

Weekend Show – Jeff Christian & Dan Steffens – Tariff Impacts On Gold, Oil and Natural Gas

February 15, 2025


Welcome to The KE Report Weekend Show! 


This weekend’s show is focused on how tariffs, or the potential of tariffs, are impacting the gold, oil and natural gas markets and related equities. 


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  • Segment 1 & 2 – Jeff Christian, Managing Partner at the CPM Group kicks off the show to discuss the factors driving gold prices near $3,000/ounce, the influx of gold and silver into the U.S. due to potential tariffs, and the overall market trends. Jeff explains the implications of arbitrage and the role of futures contracts. The conversation also touches on how the Trump administration’s policies are impacting the markets and the potential shifts in investment behavior towards precious metals as a safe haven. Additionally, Jeff provides insights into the outlook for Platinum and Palladium markets and investor focus on gold over other metals.



  • Segment 3 and 4 – Dan Steffens, President of the Energy Prospectus Group wraps up the show by shifting our focus to the energy sector. We discuss the current landscape of oil and natural gas prices, explore the impacts of tariffs, particularly on Canadian oil production, and uncover investment opportunities in the market. Dan provides insights into the implications of steel tariffs, the tight global oil market, and spotlights promising stocks like Diamondback Energy and Viper Energy.




Jeff Christian
Dan Steffens
    Feb 15, 2025 15:17 AM

    During the Great Depression, the demand for silver dropped dramatically. Industries were making less, so they needed less silver. This caused the price of silver to fall. People were also selling their silver to get enough money to live on, which added more silver to the market and pushed prices down even further.

      Feb 15, 2025 15:06 PM

      Looks like a REPLAY………………… JMO

      If, you remember, we talked about the McMansions looking liking like a repeat of the Victorian Era…

    Feb 15, 2025 15:57 AM

    Americans are soon going to find themselves living in an altered which calls for new ways of thinking.

    No longer is The US the economic engine that drives the world economy, that crown has been handed to China. China has the industry to back up its claims as well as a home market with 1.4 billion people that is now rich and big enough to give them a market for their goods if The West collapses. They also have The Bric’s on their team and more countries will be lining up to be a partner. The West is no longer relevant, as a necessary trading partner. These tariffs are instrumental in showing the rest of The World how out of touch we are and how they could be directed against them.

    America still has a lot of food production that they can sell to the rest of the world to obtain trading currency but that will hugely inflate their CPI as they scramble to keep a much-reduced standard of living from further decline.

    It will be a bitter pill to swallow especially for The Republican Party which under The Donald has forgotten that the business cycle needs to be independent of political policies. Tariffs are a bad idea because they lead to a trade war, and you can’t change an economic decline by issuing statements from the pulpit. Once an empire falls it takes generations of implementing the right policies just to right itself let alone become the leader once again, if ever. DT

    Feb 15, 2025 15:20 AM

    From a reply to Excelsior on the recent Emerita thread:

    P.S. I meant to mention this during the recording: Hadn’t been up M Street Georgetown all the way (Key Bridge) for a couple years. Did so last Sunday.

    Sea Change!

    There were many vacant storefronts before. Sunday I counted only 4-5, all the way back to 30th Street, and at least two of these under construction. More importantly, many of the new ones are very top shelf home furnishing stores with high quality etched signs etc.

    Power people shop at these places, and they may be moving back in! BDC

      Feb 15, 2025 15:01 AM

      I guess power people to you are people with lots of money, in case you hadn’t noticed we live in a World of rich people and poor people. The rich will always have more money when times are bad because the money that left the middle class went into their pockets. I see a lot of high-end stores in malls where in the past they were family oriented. If you want a strong economy the middle class has to be included and now, they are not. DT

        Feb 15, 2025 15:43 AM

        DC ‘power people’ are ‘rich’ because they have power. A new batch is in town.

      Feb 15, 2025 15:07 AM

      Hi BDC – Thanks for the update and boots-on-the-ground report back on the city businesses coming back and refurbishing downtown areas in D.C.

      I’ve seen a lot of the same thing here in the Seattle area. There were some rough years during the pandemic lockdowns, George Floyd riots, and many consumers here were hesitant to get out and shop or eat and it took much longer for things to normalize and equillibrate than other areas of the country.

      (For example, when I’d travel to Nashville Tennessee to visit my family and friends, that area never really missed a beat, things reopened much quicker without all the masks, social distancing nuttiness, and vaccine passport BS, and continued to just grow and grow).

      In Seattle though, as a result of prolonged fear of humanity, health, and safety (pumped down people’s throats by the woke media and social media), and made worse by out-of-control activism that turned into rioting, looting, and crime; it really messed things up for a while. It was like a ghost town in many areas when I first moved out here, with some buildings burned, broken, and abandoned. Many businesses struggled or closed down during that period, leaving a lot of vacant commercial real estate in 2020-2022.

      However since 2023 there has been a building boom, more businesses launching, old businesses being renovated, and an all-around gentrification of many areas where things are really booming once again.

      We went out to a few different areas of the city and a number of surrounding communities over the last few months and were encouraged to see things cleaned up, less trash and broken or boarded up windows, new businesses, new condos buildings, repaired streets, finished construction projects, etc…

      There has also been a large expansion to the light-rail trains running to extended parts of the greater Seattle area, giving people more options for commuting, shopping, and getting people out to new areas or into the downtown in a less congested way.

      Nice to see many communities bouncing back over the last few years, less homeless camps, more new businesses, more shows and events, and things starting to hit their stride once again.

        Feb 15, 2025 15:59 AM

        Good to know that hallowed lands are burgeoning.

    Feb 15, 2025 15:28 AM

    Hearing White House aide reinforce Trump’s annexation plans “CHILLING” Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador say’s. All our Canadian Premiers (the first time that’s happened) were in Washington last week in discussions with Trump officials.

    To begin with these tariffs are designed to gut our automobile industry. DT

    Feb 15, 2025 15:21 PM

    As a Canadian I want to onshore manufacturing just like Trump. That said, If Canadian leadership approached trump and offered to stop subsidizing China via our restrictive energy and environmental policies that vilify carbon dioxide it would be a mutually beneficial win for both Countries. Without tariffs the we could have a better business climate.

    On another note, does anyone know of any small to mid cap gold companies with strong cash flow per share with a strong growth profile?

      Feb 15, 2025 15:17 PM

      Jaguar is selling at a discount because of a recent tailings dam problem which has been addressed.

      It’s profitable, and having Eric Sprott as the controlling shareholder doesn’t hurt.

    Feb 15, 2025 15:05 PM

    That must be Your Mama’s Car, Scene from American Graffiti! 🤣🤣🤣

    Feb 15, 2025 15:37 PM

    Gold, Silver, Copper, Oil, Nat Gas, And World Outlook Conference Recap

    Excelsior Prosperity w/ Shad Marquitz – Substack – (02-15-2025)

    Feb 16, 2025 16:06 AM
    GOLD : Are Central Bankers Really Buying? : CB Insider (audio)

      Feb 16, 2025 16:53 AM

      P.S. The Central Banking insider uses strong language (F-Bombs).

        Feb 16, 2025 16:36 AM

        Hi BDC – I almost didn’t catch that you had linked to the podcast underneath your chart, but I clicked on it and just listened to about 30 minutes of it, and glad that I did.

        The first 5-7 minutes were hard for me to get through, as the guest just kept talking over the host and interrupting and not even letting the guy ask any follow-up questions, but then was a bit scattered in his thinking and presentation after going on and on…. (which grated on me as a fellow podcaster as sometimes we have guests on like that too)… However, once they both got into the heart of the discussion it was pretty interesting.

        I like how the focus honed in on the events leading up to the 2019 banking crisis and reverse repo issue, and what transpired afterwards in 2020 and 2021, changing the trajectory forever.

        >> I guess I didn’t realize that Jerome Powell effectively gave the middle finger to European banks at that G20 meeting, where Christine Lagarde was hoping the US would join them in group financial suicide. She wanted the US to keep lowering rates into negative territory like Europe to fund their scheme to “save the planet” in the global Green New Deal; with the plan to crash things together, and then all do a large debt jubilee. (we were hypothesizing back then that this was precisely what was being worked up and people that was too crazy… but that is precisely what they were trying to orchestrate with the Paris accords and Green policy initiatives being forced on industry and citizens). I just didn’t realize the extent of how much the US went rogue and didn’t play along with Europe on this, because it felt like that was how things were moving here domestically as well.

        –> Instead Powell threw her a curveball by not backing that plan in 2019, saying the Fed only had 2 mandates – inflation & employment, and stopping climate change was not one of them. He went out and instead actually raised the Fed rate, making it amply more attractive yields to other banks. As a result, $4 trillion were drained out of Europe and other foreign banks, flooding into the US reverse repo markets for that extra yield, never to return back, and this infuriated the criminally convicted Christine Lagarde as President of the European Central Bank, and all the WEF and Davos sycophants that wanted the great reset, and wanted a scapegoat to pin the restructuring of global banking on (the climate change boogeyman).

        They brought up on the show that was when the green child puppet, Greta Thunberg, was given all this airtime to berate the US for not helping central banks stop climate change, as what Jerome was doing with raising rates at that time was forcing European banks to their knees and showing their insolvency. Most of that issue was because those European banks had made the asinine policy of putting in zero percent interest rates and then eventually some European countries like Germany had negative rates (which apparently nobody wanted… big shock… except drug lords and criminal empires willing to accept losing 1%-2% to hide their illegally gained wealth).

        Those WEF billionaires were also hustling the new currency “Carbon Credits” as the grease for the new imagined financial landscape under the guise of saving the planet from climate change. Europe was all-in on this idea, and billionaires were out buying up forests and mangroves, and trashing traditional energy sources. That was all we were hearing about a few years back was this huge move into carbon credits, and how all corporations and banks needed to get on-board, and as we all know, eventually the plan was to foist this idea onto everyday citizens to beat up every household about their “carbon footprint” and charge them for their waste and damage to the planet for running their lights or warm water too much. That was also the rise of the implementation of the smart meters on homes to prepare for tracking everyone’ energy usage.

        These global elites had a huge green scheme planned, but it was unraveled when the US didn’t play along under the first term of Trump (where he wasn’t having it) and under Jerome Powell at the Fed deciding to raise rates instead of lower them.

        >> It came down to how the “Great Reset” could happen if this plan in 2019 for a financial “group suicide cult” and debt jubilee to “save the planet,” had failed. and if the reverse repo markets in the US were syphoning off foreign funds into the US, that there would have to be some other big global event to pin a reset on, and force the Fed to start lowering rates. Then the podcast got into the 5 large prime banks that have the shares of the Federal Reserve, with some having European roots (which most people here at the KER are well aware of), but the contagion effect on banking.

        As they mentioned in the show, a key tipping point was when Jamie Dimon came out in 2019 and took aim at the European Union and their banks and said they would no longer accept European corporate debt as collateral. Then all the other US banks followed suit, and also echoed that they would no longer accept European corporate debt. Then a week later, Jamie Dimon came out and proclaimed that they would no longer accept European sovereign debt as he felt their IOUs were worthless. Well, this was the final straw that broke the camel’s back for all the foreign bankers and many European nations. WEF cronies needed a global reason to reset the interest rates and force the US into compliance and surprise surprise…. they got it shortly thereafter.

        As everyone knows, in early 2020, we got Covid-19 and the global lockdowns, where Powell and the Fed were finally forced to lower the Fed funds rates, with a gun to their heads becauses of a “global health crisis,” and where most countries were locked down and economies were crashing. That was also when cash became too dirty to use, in favor of digital currencies. (with the master plan being the implementation of central bank digital currencies).

        Then a year later in 2021 failed Fed head Janet Yellen was wheeled in with the Biden administration as the Secretary of the Treasury, and she brought in Larry Fink from Blackrock (not even key commercial bank or prime broker) to be able to access the discounted Fed rates (why?), and he was put in charge of overseeing much of the Covid Relief fund distribution. As most know, Blackrock has swallowed up huge swaths of real estate while citizens were distressed, all part of the WEF plan outlined for years to get most people to be renters in the future.

        If things had stayed locked down even longer and economies and global markets had truly collapsed as the derivative markets imploded, then they would have done the Great Reset, and rolled out the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). Then with these CBDCs they could force compliance in behavior with regards to vaccine passports, carbon credits / paying for excess carbon footprints, dissonance against government policies, etc… or you don’t get to use your new digitally controlled money. That plan is definitely still out there on the table, just waiting for the next global crisis to capitalize on it. We all know this, but I liked some of the dots being connected in that podcast, so thanks for sharing it BDC.

        We’ve talked about these topics so many times over the years…. ie: nefarious actions of global central banks and their harm to both free markets and global citizens, the insanity of zero and negative interest rates when they were in place, the hoax of carbon credits and the true motivations behind them, the serious issues and moral hazards with proposed central bank digital currencies, and how the sovereign debt bubble will eventually require either some kind of Great Reset or Debt Jubilee. It was just entertaining to hear it flushed out by an insider that has actually attended the WEF and knows alot of the elite central banksters and the insane games they are playing on the financial global stage.

          Feb 16, 2025 16:13 PM

          Yes, that is what happened here in Canada, our Liberal Government was being directed by The WEF and look what it did to our economy. Now we will have Carbon Tax Carney as our next Prime Minister. Pierre Poilievre if he is elected plans to scrap that agenda and not allow any of his fellow members of Parliament to attend meetings of the WEF. DT

          Feb 16, 2025 16:40 PM

          Death of Libor and US interest rates set in US, not Europe/London. Tom Luongo was big on this.

          Feb 16, 2025 16:20 PM

          Ex – Thank you very much for your erudite expansion of SW’s insider commentary. I have just now come upon this Catherine Austin Fitts related John Titus ongoing presentation:

          Could it be that noblesse oblige is making an effective comeback? BDC

    Feb 16, 2025 16:51 AM

    The squeeze on the explorers. Micro cap, small cap everything small silver and gold miners is going to be like a rocket 🚀… an old saying the bigger the base the higher is space Gary had that right.

    The banks and thief’s behind the computers are so desperate it’s so obvious to a trained eye how they need shares. All in conjunction and in bed together via phone call or telegram or whatever. Times is expired and cooking the lid going to blow up lol. I can see there desperate calls to each other we need to cover. I have no doubt in 6-9 months maybe even faster you will be regretting not buying these bottoms. In fact bottoms should have been bought a while back at the lows.

    Weekly ta tells you on a 5 year chart more clear the above companies small everything building right shoulder of inverse any day now!!!!

    $38 tap back them $42-$45 tap back them $50 tap back then $66 is my target over shoot on silver then big correction and final move for silver $100,$300?


    Feb 17, 2025 17:07 PM