Now Big Al is really scared!
Glen Downs just sent me this article that has me truly concerned. To read it click here.
I realize that this is a very complicated situation and I realize that no one has proven conclusively which side used the gas. But common risking the start of a much more major conflict. Who’s kidding who?
I have to kind of agree with you Jerry!
no by scared al buy gold
And gold stocks, Franky. And gold stocks!
your jobe al yo now the gold stock hummans day luk good
I have to totally agree with you, Jerry.
THANKS Al and Matthew……..always glad to hear from you guys…….!!
#16 Defense contractors make more money when weapons are expended as compared to being held in reserve.
#17 Government contractors will make more rebuilding whatever the kinetic energy destroys.
#18 America has been derailed and is out of control off course on the way to calamity but this is the exact course Obama wishes to continue on full speed ahead.
#19 Obama did not listen to his preacher…..
I particularly like #19!
THANKYOU Mr Preacher Man!
Al….one song from 1972 that sums up where we are today is linked to below.
Just imagine Carly is singing about the ruling class…..the hubris….the arrogance….
the belief that if you did it it is perfect.
Thinking too highly of yourself never ends well.
Unfortunately, people with power acting with such callousness create a lot larger wake than Warren Beatty ever could hope to make.
Maybe when the Prez flies out to the Vineyard to see Carly he can take his dog with him.
Thanks Dennis M,
By the way, what is Franky’s tie between the masons and the jesuits? I don’t get it. What am I missing?
That was a frigging great performance, thanks!
Thanks Al!……That was one of best performances. That was me on the cow bell.
dennis that is a good one…………..
I thought it was quite clever myself.
nice dennis buy gold
Franky………you’re the best! How did you learn to do the things you do?
Is not Carly singing near Edgartown on Katama Bay?
Sure that is Chappaquiddick in the background where you did some of your best work at Dyke/Dike Bridge! Franky you’re the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did you learn to do the things you do ??????????
tanks dennis buy more GOLD
They took my cow bell away in that one.
obama will buy same of china fore the homeland !
is dat wut all do emtpi citis are for….mayb we muv dair?
day make china to buy all are metaals end work i bin to china 4 times day heppy
Deniis, please don’t you start….!! We’lllll allllstart talking crazzzzy.
Is President Obama allowing the changes that are sweeping through the Middle East because the region is not as important to us due to the fracking boom taking place in the US? As time evolves, it seems the Middle East may become less important to the US/N. America. However, it will remain a major supplier of oil to China. Is this a game of RealPolitik in that we want further instability in that region to negatively effect China? I don’t know because I can’t make sense of any of the recent decisions by our president.
I would not discount anything at this point.
You know Chico, you have a very interesting point. Not saying right or wrong, just saying quite interesting!
Al, I am not saying I am right. I am just speculating. Just look at what is happening in the Middle East and our turning our back on some of the regimes that provided stability to the region. I am trying to make sense of the nonsensical.
Hi Chico, isolationism is not a naïve idea, what is naïve is a country that has troops in one hundred and forty countries and they are involved in one major war after another and they have no domestic industry left, instead they continually print money to fund their military operations and most think this can go on ad infinitum. What if they knocked at your front door and said we would like your family to contribute twenty thousand dollars this year to pay for our military would you then stand up for constant war and would every American family. I think not but when they print money you are allowing them to do just that. Your future and your children’s future is mortgaged and the debt will be paid and to think life will go on as in the past is naïve. DT
Ah, Mr. Tracy! Naive is the thought that the US should embrace isolation. That is what I wrote and is what I beleive. I never wrote that having troops all over the world was a good idea. What I stated was that America needs to reach beyond its borders to protects its interests. Whether or not you want to beleive but we cannot make it solely on our own, unfortunately. We need other nations to do things for us, produce things for us and trade with us. Our farm products need export markets. Bill Gates needs his operating system to run computers across the globe while our friends in Seattle want our jets chartering people from place to place. And, yes, Americans sure do love driving to WalMart in Toyota’s and Honda’s for those cheap, Chinese items. Uncle Sam loves when we do these things because those dollars that the Walton family gets from us gets sent to China and comes right back to us to buy our ever expanding debt. We get cheap interest rates but to your point a gutted manufacturing base.
As for printing and debt, it is an outrage to all my sensibilities as an American citizen. I am as disgusted as you by this immoral behavior. Ironically, and I point this out with the utmost of respect, our debt and money printing primarily supports domestic, internal governmental programs. Perhaps you were not aware that the majority of our exorbitant spending is on social programs to try and solve American problems. Yes, the military consumes vast quanities of money and printing helps the military machine but it pales in comparison to social welfare.
As for your suggestion that the goverment will come to my door and ask for $20,000, what makes you think they won’t do that? Taxes are going higher. That is a promise I think we can take to the bank, a TBTF subsidized by the Fed nonetheless. I don’t know about you but my taxes just went up on a federal level. My state taxes are about to be raised…property taxes went up…local taxes are headed higher soon as the risk of default is great in the town I live. So, been there, done that! They will keep taking and taking!
Now, I know full well our children’s future is mortgaged beyond our ability to pay. Remember, we will not pay it. That is the thesis and basic premise behind money printing. Inflate away the debt and pay back our creditors with cheapened currency.
You are a great contributor my friend!
Yes. Well done Chico.
And quite frankly Chico so am I.
Yes Chico, I don’t believe that you will be able to inflate your debt because when mortgage rates rise you will see deflation just like in the 1930’s. Inflation came first which was what they thought would happen, but deflation is what they got and it is here now in the form of increased call money rates. The debt levels are so high that bankruptcy all around will be the only game in town. In fact the situation is so bad that you may see hyperdeflation as the derivative market implodes and sends hundreds of trillions of dollars to money heaven. Don’t forget that we are seeing margin loans on the stock market at record highs now around 380 billion $’s. When the stock market which is being force Fed, no pun intended; slips a little further forced liquidation will bury the stock market in an avalanche of selling. Get ready to see wealth disappear as it goes to money heaven or hell those will be the only choices. DT
Sad but very possibly true, Machine Gun.
I would also like to add to the great contributors out there watch the Real Estate market get buried yet again and stay dormant for another thirty years. DT
Very possibly a logical conclusion.
OH YES! The US dollar better start losing it’s value big time or the inflationist’s will be into DEEP DOO DOO up to their eyeballs big time! Ha, Ha! DT
Mr. Tracy, you may be correct. There are no guarantees we end up with deflation. History would suggest inflation based upon current Global Central Bank policies. In the 30’s we did get deflation. Ben Bernanke did his doctoral thesis on the Great Depression and concluded there was simply not enough monetary measures conducted to cure the depression. In other words, we did not print enough.
Fast forward to the conclusion of WW II. We were drowning in debt and embraced a policy known as financial repression which included money printing. Granted, we had tremendous pent up consumer demand following the war which led to vey strong economic growth. But, we did also print our way out of debt from WW II. These policies, in conjunction with the Vietnam War and the Great Society programs initiated by Pres.Johnson, helped contribute to the stagflationary environment of the 70-80’s.
Now, I am not sophisticated enough to determine how a quadrillion dollars worth of derivatives impacts the globe. I know it won’ t be pretty. However, confidence is the only thing holding up the dollar right now. If a crisis ensues with derivatives, confidence can evaporate in not the dollar and there could be a liquidation by foreigners of our debt and dollar. Supply and demand will prove the dollar to be worth a lot less thus triggering a wave a rising commodity prices. Higher interest rates on $17 trillion in US debt will cause us to print more money because defaulting on the debt is not an option. Again, this feeds back into the endless loop of money printing which fuels more inflation.
Or, it all just collapses and leads to deflation. That’s plausible too!
Yes Chico,
It is truly all about confidence.
That is what happens when basics are not in existence.
To your point that inflationist are in trouble if the dollar does not drop in value is suggestive that a major deflation brings a higher dollar. You actually believe that the US Dollar, or any currecny survives the deflation scenario you describe? How? Do the math on normalized interest rates on $17 trillion. It’s approximately $1trillion. That is before we fund one item in our government budget. If we don’t have the money and we don’t print it, what happens? Does the dollar go higher? The interest rate derivatives-what happens to them?
The derivatives nightmare is hardly an issue, DT. When we are faced with the worry over a possible event that is totally preposterous we really need to step back and ask if the risk is real. Truth is, nobody can pay for a quadrillion dollar disaster and so therefore it will never be paid. Stroke of the pen by those who govern such affairs globally and the problem is gone. No payments….no problems. It would be an epic default of course but if everyone does it at once then there are neither victims nor victors. If plans have not already been drawn up to terminate a crisis in derivatives markets on the advent of sharply rising rates I would be very surprised.
As would I, Bird.
Hi Chico, the only point I was trying to make is if The US dollar doesn’t start falling soon in relation to the other world currencies, your debt is not going away and in fact is greatly increasing making the outcome of deflation much more serious and after all it is the canary in the goldmine. DT
Hi Birdman, debt can’t simply be forgiven, the money that disappears will have to be paid by the borrower or the lender, that is bankruptcy but on a scale involving The US dollar it will be the end of an economic era particularly for The United States.
The chief difficulty was to find a person or groups wise enough to know like Paul Volcker how to apply the brakes and strong enough to keep their grip upon it. The financiers or economist’s didn’t diagnose the country’s business, or the emotion of the public to respond to treatment. That is why I don’t see any contingency plans having been drawn up. DT
we no need to anderstan luk ate obama to tink him tink what hime dow him lissen aders tell him what to dow ( zdigniew brzezinki ) end aders all ok day make the decisions chico garcon we luk and see ha ;
destroy and rebuild ? the next commodetie bome will by rebuilding the middle east and a new TEMPEL ine ISRAEL !
whatever franky is smoking, I want some.
That website promotes end of the world type thinking selling survivalist goods. World is not about to end any time soon but violence will increase. When oil production starts to decline significantly in the middle east there will be even more turmoil with oil revenues declining and possible conflicts between oil producing nations.
On this site we do not support that tupe of thinking !
Tupe, Al? Are you and Franky smoking the same thing!
The quality of this blog is negatively affected by Franky.
There are reported incursions into Syria by US forces already via the Golan Heights to “light up” targets for Tomahawk Cruise missiles.
Since the US typically uses one person to light up between 2 and 5 targets, depending on the length of an attack, one could deduce an attack of between 80 and 200 cruise missiles.
The US also has GPS-targeted cruise missiles with an accuracy of +/- 10 feet.
However, I pose the question: Why would Assad target a most photogenically-sensitive (women and children) target in a non-strategically-useful area (Damascus suburb) rather than opposition cammand and control or munitions storage? THAT MAKES NO LOGICAL SENSE! So the FIRST duty for the US is not to verify use of chemicals, Chlorine and sarin, because obviously they were used, BUT WHO used them.
Who used the chemical weapons is NOT clear from published data. I am not privy to secret surveilance info, so it is possible the U.S. knows who did what, but they better make damned sure before potentially starting WWIII.
Interesting CFS. One thing we need to all come to grips with though is that any attack on Syria has much less to do with the Assad government itself and more to do with regional domination that excludes Russia as an outcome. Take a look at the map of the area and note the contiguous body of land that has been subject to attacks in tha past few decades or is being contemplated for the future. The body of land I refer to encompasses Iraq, Iran, Afganistan and Pakistan as one single landmass. On the Western edge only Syria stands in the path of regional dominance while more centrally Iran is beckoning its turn at the wheel. In time all will be defeated, one by one and old-time cold war Soviet influence and current day Russian support for those states will come to an end. Oh….you all thought the cold war was over and all was forgiven I bet. In truth, nothing has been forgotten. Just look at the map of the region and confirm it for yourself. This is a pincer that has been in the works for years that will end with total US dominance of all the land and water bodies stretching from the Mediterranean, Red Sea and all the way over to the Persian Gulf before it is over. There is not even access out of the Black Sea by conventions if there are not regional allies as an excuse to bringing military hardware into the region in question. Good to have Turkey as an ally. Starts to make sense strategically too why they have been courted all these years. I encourage everyone to never forget the basics. Land and water routes matter in military affairs. They matter a lot. The Suez is far more important than most people realize. Consider for a moment that the whole damn electronic, telecommunications and internet systems worldwide could collapse in a real war and on that bad day you better have some control of your strategic ports, canals and lands. I get a laugh when I hear people fret that one day the ATM’s might not work. They seem to have no idea that a real war environment might also shut down the computerized grids at all levels, end the connections to Facebook and Twitter and make phonecalls an idea from the old days. It could happen overnight. These systems are not really designed with redundancy in mind no matter how many times you hear they are hardened against adversity. Fact is the vulnerability is almost total and any number of warring nations are now capable of seriously interfering in networks, even shutting them down in a crisis situation. The future is unpredictable and to some extent each of us is on our own. Certainly it is our personal responsibility to store up supplies to protect our family and friends should a sudden adversity arise. While I don’t really anticipate direct conflct between the US and Russia we must keep in mind that they are well aware that they are being squeezed out of the zones they currently are free to operate in. The risks heighten as the noose closes.
Hi Birdman, a good summation and like you suggest war is unpredictable and neither side knows what the other has as a surprise. It’s best to do what you can for yourself and your immediate family. DT
Of course!
Great comment, Bird!
Thanks guys.
no ww3 no way crazy all hunky dory gold nice today 1419 $ dats a UP effected !
yo now i really scared end much more is ( FUKUSHIMA )
kosovo no ww3 iraq no ww3 end now syria no ww3 buy GOLD
I have a lot of timr for you as does everyone in our family. If anyone on our site gets crazy, they are simply gone ad any student who gets crazy in a classroom is also gone.
I completely agree with your comments regarding Syria.
I feel very strongly that the world’s major powers should let these little kids (all of them not just the Syrians) just do whatever they do and quit letting them affect us.
Sorry, cfs, I am getting really fed up with giving them this much “power”.
In case you think I overstate the possibility of WWIII:
Who in their right mind thinks you are ovet stating anything!
Tony Blair who for months has endorsed an attack on Syria says we need to ‘stop wringing our hands and put our hands to work’.
Now we know Satan’s at work.
Join me in a daily prayer, Reverend.
I was really confused, and this answered all my quiosetns.
Pin my tail and call me a dokeyn, that really helped.
Leaked Documents: U.S. Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack its about 10 min. long posted AUGUST 26, 2013 – or where I found this video home page though the 1st link didn`t go through all the others did, which I copied before they might be later, by you know who.
I like item #13………John McCain….says “we need to attack, or it will be like writing a check to other dictators”…………THIS IS FURTHER PROOF OF THE ” TWO HEADED SNAKE PARTY”……….we only have one party, totally controlled, with no one voting for anyone they would like to see in office………….this is a joke………..