Politics Weekend Posting
Hi everyone, here is the politics weekend posting!
Tariffs might come into effect next week for Canada and Mexico. And tariffs on China could also be increased. It’s never a dull week with Trump in office.
I hope you all enjoy reading each others opinions.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Jerry …….. There is a lot of monkey buissness going on accross America right now. Few will prosper , many will suffer , . There is a lot of deck chair schuffling going on right now. Allways remember it’s not your elected Govt. that runs the country.
Hello Irish…………….. I agree……….. there is a lot of monkey business going on in the USofA….
Just listing to a file on EPSTEIN … attached to the FIVE EYES… and the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR,
which is associate with the HOUSE OF RED, (Rothschild)
Hello Jerry .. You & I & others on this blog have done a ton of research over the years , but at the end of the day , we know very little . Peel away one layer , & there is another below. We should be known as the dot hunters ………. lol
Hello Irish………… DITTO……….
One thing for sure………. We are not deceived by the POLITICAL CLASS….. 🙂
You will know them by their Fruits…
US intel shows Russia and China are attempting to recruit disgruntled federal employees, sources say
With mass layoffs in the Intelligence Community it feels like Christmas for China and Russia
Not that it would ever happen, but I think a jubilee would help.
NOAA firings spark fears about long-term damage
Alex Christoforou on the Zelensky meeting in the oval office yesterday…
Tommy………….. Alex seems to always have a good take on things…. I enjoy his commentary….
and have for several years……. Thanks for providing the vid…….
Hope you are enjoying the weekend…..
Why on earth………would the US give one more cent…..to that moron Z…..
Bolton was out mouthing on PBS, this morning….. WAR HAWKS… still would like to
keep US involved….
Cut off the FUNDS…. Give Russia the warm water ports… and eliminate all the bio plants in
UKRAINE …. 28 to 36 labs…
Russia should be insured that the USA…. is DONE…. in exchange…. Russia should separate from CHINA….
EU……. can go hang with Z………..
ZERO for Z……………. bye bye….
Thanks Jerry…. I agree… IMO, the end of the Ukraine war is now possible…. I worry that the EU can and will set up some false flag to derail US… perhaps in Estonia or Poland. 🤔
If Ukraine now makes the right choice and elects new leadership that may enable them to get on the right road for the future. As for Zelensky, he’s all done IMO and as Alex Krainer has said, perhaps his best move now would be to go to Russia and ask Putin for asylum, otherwise, his chances for survival and enjoyment of the great wealth he’s accumulated are limited. It’s like dealing with the Mafia (NATO), he knows too much and is a dead man walking.
Good points Andy… Thanks for the comments.
Zelensky’s impeachment amid Trump fallout ?
At this point its looking like trump doesnt want war with russia.
To me he simply surrendered knowing the west lost.
Lets hope he doesnt decide to attack Iran.
This is one time i agree 100% with Elon Musk.
What do you folk’s think , True or False ? Me , i think it could be true.
This is a ” MUST ” read by Alaster Crooke …… The US v Europe.
I AGREE…………. BYE BYE EU………… “time to say goodbye”….
Thank Jerry …. Fantastic song , one of my all favorites.
IRISH…… you are welcome, and glad you enjoyed….
Did the election of President Trump stop a thermonuclear exchange with Russia? Armstrong says, “Absolutely!
If this is true Chartster gets a point.
Thanks SF… Armstrong’s perspective is very valuable… I have not listened to him for a while… This episode was very informative… Beware of mid-May, May 15.
Hi CFS …. The plot thickens … But that deal is null & void . The Z man is NOT the President of Ukraine , has not been since May of last year. Legally he had no right to sign it under the Contitutaion of Ukraine
The ” OSCE ” helped Ukraine murder Russian speaking Ukrainens before 2022.
The meeting of the Europien IDIOTS , & the CLOWN from Canada….. God these PUPPITS dont have a clue…………. The useless bastards should get a real job.
Mark Hamill….. From Star Wars HERO …. To ZERO ….. He lost the force , when he opened his mouth.
BOTH ACTORS……………… both CIA assets……. IMO
Ditto Jerry… Why does anybody care what these actors think?? Mainstream wants me to be watching the Oscars at this time… reading the KER blog is a much better utilization of the time. 😊
I agree…………. 🙂
Martin Armstrong letter to Pam Bondi…
Wonder how much behind the CURVE… Bondi is……. I doubt she knows 1/2 the stuff she needs to know
concerning the DEEP STATE…. No doubt she knows the law… BAR LAW…
She should know how corrupt the LEGAL system is… I HOPE…
Lawyers and Politicians are the most corrupt professions going… outside BANKERS….
I was going to post that Tommy.
Everyone should read it.
Thanks to your guidance Southfront, I sometimes check their reports… I usually don’t have the time to follow them closely… Your posts are much appreciated. 👍
Hegseth orders Cyber Command to stand down on Russia planning
Do you want to guess the driver was a piece of Islamic scum ?
Tulsi Gabbard understands……
Reinvented by native Americans with horses thousands of years later…
Inflation, this way comes…..
Nope, don’t believe it.
Absolute nonsense.
Beware of the DOGE……………… CONTROLLING the SKY…..with AI…
AI on AI on AI on The Serenissima Directive
this is not the video ……sorry
Great news… Building out communication infrastructure for the solar system… Very exciting… like the first transcontinental telegraph line… or the first transatlantic cable.
The Duran… Propaganda on steroids… Mainstream says Ukraine still doing well… If Ukraine loses, it’s Trump’s fault !
They Have to KEEP US DIVIDED……. the controllers/cabal/Venetians/Old families….
they make a lot of money keeping the world divided….
If Ukraine loses its Trumps fault?
lol, nothing to do with Russia I guess. 😉
I wonder if Jimmy feels not unlike a fool now that Russia has beaten Ukraine the U.S. and all of nato combined?
Ukraine could NEVER win against NUCLEAR POWER Russia.
Thank goodness Russia did not escalate to nukes.
(They lost a lot of Russian soldiers)
going to be over in three days….. oh, that was three years ago….. lol
Peace may come to Ukraine despite the corrupt ass Zelensky and stupid European leaders…..
Included in the deal might be US oligarchs getting a stake in Nordstream2 in return for financing its repairs.
What Trump needs to say tomorrow…….
I disagree… The flu propaganda is the same… I was researching this a few weeks ago, when MSM was trying to scare us… Flu season usually peaks in February, not December… The flu shots have little, if any, overall benefit… effectiveness wanes significantly after only a few months… claims of reducing hospitalization and death are based on data collected using a fundamentally flawed test-negative design… I could dig up references to some of the material I read if people are interested.
Ditto Tommy…………. flu shots are a mind game for the stupid…
Pam Bondi fires a shot at the Democrat machine…..
Elon to get richer, but Starlink can save millions of dollars and tons of copper in rural areas….
WSJ piles on with DOGE……
Technology marches on…..
We are saving Israel for last.
And the climate crazies are worried about CO2…..
freaking nut jobs….. know nothing about the earth
Very interesting. Scotty
Another massive deal by the master.
‘America First’ Is a Lie
“America has *always* been about putting America first. Trump’s “America First” movement is about something else entirely.”
How long before the Dept of Justice GOES AFTER SOROS ?????
Zelensky’s mission is to bring Ukraine into NATO.
He also is trying to kill the Greek Orthodox Church, which about 65% of Ukraine are aligned with.
The Orthodox Church is one of the only large religions that is not 501-C-3. They answer to no governmental power. And they are trying to take it down in Europe as well.
Ukraine won’t be in NATO, and soon America will be out of NATO. Europe is going to have a bad time of it.
Tucker interview.
Governor Trudeau, son of commie Castro in panic mode.
Commie dems in DC, in panic mode.
Long ago America was conceived as the “New World” component of a New World Order planned by the Rothschilds and their City of London Khazar/Babylonian/Freemason progeny.
America was to be the lynchpin in the creation of a system where the ruling European fondi could now hide behind a façade of democracy, while maintaining and consolidating control over all the planet’s resources and people.
The revolution of 1776 made us free from the British parliament, but not from the Crown, which stills controlled our financial apparatus through the Bank of the United States (BUS) – precursor to the Federal Reserve. Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton pushed the BUS through over the objections of Thomas Jefferson and many other founding fathers.
In the beginning the Levant and East India Companies treated America much like the British Empire treated the rest of the world, bringing in African slaves to more easily pilfer her resources. All of this was managed by largely British Southern plantation owners who were both Freemasons and Ku Klux Klan. Their spiritual guru was 33rd Degree Freemason and Klan founder Albert Pike.
Angered by the populist Presidency of Abraham Lincoln, the Rothschilds backed the secessionists and tried to seize the southern resource base for the Crown. America remained intact thanks to Russian Czar Nicholas, who send a navy flotilla to the US Atlantic coast as a message to the Brits.
In the early 20th Century the Rothschilds launched the Roundtable as a global plan for hegemony. Its ugly stepchild was the London-based Royal Institute for International Affairs, which immediately spawned sister organizations in numerous countries. Its US branch is known as the Council on Foreign Relations.
Roundtable oligarchs were dispatched around the world in an attempt to monopolize resources. Cecil Rhodes set up shop in South Africa. Paul Warburg went to Eastern Europe. The Kuhn Loebs funded the Rockefellers in their US takeover. Plans were made to control the Middle East oil patch through the creation of both Saudi Arabia and Israel as British puppets. Behind it all were the Rothschilds.
The Babylonian banksters next dragged America into two world wars under false pretexts, all the while profiting from the arms, oil, drugs and rebuilding contracts that war entails. It was after the second war that the oligarchs engineered the Bretton Woods deal which created the World Bank and its IMF enforcer. Bretton Woods would be the vehicle through which the new US/UK “special relationship” could be covertly realized.
The British Empire never died. It simply became known as the Commonwealth, all the while hiding behind its new Hessianized mercenary force known as the United States of America. To accomplish their goal of creating Anglophiles in the New World, London’s Tavistock Institute set about making Americans love the British. Thus the steady increase in British accents crowding TV news and “programming” in this country.
In Iraq, the US sacrificed blood and treasure so that BP and Royal Dutch/Shell could be awarded the first oil contracts. In Afghanistan, more US lives were wasted and more debt accumulated so the poppy trade could be revived and the Rothschilds’ HSBC bank could ring up record profits laundering the heroin proceeds.
Both of these wars occurred because President George W/ Bush – blood cousin of the Windsor family – lied and covered up 911, while his brother Marvin was running Securacom – a Crown Corporation subsidiary which held the security contract on the World Trade Center when it was attacked. It was Securacom who would have allowed the “elevator maintenance” people into the buildings in the weeks before 911 where they set the charges which eventually brought those buildings down.
There are people in this Trump Administration who know these things. During his first term this was not the case. Crown agents like Bolton, Pompeo and Barr rushed in to steer Trump away from a populist worldview. This time around Kennedy, Gabbard, Patel, Bhattacharya and others will do just the opposite.
This is our chance to dump our Crown controllers and the European fondi we’ve been protecting. Let us instead make peace with Russia, China, Iran, the Palestinians and progressive forces within the global South.
U.S. to take ownership of NordStream 2 pipeline?
And do a deal with Russia?
I guess EO 13818 got that too.
US oligarchs are looking to get some free shares but will Putin allow it? Don’t think they can have control, do you?
Time to set up a brokerage account in Moscow, can’t wait for Interactive Brokers.
150M dead chickens in US because of government fake flu fear mongering.
Where will Americans get eggs and at what cost? Eggs in China still under $2.50/dozen. Chinese eat a lot of eggs, one of nature’s most perfect foods, while Americans hear nonsense about cholesterol and flu virus.
The brain runs on animal fat, which eggs have in abundance.
Suddenly , Leaving Nato Is on the Table !……………………. Ron Paul.
Trudeau is an absolute retard.
On a lighter note . ..Three Men on Trial for Stealing Toilet.
Remember Tony Soprano and his gang busting out a house and stripping all the copper pipes and wires.
A Republic is “ extremely dangerous to our oligarchy/ monopoly/ democracy.
Too bad…,..bitches!
Woopsies… it’s all coming out.
AI goes Wakie Wakie.
DISRESPECTFUL DEMOCRATS…………………… listening to the speech…. right now….
UNAMERICAN……Screw um….
The Dems couldn’t even applaud the Laken Riley family, a kid with cancer, and a secure border.
They are seriously corrupt and Un-American.
Scumbags, all of em!
Bye bye leftards… y’all are toast.
They have been played…… for the LOVE OF MONEY….
Can Europe Back Ukraine’s Fight Alone?
How much gold do we (the U.S.) really have?
Based on the gold chart, we got the gold. ⤵️
Based on this guy, we don’t know.
Trump already knows exactly how much we got. That was job 1 on day 1 of his presidency.
Illegal Gain-of-function research in Georgia gives bird flu (modified) to Mallard ducks.
Mallard ducks flying around infect farms……repeatedly…..DESPITE CHICKEN CULLS.
Morons in government !
There is a WAR GOING ON………… FOR YOU MIND….. 🙂
Thanks for the post ….. I missed this one completely…….
AOC and the group should be locked up….
Understand…………. CHINA has lost 500 MILLION people since COVID…..
Search it out yourself…..If, there is any information which is different …
Let me know…. Thanks…
Did FAUCI …..do the work…for the GEORGIA STONE SOCIETY….
50 million seems high.
Most all-cause Chinese death estimates I have seen are much lower.
Jerry population of China 1.411 billion.
I sorta think had china lost 1/3 of its population it would be pretty well known by now.
I looked at deaths since covid the numbers are around 10-20k.
There are guesses saying if everyone in china got covid the numbers would be higher.
Hello b……….. you are not reading what I am reading….
Might be propaganda….
Since you have not been to CHINA….. and neither have I ….
NOBODY KNOWS anything for sure……
BOOTS on the ground… seems to be more credible than American podcasters… 🙂
Seems funny that they show…. entire cities being demolished in China….
Real estate projects are not being completed…
Retail is in the tank…… markets are closed down…. malls are vacant… seems funny to me..
THANKS FOR THE REPLY…… all is good with me….
I’m in Guangzhou and restaurants are full, malls are full, roads are full of new cars driving around, banks are busy writing mortgages at under 2.5%, there are 150M dead chickens sitting on supermarket shelves and in restaurant kitchens waiting to be eaten. What’s being reported about China in western media appears to be BS.
Does not LOOK THAT CROWDED…. hummm
What do you think Terry
Are you on Holiday….or do you live there TERRY…. thanks
U.K. – U.S. trade balanced ?
Do you mean? Was Faucci working for the families to cull people? Absolutely 💯.
If these people are not dealt with soon, it’s going to get ugly on Main Street.
I do realize they need more disclosure to wake up the sheep, but they better get cracking..
I think when 80% of the pop wants Obama locked up, they will drop the hammer. Look for some big Obama revelations coming soon.
The hammer has to drop soon. Even the normies are getting sick of it.
You think Faucci can go out to dinner without someone wanting to slap him up and down the restaurant? Hell no, these people can’t walk down the street.
And that dimbass Cuomo thinks he’ll be mayor of NY City? His ass is ..so… GITMO bound it’s funny.
The DARK SIDE continues to operate………
As you say…………. They better get cracking on the Scum bags.. before they lose the AMERICAN SHEEPLE….
I think the majority of podcaster are FULL of Crap……. PAYTROITS….
Back and forth between Melbourne and Guangzhou. Lots of homeless people living on Melbourne streets. In Guangzhou, city of 30M people, I have not seen one homeless person living on the street. With a population of 1.4B you have a few hundred million with deep pockets.
Terry……… thanks for the reply…..
Boots on the ground is a good commentary… to consider…. appreciate…
Obama disclosures like this.
Joe Rogan with Ian Carroll.
Pure Democrat SCUM…….
I wonder how much the Clinton crooks got.
USAID corruption/waste enquiry.
The Supreme Court is senile…..?
The Obama story is about to go live.
33 Counties In Illinois Have Voted to Leave the State
TRUMPSter ………….for got to mention…………………..
concerning Panama Canal…………
THAT BLACKROCK….. is the buyer of the PORTS…………
8 min mark……
WITH BLACKROCK . buying……. CK HUTCHINSON,…largest port owner in the world….
owner of 43 ports in 23 countries……
THIS IS STILL continuing THE GREAT RESET…………. with the insiders taking over the WORLD….
BLACKROCK……….is the BIGGEST OWNER OF BITCOIN…………this will make AMERICA the greatest Debtor in the WORLD… this will control Congress……………
Black rock will be put in the SWF.
A pretty good performing asset taken by 13818.
Why do you think the CEO answers to Trump now?
LET me know when that happens…..
Trust but Verify……….
Already has happened.
Rothies lost it all. Including Canada.
HOUSE OF ROTH…….. is only a part … of the 8 Families…….
but,..I guess the others would included in the EO, …
Bill passes house to end Fed.
Trump is about to clean house in Gaza and end the cabal fighters, Hamas.
That should be interesting…. END THE FED…..
End the fed.
Close the IRS.
Open the ERS.
Introduce Tariffs.
start consumption tax
Go to gold standard.
see above on the HOUSE OF ROTH
I did. But they are done.
EO 13818 is the most important document since the Declaration of Independence. As 13818 ends the monopoly and gives the nations assets back to we the people. As intended in the constitution.
Trump = Very smart man.
thanks for the reply
from Above the Law……
Illinois Reminds AG Bondi That Tenth Amendment Is Still A Thing
, it is black letter law that states do not have to support federal law enforcement. Indeed, some of those black letters were written in prior challenges to the very statutes at issue here.
Illinois should read article 2 of the Constitution.
The president controls immigration.
The president declared a national emergency.
AG Bondi is following EOs of the president.
And WHICH,… section would that be……thanks…
The Constitution does not explicitly state that the President has the right to restrict immigration; instead, the power to regulate immigration is primarily granted to Congress through Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4, which allows them to establish a “uniform Rule of Naturalization.”. However, through interpretations of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), particularly Section 212(f), the President is given the authority to suspend the entry of certain classes of aliens if deemed detrimental to the United States’ interests.
Article 2 section 2 clause 2
. . . judgment is not a rule of domestic law binding in state and federal courts.). OLC has stated that its opinions are controlling on questions of law within the Executive Branch, subject to the ultimate authority of the President
Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution gives the President the power to make treaties and appoint certain officers. This clause is also known as the Advice and Consent Clause.
The doctrine of non-self-execution appears to be in some tension with the Supremacy Clause’s declaration that all treaties are part of the supreme law of the land.41 The Supreme Court has never fully explained the relationship between non-self-executing treaties and the Supremacy Clause.42 Opinions from some lower courts and the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) in the Department of Justice43 suggest non-self-executing treaties lack any domestic legal status.44 However, other courts and scholars contend that, although non-self-executing treaties may not be enforced in courts, they may still form part of the supreme law of the land that is carried out and enforced outside the judicial system
SUMMARY……………….CAN OF WORMS………….. 🙂
When the president declares a national emergency of an alien invasion, everyone in the country must comply to the orders. There is zero debate about it.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 201 and 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), hereby declare that a national emergency exists at the southern border of the United States, and that section 12302 of title 10, United States Code, is invoked and made available, according to its terms, to the Secretaries of the military departments concerned, subject to the direction of the Secretary of Defense. To provide additional authority to the Department of Defense to support the Federal Government’s response to the emergency at the southern border, I hereby declare that this emergency requires use of the Armed Forces and, in accordance with section 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1631), that the construction authority provided in section 2808 of title 10, United States Code, is invoked and made available, according to its terms, to the Secretary of Defense and, at the discretion of the Secretary of Defense, to the Secretaries of the military departments. I hereby direct as follows:
I wonder who will take the UK by the horns and go for a republic? It’s ripe for the taking.
Make England Great Again (MEGA)
Recaptured assets 7 trillion 470 billion and counting.
Can you say…13818…?
DOGE CLOCK…. that is a GOOD ADD…… First time I have seen that one…..
The recaptured assets are from the families.
When the fed closes or defaults, 29T of debt goes with it. The remaining 7T is sovereign debt with other countries.
Make sure to WATCH……. the video from IRISH… on the ACT of 1871
This independent voter says it all.
She is spot on.
India Issues Emergency Warning as Deaths Surge Among Covid-Vaxxed
Look at the lunacy and criminality in US and find most of the people who should pay compensation and maybe jailed
Except the Chinese KNEW THE VIRUS LEAKED FROM THEIR LAB, and lied about it, thereby causing millions more deaths than necessary.
This is a story the real perps want you to believe. It is always the other guy with the US.It was the Japanese
the Russians, the Germans, the Palestinians, the Chinese, the Canadians now taking advantage, Oswald…..never US
Just another day at the office. This man is brilliant.
So many wins every day.
So we are now in partnership with the FRENCH…..
Wonder where this puts BLACKROCK?
Charles Kuschner, NY real estate tycoon, Father of Jared, ex con, pardoned by Trump in 2020, now appointed by Trump as the US Ambassador to France.
Interesting….. got to be some type of connection with the Ship makers and real estate…..
Trillions will be made…. IMO
Mover over HOUSE OF ROTH…. the NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK CHAIN are taking over… 🙂
Black rock will be put in the SWF, IMO.
How Trump Is Killing the U.S. Defense Industry
The world won’t buy weapons which can be turned off any moment from Washington
Now they can buy similar weapons from China or Russia for steep discounts and watch them get turned off at any moment in Beijing or Moscow.
You really have to watch this clip …. This is how you handle these weird people.
This is how you handle people like this. An outstanding Police officer with a logical brain takes these lunatics down.
Parody….. lol
Hi Jerry & everyone else watch this . The ACT of 1871 . It’s easy to link the City of London , & the Zionist’s & the Vatican as the Real owners of The United States of Amerca INC. It’s 17 minutes long & worth watching.
the PROFESSOR (CFS) should listen and learn….
along with about everyone else on this site…..
How long have I been saying YOU DO NOT OWE INCOME TAX, and the IRS was a FRAUD…
Every person in the United States should listen to this one…………
ONE BIG CON JOB……………and the CONGRESS knows it, or should,
THANKS IRISH……….. for the VIDEO……..
Treaty of 1213………
….. should be a shocker for the ENGLISH SHEEPLE….
16 min mark…..
Yes, I’ve been educating people about the corporation and the act of 1871 for well over twenty years.
Now that the corporation is being dissolved by Trump, we can celebrate a republic and many new wins. The take down of the oligarch families and the transfer of wealth happening now is massive news.
The sovereign wealth fund is a game changer for America.
Not even 1% understand what is happening.
20 YRS ……………later………. and the sheeple are no smarter………
Fed Watch…. lol… give me a freaking break…
PUTS a WHOLE NEW LIGHT………………… on TAX Selling Season…. to those in the MINING SECTION… lol
No wonder they wanted to KEEP THE ORPHAN SECTION away from the MINING SECTION….. lol…
Shad must be working for the IRS…. LOL…
(just Joking with you Shad)
Continuity of Agenda: Trump Administration Defends Terrorists, Meddles in Thai-Chinese Relations
The New Atlas
No change in U.S. policy.
Trumps peace in Ukraine is simply a surrender to free up resources to focus on China. The warmongering continues.
The war mongering continues..?
You must be vaccinated..
Wonder what Elon Musk over at DOGE thinks about putting this ex con, Charles Kuschner on the payroll as US Ambassador to France.
A must watch … Judge Napolitano & Larry Johnson in Moscow , to interview Lavrof , perhaps the greatest Diplomat in the World today . And they are joined by Ray Mc Govern in the US…. It will be very interesting to see if they get stoped by the suits when they fly back into the US . What do you people think.
When will Pelosi be CHARGED AND PUT ON TRIAL?
For you Canadian’s on here , but you Americans should read it to. It would appear that Trump is driving Western leaders ” CRAZY “.
JUST DO IT TRUMP………….. Just let Ukraine play stupid games , & win stupid prize’s .
Italian Meloni ….. Has come up with another daft suggestion , Re. Ukraine. The problem with Western leaders is …… They all lack logic…………. They all talk out of their ARCE.
It is even getting dangerous to discuss this in England and the rest of Europe.
There are definitely “no-go” areas in London and northern English cities if you are a white anglo-saxon.
And areas in Paris are dangerous for non-Arabs.
Even eastern Europe has problems….
HUMM of the DAY…………………. MUSK…….
Musk Leverages His Unelected Non-Existent Authority And Expertise To Steal $2 Billion FAA Contract From Verizon
Musk stealing Verizon’s FAA contract is just one of countless conflicts of interest that arise with having an unelected bureaucrat illegally declaring how government should or shouldn’t function and illegally bypassing bidding processes. Not to mention the numerous privacy and national intelligence issues.
The FAA contract is certainly just the opening salvo for Musk favoritism. The U.S. government has already threatened to pull Ukraine’s access to Starlink unless they sign off on a mineral deal that would be beneficial to Tesla. You probably also missed that USAID officials were investigating Starlink‘s use in Ukraine right before Trump and Musk engaged in a rapid unscheduled disassembly of the agency.
That apparently starts with giving Musk and Starlink a lucrative new FAA contract as Musk and his 4chan tween DOGE minions set about pretending to fix government by throwing it into chaos. Musk appears to be trying to elbow out Verizon, which has an existing 15 year, $2 billion contract with the agency to upgrade its infrastructure that was obtained through traditional transparent bidding processes.
The length and price tag of Starlink’s new FAA contract were, unsurprisingly, not publicly disclosed. Which is weird for a DOGE figurehead that professes to care so much about transparency:
“The contract comes while Musk is leading efforts to make deep cuts in federal government spending, including staffing cuts at the FAA, and some critics are raising questions about conflicts of interest over his role overseeing government agencies that are supposed to be regulating his businesses.”