

Graphene Manufacturing Group – Answering Your Questions On Battery Development, THERMAL-XR US Approval, Lubricant Revenues and Cash Position

March 28, 2024

Since I continue to receive a lot of questions for Graphene Manufacturing Group (“GMG” or the “Company”) on all three divisions (battery development, THERMAL-XR and lubricants) I set up another call with Craig Nicol, President and CEO of GMG.


We start with the battery division and questions on testing data and the materials used in the pouch cell batteries. For THERMAL-XR we focus on US approvals and potential markets and consumers. On the lubricant front many of you asked about possible near term revenue. To wrap up we discuss the cash position for the company and outlook.


Please keep all the questions coming by emailing me at



Click here to learn more about GMG and the different product lines.

    Mar 28, 2024 28:52 PM

    B2 Gold a strong Buy after a 70% decline. DT

      Mar 28, 2024 28:23 PM

      Looked like a laggard today but it has some projects nearing completion.

      Mar 28, 2024 28:06 PM

      I’ve been watching BTG but haven’t taken a position yet since this year 2024 is going to be problematic however, they’re expecting better things for 2025. I’ll look at taking a position when it appears we’re getting closer to 2025.

    Mar 28, 2024 28:46 PM

    OOPS……………. $2233……

      Mar 28, 2024 28:12 PM

      On the future’s market, Gold closed at $2,238.40, and then in afterhours, it shot even higher over $2250+

      Gold Futures – Jun 24 (GCM4) – $2,254.80 at the time of this post

    Mar 28, 2024 28:24 PM

    Canadians Are F**ked: Secret RCMP Report
    Tyler Durden’s Photo
    THURSDAY, MAR 28, 2024 – 03:05 PM
    A previously secret (and still heavily redacted) RCMP report warns the Canadian government to expect civil unrest once citizens realize how totally screwed the economic situation is, the National Post reports.

      Mar 28, 2024 28:49 PM

      OOTB, Big trouble is brewing, not the same trouble which had visited during the 1930’s but bigger trouble none the less. I have been following the political situation very closely and it is really scary. We have over 2 million people visiting food banks every month, and the Dumpster Divers have an organization to help people learn their trade. On April the first (April fool’s day) the carbon tax is increasing 23% on all fossil fuel and it affects everything that moves. It is like watching a slow-motion train wreck! DT

        Mar 29, 2024 29:59 AM

        The carbon tax is getting wacky…..

    Mar 28, 2024 28:26 PM

    OOPS…………………… FREAKY FRIDAY………….. 🙂
    Philadelphia Fed Admits US Payrolls Overstated By At Least 800,000
    Tyler Durden’s Photo
    THURSDAY, MAR 28, 2024 – 03:45 PM
    The first red flags emerged in the summer of 2022: that’s when the Biden Labor Department started well and truly rigging the labor market data.