

Politics Weekend Posting

February 17, 2024

Hi everyone, here is the weekend political posting. I unfortunate have not heard from Al about future post on political issues but if I hear anything I’ll report it here.


I hope you all have a great weekend!

    Feb 17, 2024 17:39 AM

    Thanks Cory……..

      Feb 18, 2024 18:31 AM

      Special thanks ………….for all the bloggers…. who have held up this site for 18 weeks while Owl is recovering from ill health. All of our thoughts go out to Owl ,, for hanging in there for 18 Years…
      Through thick and thin…… Thanks again.

    Feb 17, 2024 17:02 AM

    What Are the Secret Societies Pulling Global Strings?

    This might already be known but there could be new info.
    I thought it was interesting the topic is discussed on a popular site.

      Feb 17, 2024 17:30 AM

      thanks for posting ….. The only one that I did not know or think of was the Rotary Club

        Feb 17, 2024 17:35 AM

        Skull and Bones
        Bohemian Club
        Council on Foreign Relations
        Bilderberg Club
        Club of Rome
        Trilateral Commission
        Club of Budapest
        World Economic Forum

          Feb 17, 2024 17:36 AM

          I always thought the Club of Rome was an older club….

      Feb 18, 2024 18:13 PM

      Tank’s Boys !

    Feb 17, 2024 17:22 AM

    Welcome yo the Wuhan killing club…..

    (Apologies for spelling errors……I am almost blind now.)

      Feb 17, 2024 17:15 AM

      No apologies needed……… we appreciate the thought…..

      Feb 17, 2024 17:38 AM

      That is real rough CFS….Strangely, suffering makes you the best you can be….g-d bless

    Feb 17, 2024 17:37 AM

    Does anyone here still belive Ukraine is winning the conflict after the fall of Avdiivka? and the Russian advance along the front lines?

      Feb 17, 2024 17:13 AM

      No… those “anybodies”… have not been here for awhile…. 🙂

      Usually, I have found on this website,… that the wrong, wiggle away, and do not come back
      We found that with the mask issue… where are those masked rangers… lol…..

        Feb 18, 2024 18:40 AM

        Hi Jerry… Isn’t “AJ” an exception to your general rule?

          Feb 18, 2024 18:01 AM

          Humm……… AJ is an exception ,… he really does not say much of anything, .. just post things he thinks might be something the sheeple like to hear from the left in most cases (imo)… 🙂
          Tends toward…Victim of public education and indoctrination … And he really does not debate with anyone, he is a “silent minority” here 🙂

          We do not really know who he is, or what he is……

    Feb 17, 2024 17:18 AM

    The NBA< NFL………. represent the League of Satan…." Swift", kick in the arce… lol
    Alvin Martingdale

    February 16, 2024

    SAN ANTONIO, TX – Former NBA player Bryn Forbes has been apprehended on charges of felony domestic violence in San Antonio, Texas. Bryn Forbes, known for his tenure as a guard with the San Antonio Spurs, face

      Feb 17, 2024 17:19 AM

      Maybe, he could get a hold of Fanny….. lol…..

    Feb 17, 2024 17:38 PM

    What Alexei Navalny understood about Russia — if only too late

    Feb 17, 2024 17:41 PM
    Feb 17, 2024 17:21 PM

    Funeral Chain Slammed for Sending Valentine’s Day Cards to Nursing Home

    …wonder if they sent one to Irish…

    No surprise. I keep getting invitations in the mail from the local funeral home for a free chicken dinner….even after requesting to be removed from their list…they say they want to discuss my future…or maybe that should be lack there of…and who is the sacrificial chicken???

    Feb 18, 2024 18:44 AM

    the whole article is at substack. I just posted pcs, I thought the whole article was a bit long to post it all. Great article.

    Julian Assange’s Final Appeal
    Julian Assange will make his final appeal this week to the British courts to avoid extradition. If he is extradited it is the death of investigations into the inner workings of power by the press.
    FEB 18

    The decision to seek Julian’s extradition, contemplated by Barack Obama’s administration, was pursued by Donald Trump’s administration following WikiLeaks’ publication of the documents known as Vault 7, which exposed the CIA’s cyberwarfare programs, including those designed to monitor and take control of cars, smart TVs, web browsers and the operating systems of most smart phones.

    The Podesta emails exposed that Clinton and other members of Obama’s administration knew that Saudi Arabia and Qatar — which had both donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation — were major funders of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. They revealed transcripts of three private talks Clinton gave to Goldman Sachs — for which she was paid $675,000 — a sum so large it can only be considered a bribe.

    Clinton was seen in the emails telling the financial elites that she wanted “open trade and open borders” and believed Wall Street executives were best positioned to manage the economy, a statement that contradicted her campaign promises of financial reform. They exposed the Clinton campaign’s self-described “Pied Piper” strategy which used their press contacts to influence Republican primaries by “elevating” what they called “more extreme candidates,” to ensure Trump or Ted Cruz won their party’s nomination.

    They exposed Clinton’s advance knowledge of questions in a primary debate. The emails also exposed Clinton as one of the architects of the war and destruction of Libya, a war she believed would burnish her credentials as a presidential candidate.

    He exposed that Obama, Hillary Clinton and the CIA backed the June 2009 military coup in Honduras that overthrew the democratically-elected president Manuel Zelaya, replacing him with a murderous and corrupt military regime.

    He revealed that the United States secretly launched missile, bomb and drone attacks on Yemen, killing scores of civilians.

    No other contemporary journalist has come close to matching his revelations.

    Julian is the first. We are next.

      Feb 18, 2024 18:08 AM

      Chartster, notice Donald Trump’s administration.
      Recall Trump wouldnt pardon Assange.
      Another clue he is just part of the gang.

      The decision to seek Julian’s extradition, contemplated by Barack Obama’s administration, was pursued by Donald Trump’s administration

      All the info Julian provided Trump was working to surpress.

        Feb 18, 2024 18:27 AM

        thanks for the reminder…b……….. on this issue… I think you should keep this idea open,
        and keep bringing it up, until resolved…..

        Feb 18, 2024 18:44 AM

        Except Trump is not in the pocket of the Commies like Biden is.

        Feb 19, 2024 19:19 AM

        I have zero idea of how you come up with:
        Trump trying to surpress Julian’s info?
        Trump not wanting to pardon Julian?
        Where and how you come up with this stuff is only hurting your understanding of what has happened, and what is happening.

        (a) Trump only benefitted from all of Julian’s vault drops. In fact, it was critical to get the news out, on behalf of Donald Trump.
        (b) Trump wanted to pardon Julian and was met with major resistance from congress.

        You make things up in your head to fit a narrative you want to believe, that isn’t true.

      Feb 18, 2024 18:22 AM

      thanks for posting it… I saw the article in my email… was going to read it later,… and the first thing I though,
      b would most likely ,.. like the article…. 🙂

        Feb 18, 2024 18:19 AM

        THE OUTLINE… of his RIGHTS have been violated… by corrupt GOVT, which fear the FAKE US GOVT…….
        The nearly 15-year-long persecution of Julian, which has taken a heavy toll on his physical and psychological health, is done in the name of extradition to the U.S. where he would stand trial for allegedly violating 17 counts of the 1917 Espionage Act, with a potential sentence of 170 years.

        Julian’s “crime” is that he published classified documents, internal messages, reports and videos from the U.S. government and U.S. military in 2010, which were provided by U.S. army whistleblower Chelsea Manning. This vast trove of material revealed massacres of civilians, torture, assassinations, the list of detainees held at Guantanamo Bay and the conditions they were subjected to, as well as the Rules of Engagement in Iraq. Those who perpetrated these crimes — including the U.S. helicopter pilots who gunned down two Reuters journalists and 10 other civilians and severely injured two children, all captured in the Collateral Murder video — have never been prosecuted.

        Julian exposed what the U.S. empire seeks to airbrush out of history.

        **Julian’s persecution is an ominous message to the rest of us**. Defy the U.S. imperium, expose its crimes, and no matter who you are, no matter what country you come from, no matter where you live, you will be hunted down and brought to the U.S. to spend the rest of your life in one of the harshest prison systems on earth. If Julian is found guilty it will mean the death of investigative journalism into the inner workings of state power. To possess, much less publish, classified material — as I did when I was a reporter for The New York Times — will be criminalized. And that is the point, one understood by The New York Times, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, El País and The Guardian, who issued a joint letter calling on the U.S. to drop the charges against him.

        Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and other federal lawmakers voted on Thursday for the United States and Britain to end Julian’s incarceration, noting that it stemmed from him “doing his job as a journalist” to reveal “evidence of misconduct by the U.S.”

        The legal case against Julian, which I have covered from the beginning and will cover again in London this week, has a bizarre Alice-in-Wonderland quality, where judges and lawyers speak in solemn tones about law and justice while making a mockery of the most basic tenants of civil liberties and jurisprudence.*****BIZARRE…

        How can hearings go forward when the Spanish security firm at the Ecuadorian Embassy, UC Global, where Julian sought refuge for seven years, provided videotaped surveillance of meetings between Julian and his lawyers to the CIA, eviscerating attorney-client privilege? This alone should have seen the case thrown out of court. …. DITTO

        How can the Ecuadorian government led by Lenin Moreno violate international law by rescinding Julian’s asylum status and permit London Metropolitan Police into the Ecuadorian Embassy — sovereign territory of Ecuador — to carry Julian to a waiting police van?

        Why did the courts accept the prosecution’s charge that Julian is not a legitimate journalist?

        Why did the United States and Britain ignore Article 4 of their Extradition Treaty that prohibits extradition for political offenses? …. GOOD QUESTION

        How is the case against Julian allowed to go ahead after the key witness for the United States, Sigurdur Thordarson – a convicted fraudster and pedophile – admitted to fabricating the accusations he made against Julian? ….. KEY WITNESS.. LOL…

        How can Julian, an Australian citizen, be charged under the U.S. Espionage Act when he did not engage in espionage and wasn’t based in the U.S when he received the leaked documents?

        Why are the British courts permitting Julian to be extradited to the U.S. when the CIA — in addition to putting Julian under 24-hour video and digital surveillance while in the Ecuadorian Embassy — considered kidnapping and assassinating him, plans that included a potential shoot-out on the streets of London with involvement by the Metropolitan Police? BRITISH ARE PART OF THE NWO……….and the THREE LEGGED STOOL…

        How can Julian be condemned as a publisher when he did not, as Daniel Ellsberg did, obtain and leak the classified documents he published?

        Why is the U.S. government not charging the publisher of The New York Times or The Guardian with espionage for publishing the same leaked material in partnership with WikiLeaks?

        Why is Julian being held in isolation in a high-security prison without trial for nearly five years when his only technical violation of the law is breaching bail conditions when he sought asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy? Normally this would entail a fine.

        Why was he denied bail after he was sent to HM Prison Belmarsh?

          Feb 18, 2024 18:28 AM

          NO SUCH THING AS A FAIR TRIAL………… Even under the BAR LAW…… which I have covered before… (I think Trumpster is seeing it first hand.)..

          He will continue being blocked from speaking to the public — except on a rare occasion — and being released on bail. He will be tried in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia where most espionage cases have been won by the U.S. government. That the jury pool is largely drawn from those who work for or have friends and relatives who work for the CIA, …………..
          .. ALREADY FIXED…..

            Feb 18, 2024 18:31 AM

            WHERE DID ………. BAR LAW come from………. humm…………
            The British courts, from the inception, have made the case notoriously difficult to cover, severely limiting seats in the courtroom, providing video links that have been faulty, and in the case of the hearing this wee

            Feb 18, 2024 18:36 AM

            Baraitser’s decision was overturned after the U.S. government appealed to the High Court in London. Although the High Court accepted Baraitser’s conclusions about Julian’s “substantial risk” of suicide if he was subjected to certain conditions within a U.S. prison, it also accepted four assurances in U.S. Diplomatic Note no. 74, given to the court in February 2021, which promised Julian would be treated well.

            The U.S. government claimed in the diplomatic note that its assurances “entirely answer the concerns which caused the judge [in the lower court] to discharge Mr. Assange.”

            OVER REACH……………… IMO

            Feb 18, 2024 18:47 AM

            Democratic Party leadership became as bloodthirsty as the Republicans following WikiLeaks’ publishing of tens of thousands of emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and senior Democratic officials, including those of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman during the 2016 presidential election.

            The Podesta emails exposed that Clinton and other members of Obama’s administration knew that Saudi Arabia and Qatar — which had both donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation — were major funders of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. They revealed transcripts of three private talks Clinton gave to Goldman Sachs — for which she was paid $675,000 — a sum so large it can only be considered a bribe. Clinton was seen in the emails telling the financial elites that she wanted “open trade and open borders” and believed Wall Street executives were best positioned to manage the economy, a statement that contradicted her campaign promises of financial reform. They exposed the Clinton campaign’s self-described “Pied Piper” strategy which used their press contacts to influence Republican primaries by “elevating” what they called “more extreme candidates,” to ensure Trump or Ted Cruz won their party’s nomination. They exposed Clinton’s advance knowledge of questions in a primary debate. The emails also exposed Clinton as one of the architects of the war and destruction of Libya, a war she believed would burnish her credentials as a presidential candidate.

            Journalists can argue that this information, like the war logs, should have remained secret. But if they do, they can’t call themselves journalists.

            The Democratic leadership, which attempted to blame Russia for its election loss to Trump — in what became known as Russiagate — charged that the Podesta emails and the DNC leaks were obtained by Russian government hackers, although an investigation headed by Robert Mueller, the former FBI director, “did not develop sufficient admissible evidence that WikiLeaks knew of — or even was willfully blind to” any alleged hacking by the Russian state.

            Julian is persecuted because he provided the public with the most important information about U.S. government crimes and mendacity since the release of the Pentagon Papers. Like all great journalists, he was nonpartisan. His target was power.

            He made public the killing of nearly 700 civilians who had approached too closely to U.S. convoys and checkpoints, including pregnant women, the blind and deaf, and at least 30 children.

            He made public the more than 15,000 unreported deaths of Iraqi civilians and the torture and abuse of some 800 men and boys, aged between 14 to 89, at Guantánamo Bay detention camp.

            He showed us that Hillary Clinton in 2009 ordered U.S. diplomats to spy on U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and other U.N. representatives from China, France, Russia, and the U.K., spying that included obtaining DNA, iris scans, fingerprints, and personal passwords.

            He exposed that Obama, Hillary Clinton and the CIA backed the June 2009 military coup in Honduras that overthrew the democratically-elected president Manuel Zelaya, replacing him with a murderous and corrupt military regime.

            He revealed that the United States secretly launched missile, bomb and drone attacks on Yemen, killing scores of civilians.

            No other contemporary journalist has come close to matching his revelations.

            Julian is the first. We are next.

    Feb 18, 2024 18:55 AM

    Guess that makes 2 of us Jerry.
    Far too few have the thinking required to understand the meaning of it.

    All truth in media (whats left of it) will be gone, any truth anywhere on the net will be shut down.

    Owning nothing and being happy may actually happen.

    Maybe thats what the majority want.

      Feb 18, 2024 18:03 AM

      Thank b…………for the reply……………
      Something to go along with the above article…. IS THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……..
      THAT the COURTS are corporate owned……….

      CONSTITUTIONAL LAW…….. not BAR LAW……. will resolve some of these issues…
      I am now listening to SGT report,… which outlines how to combat the on going ILLEGAL US FAKE GOVT.,
      COURTS……. which have been taken over… by the FAKE DC CORPORATION (act of 1871)…

      I would post the article , but, would be taken down…. so….
      I will refer to the article ….. GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED. by Scott McKay.. at SGT rumble..

      Feb 18, 2024 18:18 AM

      CHartster………….. if, you have a chance..

      Go to the 14 mark of the video…at sgt report
      will backup some of your comments…

    Feb 18, 2024 18:06 AM

    Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong • 1h36m ▶
    Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
    RON UNZ AND MIKE WHITNEY • JUNE 12, 2023 • 12,600 WORDS • 1,700 COMMENTS

    We have been lied to what seems forever, these people just want war, they work for ww3 now. The world doesnt have a very good record for stopping it.

    Ukraine is the most important event since ww2.
    And again, lies and more lies.

      Feb 18, 2024 18:05 AM

      PUTs a New twist on things……
      Ron Unz—For more than eighty years, one of the single most crucial turning points of World War II has been omitted from nearly every Western history written about that conflict and as a result, virtually no educated Americans are even aware of it.

      It is an undeniable, documented fact that just a few months after the war began, the Western Allies—Britain and France—decided to attack the neutral Soviet Union, which they regarded as militarily weak and a crucial supplier of natural resources for Hitler’s war machine. Based upon their experience in World War I, the Allied leadership believed that there was little chance of any military breakthrough on the Western front, so they felt that their best chance of overcoming Germany was by defeating Germany’s Soviet quasi-ally.

        Feb 18, 2024 18:02 AM

        Wonder if, the Col. Jimmy studied this in his military history books….
        Allied plans to attack the USSR continued, now shifting to Operation Pike, the idea of using their bomber squadrons based in Syria and Iraq to destroy the Baku oilfields in the Soviet Caucasus, while also trying to enlist Turkey and Iran into their planned attack against Stalin.

      Feb 18, 2024 18:37 PM

      Thanks much SF… Only 1/4 through, but it’s very good…. WWII escalated using the same playbook used with Ukraine… Refuse to negotiate… Force the “bad” side to counter attack in response to secret attacks by the “good” guys…

    Feb 18, 2024 18:42 AM

    In side of sgt report……………………..

    SOROS…………..takes over 200 RADIO STATIONS….. just in time for the election…

      Feb 18, 2024 18:48 AM

      Technically, Soros bought the debt of a company that owns a bunch of radio stations.
      However, Soros is a traitor to the U.S…….just like the Bidens.

        Feb 18, 2024 18:04 AM

        Billionaire financier George Soros is buying out a large amount of debt for Audacy Inc., the Philadelphia company that owns WWJ-AM 950, 97.1 the Ticket and other Detroit radio stations.2
        The stations in Audacy’s portfolio include New York’s WFAN and 1010 WINS, Los Angeles-based KROQ, and Minnesota’s WCCO Radio.

        Audacy, previously known as, is a free broadcast and Internet radio platform developed by the namesake company Audacy, Inc. (formerly known as Entercom).[1] The Audacy platform functions as a music recommender system and is the national umbrella brand for the company’s radio network aggregating its over 235 local radio stations across the United States. In addition, the service includes thousands of podcasts created for the platform, hosted elsewhere or station programming on demand. It was initially developed by CBS Radio and was acquired by the former Entercom as part of the company’s takeover of CBS Radio. The service’s main competitors are rival station groups iHeartMedia’s iHeartRadio and TuneIn. Audacy is available online via mobile devices and devices such as Chromecast and Amazon Fire TV.

        Audacy, previously known as, is a free broadcast and Internet radio platform developed by the namesake company Audacy, Inc. (formerly known as Entercom).[1] The Audacy platform functions as a music recommender system and is the national umbrella brand for the company’s radio network aggregating its over 235 local radio stations across the United States. In addition, the service includes thousands of podcasts created for the platform, hosted elsewhere or station programming on demand. It was initially developed by CBS Radio and was acquired by the former Entercom as part of the company’s takeover of CBS Radio. The service’s main competitors are rival station groups iHeartMedia’s iHeartRadio and TuneIn. Audacy is
        available online via mobile devices and devices such as Chromecast and Amazon Fire TV.

        Investment firm Soros Fund Management has emerged as the largest creditor in Audacy’s prepackaged Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, holding over $400 million of its highest-ranking debt

          Feb 18, 2024 18:08 AM

          Mr. Alex Soros warned in an op-ed in Politico that a victory in 2024 by former President Donald Trump — or another “MAGA-style” candidate — would deliver a blow to the globalist agenda.

            Feb 18, 2024 18:29 AM

            Alex….. is dating Hilly’s old secretary Abadin..Weiners Wife…. The circle of evil…
            that was also revealed on SGT report….

            If, interested……go to the 26 min mark…and you will see the connection
            which Pizza Gate … and the “insurance” tape… Weiner spoke of….

    Feb 18, 2024 18:41 AM
      Feb 18, 2024 18:42 AM

      This is what your rulers want…a large and permanent criminal class preying on you…your rulers are pure evil…

      An illegal immigrant and five-time deportee from Nicaragua viciously beat and raped a developmentally disabled woman in Ohio. Prior to this, he had been arrested multiple times in the United States on charges of DUI, driving without a license, disorderly intoxication, false imprisonment, and sexual battery. His cumulative punishment from the totality of these prior arrests was a single day in prison and a $10 fine.

        Feb 18, 2024 18:46 AM

        WORLD WIDE……………….
        Watch: Mobs Of Violent African Migrants Riot, Attack Police In Holland
        Tyler Durden’s Photo
        SUNDAY, FEB 18, 2024 – 02:00 PM
        Authored by Steve Watson via,

        Mass violence broke out in the city of The Hague in The Netherlands Saturday night as hundreds of marauding African migrants attacked police, smashed property and set fires, in scenes that once again highlight the complete failure of multiculturalism.

          Feb 18, 2024 18:23 PM

          Our rulers’ hordes are coming for us.

            Feb 19, 2024 19:09 AM

            WE HAVE NO RULERS………………… Self imposed……….. 🙂

    Feb 18, 2024 18:44 AM

    FLEECIng the SHeePL…………………continues…….
    State Department Threatens Congress Over Censorship Programs
    Tyler Durden’s Photo
    SUNDAY, FEB 18, 2024 – 08:10 AM
    Authored by Matt Taibbi via Racket News,

    A year after its censorship programs were exposed, the Global Engagement Center still insists the public has no right to know how it’s spending taxpayer money…

      Feb 18, 2024 18:25 PM

      …yes…our rulers believe we have no right to know what they do with the money they steal from us in taxation and inflation…to our rulers…we are just tax livestock…

    Feb 18, 2024 18:27 PM

    This an older Tucker Carlson piece, but worth another listen…..
    If you don’t understand the traitor Biden is devaluing democracy AND YOUR VOTE, by allowing illegal immigration, you should note that fact.

      Feb 18, 2024 18:00 PM

      No one seems to mind the trafficing of kids, and drug running operations of many members of congress… … Weiner laptop.. … humm
      Joe is just an extension of the corrupt political system……

    Feb 18, 2024 18:28 PM

    From this point forward, according to the CBO projections, the US Feral Gooberment’s annual budget deficit never falls below 1.6 trillion dollars…and this does not factor in any recessions…

    Think long and hard about that…

    Feb 18, 2024 18:41 PM

    As a question related to South front’s excellent UNZ post above… Has anybody here read: Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950 ?

    Feb 18, 2024 18:31 PM

    Hey Ebo……………. this one is for you……,,, 🙂
    this guy is making… POS… look like a pee on…… lol

    Lawless America: Truck Hauling Corvettes Hijacked In ‘Grand Theft Auto’-Like Robbery
    Tyler Durden’s Photo
    SUNDAY, FEB 18, 2024 – 06:05 PM
    Fox 10 Phoenix reports that a 23-year-old man, freshly out of jail, hijacked a tractor-trailer loaded with exotic sports cars, telling law enforcement after he was caught, he simply needed a ride.

    According to the Cochise County Sheriff’s Department in Phoenix, Arizona, the suspect, Isaiah Walker, “assaulted and robbed” a truck driver at a Willcox Loves Truck Stop.

    Value…. $1.25 Million…

      Feb 18, 2024 18:59 PM

      Hah! Dang….yup, he ain’t Two Toes….Two Toes doesn’t steel Corvettes…although if he could, he would…but for the moment Two Toes is in the Big House.

        Feb 18, 2024 18:30 PM

        You might seen two toes a copy of this and tell him he needs to aim higher in life… 🙂

    Feb 18, 2024 18:23 PM

    But seriously, folks……

    Feb 18, 2024 18:48 PM

    But really seriously, folks…..
    Effing traitors.

      Feb 19, 2024 19:32 AM

      Birds of a feather….flock together…… Don’t Blinken or you will miss something…. Biden, Blinken and Knod

      I like the extra details…… this adds to the information which we have known for awhile….. THANKS

        Feb 19, 2024 19:42 AM

        The size of the BRIBE……….. $50 million rather than $6 million and a fine of $1500 …. lol… good haul for all involved… 11:31 min mark…
        I am sure Nancy and Shifty got their share, as well as Romney and Kerry….. 🙂

        Feb 19, 2024 19:06 AM

        Good points at the 17 min mark……… Weaponizing the FBI and DOJ , against anyone looking into the corruption of Joe Biden and Hunter…. (but, we already knew that)

        to be continued…… 🙂

    Feb 19, 2024 19:20 AM

    Weekend Update #68. Ukrainians Withdraw from Avdiivka

    Feb 19, 2024 19:25 AM

    MAGA fans set up $355 MILLION fundraiser to pay former president Trump’s latest legal bill – with GoFundMe raising nearly $50,000 within hours of fraud verdict

      Feb 19, 2024 19:16 AM

      The BIGGEST criminal in the WORLD IS THE BAR……. BAR LAW…. sheeple wake up , get educated….

    Feb 19, 2024 19:58 AM

    Anybody out there………….listen to DEAN HENDERSON……………… ????????????

    Feb 19, 2024 19:18 AM

    Job 32:21-22
    King James Version
    21 Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man.

      Feb 19, 2024 19:21 AM


      You only have to listen to a few min…. to get the idea….. concerning BAR LAW.(a private society)…
      and Your GOD GIVEN RIGHTS… .. which do not come from MAN….nor the constitution, which
      was written by men…

        Feb 19, 2024 19:18 AM

        Im not certain about god givin rights.

        All the gods prior to the Hebrew/Zorastrian idea of 1 god were written by men as were the writings we have now.

        They can be called god inspired but so were the previous wrintings.

        There are just too many flaws to believe a god wrote them.

        So,Im just not certain of any god givin rights.

        I think the people that stand for the rights they believe in determine what rights people have.

        Course Im not certain of anything.

          Feb 19, 2024 19:42 PM

          Bottom line……….. we did not give MAN …. the right to rule over ME….or You….

          I have posted some info concerning this….above….
          I think you would like some of the info Dean Henderson has to say…
          I am not sure I agree with all of it…. but, parts of it I do….

            Feb 19, 2024 19:09 PM

            Jerry, I gotta disagree, I think we give man the right to rule over us when we vote for them.

            Thing is, its a collective decision not an individual one.

            The laws the politicians make are the ones we have to live by.

            Feb 19, 2024 19:59 PM

            Never voted for any of the idiots…….. Including the IRS, FED, DOJ, FBI…..
            Matter of fact……. Never requested a BIRTH CERTIFICATE….
            I have been over this topic before…. most do not get it…
            Same with BAR LAW… ACT of 1871…..

    Feb 19, 2024 19:56 AM

    BOYS! The great Jimmy Bovard….and don’t worry, Biden’s handlers are going to fix Biden with a celebrity fashion stylist…look for Uncle Joe in $1500 tennis shoes and who knows…maybe a fancy ball cap…

    Feb 19, 2024 19:58 AM

    More censorship…here

      Feb 19, 2024 19:06 AM

      Just repost it……….

        Feb 19, 2024 19:29 AM

        Shad took care of it…don’t know what that horrible Akismet software has against Jimmy Bovard…unless it’s Deep State censoring software…which it appears to be…tyrants…all the more reason to listen to Jimmy B…

    Feb 19, 2024 19:15 AM

    Rare footage of space capsule re-entering from space.

    Feb 19, 2024 19:00 AM

    Larry Johnson: Will Israel Invade Lebanon?
    Larry Johnson is retired cia
    Judge Napolitano – Judging freedom

    Will americans do anything to stop the genocide in gaza.

    No, the americans are bought and paid for and are rendering services.

      Feb 19, 2024 19:55 PM

      Both these guys…..the Judge… is a past BAR LAWYER, …and the Other Larry.. is a X. CIA member…
      So, What is either doing besides babbling….
      Both have profited from the SYSTEM….. and continue… with books and tapes…

        Feb 19, 2024 19:55 PM

        Jerry…. i don’t follow Larry Johnson closely, but what i have read and seen is quite good in my opinion.

          Feb 19, 2024 19:18 PM

          Tommy….. I will listen,…. and then get back to you……

          The Judge, on the other hand…. I will stick to my comment on the Judge…

            Feb 19, 2024 19:55 PM

            Tommy…. you can read my comments to southfront…or b…
            Thanks for you reply…

            Feb 19, 2024 19:07 PM

            Thanks Jerry… glad you listened… i took a deeper look at Johnson, and will post another of his valuable perspectives below.

      Feb 19, 2024 19:05 PM

      Well Jerry, if you think they are lieing that would mean the US WILL stop the genocide in gaza and aipac has no influence on the U.S.
      I hope you are right and they are lieing.

      I kinda doubt it tho.

        Feb 19, 2024 19:12 PM

        b……… never said they are lying…..
        “what are they doing besides babbling”….

          Feb 19, 2024 19:23 PM

          I guess you didnt listen to them Jerry.
          I took “theyre babbling” to mean you figure they are lieing.

          Babbling meaning you disagree of course

          I follow these guys and others regularly, they have been right on concerning Ukraine and Gaza the U.S. criminality etc etc etc for a very long time now.

            Feb 19, 2024 19:50 PM

            This is my conclusion after listening to both……….

            Larry, well spoken, and credible thoughts on Ukraine, which we already know.
            Palestinians….. which we have talked about for years…… got a raw deal from the very beginning
            nothing new here.
            So, what are these two guys going to do about it….. besides babble….
            example…”they babbled on about their vacation”
            rattle on

            You can select any of the above for a meaning…. 🙂

            BTW……… thanks for posting the article/video…

            Feb 19, 2024 19:03 PM

            Jerry, what are they going to do about it??

            I would say the same thing thats being done on this blog.
            Info we already know?, true, same as this place, same stuff over and over.

            Except they have 10s of thousands more listeners.(oops my mistake, 100s of thousands more listeners)

            Recall shad saying they had 1000 listeners? Just the other day when he complained about someone disagreeing with the site.

            I just checked Napolitano had 256 thousand views for Col D Macgregors last interview.

            As far as I know Macgregor is the only 1 actually doing anything other than talking with the
            Our Country Our Choice.

            Feb 20, 2024 20:32 AM

            b………this site……. is a little more diversified …….. than The Judge ……. JMO…
            I think we cover a whole lot more than they are covering…….JMO
            Matter of fact we have been around a whole lot longer than the Judge… JMO
            I think the Judge ,…… has a lot of BS……. Not saying he does not have some great guest.

            All My opinion……… 🙂

            Oh….. and he sure did not come up with the JAB NEWS FIRST…. 🙂
            He is just an X- FOX NEWS PIE HOLE…..100 thousand means nothing, if they are all LOST SHEEPLE…. LOL

            But…….. that should have no refection on you…….. you are providing the video,
            of which we appreciate…. and thanks for participating….

            Feb 20, 2024 20:02 AM

            I guess you could say this site is more diversified than Napolitano as he doesnt cover the “jab”.

            Thing is, thats not his topic, Ukraine,Gaza, the criminality of the western governments is.

            Consider Assange, just how much coverage did this place give it?(even after all the BS we are supporting free speech)
            Just about zero, nobody signed the petitian where as Napolitano tried to let all that would listen understand the meaning of it, the result etc, but here? nope!
            A comment here and there mostly because I mentioned it.

            Fact is, this place has maybe 1000 listeners and thats the investing, almost zero for this side, Napolitano has over 250 thousand listeners multiple times a day.

            Which site would the info you share here have more possible effect?

            Napolitano does good work, among other sites.
            Southfront, New Atlas and Military Summary for Ukraine, Gaza and what the americans are doing in se Asia as well as Yeman. (which is having huge effect)

            These details are seldom mentioned here and as the potential for nuclear war is happening due to these events, that makes them important info sites which are far from covered here.

            This place obviously provides info, but who the heck hears it?

            IMO the sites are diversified differently rather than one being more diversified than the others.

            jmo, you obviously provide good info Jerry as do others.
            Which is why I keep returning. 😉

            Feb 20, 2024 20:29 AM

            Thanks b……….
            appreciate the comment… and ditto back to ya…
            meaning … You do provide some good info as well…

    Feb 19, 2024 19:33 AM

    Biden speaks of Hell at prayer breakfast…maybe he will turn into a pillar of salt…would be a huge improvement…actually turn into something useful…

      Feb 19, 2024 19:08 PM

      …and Ketchup Boy…Swiftboats for Climate Change…is now working on Bribem’s campaign…what a joke…

    Feb 19, 2024 19:54 PM


    As a recent CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, said of his time at the CIA: “I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.”

    Could your rulers and their minions be more in your face???

    And they even brag about being criminals!

    When will the sheeple ever wake up and realize their rulers are evil???

      Feb 19, 2024 19:57 PM

      …and this is NOT new, of course…and the sheeple never wake up….

      Feb 20, 2024 20:42 AM

      Larry BIO….
      I am a bona fide Son of American Revolutionaries. At least 24 of my ancestors, men and women, fought to free the American Colonies from British rule. Some died for the cause of liberty. ….
      (on his web page)

      ??”24 of my ancestors…fought to free the American Colonies”……. SEEMS TO ME THAT IS A LOT…
      I would like to see his family tree…….
      Not saying it is not true… I would just like to see the DOCS….could be impressive….

      THANKS TOMMY….. I will do a little more DD……and have an open mind….

        Feb 20, 2024 20:50 AM

        Tommy….. I pulled this up……. interesting….. I will give him some credit here…

        Allegations that British intelligence wiretapped Donald Trump
        In March 2017, Andrew Napolitano said on Fox & Friends that GCHQ, Britain’s signals intelligence service, had wiretapped Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign on orders from President Obama.[12][17] Johnson was the source for Napolitano’s claim.[12][18] Sean Spicer, President Trump’s press secretary, repeated the claim.[12] GCHQ stated that the claim was “nonsense, utterly ridiculous and should be ignored”.[19] Fox News later disavowed the statement by Napolitano.[12]

        Feb 20, 2024 20:42 PM

        In the eighteen hundreds large families were common……no contraception or abortion and many hands needed to farm unmechanized farms. Half a dozen brothers in families of a dozen……quite common.
        So it only takes a second generation of a family fighting to amass numbers in the twenties, more if you include wives helping husbands.

          Feb 20, 2024 20:43 PM

          I know about large families……. my mother was 1 of 16….
          Out of that number, only 2 fought in WW2….

      Feb 20, 2024 20:12 AM

      BTW……… listened to the video…… Larry has a lot of good info… background etc….
      thanks …. appreciate the info….

        Feb 20, 2024 20:17 AM

        ONE EXCELLENT question Larry asks at the …………7:59 mark…..
        “what was the trigger event., in 2014”

          Feb 20, 2024 20:40 PM

          Hi Jerry… First, thanks for listening and digging into L Johnson’s work… Second, the reason for the 2014 revolution was that Ukraine was not moving fast enough to join the EU and NATO for the neocons… Even wikipedia makes this statement that is mostly accurate: “November 2013, Yanukovych made a sudden decision, amidst economic pressure from Russia, to withdraw from signing an association agreement with the EU and instead accept a Russian trade deal and loan bailout.”
          Chances are that most Ukrainians would always associate more strongly with Russia than the EU, so a drastic intervention, the 2014 revolution was put in play. I am not an expert on this – just my opinion.

            Feb 21, 2024 21:21 AM

            Tommy……….. thanks for the reply…..

    Feb 20, 2024 20:42 AM

    Tore drops gem after gem is this podcast. History and who’s who. And what about to happen now.
    This is a dot connecting masterpiece.

      Feb 21, 2024 21:03 AM

      thanks…. I did listen to most of the video on 1.75 speed…
      more dots…

    Feb 20, 2024 20:33 AM

    …for the boys in the Orphan section….

    Scranton Joe and the Temple of Doom Spending

    Feb 20, 2024 20:03 AM

    “The tree of big government has born its noxious fruit of inflation, and those who have tasted it have contracted hedonism.”

    Feb 20, 2024 20:46 PM

    A silent eye-opener, but then Biden is bought and paid for by the Chinese…….so why would he complain about a Chinese bio weapon?

    Feb 21, 2024 21:38 AM

    Chartster, Trump wants to kill Assange.
    I dont see how you see Trump as anything other than the same as the rest.
    Not that it matters, we have no options at this point.

    Julian Assange’s Day in Court

    The Chris Hedges Report
    Feb 21

    In May 2019 the Trump administration accused Julian of violating the Espionage Act and asked the UK to extradite him to stand trial in the U.S. Trump has called the allegations against Julian treason and called for “the death penalty or something.” Other politicians, including former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, have also called for Julian to be executed.

    If Julian is extradited and additionally charged for the release of the Vault 7 documents, Fitzgerald told the court, “it could result in additional charges that merit the death penalty for aiding and abetting the enemy.” The U.S., he said, especially if Trump is elected again to the presidency, could easily “reformulate these charges into a capital offense.”

    Summers brought up President Donald Trump’s request for “detailed options” of how to assassinate Julian when he was in the Ecuadorian Embassy. “Sketches were even drawn up,” he said, adding that the plot fell apart when the UK authorities backed down, especially over a potential shootout, in the streets of London”.

      Feb 21, 2024 21:15 AM

      Trumpster has a few questions to answer….IMO (don’t take this as negative)

      We are going to see, if, Trumpster is being used as part of the plan, to keep the MAGA group
      entertained, while the “Templer- TuTonic Group” keeps on keeping on…. ( I get it, that the sheeple
      have to be shown the corruption,.. next will be if, they do anything about it)
      Truckers all talk no walk. in the US.. 🙂

      There are a lot of moving pieces at this stage of the game……. a lot of trolls and misinformation….

    Feb 21, 2024 21:51 AM

    This is a panel I moderated on Monday evening with Stella Assange, attorney Jennifer Robinson and Kristinn Hrafnss…

    The Chris Hedges Report

    The United States is criminalising journalism. 1 hr.

    Feb 21, 2024 21:40 AM

    Russia arrests US dual national over alleged $51 Ukrainian charity donation

    Will probably go to jail for 20 years. Avoid Ruzzia this century like the plague – the complete Mafia State. Nigeria with snow, Upper Volta with nukes. A third of the population doesn’t even have outdoor plumbing and can rot in the provinces. Incomprehensible a country with a GDP the size of Italy can terrorize the World of Putin’s Tsarist empire fantasies.

    Feb 21, 2024 21:06 AM

    has anyone here been hearing about a severe respiratory virus lately….i was hit w something i never had before about 3 weeks ago…only today do my lungs begin that clearing feeling…my gagging cough has just subsided….i actually went to an md…what a waste…the new bizz model is to watch and wait for you to get real sick…then they admit you to the hospital that employs them for big bucks…i told the compliant whore doc to do some deep introspection…..but md’s have nothing for acute ailments other then antibiotics….a total fraud…i have a liitle nebulizer and inhale silver colloidal solution every hour…that really helped break the cough…the ivermectin thing was no help for what ever i have…glta…any feedback welcomed….i am curious what you all have heard…we are retired and out of loops…

      Feb 21, 2024 21:38 AM

      I posted something about… what they thought was going to be introduced in the Summer Olympics
      this was within the last month…. I will see if, I can find it….

        Feb 21, 2024 21:05 AM

        hey Jerry…If you are responding….I do remember vaguely about a virus and olympics…but i thought it was more fear propaganda……the md’s claim they can test for the virus that may be causing a respiratory thing……I just do not believe that at all……then they justify no RX for antibiotics and let you decline, basically unassisted…..more flim flam in a fake culture…imho

          Feb 21, 2024 21:30 AM

          larry……… I just spent some time running back the last several months of blog postings….
          I did not find the article , but, … the one you are referring is the one I posted
          but, can not find…
          I am thinking it was from a George Webb info session, …
          If, I find it… I will let you know…. sorry…

            Feb 21, 2024 21:18 AM

            thank you Jerry….do not trouble unless you are personally curious…Because, I look to survive this 3 week plus take-down…I never had a cold or what ever this severe…I never had pneumonia…but this thing sure seemed like what that would be like…I actually thought it would end me…It was a scary experience…Now I understand more deeply that when it is your time…you are not in charge…all beings pass on…we are in good company….

            Feb 21, 2024 21:40 AM

            larry……….. thanks for the reply…… I was just doing a deep dive with George Webb….

            Feb 21, 2024 21:43 AM

            larry……. at least you know what is going on ….. with the DR. and hospitals….
            it is a one way trip….

      Feb 21, 2024 21:01 AM

      Hi Larry… All I know is that a neighbor’s household had the COVID… and at least one of them was pretty sick for about 3 weeks… I think they had the original jab series ☹️, no idea about boosters… Despite the MSM warnings about another tripledemic, most everyone I know is doing fine.

        Feb 22, 2024 22:09 AM

        thanks Tommy…..well covid, the one, has faded into oblivion…it has mutated its supposed strength and produced weaker variants…but this thing I have would have convinced me that I had covid…back in those days….No idea….i cannot know any truth it appears…everything is a mangled mass of propaganda…glta

    Feb 21, 2024 21:11 AM

    Julian Assange, the back story / the real story.
    Tore Says

    Feb 21, 2024 21:32 AM 1.34 mins.

    MUST WATCH: – Scott Ritter: Brought To Tears! as he recounts

    This is what anyone supporting Israel supports, recall as well the children having amputations without anisthetics.

      Feb 21, 2024 21:09 AM

      Sorry, b…can’t watch it right now….will try later…I got to get back to work…to pay those taxes I owe…to pay for those bombs that our good friends the Israelies drop on those kids…

    Feb 21, 2024 21:02 PM

    I don’t give blood anymore……..I’m too old.
    But my son’s friend just told me he was turned away from Red Cross blood donating because he was vaccinated!

    Feb 22, 2024 22:56 AM
    Feb 22, 2024 22:00 AM
    Feb 22, 2024 22:03 AM

    Why the U.S. Has the Most to Gain From Supporting Ukraine

    “Although some may claim U.S. aid vanishes into a cesspool of unchecked Ukrainian corruption, one study has shown that 90% of Ukraine aid dollars are not actually sent to Ukraine after all. Rather, these funds stay in the U.S., where leading defense contractors have invested tens of billions in over 100 new industrial manufacturing facilities, creating thousands of jobs across at least 38 states directly, with vital subcomponents sourced from all 50 states.”

      Feb 22, 2024 22:13 AM

      Convoluted corrupt thinking… like the broken window fallacy… like covid relief had little or nothing to do with necessary spending to save lives… all this spending is intended to provide slush funds for money laundering – bribes, threats, corrupt gov and non-gov orgs… doesn’t the defense industry already consume too much money with direct spending? Yes, but let’s avoid addressing real issues.

        Feb 22, 2024 22:55 AM

        He’s a bot…or disinformation agent…or brain dead sheeple….wonder if he pays any taxes….I’d bet he’s feeding off the tit of big gooberment….

        “… doesn’t the defense industry already consume too much money …”

        It’s the offense industry…a huge, evil scam…

        Americans are brain dead…can’t see the gooberment that rules them is corrupt and evil….but even if they could they’d never do anything about it….and if they tried their rulers would crush them like bugs…

          Feb 22, 2024 22:08 AM

          Thanks Ebolan for the correction… “war industry” might be even a better name.

            Feb 22, 2024 22:29 AM

            Tommy…we need to get back to work…so we will be able to pay those taxes…after all…someone’s got to pay for those bombs our good friends the Israelies are dropping on those children who are getting their limbs amputated with no anesthesia as b mentioned above. Our rulers would have it no other way.

            Feb 22, 2024 22:17 PM

            …and here’s some more fromSkiff…the last part…on Trump and the lawfare…if they can bankrupt and destroy the Trumpster who can’t they destory??? Scary implications for the economy, too, as the country turns into a banana republic…the DemonRats are corrupt and evil…


    Feb 22, 2024 22:03 AM

    When asked if Gavin Newsom will replace him in this upcoming election, the masked dementia dummy responds with (the on purpose) Freudian slip, “ yes, you ready “?

    Feb 22, 2024 22:56 AM
    Feb 23, 2024 23:51 AM

    President Biden’s Transfer of Other People’s Debts To You

    …get back to work, boys…you also have thousands of new friends arriving in this country every day…and you know…friends ain’t cheap…plus our good friends the Israelies need more money…so they can continue their war crimes…and then there’s the paradise of Ukraine…Uncle Joe will give them all hundreds of billions more of your money…very soon…so get back to work boys…to pay those taxes plus the inflation tax…your rulers will have it no other way…

    Feb 23, 2024 23:22 AM

    …sorry, boys…but it appears some of your new friends are misbehaving…better get back to work…to pay the taxes to deal with this…

      Feb 23, 2024 23:32 AM

      …get your kill shots boys…and Hillary’s weiner lady and the spawn of Sorrows…

        Feb 23, 2024 23:44 AM

        …and SRM…Satanic Ritual Meddling????

        Feb 23, 2024 23:38 AM

        EBO………… lot of good stuff …….

          Feb 23, 2024 23:20 PM

          Thanks, Jerry. There are so many outrageous these days you can only keep up with a tiny fraction of it all.

          Speaking of outrageous I found out why our good friend Two Toes is getting out of the Big House early. You are not going to believe this. He was transferred to a minimum security prison so that qualified him to get 2/3rds off his sentence! And this for a sentence for a violent felony conviction! (What’s called a strike offense in Commiefornia.) The California Dept of Corrections and Rehabilitation must have made a mistake. No way a violent felon should be in a minimum security facility. I am seeing if I can get my state assembly representative to have old Two Toes transferred back to the other prison and the early release decision reversed.

            Feb 24, 2024 24:00 AM

            The system is broken…. maybe they need to get him out before election day…. (lol)
            Sad state of affairs….

    Feb 23, 2024 23:36 PM

    “Unprecedented”: Now-Fired CBS Reporter Who Investigated Biden Laptop Story Has Personal Files Seized By Network
    Tyler Durden’s Photo
    FRIDAY, FEB 23, 2024 – 11:05 AM
    Just when you thought the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up had ended…

    A bombshell report from the NY Post dropped this week, stating that reporter Catherine Herridge of CBS had “her personal files seized by the network” in what is being called an “unprecedented” move. Herridge was investigating the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to her firing.

    Last week she was one of about 20 staffers fired from CBS as part of cuts at parent company Paramount, according to the NY Post.

      Feb 23, 2024 23:30 PM

      …Old Uncle Joe’s handlers will make sure those files disappear…and maybe that reporter and her sources, too…

    Feb 23, 2024 23:03 PM

    As if we didn’t know that the political scum and lover-boy weren’t telling lies, but it is nice to have PROOF.

    Feb 23, 2024 23:39 PM
    Feb 23, 2024 23:44 PM

    Morons and senile leaders…….why do they get elected?
    Idiotic sanctions clearly not working.
    Chinese balloons ignored..