Emerita Resources – Metallurgical Testing, Exploration, and Development Update At The IBW Project
David Gower, CEO and Chairman of Emerita Resources (TSX.V: EMO – OTC: EMOTF), joins me to provide an update on the Phase 2 metallurgical testing results, along with an update on both exploration and development work being conducted at multiple deposits to advance the polymetallic Iberian West Project (IBW), located in southern Spain.
We start by discussing the ongoing work completed in the Phase 2 metallurgical testing at the IBW Project, mostly at the Zinc-Copper-Lead-Silver-Gold La Infanta and Romanera deposits. David shares their approach to optimizing metal recoveries at both areas using separate copper, lead, and zinc concentrates; but also shares how their could be a 4th arsenic concentrate at Romanera to capture the high gold values that would report to this concentrate. Another option would be an additional circuit removing the arsenic and pouring gold dore bars on site if not going after that 4th concentrate.
El Cura was not part of the Phase 1 or Phase 2 metallurgical study, but is going through it’s own testing at present, along with a continued focus on exploration drilling and expanding the defining the resources at this 3rd deposit area. David walks us through how each of these 3 deposit areas plays into the larger development strategy that the company is explorating, and that this IBW project is now a project designated as significant in Spain, and how the government has been helpful in working along side the Company and navigating the best practices and permitting process.
We wrap up noting the ongoing exploration work at the earlier-stage Nuevo Tintillo Project, and got an update on where things are in the courts, with 4 months until the sentencing portion of the legal proceedings in their initiative to be awarded the high-grade polymetallic Aznalcóllar Project/
If you have any follow up questions for David regarding Emerita Resources, then email those in to me at Shad@kereport.com.
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It doesn’t matter who you vote for America is a country built on War. Eisenhower reminded everyone about that over 60 years ago. The conflict in The Middle East could be stopped tomorrow if America stopped the arms shipments to Israel, the same for Ukraine.
The military industrial Complex runs America that is why they have had constant War since 1945. There is no Democracy! DT
It was Eisenhower’s action in 56 which mark the beginning of this era. He bluntly told France England and Israel to get out of Egypt or else when they annexed the Suez Canal. This was the last gasp of England and France as colonial powers.
Being made of sterner stuff Israel created AIPAC and as the saying goes the Washington beltway has been occupied territory of Tel Aviv ever since.
Military support for Israel will never end…its genocide will leave a permanent stain on America.
Insofar as it was Biden’s administration which made this decision and, regardless of how bipartisan is the support of Israel and its genocide, no American of conscience can vote Democrat today.
That leaves Trump.
1st article: JPMorgan again
Several things should stand out when you read the JPM article:
— with a change possible in the House and the Senate, not counting the Presidency. Gary Gensler, Head of the SEC and former Goldman partner may be replaced
— this may have motivated the SEC to consolidate into “civil actions” cases that may have been criminal and forwarded to the Justice Dept for criminal prosecutions of specific individuals
—- note that Trump’s buddy Epstein’s cases which appear to be criminal money laundering criminal cases also were not treated criminally against individuals within JPM
—. Note also there have been no criminal charges against Gensler or other SEC regulators that have failed to bring criminal charges through the Justice Department against Wall Street individuals who have been involved in a non-stop transfer of wealth crime spree for the last 50 years except for about 2000 Savings and Loan Bankers back in the late 80s.(Remember Bill Black, former DOJ Prosecutor who was interviewed on main stream media about 20 years ago, who always asked the question “why is no one indicting Wall Street Bankers”)
Because DOJ…is corrupt…
Hi Jerry, have you ever noticed how flaky people seek out other flaky people they need to fit in, criminals are the same although they don’t trust one another they band together in organizations that way they form a protective shield for their activities, just like the mafia. Hence the term “there is honor amongst thieves.” DT
Doesn’t add up ….if the SEC can only handle Civil cases and they are required to forward Criminal Cases to the “Criminal Authorities” at the Federal Level (FBI and DOJ), why doesn’t the SEC just forward those cases to DOJ and let them make the “political decision” to kill the cases. SEC by not forwarding the cases, proves they are corrupt and could be subject to criminal prosecution. It opens the possibility that the SEC can make the decision to “treat” criminal cases as Civil cases against the “Citizens United Corporate Person” and just “fine” the company under a ” Civil Statute” and the Public will, most likely, not be knowledgeable enough about Civil v Criminal law to know what happened.
If they give it to DOJ, if there is “Probable Cause” that a “Crime” was committed after FBI investigation, then the Case should be presented to a “Federal Grand Jury” to decide whether to indict. That puts the case in the hands of a Jury of Citizens who are not going to treat crimes as “political” without exposing the Grand Jury to criminal charges. The Politicians know that a Grand Jury will indict. The elected and appointed politicians know they will indict.
That opens the “most likely” political glitch in the system to be the Head of the SEC, who is Gary Gensler who also was known for killing investigations in the CFTC … particularly the 5 year investigation of JPM silver manipulation. That 5 year investigation was killed right before JPM “corporate person” pled guilty to ….”precious metals manipulation” as a civil fine. Which says that most likely the 5 year investigation should have been forwarded to DOJ from the CFTC for criminal investigation but was killed in the CFTC. Later Gensler goes to the SEC.
How are they going to steal the money?…. Turn themselves in….?
The entire system knows what it going on…. IRS, DOJ, FBI, CIA and CONGRESS and COURTS….corruption at it’s best…
Might want to throw in the CORRUPT COURT BAR LAW SYSTEM…..
We do not GET BROKE, $36 TRILLION in DEBT, without CORRUPTION….local, state and federal..
Local start with the real estate appraisals and assessment, ..then sales tax, and income tax.
WE do not allow a FAKE CENTRAL BANK called the FED, (like really) print us into BANKRUPTCY…
Always WARS… MIC, since 47… IKE, was no hero…
This has all been done on high speed in the last 30 yrs… Who has been in charge the last 30 yrs.
Humm……. THE TWO HEADED SNAKE PARTY….. you see them for what they are ..they are all showing
themselves,,, in your face…..not that hard to see, unless you are blind or stupid…
Obviously with Trump’s disdain for the Constitution and Law, the current system of corruption seeks out a weaker regulatory system. That carries over to Wall Street and their preference to continue Citizens United and deregulation. That makes market projections consistent with who gives Wall Street and Corporations the best chance of continuing the corruption process with politicians.
We get broke by closing the gold window and deregulating Banks and Corporations. You deregulate by passing laws in Congress. You pass Laws by controlling the Votes in both House and Senate. You get people to vote a certain way by paying for Candidates campaigns. You pay for their campaigns by making PACs have unlimited donations by passing through funds from the wealthy and corporations as under Citizens United, Corporations are “people” and “money” is “free speech”. You get Congress not to support “The People” by being the largest Donors to their campaign and redirect their loyalty from the Constitution and The People to the Donors. In other words, from the People to Special Interests”.
Adding to the debt problem and control of Congress is the problem of passing “new” statutory law to correct those provisions of Law that were designed to prevent another 1929 situation. In order to put them back on the books in order to stop “current corporate corruption” you can pass “new regulatory Acts” to stop the thefts and corruption. However if you have “contributed campaign funds” from a Special Interest Group or groups that are in favor of unfair advantage, you give members of Congress support, plus possibly proposed legislation that are private interest focused. Now if you control the leadership of one of the Branches of either the House or Senate or both, you can block legislation establishing Regulation from ever getting to the floor. If you want Corporate favorable legislation you can put it to a vote. If you have supported enough votes with Campaign contributions, you can control the submission and passage by either blocking or voting on Legislating Laws that are Pro-wealthy versus Pro- People. That is where we are currently.
Here is the deal: It is not a “party” issue, it is a “bought issue”. However, the rhetoric is designed to have the People watch the “wrong issues” as long as possible to maintain an advantage for Wealth, Corporations and Banks. Even better yet, if as a result they undermine the Constitution, the Corrupt System gets even stronger. Thus, the False Rhetoric.
Hi guys…. There is a political section to our website for these kinds of dialogues.
If there is a specific point about how political policies are going to affect the markets or the economy, then that relates to the theme, but if it just going to be back and forth posturing on political ideologies and opinions, then that is what the other political page is for.
We want to keep these forums more focused around investing and economics, and free from political back and forth debates or arguments. Thanks for your cooperation.
Update : Uranium Added
NVDA Dropped
NGL or LPG or LNG – Definitions & Uses
(KER Knowledge College)
“Obviously with Trump’s disdain for the Constitution and Law, ”
You have a point as most of our leading Presidential Candidates over more than 50 years were backed by Wall Street.
Hi guys…. There is a political section to our website for these kinds of dialogues.
If there is a specific point about how political policies are going to affect the markets or the economy, then that relates to the theme, but if it just going to be back and forth posturing on political ideologies and opinions, then that is what the other political page is for.
We want to keep these forums more focused around investing and economics, and free from political back and forth debates or arguments. Thanks for your cooperation.
Sorry Ex. This all started with the Wall Steeet On Parade article about how the Regulators have impacted the treatment of the criminal acts of JPM including market intervention and money laundering. Failing to Regulate, coupled with corruption are critical to free and fair markets.
The issue of how the Candidates will deal with corruption are “critical” to the future performance of the miners, as well as, the General Markets.
This becomes even more critical when ONE candidate has publically asserted that he plans to gut the Federal Government and its Regulatory system. This means he will disregard the Constitution.
This means there will not be any chance of fixing markets … corruption will remain …and the rights to own property of any kind including physical metals, stocks, homes, cars, jobs, fair pay, individual rights are threatened.
The conversation is critical!
(without the Law, we can’t address the corruption that has occurred allowing the transfer of wealth and its perpetrators to walk away. The perpetrators are hoping the Constitutional system fails and The People be left without any resort for corrective action)
If these guys refuse to move their posts to the other side after being asked nicely twice, then they are criminals just like the other guys they are talking about.
Criminals? Just like the other guys they are talking about? That’s some criminally wacko reasoning Terry.
I keep thinking I have nothing else to say, but….for those not in the USA, today’s election is not about parties but about political systems. I will not bore you with the importance, but read up on personal freedoms and right to own property under various political systems, ie other systems versus Democracies. Then you realize how there is serious impacts on the “investing options” US citizens have “on the line” and the ability to protect themselves under the various options.
Jerry, leftists are downright nuts to think that their people give 2 sh*ts about the constitution let alone follow it. The SOBs are lawless.
It’s pointless to talk to such people.
Thanks for the comment Matthew…….
As you know,…. I find it hard to NOT REPLY….. to some comments that I find misinformed …
You have seen me comment for over 20 yrs… I do not think I can change…. 🙂
AND TO EX………… I find it hard not to RESPOND….. to political comments….since they do
apply to PM…. All you need to do is look at the GOLD and SILVER charts THIS MORNING… 🙂
Sorry,….. I will ,… try…. 🙂
No, sorry comments about the Department of Justice, CIA, FBI, or the Military Industrial Complex, or Clinton’s 33,000 emails have absolutely nothing to do with the moves in precious metals today or any day, and neither do most political opinions or diatribes.
That’s why we have a political page, to keep all that mess off the investing forums.
I’ve asked nicely and respectfully for people’s cooperation many times on this. Thanks.
This exciting new medication could save the country from the big Ds…
Elon Musk, who claims the US could be powered by 100 sq miles of solar panels and batteries, will be at the table when big decisions are being made. The Chinese will be loading up on silver as the price goes down.
Here is the coveted Blazesb presidential endorsement.
Vote Trump! Why? Because America deserves him. A Democrat candidate that would ‘do nothing different’, a citizenry that shrugs off genocide….what’s to ponder.
Trumps unique ability at bankruptcy will usher in the financial armegadon so many here desire.
The die is cast. Let the chips fall as they may.
Vote Trump.