Sendero Resources – Introducing A New Porphyry Explorer In Argentina With The Peñas Negras Project; Around Filo del Sol, Josemaria and Caserones
Sendero Resources (TSX.V:SEND) just listed last week on October 4th. The Company holds the Peñas Negras in Argentina that is just north of Filo del Sol and Josemaria, and south east of Caserones.
Michael Wood, Executive Chairman of Sendero Resources joins us to provide an introduction to the Peñas Negras Project. We discuss the location the Project is in including the larger companies and major assets all around. We then have Michael outline the work plans which have started with the goal of drilling by early next year.
If you have any questions for Michael or would like any additional information on the Company or Project please email us. Our email addresses are and
Discloser – At the time of recording and release of the interview Cory is a shareholder of Sendero Resources.
Thanks for the interview. Doc Jones also covering but I noticed they don’t have an OTC symbol yet. I haven’t tried IB, but because it is new, they may indicate they may not allow self trading of the Canadian Symbol. Don’t know …