Market Volatility, PMs Recent Bounce, And A Special Novo Update
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Volatility continues in the US markets with the S&P up over 4% this week. It was not a smooth ride however. The base metals have rebounded nicely and precious metals, after a potentially scary breakdown last Friday, rebounded nicely this week back to the higher part of their range. We discuss all those topics this week plus a special look at the downfalls in resource estimates and an extra long segment with Novo’s Quinton Hennigh answering all of our questions.
I want to thank everyone for listening in to this week’s weekend show and to all of you who are tuning in during the week! The Novo update turned into a much larger special segment thanks to all the questions that were emailed to me at the end of the week. Please keep in touch by emailing me all your company questions to
On a side note for the next 2 weeks we the investing/marketing show will be taking over the majority of the weekend show. We hope you enjoy!
Have a great weekend everyone!
- Segment 1: Chris Vermuelen kicks of the show with comments on the recent volatility in the US markets and his thoughts on how far the PM stocks can run.
- Segment 2: As the equity markets bounce back from the 2 week selloff Dana Lyons shares his thoughts on if that was the ultimate top.
- Segment 3: Peter Boockvar, Chief Investment Officer at the Bleakly Advisory Group says volatility will continue this year.
- Segment 4: Joe Mazumdar from Exploration Insights explains the benefits and downfalls of resource estimates.
- Segment 5: KER Politics replay from Monday – Jim McKinney and Big Al on Trump.
- Segment 6: Doc addresses the big volume days for GDX last Friday and Wednesday. We reiterate the timeline for the GDX breakout.
- Segment 7 & 8: Novo Resources Chairman and President Quinton Hennigh answers a number of questions from all of you on the exploration moving forward and overall Company strategy.
- Click here for the full interview and dedicated post. Please post your Novo comments on the dedicated page.
Exclusive Company Updates and Interviews
Segment 1
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Segment 2
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Segment 3
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Segment 4
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Segment 5
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Segment 6
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Segment 7 & 8 – Click here to listen to the full interview.
Haha you got me Jerry! The post was stuck in draft mode. Sorry for the delay.
No problem……enjoy your weekend……. 🙂
Hey EX…………….This is for you…..ran across this , thought it would add to your info pile…… 🙂
Thanks OOTB. I’ve been out of commission lately but wanted you to know I saw this.
Way Off-Topic:
But, if confirmed, highly important science.
Skunk in the Trunk………Buffett……been saying he is stinky for years.
You know his daddy was a senator…..Warren knows all the tricks…..
With his newly purchased shares of 700million share of BofA……Fed is going to dump some more cash in his pocket.
Health care from Warren..
This Monopoly game is not going to end well……….Fact
Germans …..infected with roundup………
I bet Rothschild isn’t……
Bezo….the clown and the mayor to be found.
Pelosi…….letter to people
this will tie in with Demo Voter fraud….investigation is now in process…
Re: segment 6
A close look reveals that the recent volume might be more significant than Doc thinks. It certainly looks better than what we saw during the same time window at the 2016 low.
The key now is what happens in the next week or three.
The daily chart is improving and it needs to improve a lot more to get the weekly chart momentum readings back in shape. So more large quick gains are what we want to see.
Notice that price has moved above and below the 600 day EMA for the past year and that the 50 and 200 day MAs are in bullish order and are, for the first time in months, above the 600 day EMA once again.
It’s been a long consolidation that has brought the moving averages into a tighter and tighter range — like compressing a spring. So, if it does break out to the downside here, the move would likely be as impressive as the move we will see with an upside breakout.
Here’s a closeup view of the low volume pullback. Compare the volume of the last two days with that of the last “up” day. The two down days combined fall 10M shares short of the up day.
How about 6000 House of Representatives in Congress……..NEW LAWSUIT
Lawsuit challenges the constitution on the word “more or less”….
this would change the House of the PEOPLE
Thank you Jerry for that link!
Whit, …You are welcome, share it with others
I sure will.
Good show Cory. Here’s another good listen from Fleckenstein:
Jesse Felder’s article this week has a great overlay of the S&P with the Nikkei. Holders of the S&P better hope they don’t rhyme in the next several months:
This is for all the market doomers and the gold fools. Todd has it bang on…..
Golds for gamblers. Thats you better not buy and mold. No divys paid to wait while going nowhere. Todds one of the best timers in the business while gold nuts scared people AWAY from the real bull market for years! Bobbo your one. Schiff your another.!podcast
Alot of people listen to cknw.
Good stuff….Dont be a gold bug be an everything bug.
Pots stocks still look No Good. Glad I bailed on them and Oil!
You are playing a one string banjo with a broken spring and everyone gets it but you.
Well, I did get outa pot stocks awhile back and they havnt really done anything since.
Maybe when we get closer to July.
Here is an article related to Todd’s thoughts…
Now this administration (like its predecessors) is intent on running large deficits, thanks to tax cuts coupled with fast increasing non-discretionary spending alongside large discretionary spending increases on infrastructure and the military. Of course, America can technically avoid going “bankrupt” as it can, is, and will continue to digitally print however much “money” is necessary to pay the bills. But this results in an ever shrinking minority with the spoils and an ever enlarging majority left to pay the price for this policy of ever increasing debt and dilution.
The minority asset-owning class with the vast majority of stocks, bonds, and real estate will continue to be rewarded from the ongoing debt creation. Those considered “blue collar” or “working class” will continue to find their rents are higher, their insurance premiums rising, their children’s debt incurred to get an education going through the roof…and their incomes inadequate to pay their bills let alone acquire the fast inflating assets…sadly the vast majority will continue to fall further behind (detailed HERE) unless a very large change is made.
or…..Whether the administrations of the Federal Government, Federal Reserve, and select benefactors on Wall Street (among others) are serially incompetent or (more likely) criminally culpable for abusing their positions and power to benefit a small minority at the expense of the vast majority is a question in need of asking. If the answer is the latter, criminal action and/or massive claw-backs should be on the table
According to the video…..Rothschild own 52% of the FEDERAL RESERVE
Wind going out of Winn Dixie…………
Thanks Jerry, I agree with Ned. It’s nice when my biases are confirmed by someone who isn’t clueless. 😉
You are welcome, …. I thought his comment on the one year chart , commenting on the parabolic move on Stock Market was interesting……jmo
ONe more for the road……..
“The larger concern currently, is the ‘sell signal’ which has been triggered at abnormally high levels and remains in extremely overbought territory. Such suggests there remains ‘fuel’ for either a ‘deeper correction’ or a ‘consolidation’ of the markets in the weeks ahead to ‘work off’ that ‘overbought’ condition. Historically, markets don’t resolve such conditions by trading ‘sideways.’”
Big Al seems to be vacillating on one way or another over Trump. Al says Tump is such a poor communicator yet praising him for all his accomplishments. I think Al needs to acknowledge that to make an omelet eggs have to be broken! That’s where a thick skinned, sometimes insensitive, personality like that of Trump is exactly is what is necessary to stir up the sick US, nay global, political system that has been rapidly accelerating over the past decades.
From Sinclair site…….
As we hear all the comments about “Fake News” over the past year or so, I don’t think people REALLY understand that “Fake News” actually became LEGAL in 2013 when H.R.5736, The Smith-Mundt “Modernization” Act of 2012 was included in the NDAA of 2013.
The US Information and Education Exchange Act of 1948, also known as the Smith-Mundt Act, has ensured for decades that government-made media intended for foreign audiences does not end up within the U.S.
On May 10th. 2012, Mr. Thornberry and Mr. Smith introduces a bill which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs
H.R. 5736 The Smith-Mundt “Modernization” Act of 2012
To amend The U.S. Information and Education Exchange Act of 1948 to authorize domestic dissemination of information and material about the United States intended primarily for foreign audiences, and for other purposes
H.R. 5735 was tagged onto the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) of 2013
It was voted on by the U.S. House of Representatives to be included in the following years defense spending bill, which was then voted on as a whole
It was approved
Neutralizing acts that had been passed to protect U.S. audiences from their own government’s misinformation campaigns
Propaganda that was supposed to target foreigners could now be aimed at Americans, reversing a long standing policy
The new law gives sweeping powers to the government to push television, radio, newspaper, and social media onto the U.S. public
Essentially removing protection for Americans
The State Department and Pentagon now utilizes all forms of media against the American public for the sake of coercing U.S. citizens to believe whatever version of the truth the U.S. government wants them to believe
The evaporation of Smith-Mundt and other provisions to safeguard U.S. citizens against government propaganda campaigns is part of a larger trend within the diplomatic and military establishment
So to sum it all up
The Government has made it legal to perform false flags to brainwash you to further their agenda
All media is being manipulated
Including alternative media youtube channels
Question everything
Think for yourself
Truth VS The Agenda
DUMB Machine at work…….Market manipulation at it’s best
And there are still people out there that believe we have stock ‘markets’ and that ‘humans’ are involved?
Machines don’t need holidays, food, gold, fiat currencies, light, doctors, they can repair themselves. The list goes on and on. You can see how vulnerable we are. They are already in charge, humans need not apply.
Someone has been sleeping…..