

Here is the interview with Catherine Austin Fitts that Rick mentioned

Big Al
November 5, 2013
    Nov 05, 2013 05:56 AM

    She’s scared of the elite day almost killed her !

    Nov 05, 2013 05:15 PM

    Catherine has some views that interesting and not popular amongst the inflationists. She believes in continued slow burn into the future. She believes that there will be bad things happening but that there will be no hyperinflation. She says that anything is possible but she gives hyperinflation a 2.5% chance of happening. She also does not like gold much. You should have some but don’t count on it to be the answer to future problems. She believes in diversification and self sufficiency. Also she believes in avoiding all foods that are not organically grown. She is not so popular with her views. I like the lady myself and believe in her slow burn theory except that I believe it will end in an eventual hyper event. Slow burn for undetermined amount of time leading to a hyper event is my belief. And, I believe that gold will be very important eventually. May take longer than I want to admit but I still belief in it.

    Nov 05, 2013 05:21 PM

    Her analysis is way beyond my pay grade to understand. I guess I’m either dumb or she is inarticulate or perhaps both.

      Nov 05, 2013 05:57 PM

      Exactly. My sentiments! I understand the slow burn…but….ALSO, interesting to note: Here Solari portfolio had and allocation of approx. 50% precious metals about 1 1/2 to 2 yrs ago. Havent check in a few months…but, I think her allocation has dropped significantly since then?)

      Nov 05, 2013 05:27 PM

      No, you are a typical Coug!

      By the way, this typical Husky is on your side!

    Nov 05, 2013 05:30 PM

    This is Catherines USAwatchdog interview. Easier to understand her views in this video.

    Nov 05, 2013 05:52 PM

    Agree with you over this particular interview Dai Uy, For example, Catherine A.F. doesn’t give any helpful answer over Yellen, while someone like Bill King speaking with David McAlvany last week tells it far more clearly. Janet Yellen is like an easy-going teacher in a high-school who’s suddenly promoted to Principal. All the pupils know she’s a pushover, so unless she does something seriously tough at the outset of her chairmanship the markets will never respect her.

    Maybe Feb 1st will do something for PMs, even if black swans like Saudi Arabia selling oil in another currency or Israel going into Iran don’t do some of the heavy lifting before that date.

      Nov 05, 2013 05:56 PM

      we will have a Saudi Arabia revolution ! is coming ! a ha !

    Nov 06, 2013 06:31 AM

    Recent John Butler interview:

      Feb 02, 2014 02:19 PM

      With Congress not extending unenploymemt benefits makes you SEE the truth. You video has power to speak to the masses and the Twinkle Brothers SEEN it 1984.