An in introduction to Jim McKinney
Common Franky, Roger Moore?
You’r Making ! Whit al Respect ! Fore Jimmy !
“I have a problem with….. “HOW THEY(russia) RUNS THEIR GOVT” Says Jimmy…….
problem…. could be said concerning the US incorporated.
Owl…………….. You spoke to soon…………
OOTB Jerry
17 hours ago
The findings in the study, while not free of a margin of error, are robust enough to take seriously.
These are:
For the 6.3 billion people who live outside of the West, 66 percent feel positively towards Russia and 70 percent feel positively towards China, and,
Among the 66 percent who feel positively about Russia the breakdown is 75 percent in South Asia, 68 percent in Francophone Africa, and 62 percent in Southeast Asia.
Public opinion of Russia remains positive in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, and Vietnam.
Sentiments of this nature have caused some ire, surprise, and even anger in the West. It is difficult for them to believe that two-thirds of the world’s population is not siding with the West.
Jerry lets recommend a serous offer look of last weeks event’s ! Al & Saint ?
Also, I left you a question on the other blog….
9 hours ago
Ursula visits Great Britain ! Meets King Charles ( BREXIT BETRAYAL ) Rishi Sunak Nr 1 Jobe It’s all Planed ! Betrayal the British Peipole !
OOTB Jerry
8 hours ago
Hey Franky……. could you expand on this topic……
Franky, thank you for the link. We are now getting quite a bit of humor on this blog. Thanks for that!
FRANKY ………..the was GREAT …….lmao…..FUNNY….
This is what the american sheeple have to listen to….. JOKE
Jerry , Here you go , the walk back on Brexit . The duran 33 minutes long. This is something a lot of people in the UK , have been expecting for a long time. Both of our main Political Party’s , have been lapdogs to the EU for a long time. The jobs & money & power , working in the EU , is too tempting for them to turn down.
Hello Irish……… thanks for the video….
That is interesting…… What a mess.
That is pretty funny. Is that an accurate video?
I don’t find that hard to believe at all!
Who is Sonny? Is he an Aljoyan? What does he do?
Eddy, she is an active Aljoyan and a nice lady.
Any chance you can interview Sonny? Introduce her to all of us here?
I will broach that subject in the future. Remember that I have only been here for one week.
I look forward to you interviewing her even if it is not related to politics. It would be good to know more about Aljoya and the people there.
More posts disappearing.
Eddy, that is strange as I have lost none so far!
Mr. Big Al Korelin,
Who is fugiosa? It that another Aljoyan?
OOTB Jerry
Feb 26, 2023 26:56 AM
Just go to the 37:19 min Mark…………… FACE MASKS……..
OOTB Jerry
Feb 26, 2023 26:07 PM
These FACE MASK………… are NOT the covid masks….. but FULL HEAD KIND…..
Never know who you are listening to or talking to…..
Goes along with the BODY DOUBLES……….
Big Al
Feb 26, 2023 26:10 PM
Thanks fugiosa!
So there we have it folks after 21 minutes we find that Jims oppinion on the Ukraine / Russia situation is correct , & everyone else’s oppinion is wrong … Ah well, it is what it is.
Common Irish, Nobody ever said that he had the only corrrect opinion.
I respect your service to the country and I enjoy your political commentary.
But there are a few things you guys get wrong about Russia and the Ukraine.
1. The Ukraine lost there sovereignty back when the Obama administration led the CIA coup of the Ukrainian government.
2. That soy boy twerp Zelensky is a CIA puppet, and was Not lawfully elected.
(don’t even tell me those elections are not rigged)
3. The corrupt politicians and oligarchs from Western Europe and America control Ukraine.
4. Putin is going to help Ukraine get their sovereignty back.
Not arguing, just stating the facts.
I think Al should get Jim and Scott Ritter on an interview together.
They both american military intelligence people, both served in Russia etc etc
THAT might be a show worth listening to.
I will try to put that together, South Front.
Interesting “facts” Chartster. But then again, you could be correct!
Chartster, the corrupt oligarchs in Russia and Ukraine are fighting the corrupt oligarchs of the west.
No argument Obama and Biden’s team screwed things up, but the “coup” in 2014 was against the corrupt Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs (including Biden’s Burisma) and was validated in the 2019 elections against Russia – Ukrainians are not fighting Zelensky with gusto (if it was a fake election) they are fighting Russia and against unbelievable odds supporting Zelensky, regardless of how he got there.
Remember, Obama did nothing over the invasion of Crimea but place puny failed sanctions, and scoffed at Russia being a threat, because they didn’t want to upset their globalist corruption schemes.
Those facts may not jive with your take, but bottom line, Putin didn’t need to invade – he chose to, at great cost and credibility. He has already lost this, the longer he goes the worse it will be.
Mr. Big Al Korelin,
Who is fugiosa? It that another Aljoyan?
OOTB Jerry
Feb 26, 2023 26:56 AM
Just go to the 37:19 min Mark…………… FACE MASKS……..
OOTB Jerry
Feb 26, 2023 26:07 PM
These FACE MASK………… are NOT the covid masks….. but FULL HEAD KIND…..
Never know who you are listening to or talking to…..
Goes along with the BODY DOUBLES……….
Big Al
Feb 26, 2023 26:10 PM
Thanks fugiosa!
Janet Yellen, or the person wearing a Yellen mask is in Kiev Ukraine. Giving more money.
I think all these mask wearing people are visiting beautiful Guantanamo Bay Cuba.
You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave.
Hotel GITMOfornia.
Every time someone from Biden’s cabinet goes over there they give away more of the money they have stolen from us. Better get back to work, tax serfs, to pay for this war.
I believe that is Jerry’s official “handle”
Nice to see that Jim is kind of “back in the game”. I used to interview him quite a lot. I wonder if he is stilll living in Central America?
Jim: invasion of Ukraine shouldn’t have happened.
cfs: I could not have agreed more.
But I put it down to the duplicitous nature of NATO.
It seems to me Putin just had exhausted negotiations and was getting nowhere.
Jim: The Russians have lost a lot of men.
According to my sources, Russian started training up about 250,000 new soldiers just over two months ago, with about another month of training to go. AND there’s about another 100,000 in the training pipeline. (I have been as a one, two or three week visitor to Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria in the decade before covid.) It appears to me the strongest European influence in the area comes from Germany. (Although that may be declining)
Charles has been talking to his friends; the flowers and the trees for far too long. He has little political power in the UK and probably soon be spending most of his limited intellect on trying to hold the Commonwealth together. The UK cabinet is already discussing imminent food shortages, and its ability to tap preferential Commonwealth sourcing. Since most of the world could could have a food deficit starting next year, and England actually unable to grow sufficient food for itself in the last one hundred years, the Commonwealth may be a good source.
I will bet that it is seriously declining now!
A lot of men, yes, but that does not mean they will fight. And so far, they are getting slaughtered by anyone’s standards.
Look at demographics – with a declining population hovering just north of 140mil, they are losing ethnic Russians dramatically, but increasing in ethnic minority Muslim groups at a huge rate – this does not bode well for Russia’s future.
Take a step back, and think about the cost in men and treasure.
Hi CFS … I agree , but that FACT , goes over his head.
Yes ! And it”s no funny what’s coming ! A Neocon Sanctions Escalator For China Maybe ? Boys !
I hope the neocons are scared to death of China.
If the are not, they should be.
I have to agree completely with that, Professor!
Uh…, the neocons created communist China..?
Classic ☝🏻, good one Larry.
People not questioning the treasury secretary in Ukraine would be, “thick as a brick”.
Coincidence OR NOT?
Vaccine safety
The real–system-update-47.htmllesson to be learned from covid”
is that politicians tend to claim to know more than they actually know most of the time.
In real life they are more likely to be ignorant, stupid, or corrupt….lying because of funding.
Fauci should die in jail.
The Saint is rising !