

Politics Weekend Posting

February 24, 2024

Hi everyone, I hope you all have a great weekend!


I emailed with Al’s daughter this week to check in on him. I’m not sure when/if he will be coming back but he says hi to everyone of you!





    Feb 24, 2024 24:56 AM

    Hi, And get well..OWL…..and thanks Cory…

      Feb 24, 2024 24:08 AM

      Hi Jerry … I shall try calling AL tonight to ask how he is doing & to tell him people on the blog, are concerned about him . If i get any new info , i will Email you . BTW , How are You ?.

        Feb 24, 2024 24:30 AM

        Hello Irish,
        Thanks for the info.
        I am doing well, and I hope you are doing well also.
        Missed your participation last week.

    Feb 24, 2024 24:05 PM

    More about the covid bio weapon.

      Feb 24, 2024 24:13 PM

      As she said in the interview……”we all know it”……..but not allowed to say what it is….
      We have known it since 2020…

      . More Pfizer please… and Lilly Stock is up 700% lol…
      Cure cancer ,… like wake up… Sheeple….

      This is not new information….. just saying…. but, is good for the sheeple catch up …

    Feb 24, 2024 24:17 PM
      Feb 24, 2024 24:19 PM

      Keep Jabbing and keep spreading………….

    Feb 24, 2024 24:50 PM
    Feb 25, 2024 25:30 AM

    RFK Jr. on Ukraine, Vaccines, and his Presidential run…

      Feb 25, 2024 25:02 AM

      thanks…… good interview… JMO….
      Glad to see him on this type of video… telling and calling out MSN…
      With his 1 million viewers,,, which most likely majority ,DEMS… should wake up more sheeple..

      Howie, is really behind, or his he just playing stupid, …. for his sheeple audience… ,
      regardless, … good summary from RFK Jr… at least he is getting the message out…
      on the corrupt MIC.. and the Scum Lucifer followers…

        Feb 25, 2024 25:10 AM

        45 min. into the tape…. RFK… can hold his own on the shots.. and polio …

        RFK’s question to Howie “What happened in 1989.?”…
        Concerning ..autism….. systems ..head banging, helmet wearing,,,RFK defies
        Howie, to find anyone in older generations… that are a head banger , helmet wearing
        individuals, we have found in the younger generation from 1989….

        And the other” allergic diseases” start appearing around 1989,… see 51 min mark …..

        Feb 25, 2024 25:31 AM

        Hey Tommy….. I was going over the tape….
        on the vacs….
        and DELETE… my comments….
        I viewed and posted several comments…all the way up to the 52 min mark…

        Like What happened in 1989…. and the vacs..
        and the other allergic illnesses … that the kids today have which were
        not know prior ..

          Feb 25, 2024 25:56 AM

          Hard to carry on a conversation……. WHEN they delete 1/2 the stuff………….

          53 min mark…………….. we went from 3 vacs…. to 72 vac for the kids today…

      Feb 25, 2024 25:17 PM

      ….Finished… RFK Jr. VID…….. WAS IMPRESSIVE….. Howie did a great job… IMO

        Feb 26, 2024 26:28 AM

        Thanks Jerry for listening and commenting… I hope more people listen to RFK Jr…. No candidate is perfect, but as a person with much experience, good ideas and positions on many important issues, and hated by the mainstream, he deserves to be seen and heard.

          Feb 26, 2024 26:20 AM

          Tommy…. you are welcome….

    Feb 25, 2024 25:26 AM

    Above is Steve Quayle on Rumble with SGT REPORT…………..
    I will repost ……if deleted……….

    Feb 25, 2024 25:49 AM

    AI……(not owl)………………. (quoted from steve quayle)

    We now have a front row seat to the modern corruption of all flesh, just as in Genesis 6. This evil effort is coupled with an Alien Disclosure which will declare that they, the Aliens, are our creators. However, these efforts are a lie from the pit of Hell itself because, as you will find, the Aliens are the created beings of Fallen Angels.

    Just think about it for a few seconds………
    a little deep for some, but,…. YOU KNOW THINGS ARE NOT RIGHT WITH AMERICA….
    The little dung heaps in DC….. are in full corruption RIGHT NOW, … not that hard to understand,
    you can see it , state , local and federal.

      Feb 25, 2024 25:26 AM

      Aliens are angels?

        Feb 25, 2024 25:46 AM

        “Fallen angels “…….. just like Lucifer is THE BIG..Fallen Angel…..
        There are two (2) differ types of angels …. good and bad…

          Feb 25, 2024 25:49 AM

          ok, so some aliens are good and some are bad.
          And aliens can be called angels.

          Guess that kinda goes along with the sumarian records.

          Utu’s main function as a God became to supervise the moral order, truth and righteousness
          Hanbi or Hanpa was the god of evil.

          The names and faces change but the story remains..

          The inca had the same story.
          Catequil was the tutelar god of day and good.
          Supay was the personification of all evilness.

          Im sure no matter what culture or time you look at, it will be the same or at least rhyme.

          I was just unaware that some christian groups included aliens in their thinking.
          Ya just never know what your gonna learn.

            Feb 25, 2024 25:48 AM

            I am not going out on the limb with the good aliens…. (that is another topic)
            What is important,… is the Fallen Angel SATAN…, and what effects
            this time period of AI (eye)… which is what the machines want to match up with
            HUMANS…. and this is what the Luciferians are trying to do with
            implants in the blood and brain…(ie with 5G… and vacs graphite )
            According to the bible history…. the book of Enoch describes the Giants, …
            Noting that the book of Enoch is not found in the KJV, but, says there
            were Giants in the land…
            As far as the KJV, is concerned, the Fallen Angel is Lucifer, and Satan,
            from the beginning, …

            Feb 25, 2024 25:07 PM

            Giants, ok, enough skeletons have been discovered to say that species or those species existed.
            Not a big deal, there have been many species of bipeds.

            No argument there.

            Aliens start our evelutionary path?Maybe.

            Notice something about the religions, the common denominater, there are good gods and there are bad gods.

            In our time the bad guy is Lucifer and the good guy is Jesus.
            The core story is the same and the gods are always givin magical powers.

            imo the gods are not the point, I think the stories are clues to something.

            Most people as today, and looking at history, believe its a god, which one is determind by the time period and location of birth.

            It doesnt matter where you are born, its always the correct god and religion.

            The common denominaters are part of the clue.

            Personally, I think we need to evolve more before we undertand more than we do now.
            That is if collectivly, we havnt imagined it all anway.

            Just an opinion of course. How could I know anything otherwise?

            Feb 25, 2024 25:25 PM

            b………. you should have listened to the tape from Dean Henderson explaining
            Giants..etc… and present day association with ruling families today….
            .. Families, from the beginning , to present,
            which are part of technology which have been around for a while….
            Explain the pyramids in Egypt…..

            Feb 25, 2024 25:34 PM

            Evolve more?………….
            Key to the conversation,…. is,… Man can not be a GOD……..
            The people in charge are trying to be LIKE GOD… via SATANIC Inspiration….
            AI (eye)……. is wanting to plant your brain with a machine, of which they(little gods
            can control, and you wind up being a Slave…… which is exactly, where they were
            5000 yrs ago… Since the beginning….

            Feb 25, 2024 25:33 PM

            I have read about giants. Related to “ruling families” is a new one on me.
            Maybe, I wouldnt know but I have seen no conection from anything Ive seen.

            Musk and the brain implants?
            Maybe we become the “borg”.

            From my understanding when species develop their technology and spirituality(for lack of a better term) at the same pace everything is hunky dorey.
            When one gets too far ahead of the other trouble happens.

            That could be where we are today, our technology is beyond our understanding of their consequences.

            Feb 25, 2024 25:31 PM

            b………. I will give you a link to Dean Henderson… on the

            Nephilim Markets Fear Revolution
            Left Hook Archives 2019 8-17
            FEB 25

            Excerpted from my book, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse, Chapter 33: Nephilim Markets Fear Revolution
            Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse Paperback – July 16, 2019
            by Dean Henderson (Author)
            4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 318 ratings
            See all formats and editions
            Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalyse is an indictment of the computer revolution as simply the latest mechanism through which the royal bloodline families seek to control humanity. The roll out of their well-tested battlefield weapons system known as 5G represents the pinnacle in their use of electro-magnetic frequencies to literally remote control what these feudalists have for 8,000 years seen as their human herd. Since their intervention in Sumeria, these hybrid fallen angel Nephilim have usurped, steered and plundered all of Creation as self-appointed god/kings. The coming 5G apocalypse represents an opportunity for a great unveiling – the Greek meaning of “apocalypse” – of not only their nefarious 5G deception, but of the fraudulent Nephilim Crown itself. This book is written with the hope that it contributes to this great unveiling so that humanity will seize this moment not just to stop the 5G fourth industrial revolution of the Fourth Reich, but to emancipate itself from its Crown overlords.

    Feb 25, 2024 25:58 AM
      Feb 25, 2024 25:12 AM

      Nenner thinks the DOW is also topping, and he is telling clients to lighten up on the risk. Nenner sees a second Great Depression playing out again in 2026 or 2027.

    Feb 25, 2024 25:07 AM

    Nenner will be a nonner. The monthly and weekly chart says gold is going south. And for quite some time. Don’t believe these gold pumpers stuff.

    Sorry for the bad news, but the chart don’t lie.
    ( if I’m interpreting it correctly )

      Feb 25, 2024 25:14 AM

      Not sure he is pumping gold…….. (but, I am in the middle of the tape)

        Feb 25, 2024 25:23 AM

        Ok……. “getting close to a bottom”.coming , coming not yet”.. 13 min mark…nenner…

          Feb 25, 2024 25:38 AM

          It is all in the cycles……….. Up and down…….. you can make money, knowing the cycles…Nenner.
          I agree with one thing…. gold and silver , can be played up and down…
          Just holding, .. for one big pop,… is kind of stupid (nenner) &…IMO, but to each his own., Nobody
          knows everything…. and that is for SURE… 🙂
          I said several years ago… until silver breaks $32, waste of time… dead money…
          per the chart…….. JMO
          Everyone has a different way of playing this game,… just get comfortable with your
          plan, and do your own DD. and do not rely on NO MAN… 🙂

            Feb 25, 2024 25:35 AM

            Nenner……… two years ago…. said that year gold to $2500… did not happen…. 🙂
            Just like at KWN….. jokers.j M. Oliver .. $2500… three years ago…. 🙂

    Feb 25, 2024 25:10 AM

    In honor of the full moon tonight.
    Look at this close up.
    Pretty nice!

    Feb 25, 2024 25:14 AM

    And in honor of correct charting or mapping.
    Check out the mirror of the moon/earth, real map.

    And you wonder why we can’t explore the arctic circle…?
    (all that land they are hiding..)

      Feb 25, 2024 25:32 AM

      The arctic circle cant be explored?

      I think John Ross, William Edward Parry, James Clark Ross, John Franklin, George Back, Peter Warren Dease, Thomas Simpson, and John Rae would disagree wit you Chartster.

      Those guys are just the first half of the 19th century.

        Feb 25, 2024 25:31 AM

        Of course people like admiral Byrd explored the arctic circle. But no one without government permission after the treaty in the 40s.

        Why do you think they will only let you go to certain areas? Why?

          Feb 25, 2024 25:37 AM

          Tucker is being presented of its flatness. And when the time is right, he will amplify it. 😉

          Feb 25, 2024 25:56 AM

          MOSAiC Arctic expedition
          On 19 August 2020, the world’s largest and longest polar research expedition – known as MOSAiC – reached the North Pole after making an unplanned detour owing to lighter-than-usual sea ice conditions.

          Boerge Ousland (Norway) becomes first person to cross Antarctica unsupported. Taking 64 days from Berkner Island to Scott base towing a 180kg (400lb) sled and using skis and a sail.

          Maybe the treaty was exactly what it is ment to be.
          Its possible.

          to demilitarize Antarctica, to establish it as a zone free of nuclear tests and the disposal of radioactive waste, and to ensure that it is used for peaceful purposes only; to promote international scientific cooperation in Antarctica; to set aside disputes over territorial sovereignty.

            Feb 25, 2024 25:34 AM

            You can’t get a private party to explore the ice wall. They won’t let you do that. Okay…?
            Stop splitting stupid hairs for the sake of an argument.

            And….there is a reason why they won’t let you explore…
            Um, maybe like new resources?
            New land? A whole lot more land than we are aware.
            The space lie is all about control.

            Feb 25, 2024 25:49 AM

            Chartster, I guess you havnt noticed.

            I am not splitting hairs for the sake of argument, I am pointing out where you are missinformed.

            You said nobody in the artic since……I have to look……the 40s, sorry, not right, 1997 .
            And I dont even have to research, the anwsers are right there without delving into it.

            Im afraid your going to need a stronger more logical confirmable story for me to think the earth is flat and an ice wall keep the water from falling into space.

            I doubt there are aliens or angels living in the antartica as well, but hey, Ive never met one so what would I know?

            Feb 25, 2024 25:15 PM

            None of that matters.
            The fact remains, you can’t explore the ice wall.

            The reasons why you can’t explore is where the fire is.
            More land, resources and control.

            Just think about commodity prices.
            Gold prices. Land prices.
            Right now they have caused limited resources and shortages.
            And all with a fiat currency.

            They keep you spinning on the ball.

            Feb 25, 2024 25:38 PM

            Chartster……………… You need to Explain…. WHO THEY ARE….or who you think they are….

            Feb 25, 2024 25:39 PM


            There is no “icewall”
            Antarctica is not an ice wall that surrounds a flat Earth.


            “they” is the aliens 😉

            Feb 25, 2024 25:08 PM

            They is the money changers.
            Extra terrestrials = extra terrain.
            You know, the other lands..?
            I don’t believe in aliens from other planets that don’t exist.

            My Great Grandmother told me when I was young.
            “ Don’t believe a word they say about space and the moon landing. “
            My brainwashed family thought she was nuts, but she knew the deal. And I knew she knew the deal back then too.

            Feb 25, 2024 25:35 PM

            b……. Chartster, needs to answer the WHO….. which he did..”money changers”
            do not confuse the aliens…. they are not the green little men…

            Now , the group of money changers are the same families, which have
            been screwing everyone for centuries…..
            the blood line is explained by DEAN HENDERSON, if, you would read the info
            provided… and it will help in explaining and tying things together
            SCRIPT /Bible wise….

            Feb 25, 2024 25:55 PM

            Ok the aliens are the moneychangers.

            Im aware of the story. And the families involved. I dont know how giants fit in.

            Maybe from Patagon? The Patagones or Patagonian giants were a race of giant humans rumoured to be living in Patagonia and described in early European accounts.

            Didnt you say aliens are angels?

            And why say aliens when you mean money changers?

            No big deal.

            Oh, I didnt get the story from a bible wise script.
            The only thing I recall from the bible is Jesus throwing out the money changers.
            Things might be different if people had listened to him.

            Feb 25, 2024 25:51 PM

            b………… No the” money changers” …..are just PART of the “AI group” of so called aliens (which is what you want to call them) ….. One must be careful in using “aliens” for most think of little green men…
            I pointed out above, the book by Dean Henderson… which also, Steve Quayle hints about….
            The blood line of the families,.. comes as a result of giants , mixing with the daughters of man.
            as Henderson explains. and is explained in the book of Enoch….and again referred to in KJV.
            Really the little green men , are just a distraction …. to keep most in the dark…

            FALLEN ANGEL… Lucifer ….
            Many Christians believe the Devil was once a beautiful angel named Lucifer who defied God and fell from grace. This assumption that he is a fallen angel is often based the book of Isaiah in the Bible, which says, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
            Lucifer……… wanted to be above GOD……

            Feb 25, 2024 25:39 PM

            Jerry, aliens is not what I wanted to call them.
            You said aliens were angels, then chartster said extra terestrials were money changers.
            I think is how it went.
            You threw giants into it along the way.

            Ive heard the story, angels bread with humans, Nephalem.
            Nephalem were giants? Maybe.
            Check the Sumerian records to see if the Nephalim are connected to the Anunaki.

            Following that story line would indicate that people/something from somewhere else had influence on humans.

            Part of the story is dna was messed with so humans could mine gold for the “visitors”.
            Dont think thats in Enoch tho, maybe, more likely the Sumarian tablets.

            In any case maybe some day the story will be figured out conclusivly.

            You mention Lucifer and God fight with one another, as I said erlier, the stories may not be exact but they rhyme.
            The Sumerian records speak alot about the gods fighting.

            Think maybe they were just another race more advanced technecly than ourselves?
            or is it all made up to tell children at bedtime?
            Somebody will figure it all out eventually.

            Feb 25, 2024 25:46 PM

            b………… quote from Steve Quayle
            “the Aliens are the created beings of Fallen Angels.”

            OOTB Jerry
            19 hours ago
            AI……(not owl)………………. (quoted from steve quayle)

            We now have a front row seat to the modern corruption of all flesh, just as in Genesis 6. This evil effort is coupled with an Alien Disclosure which will declare that they, the Aliens, are our creators. However, these efforts are a lie from the pit of Hell itself because, as you will find, the Aliens are the created beings of Fallen Angels.

            Feb 25, 2024 25:57 PM

            The Hebrew word Nephilim is sometimes translated as “giants”, and sometimes as its literal meaning “the fallen ones”. Their origins are disputed. Some, including the author of the Book of Enoch, view them as offspring of fallen angels and humans. Others view them as offspring of the descendants of Seth and Cain.

            What are the offspring of angels and humans?
            In a number of texts these relations resulted in viable offspring: angel-human hybrids that came to be known as the Nephilim, Giborim, or giants.

    Feb 25, 2024 25:31 AM

    What’s it good for?

    Feb 25, 2024 25:59 AM

    I finally got over this killer cold/flu respiratory bug…Today is week four and a half… was so powerful I thought it would consume me…I let it get established for a week or two before getting aggressive regarding home treatment……Please do NOT Delay if you get a severe respiratory infection!

    I learned the following…..Get Chlorine Dioxide in advance…Do not wait for shipping lags…Without mixing, it is shelf stable for years….You cannot get a doctor to RX Budesimide asthma inhalers(little bitches) (recommended as key to covid recovery by alternative MD’s)…..So at Amazon you can purchase same stuff in nasal deliver configuration…and just squirt into your respiratory bronchial ways…

    same supps as per covid and ivermectin cannot hurt but was not a powerful reversing agent in my situation…

    My congested aching lungs with gagging cough was finally slowly day by day reversed by using a small battery powered nebublizer with 500 ppm silver colloidal being delivered…That was the key in this instance…All from amazon….

    I did not have the energy to drive to my gym for sauna and was coughing too much anyways…

    I forgot about the Linnus Pauling heavy Vit-C ingestion thing

    I also took mucinex every 8 hours…The doctors recommendation, i did visit in the first week of onset, was simple and worthless…If you get sicker we will admit you and ventilate you…The new bizz model for respiratory chit…whores and stooges…they rationalize all of the sudden that antibiotics should be restrained in use for reasons they never cared about for decades…

    Sick stooge MFers

      Feb 25, 2024 25:04 AM

      larry…….. glad you are feeling better…. hang in there…. keep safe…

        Feb 26, 2024 26:39 AM

        Ditto…. Thanks for the update… Good suggestions on using nebulized colloidal silver, chlorine dioxide, and vit-C… Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is another treatment to consider.

    Feb 25, 2024 25:05 AM

    Tucker tonight

    Suppose…..the U.S. is really pumping money into Ukraine, hoping to get the massive energy reserves under Eastern Europe, but are in fact throwing money away, because Ukraine can never win?
    Meanwhile China is getting most of the earth’s resources…..mostly cheaply.
    With a brought-off president doing nothing to compete with the C.C.P.

      Feb 25, 2024 25:12 AM

      We lost the Ukraine war long ago.

      It is all about money laundering and making a few people wealthy.

      That should have been realised right away on this site as Semdly has been mentioned often enough.

      The Russians are clobbering us.
      I just hope our leaders are not stupid enuff to use nukes.
      The Russians have already said they will consider the f-16s nuclear armed.

      I used to think we are led by fools, now I think we are led by evil.
      How on earth can anyone support children having limbs amputated without anisthetic?
      That is just plain evil.

      Our leaders are more than happy to support that, heck,some of them are proud to.

    Feb 25, 2024 25:27 AM

    US…. has the Sickest Kids in the world….. what happened…. 6% to 60%
    ….52:30 min mark….

      Feb 25, 2024 25:51 AM

      this should have been posted under Tommy’s discussion…
      autism … and starting in 1989…

    Feb 25, 2024 25:31 PM

    Watch Neocon Warmonger-in-Chief Lindsey Graham Get Viciously Booed by MAGA Crowd in SC

    Lindsey Graham booed during Trump’s victory speech in South Carolina… his home state 😂

    It proves that our elections are rigged.

    Graham…a neocon and Trump says he is a “good guy”.

    Feb 26, 2024 26:36 AM

    Speaking of money changers and hell.
    Jacob Rothschild died today.

    Feb 26, 2024 26:10 AM
      Feb 26, 2024 26:57 AM

      That funny.
      I guess Putin is the mysterious Q.

    Feb 26, 2024 26:20 AM
    Feb 26, 2024 26:20 AM

    Surging home insurance costs could force families to leave these 10 states

    Feb 26, 2024 26:58 AM

    For Larry… What’s your source on info about chlorine dioxide? Other than hearing of it, l know little… This is one source I found:

      Feb 26, 2024 26:16 AM

      tommy you are on a good path…Remember natural news/health ranger…he covers this topic w guests…He likes the…brand of chlorine dioxcide…You will be confronted w choice between a kit w citric acid activator vs. HCL activator…use HCL activator kit… about 30 dollars…still tired…i am sure i would be in a horsepistal hooked into a ventilation devise if I had not taken no home care action….

      You can not ask your MD for antibiotics or Budesimide inhaler ect… …The new model is take cough syrup and return if not better…i am not making this up…they want us dead…even ancient civilizations would try teas and tinctures to remedy the symptoms…nope….government death care by willing co-operative stooge whores bought and paid for by the cartel they serve….

        Feb 26, 2024 26:37 PM

        ditto on the Healthranger…..

        Feb 27, 2024 27:10 AM

        Thanks much Larry… Good to know how useless the system has become dealing with acute respiratory problems… So it appears that the COVID, do not treat until too late, protocol is still in full effect.

    Feb 26, 2024 26:07 AM

    The ultimate capitalist, Bill Gates, has a habit of putting assets into non-taxable trusts that he controls…….a favorite trick of many politicians. (Hell, they make laws for their benefit.)
    Gates’ behavior, however, has consequences on the rest of us……

      Feb 26, 2024 26:01 AM

      They have always made laws to benefit themselves…….
      Nothing new….
      IRS…. a corporation outside the 48 states…. lol

      Feb 26, 2024 26:38 AM

      Topic?……. Label please….

    Feb 26, 2024 26:37 AM

    Where is Jimmy……….?

    CIA Built “12 Secret Spy Bases” In Ukraine & Waged Shadow War For Last Decade, Bombshell NYT Report Confirms
    view at zerohedge….

      Feb 26, 2024 26:50 AM

      Jerry…i think Jimmy loved the Game…the action the intrigue…being a player in this game…no idea…why else would you act like MIC is fighting for peace prosperity and the american way?…..That aurthor and real life player admitted…’confesions of an economic hit-man’…admitted he liked the action of the game…

        Feb 26, 2024 26:36 PM

        Love of ……….. humm……. 🙂

    Feb 26, 2024 26:19 AM

    My guess is that Jimmy has gone to Ukraine to help set up the false flag event to get NATO involved so that Russia can be taken out without much trouble… Maybe he helped the MIC/neocons take out Navalny – the timing of his death was excellent for western propaganda… just wild speculation on my part – and this comment should be treated as an attempt at humor or sarcasm…

      Feb 26, 2024 26:35 PM

      OK…….. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Feb 26, 2024 26:12 PM

    Lord Jacob Rothschild Dead Aged 87 !

    Feb 26, 2024 26:43 PM

    Jacob Rothschild Dies Aged 87 !

      Feb 26, 2024 26:56 PM

      “There’s An Odd Chill In The Air” – Dallas Fed Respondents Warn Of “Pending Doom”….. YOU BET 🙂

      MONDAY, FEB 26, 2024 – 12:25 PM
      For the 22nd straight month, The Dallas Fed’s Manufacturing Survey headline indicator was negative in February.

      Despite it’s bounce from January lows, the headline remained at -11.3 (while the six-months-ahead forecast also surged to +11.8 – highest since Feb 2022)…

      Uncle Roth getting out while the getting is good… 🙂

    Feb 26, 2024 26:57 PM

    NASA is hiring! Because space needs diversity.

      Feb 26, 2024 26:11 PM

      Tell um, to hire some of those Illegals…. I bet they can all do math…. 🙂

      American school system, has been in the dark ages for 70 yrs….
      Chicago school system… with “zero” passing scores in math…

    Feb 26, 2024 26:23 PM

    I feel sorry for the inner city kids, and kids in general. The school system is about programming and indoctrination. The Rockefeller foundation wants stupid kids to be stupid adults. Whoops, I take that back. They want us all dead now.
    (trying to stop the great awakening)

    Real history and civics must be reintroduced.
    67% of Americans can’t name the 3 branches of government. That’s sad..

    Feb 26, 2024 26:54 PM

    More moves towards ww3

    SnowStorm | WonderWeapon Destroyed | Russia Capture Two Villages | NATO Sends Forces To Ukraine

    The Gaza genocide seems to have agitated some young people.
    About time its been going on since 1948.

    But Ukraine?, these globalists might have us all dead.

    Feb 26, 2024 26:43 PM

    There was a heated discussion about sending soldiers to Ukraine, and there was no absolute mutual understanding on this issue. There are different opinions. But I want to emphasize that there are absolutely no such decisions,” Duda told reporters after the end of a conference on supporting Ukraine, held in Paris.—polish-president-1117001653.html

    Feb 26, 2024 26:00 PM

    Here is some evidence of the ice wall.
    The wall that contains the water.
    The wall that make sea level the same, everywhere in the contained circle of ice.
    The Arctic “ circle “.

      Feb 26, 2024 26:22 PM

      Neat film Chartster.
      I think what its looking at is the Ross shelf.

      The ice mass is about 800 km (500 mi) wide and 970 km (600 mi) long. In some places, namely its southern areas, the ice shelf can be almost 750 m (2,450 ft) thick. The Ross Ice Shelf pushes out into the sea at between 1.5 and 3 m (5 and 10 ft) a day.

      Fact Check: Earth is not flat or surrounded by an ice wall
      By Reuters Fact Check
      September 29, 20238:44 AM MDTUpdated 5 months ago

      Feb 27, 2024 27:27 AM

      I responded to your ice wall video. It got deleted.

      I think what your looking at is the Ross shelf.

      It reaches into Antarctica from the north, and covers an area of about 520,000 km2 (200,000 sq mi), nearly the size of France. The ice mass is about 800 km (500 mi) wide and 970 km (600 mi) long. In some places, namely its southern areas, the ice shelf can be almost 750 m (2,450 ft) thick.

      Fact Check: Earth is not flat or surrounded by an ice wall

      Reuters › fact-check › earth-is-not-flat-o…
      Sep 29, 2023 — Antarctica is not an ice wall that surrounds a flat Earth but one of seven continents on the spherical planet, as seen in satellite images.

      Why can’t we explore Antarctica?
      Crucially, the Protocol prohibits commercial mining and protects vulnerable areas, animals and plants. The Antarctic Treaty does not prevent tourists, military personnel or scientific researchers from being present in Antarctica, but they do require an appropriate permit from a Treaty Party.

        Feb 27, 2024 27:51 AM

        I can show you the ice wall but your indoctrination overrides your ability to reason.
        Do your own experiment. Pour a glass of water, and-watch-the-water-become-level…
        There ya go! Ya did it! Congrats!

          Feb 27, 2024 27:03 AM


          I got a bit of a laugh, MY indoctrination.

          Water finds its own level, thats true. When you want something your installing on a wall, and your installing someting else you want level with that around a corner, you can use a water level.

          In any case, flat earth is not the craziest thing people believe, talking snakes,flying hoases, 350 ft wooden boats that carry millions of species are some of the most memorable for me. (among others of course)

          Not that it matters, but you mention my ability to reason, maybe you want to think about reasoning?
          Just a thought.
          Its all good, I enjoy the conversation, this place needs entertainment.

          I agree with you concerning Assange, others here may not.
          When I mentioned here to sign the petition to free Assange nobody would sign it.

          I was the only one, for all the good it did.

            Feb 27, 2024 27:33 PM

            I talk about flat earth to make people think. It’s not about convincing anyone. Just making you think about it is all good.
            The moon landing lie.
            The space station lie.
            The other planets lie.
            The spinning ball lie.
            Got to wonder what it is that they are hiding.

            And the indoctrination goes deep.
            Knowing there is 8 inch drop per mile and looking out a window of a plane at 40,000 feet and seeing a flat earth, yet still believing it’s round is serious indoctrination.
            Thinking water sticks to a round ball is also serious indoctrination.
            It’s called sea “level” for a reason. It’s level.
            It’s not sea rounding. 😏

            Feb 27, 2024 27:26 PM

            You definately have a unique way of viewing reality Chartster.
            It is interesting thats for sure.

    Feb 26, 2024 26:50 PM
    Feb 27, 2024 27:29 AM
    Feb 27, 2024 27:34 AM

    Lying SCUM…….. Biden administration..

    Feb 27, 2024 27:43 AM

    Must listen……..
    We are led by MORONS…………SELF-SERVING MORONS.

    Feb 27, 2024 27:50 AM

    A LEADER ?
    Out of touch?
    Out of mind?


    Feb 27, 2024 27:57 AM

    Meanwhile in the U.S. as in China…..
    Just much later.

    Feb 27, 2024 27:07 AM

    How the world sees U.S……….

    Feb 27, 2024 27:12 AM

    Meanwhile in Ukraine…..

    What an inefficient way to enrich Biden thru bribes.

      Feb 28, 2024 28:14 AM

      Good info on how Russia is winning… We really need Jim M to comment on how this info is wrong… 🙃

    Feb 27, 2024 27:25 AM

    without which we are or can be misled.
    Alas, as a psychologist, she does not understand the potential lethality of property taxation.

    Feb 27, 2024 27:17 PM

    Trump got covid wrong and should admit it.

      Feb 27, 2024 27:05 PM

      DITTO…………… AGREE 100%….

        Feb 27, 2024 27:14 PM

        pHarma has almost all politicians bought… RFK Jr. seems to be the only Presidential candidate not in pHarma’s pocket.

    Feb 27, 2024 27:16 PM

    It is amazing…Everyone already knows 5G is ulra high frequency cellular disrupting microwave…It keeps getting rolled out unopposed by our gooverment protectorates…..Just NOW, after decades of proof ,some agency is suing the feds about fluoridation mandates…lmao

    always the same…our protectors are 10 years late and a dollar short

      Feb 27, 2024 27:20 PM

      We have no protectors……… they are all on the take….

      I posted some good stuff……. on A I….
      some of it sounds like a wacko job… but, far from it… JMO

        Feb 27, 2024 27:39 PM

        Why, exactly, is Trump on “the take”?

          Feb 28, 2024 28:26 AM

          Is that like a DUH question…. ?
          Trumpster, is NOT really a politician… 🙂

          Name me one politician.. not on “the take”……… thanks….

            Feb 28, 2024 28:02 AM

            Tough question Jerry… For discussion purposes, I might consider RFK Jr. to be not on the take.

            Feb 28, 2024 28:57 AM

            Since, I do not really think RFKjr… is a politician in the strictest terms….
            Not saying he is not political, … which runs in the family..
            I would not say , or classify him as “on the Take”
            I do think he would CLEAN HOUSE…. if, given a chance,… by his conversation, on just
            how he would do it, as explained on HOWIE’s Show…..

    Feb 27, 2024 27:23 PM

    I just listened to 2 anylists, 1 russian and 1 american.
    Speaking of Biden they agreed that he should be investigated to discover if he is Russian spy.

    I guess some of his decisions have made Russia stronger.

    Feb 27, 2024 27:04 PM

    I listened to the charlie kirk christian show.
    They love Israel,support Israel, absolutely sick!

    I do hope Turkey moves in.

    Feb 28, 2024 28:14 AM

    A lot of European royals and oligarchs are biting the dust. Now the pope is in the hospital.
    The NWO is on the ropes. Big changes happening right now. These historic times will be talked about for generations.

      Feb 28, 2024 28:40 AM

      Yes,…. Big changes are going to happen….
      Lucifer knows his time is short….. And how many generations does it take to
      AWAKEN… and come to the knowledge of truth….
      King James Bible
      2 Timothy 3-7
      Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

    Feb 28, 2024 28:34 AM

    People questioning if Trump is on the take after all him and his family have been through with the deep state trying to take him out, should be ashamed of your selves.
    ZERO concept of what’s going on. (ignorant)

      Feb 28, 2024 28:47 AM

      Trump is probably not on the take, but his pride prevents him from being honest… He needs to admit that the COVID-19 jab turned out to be ineffective and unsafe… A person who can never admit to a mistake – we all make mistakes – cannot be trusted.

        Feb 28, 2024 28:59 AM

        I have to agree with TOMMY…. on
        “coming clean on the jab”

        And I would agree with Chartster, on…
        Trumpster has gone through a lot, …from the deep state.

      Feb 28, 2024 28:50 AM

      Qualifying my statement made above…..just in case there is some question.

      I said Trumpster … IS “NOT A POLITICIAN”…..
      Therefore, the question of Trumpster, as on ….”the take” … does not apply to my original statement concerning politicians , which make a lively hood and constantly in office.. which I was referring.

    Feb 28, 2024 28:10 AM

    I do agree about coming clean about the jab.
    But we don’t know what was in the first round.
    No one I know got sick from the first round. And never took the second third 4,5,6th and so on.

    There was metric tons of saline shipped here.
    And lots of chloroquine. Also, Trump was “the only” one giving an alternative and suggesting ivermectin, HCQ, and Chlorine dioxide.

    We will see after it all comes to light. One thing I know for sure. Trump don’t lie to his people.
    Everything he said has come true.

      Feb 28, 2024 28:29 AM

      Lock HER UP………… 🙂

        Feb 28, 2024 28:52 AM

        Trump does try, better than most, to be honest… but he has made false statements – we all do – by mistake or intentional… ? Perhaps he meant LOCK HER UP and changed his mind… But…

          Feb 28, 2024 28:09 AM

          If, he meant it was for SHOW,….. then he was a CON…..
          I thought at the time, Hilly should have been locked up and so did about 50 million other voters,,… for deleting the 33,000 emails, at least an investigation , but, we know the story… DOJ(lol)
          The emails,,,which just happens to coincide with the , trafficing in Haiti, yellow cake uraninum trading which was
          sold to the Russians, .. the blackberries ,which the insiders, like Nancy and Shifty were using to profit from kick backs from Ukraine. and 7 wars in 7 years……

          So, if he didn’t think he was going to “LOCK HER UP”…. should have kept his big mouth closed, …
          basically, he lied…to the sheeple…
          Hard to believe someone who keep tell SHOW TIME JOKES…

            Feb 28, 2024 28:45 AM

            sorry…”.keeps telling”…

            I will also add…..
            We know the sheeple needed to see the corruption first hand,,,,(according to THE PLAN)
            hard to believe the sheeple are so slow… but,..we had a lot of guest speakers
            here… which were just as slow… 🙂

            Feb 28, 2024 28:01 PM

            Agree Jerry… Just by setting up the private email server, Hilly committed a crime, IMO… A personal email account with any non-gov service provider, could have been used to keep truly personal communications out of FOIA reach… so beyond any doubt, IMO, the case against Hilly and Co. is a slam dunk… i thought at the time that Trump may have taken the pressure off, so in return, they might take pressure off him and let him do his job without interference, but that failed completely… Mueller investigation, impeachment, etc.

            Feb 28, 2024 28:54 PM

            Tommy….. thanks for the input and reply…..

          Mar 01, 2024 01:16 PM

          I know you agree Tommy, you guys worship the same god, just as Bahi,Druze,christian,muslams and jews do.
          Billions of people worship that god.

          Call me a contrarian. 😉

          I see no proof for the belief, what I do know, is when a person is told something under 7 years old it sticks with them all their life, hard to over come that, then when people hear the same thing over and over again often enuff they believe pretty much anything.

          Both of those things are simply human, how the mind works.

          Billions have been told from their birth of the existance of this god by their family and societies for thousands of years.

          Obviously, your are going to believe it.

          God givin rights??
          Brits have 13,germans have 29,belgians have 25,swedes 6 originaly the americans had 10 but they messed up so had to amend?17? times and did slavery slip their minds? or was slavery ok?
          sure was in their bible.

          They dont sound too god givin to me or they would all be the same, sorry, they are man made.
          Not god givin.

          Besides moses had no witnesses coming down that mountain either, hmmm another big deal with no proof or evidence to support the claim.

          What we did have is a bunch of uneducated people that believed anything they were told.
          Remember, at the time it was gods that made the wind blow,lighting,thunder and everything else they had no idea about.

          Course, Even if the comandments were from a god, anyone listen? sure not the jews with all their genocides including today. Doesnt look like they took their from god rules to seriously.
          Or, maybe they know something?

          Until I see evidence or proof that is verifiable I remain unconvinced.
          But as I explained I do understand it.

    Feb 28, 2024 28:33 AM

    the mad meders want to eliminate the evidence…it is so much cleaner…ya know?

    Feb 28, 2024 28:39 AM

    I can’t wait for them to flip the switch on the EBS.
    Wakie Wakie….
    But the puppet show stays on because of those fools..
    I do understand why it’s taking so long to play this movie out. De-brainwashing the severely brainwashed takes time..🌜🌎🌞😁

      Feb 28, 2024 28:17 AM

      There is NO WAY…….. you are going to wake the entire SLEEPY FLOCK UP…….
      Just look at the stupid , ding dongs on the Fani case…. lol… RETARDS
      Ever go to the grocery and see ding dongs still wearing masks… lol

        Feb 28, 2024 28:24 AM

        That’s why I look forward to the EBS switch to get flipped. The education for the brainwashed goes live. That’s the only way to reach 90% of people.

        Got to realize, 99% of the people still think it’s Joe Biden. They have zero clue of the funeral and zero clue of the mask.

          Feb 28, 2024 28:30 AM

          Ok………. EBS……. let’s see if, that happens…..

          They better do it , before Russia NUKES us….. (or the mic fakes an attack)

    Feb 28, 2024 28:47 AM

    Winter heat waves are now a thing. Here’s how to make sense of them

    On Trump’s “Chinese hoax”

    Feb 28, 2024 28:32 PM

    Throughout history there are people that made a huge difference is society. And the history books and historic teaching skip over certain people.

    Just after the civil war finished and after the burning of Atlanta, there was the ambassador to Russia under Lincoln that brokered the deal for Russia to bring its fleet over to the United States which stopped Britain, Spain, France and Germany from invading the United States.

    Yes, Russia was, and is our natural ally.

    The man was Cassius Clay.

      Feb 28, 2024 28:43 PM

      And that is a great point… concerning Russia…

    Feb 28, 2024 28:36 PM

    A brief teaching (with colorful language) of the man, Cassius Clay.
    Start at 4:22 mark. Short lesson.

      Feb 28, 2024 28:35 PM

      That is a great story…. concerning Clay and Russia…. One tough son of a gun… thanks

    Feb 29, 2024 29:25 AM

    Crown Castle & The 5G Beast
    The Rothschild City of London depopulation-obsessed Nazi inbreds have run into some headwinds this past year with regard to their active denial 5G full spectrum dominance all-seeing eye scheme.

    Having played their Trump card via the Crown’s MI6-controlled Cambridge Analytica’s manipulation of the 2016 election, it was assumed that their Masonic project to turn us into batteries was a done deal
    OCTOBER 12, 2023
    Read full story
    But the Luciferians’ main weakness is that they underestimate the human spirit. Last fall the Mill Valley, California City Council voted unanimously to ban 5G from their city of 14,000 in Marin County north of San Francisco. A week later, a major columnist for PC Today came out against the rollout of 5G. Brussels & Switzerland have banned it.

    Meanwhile, the 2018 Farm Bill sailed through both House & Senate with bi-partisan support. Hidden in the bill was a provision which would allow 5G cell towers every 250 feet in all rural areas of the US. This federal law with override any attempt by local cities, counties or states to ban 5G.

    The telecommunications industry is now the biggest lobbying group in Washington. The passage of the 1996 Telecommunications Act gave the industry immunity from liability related to EMF radiation affects on our health and wide berth when it comes to building out 5G infrastructure. Already 5G is happening in Los Angeles, Denver, Colorado Springs and Austin.

    And who is building these 5G small cell towers for Verizon, AT&T and Sprint, who are by no coincidence the most indebted corporations in the US? The leader of the pack is located on Fleet Street in the City of London and goes by the name Crown Castle. Chess anyone?

    Crown Castle is the largest provider of wireless infrastructure in the US. It has constructed more than 40,000 cell towers and laid more than 60,000 miles of fiber supporting small cells. It owns, operates and leases towers and small cell solutions (SCS) in 92 of the top 100 US markets and every market in Australia. See:

    “Small cells” are small, inconspicuous wireless nodes most commonly installed on streetlights and utility poles that immediately improve 4G service by relieving strain on existing infrastructure, and will serve as the backbone for 5G networks by significantly expanding coverage and capacity.

    Operating at much higher frequencies of between 50-90 GHZ, 5G is 20 times faster than 4G, but also much deadlier.

    For more on this, see my article DARPA Programmers & The Sacred Science Of Rhetoric, Left Hook Archives 2019 7-8.

    Crown Castle International started as a British corporation and built 85% of the cell towers in the UK. At one point it acquired the broadcast and tower assets of the BBC. In 2005 Crown Castle UK was renamed National Grid Wireless. It has since changed its name to Arqiva.

    It’s US operations were launched in 1992 with help from Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Partners. It’s US headquarters is in Houston. In 2014 it converted into a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT). Crown Castle owns Pinnacle, Global Signal, Modeo, Mobile Media and NextG Networks.

    Their funding comes primarily from Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, Barclays, Credit Agricole, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Mitsubishi, Morgan Stanley and Bank of New York Mellon. These are the banks of the Eight Families City of London Federal Reserve cartel.

    Crown Castle is a Crown Corporation. It’s mission is to build out the network of 5G death/surveillance towers to complete the Illuminati’s AI smart grid which is designed to kill most of us and enslave the rest. Crown Corporation General Electric is building the smart meters and fluorescent/LED lighting for this grid.

    America is under attack from the Crown. Same one we fought in 1776. Wake up!

    Follow the example of Mill Valley, CA and resist 5G penetration into your community. The human spirit can overcome the deviance of the Luciferians, but we don’t have much time. Get busy exposing these inbreds and disobeying their directives.

    Feb 29, 2024 29:36 AM

    Surprised no one has commented on Alexander Smirnov

      Feb 29, 2024 29:12 AM

      You must have missed my report from GEORGE WEBB… I think I posted it last week…
      What ever the first day of trial was…

        Feb 29, 2024 29:26 AM

        George Webb gave a good breakdown… I will see if, I can find the tape…

            Feb 29, 2024 29:47 AM

            Thanks Jerry… I will get to the vid later today.

            Mar 01, 2024 01:56 AM

            Thanks Jerry… Webb has an overwhelming amount of information… very valuable, but time consuming to absorb… Need a concise summary of all the players he is following.

          Mar 01, 2024 01:25 PM

          Tommy…………. I have been following him for since about…2017 ….
          He is very knowledgeable…. took me a lot of hours to figure out
          everything he was talking about….

    Feb 29, 2024 29:57 AM

    The censorship here…
    Almost everytime I make a post and then edit it, it gets put into limbo for sometime. Will it reappear??

      Feb 29, 2024 29:10 AM

      Yes, you have to be careful….. I posted some things the other day responding to your conversation,

      and they never reappeared…….

    Feb 29, 2024 29:45 AM

    Sheeple should make sure they are up to date on their vaccinations… 🤢 🤮 Because the previous COVID jabs are ineffective, another one is recommended… Seriously, such a recommendation insults the intelligence of everyone… Disclaimer: I am not qualified to give any advice. Be sure to check with your trusted public health authorities and your doctor who is licensed to do harm.

      Feb 29, 2024 29:48 AM

      Oops. Typo… I should say do PHarm, not harm.

      Feb 29, 2024 29:50 AM

      Tommy….. You are qualified because GOD gave you a brain…. 🙂

    Feb 29, 2024 29:03 AM

    West flirting with nuclear war – Putin

    The Russian president said the escalatory rhetoric of US and EU officials betrays their lack of understanding of what is at stake
    West flirting with nuclear war – Putin
    Russian President Vladimir Putin during his annual address to the Federal Assembly at Gostiny Dvor in Moscow, Russia. © Sputnik/Dmitry Astakhov
    Western officials indulging in escalatory rhetoric should realize that they are effectively invoking the specter of an all-out nuclear war, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned in a speech to legislators in Moscow on Thursday.

    Nenner is sayin he expects 2 billion dead @ usa watchdog

    Is it possible covid is showing whats under the carpet so people dont look at whats up the sleeve? (i forget the exact saying)

    But honustly, covid vaccines are meaningless in comparison.

    Seems people simply do not understand the meaning of the Ukraine conflict.
    People sure dont seem to talk about it where I live.

    Feb 29, 2024 29:55 PM

    From Anna………………

    Thursday, February 29, 2024

    For Governor Greg Abbott
    By Anna Von Reitz

    Like most Americans, you are probably wondering why an appeal to “States’ rights” isn’t working for you right now.

    It’s because the “State” you run is actually a “State-of-State” business franchise that is subject to the will of a foreign District of Columbia Municipal Corporation parent corporation.

    Just as every Wendy’s Hamburgers franchise has similar signage and menu, every such State-of-State franchise is Federalized and enfranchised and obligated to follow the rules the parent corporation sets down.

    That is how Texas and other States of the Union have been controlled by these foreign jackdaws.

    The other thing that you control, Governor Abbott, is the State Trust that was set up after the Civil War. That contains the public lands and infrastructure and other primary assets that belong to Texas, which you are responsible for maintaining.

    What you don’t actually control is the State itself, which has been “deemed” to be in mothballs, “in interregnum” and “absent” for many years. It’s the actual State that has State’s rights.

    Unfortunately, you can’t invoke State’s rights while acting as the Governor (CEO) of a State-of-State franchise.

    The people who can invoke State’s rights in the matter are the members of The Texas Assembly, who have the proper provenance and standing to not only invoke State’s rights, but also the ability to enforce The Constitution of the United States on Joe Biden and his lawless crew.

    The people of the Texas Assembly bring a Public Interest suit against Joe Biden and the White House Office, Inc., in the District of Columbia Supreme Court for failure to perform, dereliction of duty, and default of contract.

    That’s how you get Joe by both ears.

    And that is how you do more than claim “State’s rights” — that’s how you exercise them.

    The Texas State Citizens are the proper Parties who are enabled to enforce the United States Constitution which requires Joe to close the border.

    Or else be brought in as a criminal.

    Feb 29, 2024 29:36 PM

    I understand alot of people believe slavery was the issue with the war between the states.
    I view it entirely about states rights.
    The south lost, and the states lost their rights.

      Mar 01, 2024 01:49 AM

      South front,
      The situation today is much worse.
      Under the about-to-be Biden Dictatorship we, THE PEOPLE, are losing Constitutional Rights…….
      E.g. freedom of speech.
      We will have the “right” to pay taxes, as tax slaves, but no “right” to criticize “government”.
      (They just arrested a Blaze organization reporter.)
      The Corrupt News Network (CNN) cheers.

        Mar 01, 2024 01:59 AM

        People see things the way they will.
        Speaking of rights,
        we dont have any,
        god givin?
        baloney, as george carlin said years ago, the only right you have is “right this way”.
        Anyone that think otherwise for ANY reason, is deluding themelves.

        When those powerful enough want something, to bad for you.

        Cop giving you a ticket? know your rights and cop backs off? doesnt count, thats meaningless.
        Free speech matters and its amazing some people still can speak freely on the net, like pcr,Dore,Napolitano,Ritter, etc

        I think they will be shut down in time.
        or maybe they simply dont reach enough people that they matter.

          Mar 01, 2024 01:07 AM

          hey b………… do yourself a favor and listen to the MiKi video……
          ….. and Yes… You have GOD GIVEN RIGHTS….

            Mar 01, 2024 01:23 AM

            We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

            Carlin was ignorant of HIS RIGHTS…..

            Mar 01, 2024 01:23 AM

            I understand you believe that (god givin rights) among other things.
            I explained before, I see that and so many other things as “claims” not evidence or proof.

            Mar 01, 2024 01:35 AM

            I think… that might come from the Spirit… of Truth….
            which Man accepts…… willingly, and is given freely….

            Mar 01, 2024 01:38 AM


            We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that was 1776, you think black people had/believed they had god givin rights?
            Or aboriginals? or anyone that wasnt a white? males more rights than females of course.
            What good was the belief? a delusion my friend.

            When someone more powerul than yourself comes along,you have no rights.
            god givin or otherwise.
            imo that is a delusion.

            As I said, until I find evidence and or proof its all just claims to me.

            Dif thinking makes life interesting tho.

            Mar 01, 2024 01:51 AM

            Sheeple surrendered their thinking and freedom…… to ungodly men….
            At this time period, …You have and had the Constitution…
            You were tricked into believing the Crown Corporation Act of 1871, which
            stepped in and enslaved you with the FAKE CORPORATION IN DC….
            From lack of knowledge, … my people parrish
            Hosea 4:6
            King James Version
            6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

            Mar 01, 2024 01:19 PM

            …”.you think black people had/believed they had god givin rights?”…..b asked….

            Whites in some of the colonies…. were against slavery… (see below)

            I hear a lot of blacks praising GOD…I do not see any blacks running around in chains…. except gold chains….today.
            Blacks have been free for a long time… of course, they still have the slavemaster of the snap cards,
            and the dems to give them some more bread… and keep them ignorant in the education system
            Blacks are conned by their own kind,… just as whites are conned by their own kind.
            Africa, and the black slave trade, was black on black crime… just like today… most shootings
            are black on black.

            In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, members of the Continental Congress sign the Declaration of Independence.

            In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Society of Friends, also known as the Quakers, forbids its members from holding slaves.

            Delaware prohibits the importation of African slaves.

            Vermont is the first of the thirteen colonies to abolish slavery and enfranchise all adult males.

            New York enfranchises all free propertied men regardless of color or prior servitude.

            Rhode Island forbids the removal of slaves from the state.

            Virginia prohibits the importation of slaves.

            Delaware makes it illegal to enslave imported Africans.

            Pennsylvania begins gradual emancipation.

            A freedom clause in the Massachusetts constitution is interpreted as an abolishment of slavery. Massachusetts enfranchises all men regardless of race.

            Mar 01, 2024 01:39 PM

            None of that means there is such a thing as god givin rights.
            I imagine your aware there were slave states in the north, part of the union.
            Nothing changed for them until the imancipation proclimation.

            Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri—all slave states—remained in the Union, although Kentucky and Missouri also had competing Confederate state governments.

            What “god givin rights” were black rights in these states?

            Delusion, illusian at best.

            All men were not equal, that was simply a government lie, nothing unusual there, as are god givin rights. They dont exist as the government would be more than happy to explain should they want your land for example, or decide its your turn in the military ….try telling them you have rights, god givin or otherwise and see what happens.
            God givin is illusion.
            As I have said many times, claims, until I see proof or at least some evidence.

            I notice you mention blacks praising god.
            That has always amazed me, people are tortured, enslaved all around miss treated and then they drop their own beliefs/god and move to another god.

            The way the human mind works is perplexing sometimes.

            Mar 01, 2024 01:17 PM

            ok, there were some changes prior to the imancipation proclimation.

            Mar 01, 2024 01:49 PM

            I agree mostly with Jerry… humans have GOD given rights… GOD gave you free will… You can choose to relinquish those rights… Someone or some alleged legal entity may attempt to steal those rights, but that is a crime against God, Humanity, and Civilization… If you relinquish these fundamental rights, you relinquish your soul.

            Mar 01, 2024 01:12 PM

            Tommy…… that is a good summary…. thanks for the added stuff…
            I posted a more detailed answer below….

            Mar 01, 2024 01:22 PM

            I know you agree Tommy, you guys worship the same god, just as Bahi,Druze,christian,muslams and jews do.
            Billions of people worship that god.

            Call me a contrarian. 😉

            I see no proof for the belief, what I do know, is when a person is told something under 7 years old it sticks with them all their life, hard to over come that, then when people hear the same thing over and over again often enuff they believe pretty much anything.

            Both of those things are simply human, how the mind works.

            Billions have been told from their birth of the existance of this god by their family and societies for thousands of years.

            Obviously, your are going to believe it.

            God givin rights??
            Brits have 13,germans have 29,belgians have 25,swedes 6 originaly the americans had 10 but they messed up so had to amend?17? times and did slavery slip their minds? or was slavery ok?
            sure was in their bible.

            They dont sound too god givin to me or they would all be the same, sorry, they are man made.
            Not god givin.

            Besides moses had no witnesses coming down that mountain either, hmmm another big deal with no proof or evidence to support the claim.

            What we did have is a bunch of uneducated people that believed anything they were told.
            Remember, at the time it was gods that made the wind blow,lighting,thunder and everything else they had no idea about.

            Course, Even if the comandments were from a god, anyone listen? sure not the jews with all their genocides including today. Doesnt look like they took their from god rules to seriously.
            Or, maybe they know something?

            Until I see evidence or proof that is verifiable I remain unconvinced.
            But as I explained I do understand it.

            This went to the wrong place so posting again, Im responding to Tommy.
            This thread is just too ;long.

            Mar 01, 2024 01:45 PM

            I understand what you’re saying SF… Some do not believe in God, and others have a non-conventional view of creation or the source of our existence… That’s why I added “Humanity and Civilization” as additional foundations for these rights… Many disciplines have postulates and axioms as part of their foundation… Civilization requires inalienable rights for human cooperation and progress… Enumeration of the inalienable rights involves human language and fallibility and can never be precise…

    Mar 01, 2024 01:47 AM

    The interview is absolute 🔥 🔥 fire!!
    The best info I’ve ever seen!
    Miki Klann and her movement/our movement is what takes back your freedom.
    Don’t miss this interview!

      Mar 01, 2024 01:56 AM

      Just started listening…….. and seems she is a ANNA student…. 🙂 (Act of 1871 )

      8 min mark…………….. WAKE UP SHEEPLE…… I have been talking about this for YEARS….

      THREE LAW FORMS……………….. get this down…for the “rights”

        Mar 01, 2024 01:41 AM

        Interesting … comment on JFK…and instructions to the 50 states…..55 min mark…..

          Mar 01, 2024 01:52 AM


        Mar 01, 2024 01:48 PM

        Remember when Trump said at his inauguration in January 2017, with all the military officers standing behind him? He said, “this is not a transfer of power from one party to another, this is us (CIC Trump and the military) giving the power back to you, the people”!

        Well that beautiful woman, Miki Klann just outlined the blueprint of what the people need to do!
        She knows her stuff! And she’s right about all of it!
        Historic time to be alive.

          Mar 01, 2024 01:24 PM

          I would agree, that she knows her stuff………….
          Maybe, the clueless, will catch on to what she is saying…

    Mar 01, 2024 01:01 AM

    gold moved up today (so far)
    I wonder if it stays up.

      Mar 01, 2024 01:57 PM

      Precious metals look pretty bullish to me… what will it take to change Chartster’s view of the charts? My opinion here does not mean gold cannot whipsaw back again before it really starts to move up… but as i posted before, both fundamentals and technicals are golden here, IMO.

        Mar 01, 2024 01:10 PM

        Tommy….. I agree…….. now you know they will try to slap it down… IMO…
        Long term…. Looks good to me….

        Mar 01, 2024 01:18 PM

        That daily chart on gold looks real good. And a close above 2,100 would be big for the weekly chart. I just can’t get past the monthly chart.
        It still looks as if some pain is in the future.

        Bitcoin could be in blowoff top mode too.

          Mar 01, 2024 01:44 PM

          Thanks for reply Chartster…. You’re right that gold needs a weekly close a little bit higher to confirm a breakout… My answer to the Rorschach test on gold’s monthly chart is a cup and handle formation…

    Mar 01, 2024 01:55 PM

    Jerry ……. who is CHARTSTER ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

      Mar 01, 2024 01:07 PM

      Hello Irish…………..
      Chartster,…. is an American Patriot …. MAGA supporter…. Christian … IMO….
      He can correct me, if, I am wrong… or left something out….

        Mar 01, 2024 01:10 PM

        Thanks for the good words.
        You are correct. I’m a patriot.
        I, walk it, like I , talk it.
        School board meetings, elections boards, city council meetings.

          Mar 01, 2024 01:16 PM

          You are welcome….

      Mar 01, 2024 01:31 PM

      Hey Irish,
      When Chartster trades the GBP/USD pair and wins the trade? The Bank of England converts Pounds to Dollars to pay Chartster.
      And Chartster takes from the enemy!😉

      THATS, who Chartster be!

    Mar 01, 2024 01:05 PM

    None of that means there is such a thing as god givin rights.
    ………Answer: 1776… Proclaimed the RIGHTS from the CROWN….there has been GOD GIVEN RIGHTS
    under the Articles… Men decided to Proclaim these God Given Rights, because they BELIEVED IN GOD.
    Those that did not BELIEVE IN GOD,…. they are their own slave to sin.
    I imagine your aware there were slave states in the north, part of the union.
    Nothing changed for them until the imancipation proclimation.
    …….Answer….. Yes I am aware , that is why I just posted the states who did not agree with slavery

    Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri—all slave states—remained in the Union, although Kentucky and Missouri also had competing Confederate state governments.
    ………Answer … at the time of the Civil War…. all the States were a CONFEDERATION OF STATES (anna von reitz)
    What “god givin rights” were black rights in these states?…….
    ………Answer….. .. just like today, there is slavery in the world … the right to believe in GOD, their minds were not taken from them,…. not all slaves had it that bad…

    Delusion, illusian at best.
    ……. Answer…….

    All men were not equal, that was simply a government lie, nothing unusual there, as are god givin rights.
    …….Answer….Equal to believe in GOD…. all men have the same body parts… mind, soul, and spirit.

    They dont exist as the government would be more than happy to explain should they want your land for example, or decide its your turn in the military ….try telling them you have rights, god givin or otherwise and see what happens.
    ………Answer…..That is why,…. Exposing a FALSE GOVT,, … that has been stolen by the DC CORPORATION… after 1871… to Present… by the CROWN..
    Common Law… rather than BAR LAW… explains your rights …. Not what the DC CORPORATION , wants you to believe…
    You might want to listen to Miki tape…

    God givin is illusion.
    As I have said many times, claims, until I see proof or at least some evidence.
    …… Answer…. Evidence is being provided to you yearly….

    I notice you mention blacks praising god.
    That has always amazed me, people are tortured, enslaved all around miss treated and then they drop their own beliefs/god and move to another god.
    ……….Answer……. Sound minds, are not wishy washy….

    The way the human mind works is perplexing sometimes.
    ………Answer……… Freedom of choice… 🙂

      Mar 01, 2024 01:58 PM

      God givin rights??
      Brits have 13,germans have 29,belgians have 25,swedes 6 originaly the americans had 10 but they messed up so had to amend?17? times and did slavery slip their minds? or was slavery ok?

      They dont sound too god givin to me or they would all be the same, sorry, they are man made.
      Not god givin.

        Mar 01, 2024 01:15 PM

        Heb. 11. [6] But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

        Sorry you need proof………. so did Thomas… Maybe someday …..

          Mar 01, 2024 01:25 PM

          Your right Jerry,
          faith is whats required, a belief in something without proof.

          strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

          Jerry, just for fun, which group of rights was givin by god?
          Which group were not?

          If some are and some not then why did god do that? why confuse the issue?
          Why if givin by god would they all not be the same rights?
          Especially when it is supposedly the same god.

          These questions cant be answered, the reason mis that rights are not god givin.
          They are dreamed up by people.

          Might be good ideas, but still from people not gods.

            Mar 01, 2024 01:11 PM

            Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed (>pisteuō). Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed (pisteuō)” (John 20:28¬29).

            Mar 01, 2024 01:15 PM

            “Jerry, just for fun, which group of rights was givin by god?”…..b…you ask….
            ….. Answer….Freedom, equality, and dignity are bestowed on all by virtue of being human, made in the image of God. In Galatians, the Apostle Paul reminds us that these rights are not earned but divinely ordained.

            Mar 01, 2024 01:22 PM

            Jerry, you just showed you can not identify which rights are god givin rights.
            Simply saying they are divinely ordained or quoteing a bible verse says they are not god givin or you would know which ones they were.
            You proved my point Jerry, there are no god givin rights, they are determined by people.

            Bible verses dont change that.

            Not a big deal, rights dont have to be divine to be valid, thats just law. Except our law is kinda corrupt.
            So we have 1 right, Carlin is right, we have the right to right this way.

            Mar 01, 2024 01:40 PM

            Jerry, did your post disapear, my answer did, a part of it posted but not all of it. strange.

            Mar 02, 2024 02:30 AM

            b……… GOD must not like your answer…. 🙂
            My words are written on the hearts of Man…
            2 Corinthians 3:3; Ezekiel 11:19

            I will put my laws into their minds,. andwrite them on their hearts,. and I will be their God,. and they shall be my people.

            Inspired Men through the Spirit wrote the words….

          Mar 02, 2024 02:14 AM

          I get the gist Jerry.
          Those are religous beliefs, fair enuff.
          Just an fyi, I have a pce of paper that says Im reverand, I have 2 nephews that are as well, protestant not catholic.

          Im certain god doesnt like my answers…or questions?

          My question was which set of rights and from where (which nation) are God Givin rights?

          I say rights are not god givin, I mearly ask you (or anyone) to identify which rights are god givin.
          Once a set is identified where do the rest come from? etc.

          Freedom of speech for example, if its god givin why on earth wouldnt the christians stand with Assange?
          Wrong dividing? Kinda basic to understand, god givin rights open up big cans of worms when ya think about it.
          I cant see any god intentionallty confuseing people unless there is a twisted sense of humour.
          Most people dont see god that way.

          In any case, my main question is which group of rights are the god givin rights?
          Please dont tell me its the right of belief or body parts, the rights are written, bill of rights etc, those are the rights we are talking about. Those are the rights claimed to be god givin.
          Which ones are?

          So far, they remain un identified, by anyone here not just yourself, I dont believe they can be identified because they are not god givin.

          Its hard to question beliefs we have held and supported by so many people for so long.
          Hard to shake beliefs we are givin prior to 7 years old.

          This molding of our minds is an excellent argument opposing free will with our beliefs.
          But, we were made that way. 😉

          So, which rights are the god givin rights?

            Mar 02, 2024 02:16 AM

            There is a sense in which the Christian has no “rights” of his own, because he has surrendered his life to Christ. Christ “owns” the believer. “You are not your own; you were bought at a price” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

            Mar 02, 2024 02:53 AM

            This might be your ONLY RIGHT……………
            Choose between good and evil…….
            God has told us through His prophets that we are free to choose between good and evil. We may choose liberty and eternal life by following Jesus Christ. We are also free to choose captivity and death by following Satan.

            Mar 02, 2024 02:56 AM

            OK Jerry,
            you use bible verses to avoid the obvious again, that you can not identify which rights are god givin.

            Nobody can identify them, thats because rights are NOT god givin, they are made by people.

            Ya, I got it years ago, about 30?
            I began looking at issues when I was about 10, normal age for most people.

            I joined the army as a christian, they wouldnt allow me to be christian, I had to have a denomination, years later it got popular to call yourself christian instead of a denomination.

            I always thought it interesting I joined as christian, the tho shall not kill kinda christian.
            Funny, all the heroes that fought in wars to save the nations get to burn in hell for killing.
            Christianity is conflicting on occasion.

            I went to multiple chuches as there were many options where I grew up, Buhdist temple even looked into Voodoo and other thinkings.

            In any case, once i found enuff info and realised enuff I no longer agree with christian thinking.

            The god givin rights example is a good one, christians keep saying god givin but cant identify them and must find ways to justify, explain the claim etc etc

            If there was god givin rights they would not require explanation, they would be obvious, the god would make them plain to see for all.

            Good conversation in any case Jerry. thx.

            Mar 02, 2024 02:05 AM

            Read my statement above…. your last comment….

            This might be your ONLY RIGHT……………
            Choose between good and evil…….
            God has told us through His prophets that we are free to choose between good and evil. We may choose liberty and eternal life by following Jesus Christ. We are also free to choose captivity and death by following Satan.

            Ditto…. on the good conversation….. thanks for all the replies…..

            Mar 02, 2024 02:24 AM

            Lets agree to disagree, I say the only right you have is “right this way”.

            Mar 02, 2024 02:17 PM


    Mar 01, 2024 01:19 PM

    Greatings to the K E faithful
    Just got back from 3 months in AZ.
    Drove through Amarillo Texas but did not see the fires.
    From Texas to Minnesota the terrain looks super dry and prime for fires.

      Mar 02, 2024 02:39 AM

      Hello John… Good to hear from another faithful political blogger… Another weekend show bites the dust… We don’t even have an anchor ⚓ post this weekend… CFS is no longer showing up on time for work… What is the future of KER politics?

        Mar 02, 2024 02:16 AM

        I GUESS WE WILL HAVE TO MAKE OUR OWN……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………THIS WEEK IN REVIEW………….. 🙂 🙂 🙂


        Mar 02, 2024 02:41 PM

        …we will have to dock CFS’s pay…

          Mar 02, 2024 02:15 PM

          CFS may be on strike because of the working conditions… scrolling is very labor intensive… as a valuable contributer, we should petition to get him back… he might need a pay increase too… xidenomics has increased the cost of living at near twice the official xinflation rate.

            Mar 02, 2024 02:44 PM

            …yes…I think he’s conducting a sick out….or post out….

    Mar 02, 2024 02:20 AM

    b…. I find that interesting………. “Just an fyi, I have a pce of paper that says Im reverand, I have 2 nephews that are as well, protestant not catholic.”

      Mar 02, 2024 02:21 AM

      Its just a pce of paper Jerry.

      I had fun with it Vegas, many men have young women on their arms.
      Now, if youve ever played poker you would understand that part of the game is to take your oponents thinking off the game giving you an advantage.

      When I sat with one of these players I would ask the girl if she wanted to marry the man, invarbly they would smile and say yes.
      I would look at the fellow and say “just nod” 😉

        Mar 02, 2024 02:02 PM

        The paper might say…. you put some time into the study of the scriptures….
        I have known a few ministers of Protestant faith…which gave up…
        Problem .., I see, is they were confused as to the GRACE part of the message,
        and were blending OLD TESTAMENT WORKS MENTALITY….. Which they become
        confused and CLUELESS…. as to the preaching of Paul’s message…. but,
        to each his own….

    Mar 02, 2024 02:25 PM

    I dont think confusion made me think otherwise, I simply dont like too much of what it preaches.

    I also dont view it as “give up” I see it as move on.

    imo the religions hold us back.

    Im sure a neccessary step in our progress, but we need to move past them in our understanding.
    There are clues to reality within them but twisted so can be challenging to decipher.
    Better to drop them and move on. View them as we view ancient archeological digs.

    All gods pass, so its just a matter of time, be nice if we get there before we end ourselves tho.

    Doesnt really matter tho, if you know a truth or dont know a truth it doesnt change the truth 1 iota.
    Understanding comes to all, its just a matter of time.

    I bet you can see im a long way from an abrahamic believer. 😉

    On the other hand, religions give people comfort and there is precious little of that around so they do serve a purpose and thats a nice thought too.

      Mar 02, 2024 02:16 PM

      You would like Dean Henderson….
      I think…..
      On Jeff Rense…..

    Mar 02, 2024 02:08 PM

    The criminals in the District of Criminals can’t keep themselves safe from the criminals….

    Mar 02, 2024 02:01 PM

    …Lord Austin gets Maced…

    Mar 02, 2024 02:04 PM

    You boys ready to fight the Rooskies….Pentagram warming up the trannies’ high heels….the buffoon Lord Austin would have it no other ways…

    During a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Thursday, Austin said that “if Ukraine falls, I genuinely believe NATO will be fighting Russia.”

    Mar 02, 2024 02:30 PM

    BOYS! Gabby Nuissance wants to give you a gift…and a gift to all Americans!

    Mar 02, 2024 02:32 PM
    Mar 02, 2024 02:56 PM

    …please use trigger warnings, boys….thank you, comrades…now I gotta get to the vet. 🙂

      Mar 02, 2024 02:58 PM

      …and point of personal privilege…for Uncle Joe Chernenko Biden

    Mar 02, 2024 02:10 PM

    …Old Yeller…Janet Yellow is ridiculous…

    Mar 02, 2024 02:13 PM

    Colonel MacGregor & Gerald Celente – Democracy Is a Sham, Our Republic Is In Ruins

    Gerald Celente

      Mar 03, 2024 03:37 AM

      Demon-ocracy…… ………. Read BEYOND DEMOCRACY…..
      The sheeple are so stupid and uneducated … bounce the ball boys….and get me some sneakers …Dress for success… and give me that jab… sick little society with the perverts leading the way…
      military with a skirt…. ding dong….

    Mar 02, 2024 02:44 PM

    Cory opened a new section in the orphanage… 🙂

      Mar 03, 2024 03:38 AM

      Correction……….. EX opened the ORPHAN SECTION…… EX IS THE MAN…….. 🙂