald Trump’s running mate in the November US presidential election, has made his mark on Capitol Hill by lambasting Washington’s open-ended commitment to funding Kiev.
      Trump announced his nomination for vice-president on Monday evening, on the first day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

      Vance, the best-selling author of ‘Hillbilly Elegy’, elected to the Senate in 2022, is known for seeing US support for Israel, where he remains a hawk, and Ukraine, in very different lights.
      (While I, CFS, believe Israel does NOT NEEDAmerican aid, I believe Israel is a NECESSARY ALLY.)
      J.D.Vance quote:
      “I certainly admire the Ukrainians who are fighting against Russia, but I do not think that it is in America’s interest to continue to fund an effectively never-ending war in Ukraine,” Vance said in May, in a speech at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.
      In late April, when the Senate approved a $61 billion package of new military aid to Ukraine, Vance invoked his experience in the military to rebuke his colleagues.

      “I served my country honorably, and I saw when I went to Iraq that I had been lied to,” he said on the Senate floor, adding that “the promises of the foreign policy establishment of this country were a complete joke.”

      Jul 16, 2024 16:05 AM

      I believe, because of its population, and ruthless leadership, it is inevitable that China will become the world’s next dominant power.
      The consequence of which really scares me

    Jul 16, 2024 16:55 AM

    Interesting hypothesis:
    The reason the assassination event against Trump was allowed was to set the stage for a subsequent assassination of Biden… They want Biden out… Dems need a viable candidate… Blame MAGA deplorables for retaliation… whether Trump was killed or not is not critical to their plans.

      Jul 16, 2024 16:00 AM

      But Harris ?

        Jul 17, 2024 17:09 AM

        I don’t think they want Harris either… What are the rules if the top of the ticket dies? I only present the hypothesis… If they definitely wanted Trump killed in this incident, they would not have failed, IMO.

    Jul 16, 2024 16:24 AM
      Jul 16, 2024 16:42 PM

      Dang..where you been? I thought the assassin got you, too…

    Jul 16, 2024 16:48 AM

    You simply have to listen to multiple sources, especially foreign, to get the truth…….

      Jul 16, 2024 16:01 PM

      Yup true cfs. Some people have been saying that for years now.

      Personaly I get just about zero news from TV/radio/newspapers.
      Havnt for a long time now (years)
      I am far better informed than my neighbors,family and friends.

      Course they can tell me sports scores. 😉

    Jul 16, 2024 16:45 PM

    Now the gooberment is saying there were cops inside the building the assassin was on top of. You can’t make this stuff up.

    Jul 16, 2024 16:15 PM
    And you don’t think a Trump assassination was government authorized !

    Are you really that stupid ?

    Jul 16, 2024 16:28 PM

    Muddying the waters ?
    I don’t trust Iran, but really…..

    Jul 16, 2024 16:36 PM

    Trump realizes he made a mistake on vaccines…..
    (Even though that is not what this clip is really about)

    Jul 16, 2024 16:39 PM

    Muddying the waters…….?

    Jul 16, 2024 16:44 PM

    What the right wing really thinks……

    Jul 16, 2024 16:10 PM

    “Multiple eyewitnesses have come forward to say they saw shots fired from the water tower in Butler Pennsylvania during Trump’s speech. This information conflicts with the official narrative that Thomas Matthew crooks acted alone.”

      Jul 20, 2024 20:22 PM

      No one was shooting from the very top of the water tower. You can barely see the very top of the tower above the trees when you are in front of the stage. For someone to shoot, they would have to be standing on the very top which is rounded with no way to get on top so it would be impossible.

        Jul 21, 2024 21:43 AM

        You are correct Glenn. Conspiracy theorists were too quick to believe someone shot from the top of that water tower. They always say a lot of nonsense without first thinking.

    Jul 16, 2024 16:20 PM

    The money your gooberment steals from you is paying for this…child trafficking…still think the gooberment isn’t evil? Not to mention the media…

    Jul 16, 2024 16:40 PM
    Not assassins regular gun ?

    Jul 16, 2024 16:07 PM

    It’s Over !

      Jul 16, 2024 16:26 PM


    Jul 16, 2024 16:58 PM

    You just can’t make this stuff up. Even the 3 Stooges could have prevented the shooting.

      Jul 16, 2024 16:06 PM

      The Empire really embarrassed itself

        Jul 16, 2024 16:09 PM

        If it wasn’t tragic it would be hilarious slapstick comedy.

        “A clear picture is emerging of the exact timeline of staggering failures that enabled an armed 20-year-old man with no military training to scale a building loaded with counter-sniper team cops in broad daylight and come within a hair’s breadth of killing former President Donald Trump.

        Thomas Matthew Crooks was spotted at least twice by cops — 26 minutes before he rained bullets on the Pennsylvania rally crowd, wounding Trump and two others and killing an ex-fire chief, according to WPXI sources. “

    Jul 16, 2024 16:40 PM

    The water tower was Trump’s grassy knoll……

    Jul 16, 2024 16:55 PM

    A Russian paratrooper has managed to down a large Ukrainian drone carrying an explosive payload with small arms, a video that has appeared on the internet, has shown. Footage published by one of the Telegram channels linked to the military demonstrated the serviceman firing at the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) until it fell to the ground an exploded.

    A 30-seconds black-and-white clip recorded with night vision equipment shows what appears to be a quadcopter, which a soldier is trying to center in his cross hairs. The serviceman can also be heard firing single rounds at the UAV. Another Telegram channel linked to the military stated that the soldier fired a flak cannon at the drone.

    At some point, the sniper hits the mark and the drone catches fire before falling to the ground. A loud blast can be heard in the background, with one soldier shouting: “it exploded” and another one saying that he hit his target.

    Although the UAV on the video appeared to look like a regular small quadcopter hovering in the sky, a caption to the video suggested that it was a “Baba Yaga” class drone. Originally designed as agricultural equipment, those drones are known for their large size and ability to carry heavy payloads of up to 50 kilograms.
    That’s real sniping. ,!

      Jul 17, 2024 17:53 AM

      CFS,if you are interested in this info you should follow “Southfront”
      Thats site provides up to date info concerning Ukraine,Yeman,Syria,the Israelis,Hezbolah,Hamas,the americans,british,China,Korea etc etc

      If your after detailed info such as this brigade attacked 500 men with 6 amoured pcs at this point, losses were etc

      Check “Military Summary”

    Jul 16, 2024 16:00 PM

    PBS on J.D.Vance

    Jul 16, 2024 16:38 PM
    The assassin went on roof, took range-finder measurements, then got down and came back later after Trump was due to speak.

    Jul 16, 2024 16:36 PM

    Biden as dirty as they come….

    Jul 17, 2024 17:41 AM


      Jul 17, 2024 17:00 AM

      98% of podcasters are CIA. Not surprising since most people have moved away from main stream news. The controlled opposition just moved with the people to control the narrative.
      Mike Gill is spot on, saying that they are trying to create a civil war.

        Jul 17, 2024 17:45 PM

        I pointed this out the other day… on the 98% ………..
        Points out ALEX JONES AND THE OTHERS…. CIA stooges …

    Jul 17, 2024 17:13 AM

    So far we have 3 shooters. One in the tower, one in the stands and one on the roof.
    Main stream media and law enforcement covering it up. (same ole same ole..)

      Jul 17, 2024 17:29 AM

      I only heard two different types of rifles

      Jul 20, 2024 20:15 PM

      No one was shooting from on top of the water tower. You can barely see the very top of the tower above the trees when you are in front of the stage. For someone to shoot, they would have to be standing on the very top which is rounded with no way to get on top so it would be impossible.

    Jul 17, 2024 17:48 AM

    Cheadle must be fired.
    Not only incompetent, but a stupid liar.

    Jul 17, 2024 17:52 AM
    Jul 17, 2024 17:03 AM

    Believe it or not !
    This could be true, but I will only believe it when police release tape of phone call.
    Since the AR-15 used was owned by the father, this could be a blame-shifting exercise.

    Jul 17, 2024 17:50 AM

    Russian state TV is giddy about JD Vance as the VP

    The little Czar can’t believe his luck

    Jul 17, 2024 17:51 AM

    Climate change is literally making our days longer

    On Trump’s ‘China hoax”

    Jul 17, 2024 17:30 PM

    CIA Agents would always be loyal to the U.S.
    and abide by U.S. LAW, wouldn’t they…..

    A former CIA analyst has been indicted on charges of serving as a spy for South Korea’s intelligence service in exchange for luxury goods and dinners at Michelin-starred restaurants.

    Sue Mi Terry, a prominent expert on North Korea who worked on the National Security Council (NSC), began acting as a foreign agent in 2013, according to an indictment released by a Manhattan federal court on Tuesday.

    US prosecutors claim that over the next decade she was contacted by an unnamed “handler” on “multiple occasions.”

    Terry advocated South Korean policy positions, disclosed non-public US government information to South Korean intelligence officers, and facilitated access for South Korean government officials to their American counterparts, the federal filing stated.

    In return, Seoul “repeatedly rewarded” Terry for her work with lavish goods, including a $3,450 Louis Vuitton handbag, a $2,845 Dolce & Gabbana coat and dinners at Michelin star restaurants. The former analyst also received at least $37,000 in “covert” funding to the think tank she ran, and was paid to write opinion articles that advocated South Korean policy, the filing claims.

    Born in Seoul and raised in the US, Terry was a senior CIA analyst from 2001 to 2008, and director of Korean, Japan and Oceanic Affairs at the NSC from 2008 to 2009 under the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations.

    Jeffrey Epstein claimed to be Israeli spy – lawsuit READ MORE: Jeffrey Epstein claimed to be Israeli spy – lawsuit
    In an interview with the FBI in 2023 Terry admitted that she had resigned from the CIA because the agency had “problems” with her contacts with members of South Korea’s National Intelligence Service, the indictment said.

    The filing includes surveillance camera images of Terry meeting with South Korean officials who prosecutors allege served as her “handlers” for Seoul’s intelligence service. One of the photos allegedly shows an agent shopping for a Louis Vuitton handbag with Terry in a Washington store and the two of them departing together, with the agent carrying it in a shopping bag.

    The prosecution claimed Terry acted as a “valuable source” of information for the South Korean government.

    In 2022, Terry reportedly participated in a closed-door North Korea policy briefing with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. After the meeting, she passed her handler “detailed handwritten notes” that described the contents of the briefing, the filing says.

    “Despite engaging in extensive activities for and at the direction of” the South Korean government, Terry failed to register as a foreign agent, as required by US law, prosecutors said. She faces two counts, one for failing to register under the US Foreign Agents Registration Act, and another for conspiring to violate it.
    Oops, I forgot about all the lying to obtain FISA warrants to prosecute Trump.


    Jul 17, 2024 17:56 PM

    This is crazy….

    Beyond absurd…Cheetos is embarrassing the Empire…

      Jul 17, 2024 17:27 PM
      The truth usually comes out in the end.
      But if enough corrupt politicians have enough control, maybe this time is different.
      Perhaps nothing short of civil war will take out the corruption.

    Jul 17, 2024 17:16 PM

    pretty interesting….the bible is god affirming…..

    Jul 17, 2024 17:27 PM

    AJ…can’t you get your Demonrat buddies to stop fighting???

    Even CNN is reporting it…

    CNN; Biden gets nasty w/ Bronze Star Democrat @JasonCrowCO on “absolute disaster” Zoom Call, tells him to “cut that crap out” after Crow voiced concern about Biden’s diminished abilities.
    — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 17, 2024

      Jul 17, 2024 17:31 PM

      …Uncle Joe screamed at Crow…will Biden eat crow…or will Crow eat crow…or will Biden eat Crow???

      Hopefully, these Demonrats will tear each other apart…

    Jul 17, 2024 17:58 PM
    Jul 17, 2024 17:10 PM

    Now the MSM is claiming Uncle Joe got the COVIDs….

      Jul 17, 2024 17:37 PM

      Well, Joe might just need some rest… Good excuse… He has been jabed, boosted, and boosted some more…And he has had COVID… So, he should be immune from COVID, if the sh*t works… Oh, I remember now… Research indicates the COVID sh*t does not work – never did… In fact, it makes one more susceptible to COVID and immune system dysregulation in general… Poor Joe 😭
      Joe needs dementia testing… That’s important to know…

      Jul 17, 2024 17:42 PM

      DING DONG…………… Biden on the way out….. BS COVID…..

        Jul 17, 2024 17:53 PM

        I got a laff when I read the biden covid report.
        I bet people buy it.

          Jul 17, 2024 17:59 PM

          LMAO…… Biden is OUT……………..

            Jul 17, 2024 17:15 PM

            Microsoft Cuts DEI Team: “No Longer Business Critical” …………. THEY KNOW WHAT IS COMING>…LMAO

            The Valley is going DEEP….. in the hiddy hole….

        Jul 17, 2024 17:58 PM

        Schumer Says “Best For Biden To Drop Out Of Race” As President Tests Positive For COVID

        Schumer……… IS NEXT….. 🙂

    Jul 17, 2024 17:28 PM

    Massive derivative shorts in the form of option puts placed Thursday and Friday on DJT before the assassination attempt on Saturday.

    Trace the shorts, walk the perps.

    Jul 17, 2024 17:11 PM

    Have you ever heard of the 2012 problem?

    It’s why Barack Obama repealed the Smith-Moundt act. He made it legal for the media to tell lies instead of report truth. They wanted to brainwash everyone.
    Obama tried to slowdown the inevitable.

    It’s why Q says: “Nothing can stop what is coming”.

    Jul 17, 2024 17:19 PM

    BYE BYE ……. DEI…..

    Microsoft Cuts DEI Team: “No Longer Business Critical”
    Tyler Durden’s Photo
    WEDNESDAY, JUL 17, 2024 – 12:25 PM
    We’ve been stating for several months that the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” gravy trains on Wall Street have peaked and are coming to an abrupt end. Who would have thought the profit motive would be incompatible with mindless, unproductive virtue signaling and reverse racism?

    The unraveling of DEI initiatives across corporate America is full steam ahead after Business Insider revealed Microsoft has laid off an internal team focused on DEI.

      Jul 17, 2024 17:21 PM

      GOT WOKE>…….. 🙂
      “We’re past the peak,” Subha Barry, former head of diversity at Merrill Lynch, told Bloomberg in March. This comes as the growing anti-DEI crusade among conservatives gains incredible momentum, with Elon Musk and former President Trump pushing back against wokeism.

    Jul 17, 2024 17:48 PM

    Dan Scavino posts, “the final countdown”.

    Jul 17, 2024 17:55 PM

    Forget excuses and cover-ups. YOU ARE BEING FED CRAP.

      Jul 17, 2024 17:55 PM

      The Dirty Deeds of Darkness
      Now comes excuses and propaganda.
      I’m not sure what it will take to get rid of the corruption…..

        Jul 18, 2024 18:57 PM

        Maydorkass and Cheetos ain’t going anywhere…just like Uncle Joe. Corrupt, criminal, evil 🤡 show.

          Jul 18, 2024 18:01 PM

          …end of empire 🤡 sh#t show stuff..fell out of a coconut tree on the way to the battle box….

      Jul 18, 2024 18:59 PM

      What do you expect from an Uncle Joe and Kamaltoe hire? Cheatle was in charge of guarding the Cheetos at Pepsi Co. (Pepsi Co owns Cheetos.)

    Jul 18, 2024 18:45 AM

    If, you do not know…… then you might be clueless……………..
    Start with ONE’S SELF……..
    Ephesians 5:11-13
    King James Version
    11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

    12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

    13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

      Jul 18, 2024 18:53 AM

      First phrase at the Temple of Delphi is
      “Know Thyself”

      Priests from Knossos (on Crete) brought Apollo to Delphi in the 8th century B.C., during which time they began developing the sanctuary to the god. They built the first stone temples to Apollo and Athena towards the end of the 7th century B.C.

    Jul 18, 2024 18:06 AM

    Picture of Fanni Willis found on shooters phone

    Jul 18, 2024 18:42 AM

    Curiouser and curiouser…….
    And you don’t believe this was an authorized assassination. !
    And don’t forget Biden’s handlers realized they could not win against Trump !


    Jul 18, 2024 18:47 AM

    Motive and opportunity.
    Do you need more?…..sure there are some more dots to connect,
    but corrupt politicians will hide as much as possible.

    Jul 18, 2024 18:01 AM

    there is no test for covid….the covid that the fake test monitored is gone anyways…period….no one proved that was the actual cause of the novel flu……propaganda proctology

      Jul 18, 2024 18:08 PM

      ditto Larry………………. SHeeple are kind of stupid…..

    Jul 18, 2024 18:13 PM

    Uncle Joe just “forgave” another 1.2 billion dollars in student loans…for public serpents….anyone who paid off their student loan was a sucker…Uncle Joe already “forgave” over 168 billion.

    Jul 18, 2024 18:19 PM

    Hah! Cheetos was at the Republican convention last night in a suite!

    She came out of the suite and tried to run away when people asked her questions. She got cornered by a couple of senators but didn’t answer the questions.

    Jul 18, 2024 18:28 PM
    Hmm, Harris to become Prez, who will be new VP ?

    Jul 18, 2024 18:28 PM

    Lamestream media saying Uncle Joe will step down on Saturday…Uncle Joe says he ain’t going anywhere…

    Jul 18, 2024 18:39 PM

    Hah! Obammie will make a “rousing” speech at the Demonrat National Convention introducing President Kamaltoe…She fell right out of a coconut tree and into the presidency…

    You boys ready for 8 years of Kamaltoe??? I still think Uncle Joe will not step down…at least not this weekend.

      Jul 18, 2024 18:11 PM

      She might have a hard time….. not born a US citizen…. from what I understand….
      Of course neither was Barry….

        Jul 18, 2024 18:27 PM

        Jerry…Demonrats are now saying they are going to “make America great again”…guess it’s not so great right now…thanks Uncle Joe and Kamaltoe…

          Jul 18, 2024 18:09 PM

          Dems have lost their minds………. insane group of sickoooos

          Copy cats…. LMAO

            Jul 18, 2024 18:49 PM

            …fell out of too many coconut trees…on the way to the battle box…

            Now the lamestream media is saying the billionaire’s (oligarchs) are refusing to give any more money to Uncle Joe’s campaign….I can’t even imagine cackling jackal Kamaltoe as Emperor….Hope old Uncle Joe stays in to the end and takes every last Demonrat down with him…

            Jul 18, 2024 18:51 PM

            …who knows…maybe the Deep State offs both Trump and Uncle Joe…because Uncle Joe is saying he is going nowhere…ain’t dropping out…

    Jul 18, 2024 18:39 PM
      Jul 18, 2024 18:47 PM

      Sorry, “Page Not Found.”

    Jul 18, 2024 18:42 PM

    The url/link posting at think and drown is out of commission for a while…wish they would say something….

    Jul 18, 2024 18:52 PM

    ONE SHOT AT ABOUT 150 yards
    ONE SHOT AT ABOUT 250 yards
    (distances very approx)

      Jul 18, 2024 18:52 PM

      You have a good ear CFS… And the distance estimates are interesting… I had been thinking more of those shoots were counter sniper fire…

    Jul 18, 2024 18:33 PM

    CHARTSTER……………………. MIKE KING #4….. is a good one….

      Jul 19, 2024 19:36 AM

      Interesting views about the assassination attempt.
      I agree with him too.

        Jul 19, 2024 19:30 AM

        SHeeple will never figure it out…..
        Just like the Zionist fake Jews…..

          Jul 19, 2024 19:05 PM

          The white hats have control of the media now.
          The shooting was a reverse false flag. Congress is and has been controlled under continuity of government operation.
          They are de-brainwashing the sheeple. And accelerating the awakening process.

          Nuclear war threat coming soon.

          Trump didn’t murmur a word about space exploration last night. And for good reason. 😉

            Jul 19, 2024 19:09 PM

            All good info,,,,,,
            I see more clearly…….. since doing a deep dive on the Zionist
            SHeeple do not have a clue….. how many have been doing anything
            research and study…for the last 30 t0 60 yrs…..?
            Except watching propaganda….

    Jul 18, 2024 18:37 PM

    Uncle Joe forgot the name of his Secretary of Offense, Lord Austin… he just referred to him as “the black man.” Wonder what he calls Kamaltoe….

      Jul 18, 2024 18:41 PM

      Maybe Uncle Joe does step down this weekend…all the Demonrats have to do is tell Uncle Joe his second term is almost over so he might as well…

    Jul 18, 2024 18:37 PM

    All one big show for the normies……….

    Jul 18, 2024 18:22 PM

    Tucker Carlson at RNC.

    Jul 18, 2024 18:36 PM
    Jul 18, 2024 18:42 PM

    Biden leaving, BUT NOT ENDORSING HARRIS.

    Jul 18, 2024 18:45 PM

    It was exactly a week ago when I said Biden has about a week left.

    Jul 19, 2024 19:29 AM

    The Wizard speaks……………… lol…….

    Jul 19, 2024 19:16 AM

    Iran-made drone hits Tel Aviv killing one, injuring several.
    Drone flight started in Yemen.


      Jul 19, 2024 19:29 AM

      I doubt it……..more like….. Zionist Propaganda………

      SHeeple should watch the videos…. on what the FAKE JEWS want…..

    Jul 19, 2024 19:31 PM
      Jul 19, 2024 19:32 PM

      “Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (who is not among the Democrats commonly floated as potential Biden replacements) would beat Trump by a slightly wider margin, 43% to 41%”

        Jul 19, 2024 19:52 PM

        My guess for best choice for Democrat ticket would be…
        Newsom, Whitmer.
        However, getting there would take incredible behind the scenes pay-offs and take 4 to 5 weeks to organize.

          Jul 19, 2024 19:32 PM

          I don’t think they want any governors at this time… They may not be aligned with the desires of the deep state… They want a deep state neocon, one that will start military actions without restraint… Hillary is the best fit given those requirements. -my opinion.

    Jul 19, 2024 19:43 PM

    Israel’s construction of settlements on Palestinian land violates the Geneva Convention and amounts to a policy of “de-facto annexation,” the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has declared. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dismissed the “false ruling,” insisting that the West Bank is Jewish land.

    The court’s 15 justices agreed on Friday that “the transfer by Israel of settlers to the West Bank and Jerusalem as well as Israel’s maintenance of their presence, is contrary to article 49 of the fourth Geneva Convention”.

    Reading out the non-binding advisory opinion, ICJ President Nawaf Salam described Israel’s building of settlements in the West Bank as a “de-facto annexation” of the territory, and stated that the Jewish state should end its “unlawful” presence in occupied Palestinian territory as “rapidly as possible.”

    The ICJ has been investigating Israel’s “policies and practices” toward the occupied Palestinian territories since early 2023, at the request of the UN General Assembly. At a series of hearings in February, the Palestinian Authority’s foreign minister, Riad Malki, accused Israel of apartheid and called on the court to declare the occupation of Palestinian land illegal. Israel did not send legal representatives to the hearings.

    While Friday’s ruling will inform the UN’s stance on Israeli settlements, the ICJ lacks any means of enforcing the decision.

    Jul 19, 2024 19:22 PM
    Jul 19, 2024 19:26 PM
    Jul 19, 2024 19:00 PM

    Meanwhile in the rest of the world….”.

    Jul 19, 2024 19:07 PM

    Maddow Warns: JD Vance Likes Lord of the Rings! ICJ Rules Against Israeli Occupation! w/Whitney Webb
    The Jimmy Dore Show

    This interviews sounds like we are going from the frying pan to the fire with Vance and Trump.

    The uniparty pulls the wool over the peoples eyes yet again. lol People will never learn.

      Jul 19, 2024 19:30 PM

      MADCOW……. lol……….. CIA stooge….
      Perverted mind…… fruitcake….

    Jul 19, 2024 19:21 PM

    It appears the assassin has three overseas encrypted accounts associated probably with social media.
    (I do not know the purpose of these.)

      Jul 19, 2024 19:27 PM

      BREAKING: Congressman Mike Waltz says according to an FBI briefing, the Trump shooter had three encrypted accounts OVERSEAS, at the same time we’re hearing the Iranians are plotting against Trump.

        Jul 19, 2024 19:52 PM

        You may be hearing that Iran is plotting against Trump because the mic/deep state wants war with Iran.

        Here is an idea, Trump ends the war in Ukraine…Hooorraaay!!!!! unnnnnnn fortunatly we have caught Iran trying to kill Trump. That means war!!

          Jul 19, 2024 19:24 PM

          Such the optimist. 🙄

            Jul 19, 2024 19:34 PM

            Good grief…. FBI, CIA briefing…. that is a TOTAL JOKE…..

            Next will be that Trumpster has property in Iran…. lol

    Jul 19, 2024 19:22 PM

    Some random thoughts…..
    .The University associated with the assassin, Crooks, is situated near/in Moon township, PA.
    Little known fact: Moon township was established in and post WWII as an O.S.S. (later) C.I.A. spy school center of operation.
    The real parallels with JFK assassination are very close, including post event media obfuscation.

    Jul 19, 2024 19:27 PM

    Crooks appeared in a Blackrock commercial about a year ago.
    Blackrock and CIA are associated

    Jul 19, 2024 19:48 PM

    Mike Adams forensic sound analysis… at least 3 shooters…

      Jul 21, 2024 21:46 AM

      More likely just two not including the snipers. And not from the water tower either.

        Jul 22, 2024 22:58 PM

        Correct Wayne. Here is a video right after Trump is shot. You can see the water tower behind the trees and the sign. No one could get up to the very top of the water tower unless by helicopter and then stand on the rounded top and try to fire a rifle with those trees and that big sign at least blocking most if not all of their view. And where is the supposed shooter that is supposed to be on the tower? No where because they were never there to begin with even though silly people say that the shadow seen at the very top is really a person.