

A Bounce In For The Markets Is Very Likely

April 2, 2018

Chris Temple joins me today to wrap up the moves in the markets. On a positive note the markets made a little come back in the final couple hours. With earnings season upon us Chris thinks this could help lift the markets. Remember there is that gap at the 2700 level on the S&P that should get filled. We wrap up the call with comments on the precious metals move up.

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    Apr 02, 2018 02:24 PM

    I agree with Chris.

    The daily S&P500 chart has formed a double bottom with additional support from rising 233 day simple and exponential moving averages.

    The 60 minute chart is also bullish.

    Apr 02, 2018 02:59 PM

    I think that the Big Bull Market is on it’s last legs. The problem is margin calls, the speculators have been borrowing on the future prosperity of their country. These stock market falls could easily pull the plug on speculation, the country will be sold out of everything the speculators thought they owned. Volatility over a period of time like we have seen will crash the system. The speculators will not be shaken out by anything short of a major disaster and by then it will be too late. DT

    Apr 02, 2018 02:53 PM

    Dick Tracy-The margin call thing…..that is one important set of circumstance that I have never found an indicator for…The put/call ration is the closest sentiment indicator along thiose lines I have discovered…

    Apr 02, 2018 02:28 PM
    Apr 02, 2018 02:08 PM

    I don’t always agree with Chris but I thought he did a good summary today. I also agree with DT I just feel the bull market is really on it’s last legs, you can just sense it. For my own two penny worths, when it goes and I have no idea when that will be, I think the drop will be significant not just 20%

    Apr 02, 2018 02:28 PM

    Missing Trillions. Here’s some of the loot Obama moved.

    Listen and learn how you’ve been cheated.

    Apr 02, 2018 02:43 PM

    The Lockheed Skunk Works has been open about its exploration in compact fusion reactors, having developed a magnetic container system about the size of a standard shipping container that could power a city of up to 100,000 people. But, its latest move suggests it’s been successful in scaling the size down even further.
    Last week, The Drive blog reported that Lockheed Martin obtained a patent for a component for its compact fusion reactor design. Among the applications for the reactor depicted in the documents was an image of a fighter jet similar in design to the F-16—which is also one of the company’s creations—and a diagram shows how such a reactor could be fit within an aircraft propulsion system:
    “For aviation applications, depending on the exact size of the reactor, the system might be able to give a plane unlimited range for its entire lifecycle, with the limit only been the need for food, water, and other life support systems for the crew. High altitude drones with the ability to stay aloft for months or even years at a time could potentially take the place of satellites and other communications relay infrastructure.”
    Such a development would allow unmanned military vehicles—air, land, or sea—to operate indefinitely in remote locations without traditional logistics chains.
    A prototype has already been tested at the Lockheed Skunk Works in California.

      Apr 04, 2018 04:43 PM

      regarding this fusion project mentioned above there are a string of comments in this thread that make the prospects of this Lockheed project seem dubious anytime in the near future. Here is the opening post and anyone interested can read on and on…


      [–]Jacobf_ 8 days ago*
      > “I thought fusion reactors are always something like 30 years away?”

      “There are a number of private companies currently building fusion devices with a ~10Y time to market aim, this project is one of them, I would bet on most not making it.”

      > Is this the real deal or something else?

      “This is without doubt a real project, and the science is not particularly controversial but the engineering has a long road ahead of it.”

      “Most of the info is based on this promotional video from 2014 talking about container sized aircraft use, since then we had an update in 2016 which set its sights a little more realistic with a concept for a 200 MW reactor, 18 m long by 7 m in diameter, this would end up at about a 2000 ton reactor.”

      “If you have time Here is a 2015 presentation by Tom McGuire the principal investigator for the project…”

    Apr 02, 2018 02:50 PM

    Some U.S. goods on which the Chinese government raised tariffs Monday. 4/2/18


    Most goods targeted for 25 percent tariffs are varieties of pork, for which China is the No. 3 American export market.

    — PORK

    Fresh and chilled bone-in pork forelegs and hind legs, chilled whole and half hog heads, pork liver, chopped pork, other fresh and chilled pork


    Scrap aluminum


    Chinese regulators also imposed 15 percent duties on apples, almonds and dozens of types of fruit

    — FRUIT

    Apples, fresh or dried; coconut, fresh and dried; bananas, fresh or dried; pineapple; pomegranates; mangos; grapefruit; grapes; watermelon; cherries; strawberries; dried apricots

    — NUTS

    Brazil nuts, cashews, almond kernels, walnuts, macadamia nuts, pine nuts

    — WINE

    Sparkling wine

    — HERBS


    — PIPES

    Stainless steel and alloy pipe used for petroleum or natural gas, multiple diameters.

    Apr 03, 2018 03:36 AM

    Dollar should be starting a rally bringing oil and gold down.

      Apr 03, 2018 03:02 AM

      Most likely for a while, yes, Paul. Perfect scenario would be a rally in the USD Index to its previous floor around 93, give or take a little–a failure there — and a renewed oppty to load up again on some metals, etc. after they weaken a bit more

        Apr 03, 2018 03:42 AM

        Technically, 93 seems reasonable, though there is real resistance between here and there:

          Apr 03, 2018 03:46 AM

          After the last long-term US dollar top, 2002, the 89 day simple and exponential moving averages provided major resistance for the first 18 or 20 months.

    Apr 03, 2018 03:14 AM

    Yes index could get to 93 to 95.

    Apr 03, 2018 03:46 AM

    The Dow and S&P are cooked for many more months. The gap down in late January signaled the trend change. That gap at the top won’t be filled for years. The gap down at the 100 day MA on both just confirms more downward movement in the future. It should get interesting when the 50 crosses under the 100 next week.

    Apr 03, 2018 03:56 AM
    Apr 03, 2018 03:00 AM

    I noticed awhile back someone had gng on one of their lists, news out today of big investor interest has created some action in the price.

    Apr 03, 2018 03:03 AM

    Calm before the storm as the Vix takes a break and the dollar appears to be setting up for a rally. S&P is hanging by a thread at the 200 day.