Fed Rate Hike and How It Impacts Gold Stocks
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Thanks to the Fed this week there was a lot to talk about. The fed raised rates another 25 basis points but the real surprise was how hawkish they came off again in terms of future rate hikes and some forward guidance on how they will unwind the Fed’s balance sheet.
On this weekend’s show we discuss the implication of the Fed’s statement as well as take a close look at the resource sector in term of stocks.
This week was also a busy one in terms of news and new company intros. Please click the links below to visit the posts. Remember our sponsor companies are the reason why we can offer our program for you to free. Please consider supporting the companies and at least listening to their stories and providing us with feedback.
We thank you for all for tuning in this weekend. Please keep in touch by emailing me at Fleck[at]kereport.com.
- Segment 1: We kick off the show with newsletter writer Sean Brodrick. Sean and I look at the action in junior gold stocks as well as the recent pop in Palladium.
- Segment 2: John Kaiser, founder of Kaiser Research provides his outlook for precious metal stocks over summer. We address that fact that many companies are currently drilling and results will be released shortly.
- Segment 3: Adrian Day, CEO of Adrian Day Asset Management recaps the Fed statement and takes a broad look at the markets.
- Segment 4: Managing Partner at the CPM Group, Jeff Christian shares his thoughts on the balance between physical gold demand and what actually drive the gold price.
- Segment 5 & 6: Is our country at a crossroads? Joshua Philipp, senior writer for the Epoch Times and Big Al believe that we are.
- Segment 7: We discuss the latest actions of the Fed with Professor Jim Little and Chris Temple.
- Segment 8: We wrap up KER Politics with Professor Jim Little and Chris Temple.
Company Updates and Interviews this week.
(Click on the text to visit the post)
An Introduction to a new Copper Exploration Company
Glen Eagle Resources – Follow Up Questions On The La Cobra Mining Concession
Novo Resources – First 2017 Results From Beatons Creek
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Actually CFS, thank you as this endeavor keeps me sane.
Bitcoin No Threat To U.S. Dollar, Gold – Jim Rickards
Thanks for the weekend show as always fella’s.
Much appreciated.
Thanks you for listening and commenting Skeeta.
Sections 5 and 6:
If Trump was vunerable (i.e. had done something wrong) Don’t you think it would have been leaked by now>
Is there any doubt that the NSA has been ILLEGALLY SPYING on him and all persons related to him?
Right now the Democrats are trying everything they can with Mueller’s fishing expedition.
Trump needs to get an investigation going into Comey’s buddy Mueller and Lynch and the real obstruction of justice.
It would be really great to have you join our political discussion group via Skype and for you and other members of our family this invitation is always open.
The Zero Hedge article simply convinces me even more that we at a definite crossroads in our country.
All I can do is continue to provide information with all of your help; stay informed; and, pray.
Better than a three ring circus CFS. I personally am waiting for the horses to get back into the barn. My guess is that will not happen until this Fall. If the Progressives are the kind of people that I think they are I pray that this country comes to it’s senses and the majority realizes that they are simply bad people.
On that note, I read a couple of articles in The WSJ yesterday that absolutely prove my opinion.
Re. Seg 7:
If the Federal Reserve tries to reduce its balance sheet, it will collapse the world economy, unless the other central banks increase their injection of money into the system.
And if the other central banks increase their injection of money into the system, it will eventually collapse the system.
Mr. Moriarty, I agree.
However, I believe, they will try to continue kicking the can down the road for as long as possible.
The US should have accepted a recession years ago rather than start down the QE road, but they did not.
And, how many times has this been stated in this forum CFS?
Bob, as always thanks, for your input.
“US Steel Is Ready! – Long or Short?”
“Big buck traders should keep an eye on this one.”
Good input, thanks BDC.
If you are the trend line tracker, please let us know.
Yep, that’s me. I’m working on POT now, and it looks like a simmering general resource bull may be unleashed — maybe this year. Of course, these shallow up trends could break the wrong way, but this is the time to be interested. Please recommend some big cap resource companies you’re interested in.
As promised: “Will POT Smoke?”
I’m still not sure Democrat-leaning Yellen is not just taking revenge on Trump for not losing to Hillary (the unidicted criminal).
Yellen: Wall Street Private Banking leaning. It’s about wealth transfer, and not politics. Think Theft.
David, have you read “The Creature form Jeckel Island?
Haven’t read The Creature yet, but have read a bunch of other books about Central Bankers and corruption.
Mr. Temple: Do you think the Fed really puts the country first; above the banking system? I don’t.
No — and never suggested otherwise. All policy, etc. is intended to benefit/sustain the system. BUT these people are also people — fallible, and none too bright at times.
AND some of them are so naive in a way themselves (and don’t even understand their own system it seems) that they REALLY DO think they are “helping” the economy, etc. The old story of the blind leading the blind.
They have been schooled at the best brainwashing systems in the nation……and everyone falls for it………….Ivy League with poison ivy………..lol
Why did Trump just give amnesty to 800,000 illegal immigrants?
Why is this not discussed?
A Valentines Day rally organized by the New York Immigration Coalition called ‘Love Fights Back’ on Feb. 14 in New York City. SPENCER PLATT / GETTY IMAGES
The Trump administration on Tuesday released an aggressive plan to stop illegal immigration, warning that all of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States are subject to deportation at any time.
Two memorandums signed by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly laid out a series of policies intended to increase immigration enforcement, speed deportations and discourage new asylum seekers. Among the provisions: the hiring of thousands of new border patrol and immigration enforcement agents, the creation of a new office within Department of Homeland Security to work with the victims of crimes committed by unauthorized immigrants, and an expansion of the number of unauthorized immigrants who can be deported through an expedited process.
The practical impact of the orders is not yet clear. Administration officials, in a conference call with reporters on Tuesday, said the moves were not a prelude to mass deportations, which would in any case likely require additional funding from Congress. Many details — including the fate of hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants granted temporary protected status by former President Barack Obama — remain unresolved, and some of the new policies will likely face legal challenges.
Many of the Republicans in leadership are RINOs. That becomes more obvious by the day.
I believe that a more accurate statement is “today, more than ever, we have to examine each politician very closely and base our final opinions on individual records and public statements.
That is, at least, what I try to do.
Trump is a workhorse, much of what he has done is not reported by the media so the public thinks he spends all his time trying to keep from being impeached. The media like Marshal Macluan said is the message.
Greg Hunter:
“You wonder why all the leaks and so-called investigations that go on and on lead to nowhere? Why the real story of an outgoing Administration using the resources of the FBI and Intel agencies to try to sink Trump and his Administration are not reported? Could it be the Obama Administration is desperate to cover up crime and treason that will surely be revealed by the Trump Administration? The only reason I can come up with why people would commit felony leaks is to cover up bigger felonies and even treason.”
Hear, hear.
Greg has an interesting point, CFS
Like most folks, Josh Phillips does not understand what ‘fascism’ is:
It is a method — not a doctrine!
Josh understands a lot BDC. What you bring up, which is valuable, is an example of the intricacy of semantics!
Latest from Adam Hamilton
Interesting summary. Thanks Wolfster.
Thanks as always for your great endeavours this weekend. For those wishing to continue yesterday’s debate on bitcoins Hugo Salinas Price says watch out: Bitcoin is nothing more than dream money. Scroll down on SGT.
Here is another good article on Bitcoin et all by a Guy I know & respect……
Karl is a sharp guy…….I would have to agree with you….
Thanks Chris.
I am reaching out to Karl right now. I would really like to have him on our show.
I hope you can, I met him at a Sprott conference a few years ago & he is really a first rate Guy & very smart.
Andy, great article …………..
Price is always a good read or listen to…….jmo
Cryptos….and tulip bulbs…..
Kind of my opinion at this point OOTB
With my, admittedly somewhat limited interest and knowledge, I agree with Mr. Price.
Canadian mining companies targeted in “cyber-extortion” scheme
Group dubbed FIN10 used spear phishing emails to hold sensitive information for ransom, payable through bitcoin
Andrew Topf | about 16 hours ago | 893 |
That represents one of my trepidations about this, b.
SEg.8………”nothing is happening”, Professor Little says………I agree.
the 8500 people who own 90% of the wealth………do not care if anyone has anything…jmo
Psychopaths have NO conscience whatsoever Jerry. For the rest of us ‘plagued’ with a conscience we can hardly conceive that such people exist. But it makes it easier for us to recognise them for just that – people who’ve sold their souls outright.
Ditto and well said…………
the psychopaths, should remember, …..when the little people have had enough, they tend to revolt………historical fact………
History does seem to point that out, OOTB.
I always thought that you were one of the 8500, OOTB!
With the raising of interest rates the markets could soon see a series of fainting fits much like the ground tremors that begin before a major earthquake. Raising interest rates at this conjecture does nothing to help the economy, in fact it is a huge detriment. When rates are raised the government must pay a lot more just to service the national debt and all other debts it holds at various levels down to the municipalities. Speculators which includes the government must also pay more money to prop up the markets. Businesses, individuals, and families, are forced to pay a higher rate for funds.
As The Federal Reserve authorities raise the rates they appear to be wantonly and deliberately bring about a severe smash in the markets. Markets are very much tied in with psychology, so far they have been able to keep deflation at bay except by a disaster which will be the endgame. DT
Are we at a crossroads: we have seen the first “speed bump” put in place before the Progressives/Totalitarians/Globalists, and you see their paid and unpaid “true believers” being stirred up by the belief that their future utopia is in doubt. America really is polarizing between the haves and have-nots, the workers and the elite. I don’t know where this is going, but the rest of the world has lived without America’s privilege of two oceans separating us from the Old World and its’ conflicts. Now America is being treated like the rest of the world’s ancient history.
You make an interesting point Mr. Pace.
#Gold Stocks To Provide Leverage Once Again
Jun 16, 2017 #VIDEO
“Gwen Preston discusses when she expects to see gold stocks providing leverage once again.”
Frank Holmes: A Tsunami of Selling in Gold Miners Is About to End
PalisadeRadio – Jun 13, 2017 #Audio Interview
“Frank discusses how the $GDXJ became just a buying index with no separation of value and little understanding of who was doing well fundamentally. The re-balancing has created a large uncertainty with five billion dollars initially moving into the space and now three billion dollars leaving it. This will affect many of the small and mid cap #producers …”
Evaluating #Juniors and Top Picks – Sid Rajeev
Cambridge House – Jun 13, 2017 #VIDEO gets good about 3 mins into it.
Next Bubble in Gold Stocks
Jun 13, 2017
#Audio Interview w/ younger investors @TheNextBigRush @Jayfire @MiningBookGuy
3 Questions to Ask Every Junior – Nick Hodge
Cambridge House – Jun 12, 2017
Investing in Junior Mining, Energy, and Tech Stocks – Stephan Bogner
Cambridge House – Jun 12, 2017
Management…..4 min into…….overlooked by many, and most important for shareholders….jmo
Yes, I believe management is particularly important in all companies, but especially the smaller Explorers where most of them are burning through money with the belief they’ll find an economic deposit, but 99% of the time it won’t become a mine.
Some executives pay themselves too much, or make bad acquisitions of land or other companies, or spend too long on VTEM/Geochem or shooting darts in a dark room, instead of bringing in the right Geologists that know that kind of deposit or country and can really get to the bottom of whether they have something real or not.
Also great management teams know when it is time to cut bait, leave that area, and move to another deposit. You don’t hear that very much, but sometimes it is better to identify quickly something isn’t going to work, and move on to a more productive exploration target.
Lastly, a great management team knows how to evaluate different ways to raise funds (selling a project, selling a % of a project to a Strategic Investor, or JVing a project for a partial earn-in to have them fund some, or using debt or shares as a currency WISELY, or offering a royalty or acquiring a royalty, etc….).
Yes in hindsight it is the common factor in all my big losers
Nice to get a few Peru plays. I am interested in Peru with zinc plays like Tinka already but some gold plays are always nice to add to the list too
Yes, I like Tinka for Zinc as well. I have a half dozen Zinc plays in the portfolio at present.
As for Gold the toll miners like Montan and Inca One have been absolutely trashed, and it makes little sense, as their margins are about to get a lot better over the next 6-12 months and they don’t have the exploration risk/expense of most explorers or producers. I like their slow-n-stead wins the race approach.
I have a few Copper/Gold plays I’m evaluation in Peru as well but haven’t been as aggressive with Copper at this point.
Minaurum Gold Interviews James Kwantes – “Where are the Resource Opportunities?”
Jun 16, 2017
“In this interview, we speak with James Kwantes, Editor of the Resource Opportunities newsletter. We talk about his viewpoints on the current state of the mining sector, his forecasts, what to look for in a mining company as per his ‘Investment Litmus Test”, the recent shift of power in the BC government and its affect on mining, and a sector that is not talked about often, the diamond industry.
James Kwantes is the editor of Resource Opportunities, a subscriber supported junior mining investment publication. Mr. Kwantes has two decades of journalism experience and is currently the mining reporter at Vancouver Sun, the city’s paper of record. He is also the founder of the World of Mining blog.”
Uranium – A New Bull Market is Dawning, with Mike Alkin
Cambridge House – Jun 12, 2017 – VIDEO
IPT gave back all of Thursday’s large gain yesterday and did so on the highest volume since October – closing at .50. The interesting thing is that the VWAP (volume-weighted average price) for the day was still over .58.
Looking at the 30 minute chart, we can see that only 161,590 of the 776,550 shares traded changed hands below .58. So, a bearish high volume pullback on the daily chart turned out to be something a little less scary on the 30 minute chart – a low volume pullback.
Since I don’t know who accounted for the large volume on the buy side, risks would include a move to a new low (below .485) shaking those shares out. But the odds are good that the buyers were strong since weak hands don’t tend to be aggressive buyers anywhere near 52 week lows.
Because of this action and despite having too many shares already, I bought more as it went from .55 to .50.
I trimmed some of my IPT position back when it surged on Thursday (anticipating it giving some back), and there were a few other bargains I want to move those funds into. Now my cost basis is lower, and still have a nice position in it.
I also trimmed back AXU Alexco as it had quite a move into Friday, and lowered my cost basis in it as well, and redeployed those funds into a few other sell-down bargains.
I was impressed with both IPT and AXU this week though. Nice action.
I bought so much at the .49-.50 level lately that it makes me think there must be a lower low coming! 😮
Have also added a lot to PPP and JAG (which I had been out of at the time that it plunged to below .40).
I’ve been swing trading JAG and finally have it down to a nice core position again. (I went back and forth from overweight during the selldows, to underweight on small rallies, and back and forth, and now just have a nice core position in it again).
PPP I’ve averaged down in a few times, but am still underwater on it. That has been a painful falling knife scenario for me, and as a result I now have a larger position in it that anticipated. As we’ve discussed on here a few times, there are a number catalysts in the 2nd half of 2017 that will pull it back up out of the depths.
There are a number of other distressed producers and developers that I’ve been scooping up while they are unloved.
Yup, I sold about 75% of my new Jag position very recently but have now bought it back and then some.
JAG Jaguar Mining is still one of the most undervalued Gold producers hitting around 100,000 ounces per year that I’m aware of.
Another one is Blackham Resources out of Australia. They’ve been taken to the woodshed for missing guidance this year a new producer, but their growth profile over the next 12 months is insane. When people wake up and value Blackham correctly it really deserves a big re-rating.
Of course it is hard to recognize with so many bigger names like Klondex, McEwen and Teranga at huge discounts.
Another mid-tier Gold producer I’ve consistently had a nice position in is (AR)Argonaut Gold and they’ve been a bit peppier lately as they only have a minimal exposure in GDXJ. Their growth profile and costs are more impressive than their share price would indicate though.
(R) Red Eagle Mining and (KNT) K92 Mining are 2 more speculative smaller producers that represent good value here.
I’m also adding to my (ORA) Aura Minerals position as they are another distressed turn around producer in Brazil like (JAG). The Brazil producers and developers have really gotten beaten down bad, and while some may be jurisdiction risk, it would seem much of it is a visibility issue. Thank goodness for inefficient markets. 🙂
Red Eagle Closes PP Soon and Hits the Ground Running
Bob Moriarty – Jun 16, 2017
“Red Eagle (R-T), the parent company and currently the owner of 90% of the shares in Red Eagle Exploration is one of the shining moments of the last 15 years. They succeeded in Colombia in spite of all of the trip-wires and mine fields in front of them during a period when 90% of the juniors in Colombia blew up. As a result, Red Eagle managed to pick up some giant in potential land packages which they spun off into Red Eagle Exploration. I went into the projects in detail in my prior piece.
With the same management team and being well financed after this placement closes, I expect big things out of Red Eagle Exploration. I know they plan on hitting the ground running. The Vetas property had $68 million spent on exploration already. With a current market cap of $55 million for XR-V, investors are literally getting the other two world-class projects for free. For the fans of silver, the Santa Ana silver project has had limited drilling but results of multi-kilo silver in multiple intercepts. The district contained the highest-grade silver mines in Colombian history…”
SCZ Santacruz had a nice pop up in the last week or so, and I trimmed a bit of it back as well on the move.
Some depressing election stories
Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known
There’s No Way to Know How Compromised U.S. Elections Are
The Atlantic article is interesting.
Even the short term bullish case for the miners is still alive:
I think we are days away from a reversal for silver:
These days I am holding Americas silver and a few cobalt stocks. I think USA the stock will finally start to see a relief rally, it has been trading sideways for too long and with their third mine opening in September it should start to get some nibbles. DT
DT – Agreed. Americas Silver should have a good Fall rally when San Rafael is cued up in Sept/Oct.
Lots of room in bond market to absorb more T bonds and mortgage bonds which are being slowly sold by Fed reseerve. Look at the recent bump up and then back down in 10 year T bonds . Hey Trump could get a massive tax increase in fed gasoline tax thru congress if most of it goes for Infrastructure spending . We could have 3 or 4 % groth rates in a few months. It takes nerve to advocate an unpopular gasoline tax , but where else is gov going to ge tthe funds for Infrastructure spending ?? Pray for sanity S
Nato killed Gaddafi……according to email of Hilly………..jdsmineset.
he wanted gold back money.
The rumor around Iraq was that the reason the U.S. went in was because it was pushing for a non US backed petrodollar.
The greatest danger always arises from not knowing what you don’t know.
It seems to me that we are not quite there yet with cryptocurrencies.
They are trans-national, but as long as some new person or group can invent a new or better block-chain, they can hardly be described as limited.
They clearly will be attacked by many countries, but the disseminated nature of the internet and the block-chain storage makes them impervious to attack by EMP and attacks localized to a single country or even several countries.
I also note the following:
Self-proclaimed ‘space nation’ Asgardia will launch a satellite later this year to test the concept of long-term data storage in orbit around the Earth. This potentially opens the door to off-planet data and tax havens, according to filings obtained by Motherboard, and represents an important step towards the group’s proclaimed goal of starting a private nation in space.
At this moment in time, I think that is a bit far fetched.
Perhaps a bit before its time?
“It’s not what you don’t know that kills you, it’s what you know for sure that ain’t true.”
~ Mark Twain
About time you cover Bitcoin! And what about altcoins? I am sitting on a pile of profits from Ether and Litrcoin.
On an unrelated note…
Off Topic:
LONDON (AP) — London police on Saturday raised to 58 the number of deaths either confirmed or presumed following the horrific inferno that turned the city’s Grenfell Tower public housing block into a charred hulk.
Can you imagine if that happened in non-gooberment run housing building??? The lawsuits would be flying…
But it could not happen in non-government buildings……they, by government edict, HAVE to have sprinklers.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A key part of House Republicans’ plan to overhaul the way corporations pay taxes is on life support, leaving lawmakers scrambling to save one of President Donald Trump’s biggest priorities and increasing the chances the GOP will simply pass a tax cut instead of overhauling the tax code.
A proposed tax on imports is central to the GOP plan to lower the overall corporate tax rate. It would generate about $1 trillion over the next decade to finance the lower rates without adding to the deficit. It would also provide strong incentives for U.S.-based companies to keep their operations in the United States and perhaps persuade companies to move overseas operations to the U.S.
But the tax faces strong opposition from retailers, automakers and the oil industry, and a growing number of congressional Republicans have come out against it. They worry that it will increase the cost of imports, raising consumer prices.
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., says there probably aren’t enough votes to pass the import tax in the Senate — not a single Republican senator has publicly endorsed it. And a powerful group of House conservatives says it’s time to dump the idea.
Dang, you boys see this????
It looks like the you know what is starting to hit the fan.
It’s finally starting to happen….a lot of ill noise coming out of corrupt to the core Demonrat run and infested Illinois…The Illnoise melt down has begun…What Illnoise owes for Medicaid alone will eat up 100% of the Illnoise budget.
Official warns Illinois finances in ‘massive crisis mode’
CHICAGO (AP) — The Illinois official responsible for paying the state’s bills is warning that new court orders mean her office must pay out more each month than Illinois receives in revenue.
Comptroller Susana Mendoza must prioritize what gets paid as Illinois nears its third year without a state budget.
A mix of state law, court orders and pressure from credit rating agencies requires some items be paid first. Those include debt and pension payments, state worker paychecks and some school funding.
Mendoza says a recent court order regarding money owed for Medicaid bills means mandated payments will eat up 100 percent of Illinois’ monthly revenue.
Just proves Demonrat progressivism, socialism, fascism…whatever you want to call it…does not work.
The Illnoise can kicking is about to stop…
California, New York and Massachusetts are not far behind.
And, of course, Puerto Rico already defaulted.
What sweet irony that it starts in Bammie’s home state!
Of course the commierats are blaming the 1 Republican in the whole state.
Buy a ticket to the Illinois Lottery?
They are too broke to pay out.
Political scum even won’t hold to their own supposed rules.
Come the revolution, I believe there are many changes that must be made to Government.
(Not just changes to the mechanics of taxation and economy. We live in the Twenty-first century. For far too long has government been taking freedoms away from the people.
At the appropriate time, the people will take power back. I believe it is the prime duty of a parent to leave the country (and, if possible, the world) a better place for ones children. Failure so to do is a wasted life.
Perhaps this is the spark that burns down the whole ponzi scheme, debt based, fractured reserve, tax and spend outhouse are country is based on?
The real way ! No No No ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tetk_ayO1x4
Thankyou for the interview with Joshua Philipp. Very few Americans have any idea what they did to the Philippine people.
Arizona Republican senators…..both Flakes?
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s decision to reverse some Obama-era Cuba policies landed with a thud among many congressional Republicans who say the new approach surrenders a potentially lucrative market for American goods and services to competitors.
While anti-Castro conservatives hailed Trump’s partial roll-back of President Barack Obama’s detente, a number of other GOP lawmakers, particularly from farm states, criticized the change as misguided and isolationist. They urged him to ease barriers with Havana that will boost trade and create jobs in both countries.
Rep. Rick Crawford, R-Ark., said Trump’s shift is more than just a missed opportunity for rural America, which would benefit from greater access to Cuba’s agricultural import market. He said Trump’s policy may put U.S. national security at risk as strategic competitors move to fill the vacuum the uncoupling could create.
“Further U.S. disengagement opens up opportunities for countries like Iran, Russia, North Korea and China to gain influence on an island 90 miles off our coast,” Crawford said.
Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., a frequent critic of Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, said in a statement that any policy change “that diminishes the ability of Americans to travel freely to Cuba is not in the best interests of the United States or the Cuban people.”
Maybe the US shouldn’t travel freely anywhere and not trade with anyone. That will make us safe.
We can change the national bird to the Ostrich. (lol)
I normally trust reports on ZeroHedge that give hard data.
So when I saw this:
which was talking about a series of quakes on Friday up to 5.0 ( Richter scale)
I thought I’d check them out.
Latest Earthquakes in the N America Region
7 earthquakes of magnitude > 4.0, for uniform distribution
TIP To sort by multiple columns hold shift key and click on second and even third column header.
Select Language▼
(Shows interactive map) IRIS ID
(Other info)
16-JUN-2017 00:48:46 44.78 -111.03 4.36 9 HEBGEN LAKE REGION 10227065
10-JUN-2017 20:38:19 50.75 -129.98 4.8 10 VANCOUVER ISLAND, CANADA REGION 10202422
02-JUN-2017 03:02:43 23.91 -109.08 4.6 10 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 10164110
23-MAY-2017 05:35:20 27.77 -111.52 4.3 10 GULF OF CALIFORNIA 10160399
22-MAY-2017 01:35:51 75.08 -72.79 4.6 10 BAFFIN BAY 10159740
21-MAY-2017 19:33:38 59.76 -136.51 4.1 5 SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA 10159674
19-MAY-2017 12:09:15 47.70 -127.95 4.1 10 OFF COAST OF WASHINGTON 10158988
Zerohedge appears to be wrong!
Greg Hunter and Warren Pollack on Bitcoin:
Very sobering. Thanks for the link!
The guest is wrong to use “currency” and “money” interchangeably. He said that BC is not currency and that the dollar is money and is wrong about both. BC and the Federal Reserve Note are both currencies but neither is money.
One thing is certain, BC should never be compared to gold.
“Someone’s Going To Jail” Gingrich Warns Mueller’s Russia ‘Witch Hunt’ Too Big To Fail Now
After the Washington Post-New York Times-CNN axis got the public worked into a lather by effectively trying President Donald Trump and his administration in the court of public opinion, Americans are desperate to see somebody held accountable for…wait…what is it again? Collusion? Obstruction? The narrative changes so quickly, it’s difficult keeping track.
Enter Former Speaker Newt Gingrich, who told Fox’s Sean Hannity on Friday that the investigators who’ve been hired by Special Counsel Robert Mueller won’t quit until they’ve found their own Scooter Libby-type figure to play the role of political pariah.
What Trump needs to do is go about his job and when they get through with the Witch Hunt pardon them all.
Palladium: Leading Gold, Silver and the Miners?
Palladium has been on quite a tear for the last couple of months:
June 18, 2017 – The Hedgeless Horseman
Klondike Silver with CEO Tom Kennedy
Silver Lead Zinc Milling Complex in BC
Jun 8, 2017
Using Arbitrage to make a lot of Money – Jayant Bhandari
Cambridge House – Jun 8, 2017
Exploration, Analysism, Tips & Tricks with Brent Cook
Cambridge House – Jun 8, 2017
Heavy snowfall disrupts rescue of workers trapped at Mandalay’s mine in Chile
The two miners have about three days of air left.
Cecilia Jamasmie | 3 days ago
June 14, 2017
It’s a shame whenever something like this happens and while I’m still hopeful they locate the 2 workers, it isn’t looking good with the lake water rushing in. My heart goes out to all the people working to find their friends and family.
Mandalay was already severely discounted relative to their peers, but this was an unexpected event that has driven their share price down to levels I really never expected to see. I guess the market and company are still unsure of the damage that has been inflicted by this incident by the regulators in Chile and to the mine itself from the water damage.
I just haven’t seen many discussing this event, and thought it was worth mentioning. Again, hoping for a miracle here, as they think the 2 workers could have potentially made it to the safe shelter inside the mine.
June 15, 2017: Anaconda Mining Sells A Record 4,658 Ounces of Gold, Generating Over $7.72M In Gold Sales In the Fourth Quarter
June 15, 2017 – Anaconda Mining Inc. (TSX:ANX)
Anaconda Mining Completion of Arrangement with Orex Exploration
May 19, 2017
“Anaconda Mining Inc. (ANX: TSX) and Orex Exploration Inc. (OX: TSXV) are pleased to announce the completion of the previously announced plan of arrangement between Anaconda and Orex, pursuant to which Orex has now become a wholly owned subsidiary of Anaconda.”
Macquarie Commodities upgrading Pilbara (PLS.AX) and Galaxay (GXY.AX) to outperform.
1125-1150 gold coming?
july aug?
I wonder just how much lower jr miners will move down.
On the other hand, Russia just told the U.S. they may very well start shooting down american jets in Syria, that might affect the gold price.
Thanks Guys, for your work.