

Erik Wetterling – The Value Proposition In West Point Gold and Silver47 Exploration

Shad Marquitz
February 25, 2025

Erik Wetterling, Founder and Editor of The Hedgeless Horseman website, joins me to discuss the attractive value proposition that he sees in 2 different junior gold and silver explorers that have some recent news out; which sets up future news releases to build upon their current work programs.


First up we discuss West Point Gold Corp. (TSXV: WPG) (OTCQB: WPGCF), and how it came out of the business combination of 2 prior junior exploration companies.  The company has multiple projects in Nevada like the Tip Top, Jefferson Canyon, and Jefferson North projects, but the focus of the recent exploration work is at their Gold Chain Project in Arizona, nearby the producing Moss Mine.  The company recently released infill sampling on drill holes GC24-30, GC24-31 and GC24-32 demonstrating that mineralization at the Tyro Main Zone is wider and more continuous than previously thought.


Silver47 Exploration Corp. (TSXV: AGA) owns three silver and critical metals (polymetallic) exploration projects in Canada ‎and the US: the Flagship Red Mountain silver-gold-zinc-copper-lead VMS-SEDEX project in ‎southcentral Alaska; the Adams Plateau silver-zinc-copper-gold-lead SEDEX-VMS project in ‎southern British Columbia, and the Michelle silver-lead-zinc-gallium-antimony MVT-SEDEX ‎Project in Yukon Territory.‎  Erik highlights the potential for both optionality to rising metals prices and their ability to do some meaningful exploration with the capital already raised for this year’s program.



* In full disclosure, the companies mentioned by Erik in this interview, are positions held in his personal portfolio, and also may be site sponsors of The Hedgeless Horseman website at the time of this recording. 




Click here to visit Erik’s site – The Hedgeless Horseman

    Feb 25, 2025 25:50 PM
    NatGas : Possible Wednesday Play

    Feb 26, 2025 26:52 AM

    Just a note: Bob Hoye and Ross Clark are invested in a junior in Colombia, they claim that Colombia has gold fields that are very similar to the gold fields in South Africa. Colombia comes with jurisdictional risk but when you look at the kinds of hits Collective Mining is producing it makes you wonder. Maybe the old birds are on to something. LOL! DT

    Feb 26, 2025 26:10 AM

    The General Services Administration is shutting down its EV chargers calling them not mission critical. 8,000 of them had been installed out of a mandated 58,000 to be built. Ev’s are like climate change a sweater pulled over the eyes of gullible consumers. I hope that my statement is not seen as too combative or argumentative it is just meant to be factual. DT

    Feb 26, 2025 26:41 AM

    Speaking of factual

    Believe I said I will believe it only when it happens. Isnt that carbon tax carney ???

      Feb 26, 2025 26:51 AM

      Hi Wolfster, who do you think owns the media and hence some of the polling numbers, be careful about how you interpret things. I’m glad you showed up again because I would like to know how Honda’s plant in Alliston is doing when the tariff’s take hold! DT

      Feb 26, 2025 26:03 AM

      Hi Wolfster, be careful of how you interpret things, who do you think owns the media and some of the polling numbers. Keep the faith don’t let them try to destroy your thinking. The left is desperately trying to hold onto power.

      By the way I’m glad you showed up again I need someone to keep us updated on the progress of the tariffs impact on the Honda Ev plant in Alliston On. Anyway, I’m sure I will read about it in the not so mainstream media first. DT

        Feb 26, 2025 26:13 AM

        The media doesn’t change how I think or feel…. The only thing that matters is the final result and I’m afraid at best PP gets a minority govt.

        The Honda plant still constructing the new wing for the EV line so nothing new there. Local RE agent said it’s not a buyers market at this point cuz inventory is so low. He sold all his listings recently. Stuck with only rental properties to show but did say rents have come down a little.

          Feb 26, 2025 26:59 AM

          Hi Wolfster, it doesn’t matter what real estate agents think they always feel it is time to buy.

          I’m watching The Ontario elections on February the 27th just a few days away, The Progressive Conservatives are looking for another 4 years to govern because Ford wants to be in office while Trump is still in charge. If The conservatives win more seats than they already have that might signal a change, but typically provincial elections don’t always follow Federal politics.

          As far as The Honda plant goes the tariffs haven’t taken hold yet and they are still constructing the Ev line, their goose is cooked either way. They know they have made their bed and now they must pull up the sheets and lie in it! LOL! DT 🤣🤣🤣

        Feb 26, 2025 26:49 AM

        Mainstream media are descending on the way to this level:

    Feb 26, 2025 26:21 AM

    Having said all that I’m interested in what everyone’s perspective is going forward with the tariff war cloud. I see Trump getting himself into a pickle when those costs get passed down to consumers. 65% of the aluminum comes from Canada. Oil for the northern and mid west states etc. His popularity is plummeting(don’t try to blame left wing media DT lol). Guess my question is what does Trump do if market starts tanking and recession hits cuz of his tariffs. Fed will fight inflation he’s creating. And how does it effect all of our thoughts regarding what looked like a super bull in metals???

      Feb 26, 2025 26:13 AM

      Hi Wolfster, Trumps popularity is only plummeting if you follow the mainstream media, (which you are prone to do, remember you kept pushing The Ev agenda, LOL!) they are still in the pocket of The Democratic Party, who know that Trump is changing the World as they saw fit.

      Canada has much more to lose than the US, or haven’t you noticed that we do 70% of our trade with them although they only do 10% of their trade with us.

      The Fed will fight inflation Trump is creating, where have you been for the last ten years. I suppose you believed the governments numbers before Trump got in that said inflation is coming down. Do you still believe in The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy. LOL! Again DT😉

        Feb 26, 2025 26:06 AM

        lol. DT you’re priceless. Ohhhh a tariff on aluminum. Who do you think is paying it???? Canadian producers are just adding it to the bill. Americans are paying it. They get 65% of their aluminum from Canada and have no choice but get it from us. Same goes for so many goods and resources. Eventually even the dumbest Americans are going to figure out the tariffs are just a different form of being taxed by the govt……and no I’ve never believed govt figures for inflation but when the tariffs hit the consumers pockets that’s when the fed has to react cuz they can’t fool the people anymore. …..and if you want to talk agendas. How’s you’re even “Greater Depression” and RE crash doing. Will either one of us still be alive when you can finally say see I told you so. 🤣🤣🤣

          Feb 26, 2025 26:42 AM

          LOL! Wolfster, I guess the dumbest Canadians won’t figure out that we will lose most of our auto plants when the tariffs are imposed, and they are left in place to have a devastating impact.

          You don’t seem to understand that our country has more to lose than the US.

          As far as The Greater Depression and The Real Estate crash it is better to be early and know what is going on than not. The timing of prediction is a very hazardous profession. Canada was already in a worse position long before talk of a tariff with the US. If you think that the tariffs are going to cause inflation in America, what do you think will happen here. The real estate in Alliston On. will be devastated because it is a one-horse town that is dependent on and or in Honda’s back pocket.

          As far as you are concerned Wolfster you will be around when the crash hits I’m sure you are somewhere near the age of 60, you will live to see “The Greater Depression”, unless something happens that you don’t live to the average age of 78. LOL! DT 🤣🤣🤣

    Feb 26, 2025 26:45 AM

    Tariffs (tax) at a high level are a short term tactic. There is a debt crisis around the world and governments want money from a shrinking pie due to global slowdown. Yes, consumers will pay. I just hope Canada and the USA come to a reasonable agreement as we both want to onshore more economic activity which vacated to China. We should stop subsidizing China via uneconomical green initiatives and sanction them for their fentanyl exports.

    Feb 26, 2025 26:47 AM

    Sorry HH Cory and Shad. Didn’t intend to get sucked into a rabbit hole. Appreciate and value your contributions here HH and my original question still stands regarding potential effect of tariffs on the super bull in metals. Cheers.

      Feb 26, 2025 26:20 PM

      I agree, it’s time to give it a rest. DT