

Is Now the Time to Sell Gold? (Video) – Peter Schiff

June 27, 2013


    Jun 27, 2013 27:53 PM

    Now is the time to BUY PHYZZ Gold!

      Jun 27, 2013 27:28 PM

      I’m backing the truck up tomorrow morning! 🙂
      Jody D

        Jun 27, 2013 27:54 PM

        All RIGHT JODY D.!!!

    Jun 27, 2013 27:00 PM

    Peter is and has been correct in real estate and PMS. These are the times to meet your objectives in gold and silver…and for a very short time period, sell your excess real estate.

    Jun 27, 2013 27:20 PM

    Peter is spot on. He makes very important point about recent take-down causing nervous miners to be wary of ramping up production until price of gold is considerably higher than cost per ounce. I believe this will prolong the shortage and drive the price even higher.

    Jun 27, 2013 27:30 PM

    My advice to people is buy gold & silver….me I prefer silver , & besides I cant afford to buy gold….I gave up listening to the experts over at KWN two years ago… is going to the moon, gold is going to rocked launch blah.blah……
    yes these people know more than I do…but they all have skin in the game. I buy silver because I believe the metals are real money & that their day will come , & yes I believe silver will out perform gold…..

    Jun 27, 2013 27:47 PM

    No, Peter! Here is the bear case for gold.
    Hedge Funds and Gold Banks have so much money, that in a paper market, which sets the price of gold, they can naked short to their hearts content.
    As long as they have more money than investors and speculators, the hedge funds and gold banks can determine the price and price WHEREVER THEY WANT.
    Only when the dollar crashes and a new currency rises from the ashes, if it is backed by gold, will the gold price be of necessity be priced higher.
    Having stated that, I have bought gold at $500, I have bought gold at $1000, I have bought gold at $1500, I have bought gold at $1900, I have bought gold at $1500 and although I am out of spare paper money, my gold is stored outside the US and will never be sold to anyone until a time of my choosing or my offspring’s choosing.

      Jun 27, 2013 27:45 PM

      True CFS. Central Banks alone control in excess of 20% of all above ground physical gold. Combine that with their long contract positions, hedges, direct share ownership of some mines (certain CB’s only) plus assorted interests at the warehouse level and it is pretty clear who is in charge of the market. Right now they want gold dead but that will change over time and when it does your best bet is to be positioned with miners as I see it.

    Jun 27, 2013 27:01 PM

    Technical Analysis, Cycles, appeal to rhyming patterns and historicals, have no meaning in a rigged market and the gold market will never be a free market while it is run by the rogues of the Crimex. I just hope fundamentals and cost of production might win out in the end. I am gambling on that, but it is a gamble.

    Jun 27, 2013 27:50 PM
    Jun 27, 2013 27:00 PM

    I could be wrong cfs, but I dont think your gambling on gold, gold will over and undervalue but overall it goes to where it should be, and that keeps it purchaseing power over centuries. Its just money. Now, how long it takes to “even out”
    that could be a guess.

      Jun 27, 2013 27:09 PM

      I agree.

    Jun 27, 2013 27:05 PM

    Mathew, would the american people remember who B Franklin was?
    If they did, maybe it would be an idea to spread that around.
    Maybe that “twitter” thing? I dont know how to make somthing go “viral”.

      Jun 27, 2013 27:13 PM

      I don’t know how to make something go viral either. It’s probably too late to matter anyway. Plus, it’s a “bullshit quote,” remember? Most people are Bird people -beeple?

        Jun 28, 2013 28:50 AM

        Beeple eh? HaHa…pretty funny.

        Actually the gold-bugs are more like sheep than any group I can imagine. They all think they are the contrarian investors yet they march to the same tune like little golden soldiers while all chanting in unison. I really get a kick out of it because they think they are original when they are just carbon copy prints of one another. Repeating the same mantras over and over again is actually a sign of bondage and brainwashing. Far be for me to convert them though. Is it any surprise they are all going down on the good ship “Fanatic” together?

      Jun 27, 2013 27:46 PM

      Haha. Benb, you’re a guy I’d like to have a beer with.

    Jun 27, 2013 27:44 PM

    Seems to me if banks are fully protected, this is a time when “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” might be a good maxim.
    What about going long XLF?

    Jun 27, 2013 27:56 PM

    He does a video like this everytime gold drops another $50. So when it starts going back up he can say he called the bottom.

    All he wants is a 8% transaction fee to money change.

      Jun 27, 2013 27:10 PM

      Trust me…he is doing people a favor

        Jun 27, 2013 27:28 PM

        key question: which people…

          Jun 27, 2013 27:35 PM

          If he thinks gold is going to the moon, why is he selling it?

          Transaction fee.

            Jun 27, 2013 27:45 PM

            “It’s a tradition.”

          Jun 28, 2013 28:56 AM

          Exactly Impeach….not the man on the street who got screwed taking his advice.

      Jun 28, 2013 28:42 AM

      Well he is also selling books, so that is not “all” he wants. I agree with Tom he is doing people a favor. Har, I do not believe he is calling bottoms! He continues to say that it can fall from here. Impeach, He was one of less than a hand-full to call a top in the housing market (yes, he was 2 years early) but real estate is not very liquid and selling can take quite some time. Bird man…????

        Jun 28, 2013 28:23 AM

        Schiff is a political animal. What more needs to be said.

    Jun 27, 2013 27:27 PM
    The Tax Free Tour (VPRO, Marije Meerman) ~53 minutes

    This video looks at how multinational corporations use tax havens.
    I particularly liked the segment @ 33minute mark when an English parlimentary committee interviews the CFO’s of Google, Amazon, & Starbucks.

    Jun 27, 2013 27:51 PM

    har is right. We are down 37% from the high and he has been bullish the whole time. Every week or so when gold went down another $50, he comes out with another video saying to buy. Every week he comes out with a video. He owns Euro Pacific Precious Metals, of course he is bullish, he is selling gold to the public. He is a broker. he is a good talker and theorist, but you know, the market does not follow theories, theories follow the market.

      Jun 27, 2013 27:52 PM

      Agree. Peter does not seem to understand the word “sell” from an investor perspective. The only time he talks about selling gold is when he is advertising his own bullion products. Gee….anyone think he has a conflict of interest?

        Jun 28, 2013 28:44 AM

        Perhaps you might read his books.

          Jun 28, 2013 28:25 AM

          I have read his books. Don’t bother defending him unless he is your family because you will be wasting your time with me. I am not persuaded by some of his arguments although I agree his basic premise has merit. Hyperinflation is not one of them though.

            Jun 28, 2013 28:16 AM

            Are you getting that bottle of wine from Al? Or can I go on KWN and shout “Long delays on physical delivery! Strong hands not parting! Negative inventory!”

            Jun 28, 2013 28:22 AM

            Obliged to repeat the same question impeach!!

            Jun 28, 2013 28:28 AM

            Andrew, do you have a link to their original bet handy? (I was relying on what your previous admonitions were implying.)

            Jun 28, 2013 28:41 AM

            Hi impeach. I believe it was the Bird who was under the impression the ‘wager’ had been made, even though he claims to have stopped drinking!

            Certainly the Bird seems to think some deal was made.

            Jun 28, 2013 28:57 AM

            Al is awfully quiet since gold took a swan dive. He will perk up with a bounce maybe.

            Jun 28, 2013 28:06 AM

            Is Bird Man mortally afraid of felines? I was fersur expecting to see the words “dead cat” in there…

      Jun 28, 2013 28:47 AM

      Interesting that i hear no criticism of the jr miner pumpers, that sector is down almost 90% and they have been calling bottoms for years.

    Jun 27, 2013 27:32 PM

    It’s too late to sell gold, but I don’t expect gold to rally anytime soon.

    Jun 28, 2013 28:26 AM
    Jun 28, 2013 28:42 AM

    meanwhile inChina, the PBoC discusses the liquidity problem:

      Jun 28, 2013 28:31 AM

      Man, I really like no-nonsense like this:
      “First, let me say I’ve been way too early on this call. I’ve been wrong and don’t deny it. You have to own up to mistakes, learn from them and be humble.”
      No weak “extraordinary economic conditions” or “unprecedented manipulation” excuses there…

        Jun 28, 2013 28:43 AM

        All that’s missing is:
        “A full refund to subscribers, from the time I made the first wrong call, will be issued promptly.”

          Jun 28, 2013 28:26 AM

          Very true, Irwin, but I’m afraid we’ll never see the entire line from anyone we aren’t presently pointing a loaded firearm at. Neither GoldmanS, nor WarrenB, not even the billionaires of KWN fame want to end up broke like J. O. Armour.

          Jun 28, 2013 28:33 AM

          If I interpret it sarcastically, what could be read as his definition of a “serious investor” does look peculiar now… Quoting from his site, (extra breaks are mine):

          “Refund Policy

          We rarely give refunds. We ask that you write us why you were not satisfied with the product. We provide hundreds of dollars worth of research and analysis and there is literally no way for us to protect against the theft our content. Please keep this in mind as you subscribe to our service.

          If you are a serious investor then you can afford our service.
          If you can’t, then let us know and we can work something out. Our strict policy against refunds is enforced as it also protects paying subscribers.”

        Jun 28, 2013 28:22 AM

        Good man, I respect you!

    Jun 28, 2013 28:27 AM

    BIG MOVE IS HERE. Bought 3000 slv shares and 7k gdxj thisam. Never bought silver before but the stocks were signaling something yesterday by being up while gold was down.

      Jun 28, 2013 28:12 AM

      You could very well be correct, Paul. Exactly my thinking on silver versus gold.

        Jun 28, 2013 28:57 PM

        Excellent move, Paul. Silver shot up like an elevator. Very impressed with your instincts.

    Jun 28, 2013 28:32 AM

    They have a program in Canada called till “Debt Do Us Part” and you see many people with all the trappings, the $500,000 house, the fancy new car, the clothes, and most of them have nothing they are debt bagholders, and when interest rates climb more as they are doing now it will be a total disaster.

    In fact most people are now working in retail, they make slightly above minimum wage, no benefits and a very sketchy job which usually means permanent part time, so they hold several of these jobs to pay debt, that is not living that is servitude.

    There is retail everywhere and when the economy goes sour here these low paying ridiculous jobs will be the first to go they are already under attack from the internet. Our society is based on nothing but illusion and people will be left to fend for themselves, the twits are twittering their lives away. DT

      Jun 28, 2013 28:36 AM

      Based on this alone gold has a long way to run, the debt must be paid and shall be paid by borrower or lender.DT

    Jun 28, 2013 28:35 AM

    I agree. silver up, gold down shows industrial shortage in silver is tipping scales in the physical market.

    It would be nteresting to see a default and settlement in cash at the LBMA or the Crimex.

    Jun 28, 2013 28:01 AM

    Also crude oil has been going up for several days.

    Jun 28, 2013 28:02 AM

    Don Coxe is saying buy gold this morning.