

Weekend Show – Rick Bensignor & Josef Schachter – Fed Rate Cut Changes The Game For Investors; Opportunities In Markets, Metals and Energy 

September 21, 2024


The Fed finally delivered the long anticipated rate cut on Wednesday. It was the larger 50 basis point cut which markets across the board celebrated.


On this Weekend’s Show we discuss the impacts of rate cuts financially and economically, as discuss trading strategies for commodities and resource stocks.


We hope you all enjoy the show this weekend. One of our guests this weekend, Josef Schachter, is offering a pair of free tickets to our listeners! Please email me at to be entered into the draw.


  • Segment 1 & 2 – Rick Bensignor, President of Bensignor Investment Strategies kicks off the show by discussing the implications of the 50 bpts Fed rate cut, future projections for interest rates, and market movements. We focus on the rate cut’s impact on inflation,, the US dollar’s potential weakening and gold, especially gold stocks potential ability to play catch up. 

  • Click here to visit the In The Know Trader website.

  • Segment 3 and 4 – Josef Schachter, Founder and Editor of the Schachter Energy Report, wraps up the show discussing the current oil price trends, providing key insights on demand, geopolitical factors, and the future of energy stocks. We focus a lot on the investment opportunities in energy stocks, emphasizing factors such as insider ownership, low debt, and growing production profiles. He also shares details about his upcoming conference, Catch The Energy, in Calgary on October 19th.


    Click here to learn more about The Schachter Energy Report and Josef’s Catch The Energy Conference in Calgary on October 19th. Please email me at, with the subject line “Schachter conference tickets”, to be entered into a draw for 2 free tickets.


Rick Bensignor
Josef Schachter
    13 hours ago

    Wow! I am struck by the difference between the cautious Rick and bullish Joseph. Very good balance of views. My gut is saying that Rick is right and also the miners are a mess but only time will tell. However, Joseph has some good points too –

    13 hours ago


    I know this is off topic but as a long suffering Intel investor the idea of an Intel and Qualcomm merger kind’a makes sense. From someone who owns both, underwater on Intel and above it with Qualcomm, the idea has got me wondering! I do however have concerns about the national security implications of this merger.

    For background see:

    13 hours ago


    While I am on a roll and promise this is the last Saturday AM post!

    From those that don’t live in IT land here is some interesting news that has ramifications all over the place:

    “VMware customers report massive price increases since Broadcom takeover: ‘Feels quite a bit like being held for ransom'” see:

    I know one corp that is seeing a 10X price increase of VMWare renewals after the sale of VMWare to Broadcom and is actively looking for alternatives and/or planning to “de-virtualizing”. The same thing happened after Broadcom’s acquisition of Symantec however in that case alternatives existed. This also has massive implications for Intel as they make most server hardware.

    10 hours ago

    Pictures of Multiple Occurrences of Visible Gold @ Hole #68-SITKA GOLD CORP. V.SIG DT 🤣😉😜

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