

Politics Weekend Posting

September 21, 2024

Hi everyone! Here is the weekend politics posting. Keep on sharing your thoughts as we approach the election.


I hope you all have a great weekend!


    Sep 21, 2024 21:38 AM

    And Trump , wont stop more of the above from happening , he LOVES the SCUM who do it.

        Sep 21, 2024 21:28 AM

        Hi EBO…. This is one of the review’s about that book. Thanks for posting a link to it.

        5.0 out of 5 stars Israel/Palestine. What if Trump Wins The Election?
        Reviewed in the United States on 15 February 2016
        Verified Purchase
        For those readers who are interested in this subject, should, if they haven’t already done so, read “The Israel Lobby And Foreign Policy”, Both of them show, and I should argue without qualification that indeed the US is the New Jerusalem.
        I refer readers to the Chapter headed “Who Towers Behind Trump?”. It refers to his autobiography “The Art Of The Deal”. where Trump “proudly”described how he purchased 93 percent of the voting stock in the Resorts International gambling concern. His book, though, did not record that Resorts International was “established and controlled by front men for the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and their ‘enforcers’ in the CIA and its allied intelligence agency, Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad”.

        I refer readers also to an analysis written by Eytan Gilboa in the “Jerusalem Post” dated 12/28/2015. The analysis contains Trump’s attitude to the Israeli/Palestinian crisis. It is a long article, but the key point on this issue is that Trump supports Israel’s stance on it. Gilboa says that “. . . he has proposed policies and made statements that no Jew in good conscience can live with.”

        Sep 21, 2024 21:38 AM

        EBO… Here is another review. This is for the above book.

        5.0 out of 5 stars “America. . . you can move very easily. . ..” Netanyahu
        Reviewed in the United States on 15 May 2016
        Verified Purchase
        No matter what your values—Christian, Enlightenment, social justice, international law, natural law, the Kantian imperative, crimes against humanity, Judaism’s own values (Israel “a light unto the nations” Isaiah 49:6)—what Israel has done and is doing to the Palestinians is morally wrong.
        Sure. People have done bad things to other people forever, but this evil is orchestrated by a large Zionist organization from all over the world. And the US is being made complicit in this immoral undertaking in the numerous ways Grant Smith explores in his book.
        Exposing America’s unfortunate entanglement is why he wrote this excellent book: 300 pages and 483 footnotes of support for the claims he makes.
        The American democratic process is being corrupted at every level in the interests of Israel, and Smith gives chapter and verse on how this is being done.
        One stunning example of this influence occurred recently. At one time during the nominating process for the Republican candidate for President in the current election, every single aspirant to the nomination made a pilgrimage to Las Vegas to kiss the money ring of Sheldon Adelson, whose only declared interests are Israel and online gambling. This is the same super-patriot Sheldon Adelson who wanted Mitt Romney to pardon Jonathan Pollard, should Romney become President with Adelson’s financial backing.
        In addition, Haim Saban of the Brookings Institution plays a similar role in the Democratic party. He has said: “I’m a one-issue guy, and my issue is Israel.” He has promised to contribute as much money as needed to elect Hillary Clinton, someone who believes that Israel has a right to exist as a “Jewish state,” with Jerusalem (an international city for millenia) as its capital (something no country in the world approves of, not even the USA).
        Is this the American democratic process in action?
        Is this what the Constitution intends?
        Is this our America?
        Grant discusses in supported detail the areas of dual citizenship and dual loyalties (American citizens in the Israeli Defense Force); espionage (industrial and military); yearly billions to Israel with no benefit to the US; media control (no debating the facts of history; no Palestinians allowed to articulate and disseminate their narrative); tax exemption for money which goes to Jewish interests as well as the illegal settlements in Israel; perversion of education (forced Holocaust information but no discussion; anti-assimilation); foreign policy (the war with Iraq for the benefit of Israel; the demonization of Iran; no condemnation of Israel’s nuclear capability in spite of the Non-Proliferation Treaty; use of the veto in the UN in Israel’s interests; Middle East “regime change” wars); Israeli and Jewish influence in Congress (money, intense lobbying by AIPAC and free trips to Israel), and financial contributions only to candidates who are unequivocally pro-Israel, in some cases very large sums of money.
        The point is that all of this is being done in spite of the wishes and best interests of the American people and even of Israel. It’s not as though the American people voted to do bad things to the Palestinians: kill them, starve them, imprison them, steal from them, and control them. Quite the opposite: as Grant Smith explains, unbiased polls indicate that most Americans show no such support for Israel’s mistreatment of the Palestinians and believe that if both sides would abide by international law, the Geneva Conventions, and the UN resolutions relating to Palestine, peace could be achieved between Jews and Arabs in Palestine,
        But Zionism has a different agenda, an agenda that will use any means legal and illegal to promote its interests by getting the United States to back it up.
        And that agenda is the problem because it is built on non-negotiable beliefs.
        What can you say to someone who believes that the Bible mandates the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine to the exclusion of the indigenous inhabitants?
        Or, as Rabbi Ovaida Yosef said in 2010, that “The Goyim [non-Jews] are born only in order to serve us. Besides this, they have no place on earth—only to serve the people Israel.”
        Not surprisingly, the never-ending “peace process” goes on and on, with no peace in sight.
        The US, in spite of itself, continues to support this cruel charade against its own interests and at the expense of neighbors, friends, allies and innocent parties in Palestine and elsewhere in the world.
        Grant Smith’s excellent book is an attempt to raise America’s awareness to the point that something might be done.

          Sep 21, 2024 21:58 AM

          …I tell you, Tony…it is getting worse since those books were written…if you speak out against our good friends the Israeliars…or Zionism you may very well be black balled forever…and they are doing all they can to throw you in jail for this or for boycotting the Israeliars…and of course the “hate speech” laws are getting worse by the day…

            Sep 21, 2024 21:25 AM

            EBO … I tell You ,it may even be worse here in the UK.

            Sep 21, 2024 21:43 AM

            I think you are right…although I have no first hand experience, from everything I’ve read and heard it sounds worse over there.

      Sep 21, 2024 21:01 AM

      …this is the United States of Israel…see posts from yesterday…

    Sep 21, 2024 21:56 AM

    Cackletoe is babbling for the millionth time about “the significance of the passage of time”…saying once again “there is great significance to the passage of time…”

    …and once again…the passage of time….has made CFS late for work! Can’t Kamalto come up with any new inanity??? And can CFS ever show up for work on time?

      Sep 21, 2024 21:36 AM

      EBO….. & others, have you noticed how wide she can streach her mouth… maybe something to do with the time she spent working for brown willy !!! ?

        Sep 21, 2024 21:47 AM

        …makes it easier for her to talk out of both sides of her mouth…and to service Willy’s willy…

    Sep 21, 2024 21:50 AM

    Anybody who supports The Zionist State of Israel , is also party to the GENOCIDE IN GAZA.

    Sep 21, 2024 21:37 AM

    Thats pretty much all the christians Tony.
    They have the same god.

    Conservative Christians, and evangelicals especially, have been staunch supporters of Israel for decades, citing a religious connection to the Jewish people and the land.

    Something more might happen now that Israel attacked Lebanon.

      Sep 21, 2024 21:21 AM

      Hi SF….. Thats only the brainwashed one’s , me i’m christian ( with a small c ) & mine has never been washed.

        Sep 22, 2024 22:43 AM

        I believe you Tony, but you are one of the few.

    Sep 21, 2024 21:45 AM

    One of our new friends acting poorly….maybe Kamltoe, Tampon Tim and AJ can have a talk with our new friend…after all, they all want friends just like this in the country….tens of millions of them…

      Sep 21, 2024 21:55 AM

      Real interesting…how an unemployed, drunk illegal alien afford a car at all, let alone a late model one like that…here in Commiefornia many law abiding, full-time employed people can’t even afford an older model used car. You can bet that criminal POS stole the car or if not, your corrupt and evil government stole money from you and gave to the illegal or his buddies for that car.

    Sep 21, 2024 21:13 AM

    Sc#ew you, Taylor Slow…

    Just minutes after the ABC News presidential debate on Tuesday, Taylor Swift put the swirling speculation to rest by formally announcing her endorsement of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

    The Grammy winner wrote in her Instagram post that she is supporting the vice president because she is “a steady-handed, gifted leader” and “fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them.”

    Another factor in Swift’s decision? Harris’ selection of Walz as her running mate. “I was so heartened and impressed by her selection of running mate @timwalz, who has been standing up for LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body for decades,” the pop star added.

    During her post-debate coverage on Tuesday, Megyn called out Swift for highlighting the Minnesota governor’s support of “LGBTQ+ rights” as one of the reasons for her support when the North Star state is home to some of the most progressive laws in the country when it comes to so-called ‘gender affirming care’ for minors.

    On Thursday, Megyn was in Kansas City, MO, with Tucker Carlson for the latest stop on his ‘Tucker Carlson Live Tour’ and Swift’s endorsement was a hot topic. Megyn did not hold back while addressing Swift’s support of Harris and Walz and her explicit praise of the governor. Below is what she had to say on the subject.

    Megyn’s Remarks

    “Screw you, Taylor Swift. That’s how I would like to begin…

    I don’t know whether [her endorsement] will have an effect [on the election]. I mean, supposedly some 350,000 people have rushed to some website to register to vote or express interest in potentially doing that. But young people don’t generally vote, and I don’t think people who at this point in the election cycle had not registered to vote are not going to do it because of Taylor Swift. But let’s set that to to the side…

    This woman has… is a billionaire. I saw her amazing mansion in Rhode Island. I went to some hotel there, and there it is up on a cliff. You’ve never seen a more beautiful home. It’s one of what? 20? She’s got so many gifts thanks to all of you and thanks to your daughters, who you probably had to drag to her concerts. You want to make your daughter happy, and so you did it and that’s true whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat.

    And how does she thank this nation? She turns around and not only does she pick a side in a hotly contested presidential election alienating at least half of her fan base, but she says the reason she’s voting for Kamala Harris is because of Tim Walz’s LGBTQ stance.

    Do you know what Tim Walz has done on the LGBTQ front?

    Let me tell you what’s going to happen… to a little girl sitting in Wisconsin, who is maybe on the spectrum, maybe has acne, maybe is a little heavyset, maybe feels upset because her parents are getting divorced, or something like, and is going to find herself down a rabbit hole on Reddit. And her parents aren’t going to know because they’re getting a divorce and they’re not focused on her right now.

    She is going to spend hour after hour on that thing and Reddit is going to tell her she is actually a boy. And she’s going to get sucked into this gender cult, and she is going to say, ‘Mom and Dad, I want puberty blockers into cross-sex hormones’ – which will sterilize her and deprive her of all sexual pleasure for the rest of her life.

    And they’re going to say, ‘No, you’re a girl. And she’s going to say, ‘But I want I want top surgery… this double mastectomy where I’ll have tubes coming out of me and I’ll never breastfeed a child. I want that too because I’m a boy.’ And they’re going to say no.

    She’s going to go to a judge in Minnesota and, because of Tim Walz, the court will take custody of her use the Medicaid funds in Minnesota to provide her all of those things – chop off her breasts, sterilize her with the puberty blockers into the cross-sex hormones… There’s a law that Tim Walz signed that says the court can take jurisdiction, which in this instance means custody, over minor children who are not getting ‘gender affirming care.’ [And that ‘care’] is a lie. There are only two genders. There are men and there are women. One cannot become the other…

    And when this girl inevitably comes to the conclusion that she didn’t want any of this, that it only added to her problems – which were the divorce, and the acne, and the puberty, and not any trans issue – who is she going to go to then?

    This is all because of Tim Walz. That’s what Minnesota is doing right now to little girls and boys – taking custody away from the parents so that they can have these procedures without any loving parent there to help. And that’s what Taylor Swift just endorsed for your children.

    So screw you, Taylor Swift.”</i<

    Sep 21, 2024 21:42 PM

    I hope you all have a great weekend!

    Great? Just looking at all the tax increases and bond measures on the ballot this weekend….and knowing the majority will pass…including a measure that will make it even easier for the parasites to pass even more tax increases…so, no….not a great weekend…not even mediocre…

    Sep 22, 2024 22:33 AM

    A Last-Minute Effort to Mess With the 2024 Vote Is Underway. It’s Scarier Than Expected.

    Voting war

    Sep 22, 2024 22:46 AM

    The Next Proliferation Wave: Can Europe Go Nuclear?

    Not that easy unfortunately

    Sep 22, 2024 22:06 AM
    Sep 22, 2024 22:44 AM
    Sep 22, 2024 22:09 PM

    Connect the DOTS……………….. RFKjr…….Israel.. Kennedy .. Maxwell…..Epstein…… hummm

      Sep 22, 2024 22:28 PM

      go to the 16 min mark………. Blinken…. Maxwell connection humm

        Sep 23, 2024 23:51 AM

        Good catch Jerry.
        Unfortunately Eddie is right. United States of Israel.

          Sep 23, 2024 23:51 AM

          Thanks John………

          At this moment……. You and Ebo……..are SPOT ON………….

          Sep 23, 2024 23:42 AM

          Yupper John

          Uni party, owned by Israel.

          This info has never been more accessable to the population.
          Whats the response, free speech is shut down of course.

          I was blocked from you tube long ago, nobody thought anything of it, today, we are hearing many more being banned.

          Amazon is removing books etc

          Masses of people wont figure it out, there are a few times in history that people ate their own children due to starvation,it possible this time period may take as long for people to take notice.

          No? Does anyone think prior to that happening in the past anyone at that time would have thought as much?

          It could happen.

          Just for Jerry, Im sure its all logical and can be divided 😉

          Leviticus 26:29:

          Further, you will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters you will eat.

          Fact is, eating your children is nothing new and is entirely possible.
          Maybe eating bugs will save us.

          But what ever we do, lets hope the people do nothing about the uni party owned by Israel.

          1 other point Jerry wont like, the eating children happened long before the time the god of abraham came around.
          oops, before the bibles were written.

          That horrble science just wont stop proving humans have been around for 100s of thousands of years, probly millions.
          Pesky science. 😉

            Sep 23, 2024 23:22 AM

            Thanks b………..
            for the mention…..
            Leviticus 26:29:
            Further, you will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters you will eat.
            (FORETOLD)….. Warned…..
            They FAILED, in their righeousness to GOD…
            Failed in their TEST….they reverted back to Paganism….
            THE BIBLE, is a HISTORY LESSON….. of what NOT to DO, as Well as WHAT TO DO… 🙂

            Sep 23, 2024 23:21 AM

            As I said Jerry, you could “divide” it to suit your religion.

            Gotta mention, ya dont gotta be a god to figure out why it happens and it doesnt have anyting to do with god rules or religion etc.

            One day people will figure that out.

            Sep 23, 2024 23:53 AM

            Not dividing … to “suit” my religion…….
            I can not be both a Jew and a Gentile at the same time…

            One day , … I hope you figure out what you throw away….

    Sep 23, 2024 23:41 AM
    Sep 23, 2024 23:42 AM

    An expert determined this legal scams’ outcome…lmao…no Test for covid…..biased science opinion only…period…a mockery of justice..She had chit cort appointed defense…….Any person may transmit any respiratory flu to another person at any time and in essence kill them?…totally un-provable chain of custody…….it is called existence….

      Sep 23, 2024 23:00 AM

      CHIT SHOW………. as you say Larry……….. THE CLOWNS ARE RUNNING THE SHOW….

    Sep 23, 2024 23:55 AM

    POS……………………………….JOHNSON is another JOKER CRAPPER…. SOLD OUT…. well Duh…..
    like who would have thought….. 🙂
    Good morning, Gateway Pundit readers. Today is September 23rd, 2024, and Mike Johnson has sold out, yet again. After over a dozen Republicans teamed up with Dems to torpedo the SAVE Act, Johnson has officially removed it from the CR… There will be no help stopping the steal from Congress.


    Sep 23, 2024 23:23 AM
      Sep 23, 2024 23:05 AM

      What utter crap…….spoken by a scientifically-ignorant person.
      Sound is vibration of atoms.

        Sep 23, 2024 23:31 AM

        That is funny……….. the guy use to be a science teacher…. 🙂

          Sep 23, 2024 23:36 AM

          How did the atoms… get there… ? Out of thin air… humm ? How was air created?
          How did vibration start..?

        Sep 23, 2024 23:05 AM

        Vacuum…………. and a little history…..

        I think there could be some debate… on Your statement

      Sep 23, 2024 23:07 AM

      Sorry Jerry, I will be polite and wont say what I think of it.
      Just that Im not interested.

        Sep 23, 2024 23:43 AM

        No problem there……… Rejection of thought…..
        Never coming to a conclusion…
        2 Timothy…. Humm………
        7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.

          Sep 23, 2024 23:26 AM

          Religion is only clues to the “truth” pieces of it, it is not “the” truth.

          The day will come when people get past the “gods’ little and big.

          Not that your interested but if you took the time to look you will see the gods fade as the reasons for the beliefs fade, what actually causes events are discovered.
          Then the god passes.

            Sep 23, 2024 23:45 AM

            The little gods… keep screwing up….. and fade as you say…..

            Belief in MAN,…. and Fake science… Fake Medicine …. Fake Teachers….got to love the stupidity of MAN.

            Been back to the moon lately…..
            Cure that cancer yet………
            How is that sex change working out …….(for society)

    Sep 23, 2024 23:09 AM

    Who created God ?

      Sep 23, 2024 23:26 AM

      I think you asked that question before….
      Who created Spirit……. ?

        Sep 23, 2024 23:28 AM

        Can SPIRIT….Exist in a VACUUM………….. humm…. 🙂

      Sep 24, 2024 24:32 AM

      It makes sense this glob of guck used to be a professor.. Big bang babbling bs..

        Sep 24, 2024 24:47 AM

        Oh, My………. thanks for the reply….
        I do not think the guy……. is promoting “big bang”…..
        or at least he has not from past conversations…..
        and he sure did not we all came from rocks or pond scum…..

        But, maybe he forgot about the politicians in DC, coming from POND SCUM… 🙂

    Sep 23, 2024 23:20 AM

    That question never finds a conclusion.
    Who created this god, then who created the 1 before that and on and on.

      Sep 23, 2024 23:32 AM

      The FIRST GOD….. created all the others in your question…. 🙂
      But, Man wanting to be GOD like, created the made up little gods … 🙂

        Sep 23, 2024 23:02 AM

        You miss the point entirely Jerry.
        Intentional I would guess.

        The question with no answer is who created the god in the first place, where did your god come from, who created your god?
        Best answer you have is he created himself, then the question is from what?
        oops, but nothing comes from nothing, maybe just god? came from nothing.

        Its endless and has no satisfactory answer.
        No matter how its divided.

        Sep 23, 2024 23:20 PM

        OOTB Jerry
        10 hours ago
        The FIRST GOD….. created all the others in your question…. 🙂
        But, Man wanting to be GOD like, created the made up little gods … 🙂

        Good grief.

        Jerry, can you imaine the education of the people that come up with gods, little or big?

        They have no idea why the wind blows,or where storms come from, a volcano erupts and what do they call it? obviously a god is angry.

        These are the people that wrote your books. Doesnt matter where around the world you look, thats just how people thougght.

        When an education answers the questions the gods vanish.

        A christian story, world flood, couldnt be an asteroid, they have no idea what an asteroid is, obviously its a god.

        There are pcs of truth in the books, but ya gotta use a little common sense.

        The reason you believe as you do, and you will never overcome it is people believe as they are told to believe, especially at under 6 yo.

        You have been told these stories for thousands of years, they take time to pass, but they will pass.

        You say I throw away, ya sure, I think you dont understand what the info you got is telling you.

        Here is a big one for you, which there is no way you will even consider it.
        I think he did what he came for. He went east my friend.

        I dont think chritians have him figured out, they take the easy, familiar, comfortable. route, he was a god.

          Sep 23, 2024 23:50 PM

          Humm……….. I will ponder your thoughts……… 🙂

          I think we have been over some of the stuff , you still question….
          Sorry, that the answers are not more evident , for you.

    Sep 23, 2024 23:24 AM

    Might be an article you missed cfs. Its pretty recent.

    Because space is a vacuum nearly devoid of particles, sound can’t travel through its vast emptiness. However, scientists from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland have successfully “tunneled” sound through such a vacuum via an electromagnetic effect.Aug 23, 2023

    In such materials, vibrations (sound waves) produce an electrical response, as well, and since an electric field can exist in vacuum, it can transmit the sound waves across. The requirement is that the size of the gap is smaller than the wavelength of the sound wave.Aug 9, 2023

      Sep 23, 2024 23:36 AM

      SO,,,,,,,,,,,,, Professor is a little behind on his STATEMENT……………
      concerning VACUUM AND SOUND…………………………. 🙂

      SO,…….. THE WORD, can exist in a VACUUM…. , therefore, … IN THE BEGINNING… 🙂

        Sep 23, 2024 23:24 PM

        Low frequency e-m waves can travel through a vacuum.
        Such waves via piezoelectric material can be converted into vibrational (sound) waves.
        But sound is NOT traveling through a vacuum.
        Who created God ?

          Sep 24, 2024 24:48 AM

          Reason Jerry, you have to reason thru it. step by step.

          Religion takes its beliefs from faith. Faith is a belief in something without evidence, just because religion creats its own “evidence” doesnt make it true.

          As in the earth being flooded, its happened a few times but the “great flood” the religion talks about is most likely from an asteroid off the coast of the Yucatan, (I think, there were a couple) the religion makes up a story the flood came from a god because they have no clue what actually happened.

          Just as it always had been due to zero education.

          Most people dont get past the god belief due to being told the story from their youth on. Very unlikly you get past it. Thats human, we believe what we are told to believe, we have zero defense about that under about 6 yo.
          Watch….. A small child believes everything their adults tell them.
          Thats human.
          Why do you think there are so many “sheeple”?

          Which is too bad, there are some truths in religous writtings, unfortunatly they are obstructed due to religious beliefs and are not seen for what they are telling us.

          The story of Jesus walking on water has always been a favorite of mine, the religion has no idea HOW he did it, they simply say, “Hes a god” zero understanding and they wont find it as long as they keep the god explanations.
          The religion hinders the truth.
          No point in anyone explaining it, thats something you have to find out for yourself.

          Overall, it doesnt really matter tho.
          Knowing or not knowing doesnt change the truth 1 iota and people,sheeple, will understand it eventually.

            Sep 24, 2024 24:37 AM

            southfront fan
            7 hours ago
            Reason Jerry, you have to reason thru it. step by step.
            ANSWER: REASON through it… is OK WITH ME….

            Religion takes its beliefs from faith. Faith is a belief in something without evidence, just because religion creats its own “evidence” doesnt make it true.

            As in the earth being flooded, its happened a few times but the “great flood” the religion talks about is most likely from an asteroid off the coast of the Yucatan, (I think, there were a couple) the religion makes up a story the flood came from a god because they have no clue what actually happened.
            ANSWER: “most likely” YOU SAY…….NOW PROVE IT….. WHO survived the FLOOD, ..MONKEY MAN maybe…. How about some blood lines from NOAH….

            Just as it always had been due to zero education.
            there is a… Reason you have bloodlines and names
            of all the past people in the Bible.. who is related to who.. you can connect the dots…
            If, you do not take the time to study … you will remain ignorant as most of the sheeple
            continue to do… Proof , it the last hundred years in PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM,

            Most people dont get past the god belief due to being told the story from their youth on. Very unlikly you get past it. Thats human, we believe what we are told to believe, we have zero defense about that under about 6 yo.
            ANSWER: LOL…. GOT PAST SANTA CLAUS before 6 , made up BS by your slave owners…
            Watch….. A small child believes everything their adults tell them.
            Thats human.
            Why do you think there are so many “sheeple”?
            ANSWER:……. UNBELIEF….. because they believe a lie , from Man, which has the sinning nature
            believed , mr. fauci…. lol….

            Which is too bad, there are some truths in religous writtings, unfortunatly they are obstructed due to religious beliefs and are not seen for what they are telling us.

            The story of Jesus walking on water has always been a favorite of mine, the religion has no idea HOW he did it, they simply say, “Hes a god” zero understanding and they wont find it as long as they keep the god explanations.
            ANSWER: HYDROPLANE… 🙂
            The religion hinders the truth.
            ANSWER: KISS theory…. sheeple are kind of slow, and lazy….
            No point in anyone explaining it, thats something you have to find out for yourself.
            ANSWER: SEEK and YE SHALL FIND

            Overall, it doesnt really matter tho.
            Knowing or not knowing doesnt change the truth 1 iota and people,sheeple, will understand it eventually.
            ANSWER: KNOWING A LIE… changes a lot of things…. HOW MANY GOT THE JAB…. HUMM
            A little wisdom from someone… humm Maybe GOD gives the WISDOM… humm…
            Believing in a HIGHER BEING,…than MAN the sinner comes in second ….

            PEACE………….. humm…… who made that up….

            Sep 24, 2024 24:46 AM

            No offence Jerry, but who educates the educators is a silly question.

            You could ask who directs the educators.
            That would be ligitimate.
            Seems to me tho over time an education comes from trial and error.

            I read thru your response.

            I got giggle from Jesus walks on water by hydroplaning. 😉

            One thing the books are right on, the seek and ye shall find, the issue is the seeking doesnt look, it just stays stuck in the same old ancient books, so its missed. Questons dont get answered. The religion keeps people stuck.
            Progression is challenging to say the least.

            I mean geez, isnt 2000 years enuff ? We know a great deal more now than the people that wrote them did at that time.

            Time to expand the thinking. A clue, creation is ever expanding.

            Like the universe. Your question, who created the universe? What does it do? What is its nature? Maybe there is a clue in there somewhere.

            Sep 24, 2024 24:34 AM

            Like duh…. WHO educated the educators…. is not dumb…..
            Sorry…. you still believe in an EDUCATION SYSTEM…..
            maybe Canada is different… I doubt it,,, since you are followers of the QUeeN
            Royal Society System….

            Sep 24, 2024 24:39 PM

            Wow, how is a person supposed to respond to that?

            Conan the barbarian once said the tribe will follow the witch doctor faster than they will the chief.
            Some things stay the same I guess. 😉

            Sep 25, 2024 25:38 AM

            Voodoo Witch Doctor got your tongue… 🙂

            Sep 25, 2024 25:13 AM

            The word ‘Voodoo’ derives from the word ‘vodu’ in the Fon language of Dahomey, which means ‘spirit’, ‘god’.

            Sep 25, 2024 25:28 AM

            little “god” ….. 🙂 Voodoo ,, is man made up which started about 1700 AD….

            Careful…. which “spirit’ you call out…. Evil vs Good…. some do not know the difference..

            Isaiah 5:20
            King James Version
            20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

            Sep 25, 2024 25:57 AM

            I am aware of when the word voodoo aquired the meaning of

            You keep turning to your own religion, you miss the point yet again.
            The religion keeps you stuck.

            Jerry, is your god the “father”? are the people his “children?”
            or is there some kind of dif relationship?

            Sep 25, 2024 25:15 AM

            Isaiah 64:7 – “Yet, Lord, you are our father; we are the clay and you our potter: we are all the work of your hand.” 1 John 3:1 – “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”

            You could “divide” the word to mean everbody ever “created” or only those people that accept jesus or you could divide it to mean only his “chosen”, a person could “divide” it however they wanted I suppose.

            Just 1 more reason to create dif denominations I guess.

            Not that Im christian but I would take it to mean all things, all people.

            Sep 25, 2024 25:31 AM

            soutfront fan
            10 hours ago
            I am aware of when the word voodoo aquired the meaning of
            god………….ANS: CHECK

            You keep turning to your own religion, you miss the point yet again.
            The religion keeps you stuck…………..

            Jerry, is your god the “father”? are the people his “children?”
            or is there some kind of dif relationship?
            WHICH IS A >>GIFT…….
            We ARE created from the beginning of birth to be his CHILDREN…
            EVERY CHILD… when he gets to decide , which way to go…..
            SIN, which is DEATH, or EVER LASTING LIFE…
            YOU need to get to the NEW TESTAMENT… as to the transition from…

            southfront fan
            10 hours ago
            Isaiah 64:7 – “Yet, Lord, you are our father; we are the clay and you our potter: we are all the work of your hand.” 1 John 3:1 – “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”

            You could “divide” the word to mean everbody
            ever “created” or only those people that accept jesus or you could divide it to mean only his “chosen”, a person could “divide” it however they wanted I suppose.
            ANS:…..IN THE BEGINNING…. GOD CREATED….ADAM WAS THE FIRST, so, …that would mean EVERYONE
            CREATED….was born after ADAM and EVE…
            NEXT..and “BEING SAVED”… are TWO DIFFERENT QUESTIONS….WHICH is What JESUS CHRIST came to do….
            THE TWO DIFFERENT QUESTIONS….are CREATED AND SAVED(to what is to come after death)

            Just 1 more reason to create dif denominations I guess.

            Not that Im christian but I would take it to mean all things, all people.
            THEN YOU ARE NOT >>>>SAVED,,,,,, to what is to COME…..

            Sep 25, 2024 25:29 PM

            Thx for the response Jerry.
            I was going to continue but then decided against it.
            Its your religion and to each their own.

            Sep 25, 2024 25:19 PM

            b………… You are welcome…..
            and no problems here,… you may ask any questions and I will try to answer according to what
            I know….
            Peter 3:15, which says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have”.

    Sep 23, 2024 23:32 AM

    You boys ready for 8 years of this???

      Sep 23, 2024 23:04 PM

      The most fake phony insincere partially informed and partially educated and fully indoctrinated Marxist female on planet earth….I saw some poles that she is leading Trump by a 7 point spread…Not sure who did the polling…I am glad this home has no TV…She would ruin a root beer and vanilla ice cream float…darn hard to do!…lmao

        Sep 23, 2024 23:26 PM

        The Demonrats and Deep State will just cheat, like last time. And if anyone tries to do anything about it they will be Jan 6’ed.

    Sep 23, 2024 23:46 AM

    Looks like Bobby M…. WAS WRONG…. On China invasion…. over the weekend…. 🙂

      Sep 23, 2024 23:26 PM

      Hi Jerry … Bobby M , has been wrong on a lot of things. But right in his own mind.

        Sep 23, 2024 23:53 PM

        Hello Irish……….. DItto on Bobby…… 🙂

          Sep 24, 2024 24:04 AM

          Bob M probably won’t be wrong about China invading Taiwan. When Russia shoots down one of the F-16s we sent over in Ukraine, and the war heats up with Russia and NATO, then China will make the move. Then the market crash will start.
          Then the massive default will start.
          And Byeden and CommieLa will be left holding the bag.
          And guess who comes in and saves the day, bigly?!

            Sep 24, 2024 24:43 AM

            Simple point was………… HE WAS WRONG ON THE DATE…………. 🙂

            Just like manipulation…. he was WRONG………….remember…. 🙂

            Oh,… I still like to listen to Bobby, … just in case there might be any confusion …

            Sep 24, 2024 24:55 AM

            US War on China is a War on the Entire World

            The New Atlas


            In depth Analyst from by Brian Berletic

            Sep 24, 2024 24:36 AM

            Chartster…………….. NO HE WONT……. Wake-up man , he is controlled like all the rest. Enjoy your fantasy.

          Sep 24, 2024 24:55 AM

          Thank you, spinning ball Tony.
          I’ll wake up. 😉

    Sep 23, 2024 23:54 PM

    Bottom line…figure out who benefits from global war…IMHO….the chaos created by this war escalation ‘is the goal’……I can hear authorities already….”Of course your family is starving and has no power….WE ARE AT WAR FOOL!”…Obviously the globalist bureaucracies need the wars about right now to blame and also divert attention from their decades of failed policies rules dictates policy ect….So peeps still continue belief in central authority…lmao…right out of George Orwell 1984…War is the great sanitizer of truth..How can you hate a government fighting so hate to save you from the enemy….lmao…..glta…….

    I do not hate people but I do hate almost all government I have become even somewhat knowledgeable of…Always frauds desperately pulling levers just like in the Wizard of OZ ,pull back the curtain scene…..One of the greatest anti-government works ever created IMHO…glta

      Sep 25, 2024 25:13 PM

      Thanks Larry………………..
      Spot on with CENTRAL CONTROL….. SHeeple someday may wake up….

      I have been around here for a very long time…. and there are a lot of SHEEPLE, come and gone….
      CLUELESS in the majority of cases…
      The time you have been here,…. I am sure you have seen/”herd” a lot of CLUELESS SHEEPLE…..

      Sep 24, 2024 24:53 AM

      Exactly!……I am so fatigued from fake government, news, medical,education,climate change,fake markets,food….ect…fake fake fake….virtual fake false made-up ……people love the theatre od fake reality….no way to fully get it…….

      I see plenty of younger women hating on all the toxic men they ID…ect….alienation nation…glta

    Sep 24, 2024 24:02 AM

    Boy oh boy, this October is going to be 🔥 lit!

    Gold is about to hit 2700 and silver hit 33, and then 💥, margin calls out the wazoo!

    The NYA is going to hit 20k, then the trap door opens…

    Russia is about to go hard on the oligarchs.
    China will take Taiwan. And Satin Yahoo will probably pull some stupid crap.

    And Pedo Diddy gate will flat out bury Barry!😏

    No more drip drip! The dam is about to break.
    It’s going down!

    Sep 24, 2024 24:22 AM

    Chartster … I just watched the above , what sort of rubbish was that . If this is the sort of crap that you get your ideas from , then IMO you REALLY need to get help.

      Sep 24, 2024 24:41 PM

      It’ll take you a while to catch up, Tony.
      No problem.

    Sep 24, 2024 24:24 AM

    What can happen to you for speaking truth in the UK by law.

    AMB. Craig Murray : The UK and Genocide

    Sep 24, 2024 24:52 AM

    McDuff’s Mindfields, ep. 255 Christian Zionism and the Scofield Bible.
    The explanation of the brain washing of millions of American Christians by a shyster with financing by the Zionist Jews, given creditability by the Oxford University Press.

      Sep 24, 2024 24:57 AM

      Good one John………
      I mentioned the problems with the Scofield Bible…. “add ons” … a couple of weeks ago…

    Sep 24, 2024 24:57 AM

    Chartster is still the board dolt. It does not surprise me any more than when Al professed of the Judeo Christian mindset of God’s chosen people and the continual genocide of the Palestinian people.

      Sep 24, 2024 24:00 AM

      OWL……… was caught up in the KINGDOM MESSAGE…… I pointed this out to him, no response…
      The transition is explained in Acts…. most do not get it…. CLUELESS…

      Sep 24, 2024 24:11 PM

      A pilot that has never adjusted his craft to compensate for the earths curvature, thinking he’s on a round spinning ball could be considered a dolt, John.
      And don’t say you’ve adjusted for curvature. No need to lie. Just sit and be with your slow fog..

      How would you land a plane with the earth moving a thousand miles per hour, sleepy?

      And if a flight from Atlanta to Los Angeles takes four hours going 500 miles per hour both ways. It means the earth ain’t moving!
      But maybe you think the wind is blowing a thousand miles per hour to compensate? And still a dolt!

      And if you folks don’t understand that the military is in complete control of the government?
      Continuity of government operations.
      Basically what Q has been saying since it started.

        Sep 24, 2024 24:43 PM

        And if you folks don’t understand that the military is in complete control of the government?
        Continuity of government operations.
        Basically what Q has been saying since it started.

        LOL…. You are off Your rocker………….

          Sep 24, 2024 24:21 PM

          I guess you should have viewed some of those Derek Johnson videos. He explains it with receipts quite well. No worries, Tony. You’ll catch up to speed when it’s on your boob tube.
          And when the tribunals go public.

          In retrospect, the op wouldn’t work if the sheep actually “knew about it”.
          Us Qtards will have our ‘told ya so’s while your brainwashed minds are spinning.
          Like the ball you think your on. 😁

            Sep 24, 2024 24:52 PM

            I have to say it Chartster……… You are a very sad creature. I should really feel sorry for You , but i cant.

        Sep 24, 2024 24:37 PM

        Chartster, you have two problems:
        One is a failure to understand fully the laws of physics, momentum, etc. in a movingence frame.
        The second is math in a moving frame.
        If you, strangely !, wish to analyse in your quasi-static frame of reference……
        Suppose a plane takes off from, say, Chicago, heading roughly East to New York,….
        It’s takeoff speed in your static frame of reference is aircraft relative speed to ground minus earth’s speed of rotation at surface , plus earth speed of motion through universe in vector form.
        It flies in a curved arc above the earth at speeds which provide lift against gravity in this approximately constant gravity arc.
        The speed of movement of earth through the universe is really mathematically irrelevant because when the plane lands on the surface in New York it’s speed drops back to zero relative to the earth, with the “absolute speed” being zero plus the speed of rotation of the earth, plus the speed of movement through the galaxy.
        On the other hand, when traveling to the moon,
        I can assure you the relative speed differential between the earth and the moon has to be considered.
        Also the reason rockets are launched from earth locations close to the equator are precisely to use the earths speed of rotation.
        (The force of gravity has to be overcome by getting up to escape velocity.)

          Sep 24, 2024 24:55 PM

          Thank you for the very well constructed masterpiece of a post regarding a rotating ball going a thousand miles per hour, and how planes can land on it. Absolutely beautiful!
          That post was an absolute classic! The way you made up so much that’s not so just really takes the cake!
          That post is classic psycho babo word salad mumbo jumbo professor speak! I loved this post!!😂

          Now, I’m gonna debunk it with one question.

          With the earth spinning at a thousand miles per hour, going 66,600 miles per hour orbiting the sun, and hurling through the galaxy at 490,000 miles per hour.
          How come the North Star hasn’t moved since the dawn of time?? 🤓

          There’s probably going to be flat earthers wanting you on a podcast, for entertainment purposes.

          What a classic professor post! Loved it!!

            Sep 24, 2024 24:58 PM

            But the North Star has moved……..
            I don’t understand the point of your question.
            The plane of rotation of the earth around the sun is at an angle to the plane of rotation of our galaxy.
            Hence the North Star changes position as viewed from earth…..slowly.

            Sep 24, 2024 24:09 PM

            The current axis of earth rotation, celestial north, points almost exactly to Polaris, BUT…
            Five thousand years ago, it was POINTING very close to Thuban in the constellation Draco -the Dragon, not Polaris

            Sep 24, 2024 24:12 PM

            The life-span of man is just incredibly short in galactic time measures.

            Sep 24, 2024 24:46 PM

            Yupper cfs, and people have a hard time grasping time. As you are aware.

            I have been to the same zoo for 50 years, I’ve never seen a monky evolve into a human, proves evolution doesnt happen if you ask me.

            Sep 25, 2024 25:02 AM

            The North Star has not moved!

            I think black holes do exist, between peoples ears.

            Guess why space exploration isn’t mentioned by Trump with the campaign?
            Because the information coming out about level water and flat earth would make him look ignorant in the near future. Because the truth is coming out.

            Your word salad mumbo jumbo post talking in circles about how to land a plane on a thousand mile a hour surface was priceless. Thanks for your efforts.

            Sep 25, 2024 25:56 AM

            Chartster, who told you the north star has not moved? The flat earthers? CFS is right. Flat earth is a cult. Q followers are a cult. You need an intervention. Many bloggers here are trying to help you. But you appear unable to think outside of the box you have put yourself in. You may want to try a tinfoil hat, at least that can protect you from 5G and other radiation that may be affecting your brain 🧠.

            Sep 25, 2024 25:40 PM

            Q is for people that want to follow it. The people that follow Q and research the drops are informed.
            The people that don’t follow Q, yet some how ‘claim to know’ that it’s all bs and not true are uninformed windbags spouting an uninformed opinion.
            If you never fished a day in your life, don’t tell a man how to fish that does it every day.

            When you pour water in a bowl it goes ‘level’.
            When you put water on a ball it rinses off. It does not stay on the ball. You let me know when you can get water to stick to a ball. I’ll sit up and pay attention.
            And let me know when the North Star moves. I’ll sit up and listen.

            You spinning ballers are funny.

    Sep 24, 2024 24:50 PM

    Chinese try to copy Musk……
    .oops !
    Luckily unmanned !

    Sep 24, 2024 24:52 PM

    And you wonder where are money disappears to…….
    STOLEN BY OUR GOVERNMENT to buy illegal votes.

    Sep 25, 2024 25:16 AM

    We sent an entire carrier fleet to protect the flow of oil, and now they’re stranded because they didn’t bring enough oil? Am I reading this right?

    Sep 25, 2024 25:37 AM

    Trump is owned by the neocons, zionists and fully supports the genocide in Gaza.
    JD Vance is 100% supported by the deep state.

    Sep 25 RIP USD – And the way forward – A conversation with Robert Moriarty (321Gold) – Satori Traders Odysee

    Sep 25, 2024 25:13 AM

    Bob M is priceless. ” I bet his pecker is about this big.”

    Sep 25, 2024 25:21 AM

    The southfront site has been attacked again.
    Shutting down free speech and info.

    Sep 25, 2024 25:31 PM
      Sep 25, 2024 25:41 PM

      Fake News……………………

    Sep 25, 2024 25:36 PM
      Sep 25, 2024 25:42 PM

      More ART please…… moaning Lisa…..

      Thanks for the coverage AJ…. I would have missed it, if it were not for you… thanks….

      We should all support the ARTS….. 🙂

    Sep 25, 2024 25:47 PM
    North Star is always in constant motion, which is cyclical relative to the earth. 25,800 year repeat approx cycle)
    (Not an exact cycle since the universe is expanding)
    The cycle is due to rotation of the galaxy which is at an angle to the plane of rotation of the solar system.

    Sep 25, 2024 25:06 PM

    SHEEPLE ALERT…………………………….. SOROS and SON…… SATAN
    “Sounds Like Corruption”: FCC Fast-Tracks “Soros Shortcut” Purchase Of 200+ Radio Stations
    Tyler Durden’s Photo
    WEDNESDAY, SEP 25, 2024 – 04:40 PM
    The recent approval by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of billionaire activist George Soros’ acquisition of more than 200 Audacy radio stations has ignited controversy.

      Sep 25, 2024 25:07 PM

      YOU THOUGHT…………… PBS……. was BAD….. or maybe … you are ASLEEP……………
      WAKE UP…

        Sep 25, 2024 25:11 PM

        GOES TO SHOW………………. GOVT is CORRUPT….

    Sep 25, 2024 25:47 PM
      Sep 25, 2024 25:12 PM

      Like RoseAnne says………… “there is only GOD”

        Sep 25, 2024 25:54 PM

        THAT WAS A GREAT TAPE……………………….
        Jewish, and she believes in Jesus….. 🙂

        IF, her speech does not MOVE YOU…. YOU ARE DEAD…..

      Sep 25, 2024 25:25 PM

      …now you know why Bubbly Nuttyyahoo has addressed the congress more than any other foreign leader…and why he gets more than 50 standing ovations every time he does…

    Sep 25, 2024 25:14 PM


    Sep 25, 2024 25:20 PM

    Bird flu summit

    Sep 26, 2024 26:46 AM

    More Censorship at YouTube: Why Now? 25 September 2024

    This interview discusses the extensive suppression of speech.
    Its alot more in depth than I realized.

    Hate speech seems to be the standard excuse. Thats what was said about myself.

    They wonder if something significant is about to happen.

    Sep 26, 2024 26:54 AM
      Sep 26, 2024 26:48 PM

      …Jimmy….long gone…

        Sep 26, 2024 26:22 PM

        Great vid…Chartster…….

        Lot of info. … in the tape we talked about…
        Lugar Labs…. example.. Bio Labs… Jimmy was clueless on that one, or was playing stupid….

    Sep 26, 2024 26:21 AM

    New York City mayor named master mason in 2023 has now been indicted. Just one of over 500k sealed indictments that became un-sealed…

    White hats in firm control!

    Sep 26, 2024 26:45 AM

    Pedo Diddy gate is going to bring the house of cards down on many, including Obama. [SDNY]

    Sep 26, 2024 26:54 AM

    Chartster is still the board dolt.

    Sep 26, 2024 26:06 AM

    You remind me of a libtard sayin “Trump lied”, then having zero evidence to support your claim.

    It not my fault you’re unable to follow the bouncing ball.

    Sep 26, 2024 26:54 PM

    …Blowsi could by plenty of hammers…for his butt buddy…with that gain…in Visa stock…Blowsis are criminals…no denying it…if we did it, we’d be in prison…for along time…

    Sep 26, 2024 26:20 PM

    Is this planning for Chinese submarines around Taiwan ?

    The UK has been working on smart torpedos that actually hunt submarines, whereas China has focused on very high speed torpedoes.
    The U.S. has not done much research on improving submarine munitions.

    Sep 26, 2024 26:25 PM

    CERN pushes forward physics knowledge…..

    Sep 26, 2024 26:34 PM

    Power outages expected in Georgia and North Carolina due to Helene.

      Sep 27, 2024 27:40 AM

      …proves the galaxy is flat… 🙂

    Sep 26, 2024 26:49 PM
    never forget…your gooberment is not just corrupt, it is evil….so why pay for it? .And not just war…all the rest of the g*d d*mn corruption…like Blowsi’s insider trading…

    How to Refuse to Pay for War

    If you think more about your motivations for war tax resistance, it can help you to choose a way to get started. You can read about motivations or watch our 30-minute introductory film Death and Taxes or watch this webinar from 2021 with younger war tax resisters.

    Other factors will influence your method of resistance also: whether you are salaried, self-employed, off-the-grid, below taxable income, etc.

    But don’t let yourself get bogged down by too much weighing the options. You can always adjust your method as your resistance develops

    Sep 26, 2024 26:33 PM

    US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has announced he will meet with Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky on Friday in New York.
    “I will be meeting with him tomorrow morning at around 9:45 at Trump Tower,” the former and possibly future US president announced at a press conference in New York City on Thursday afternoon.

    At least Trump minimizes assassination possibilities !

    Sep 27, 2024 27:39 AM
      Sep 27, 2024 27:36 AM

      NO S*IT….. 🙂

      Anybody done anything about it….. NOPE…..
      Are they going to do anything about it…….NOT LIKELY……
      Are the SHEEPLE slow……………………YEP

        Sep 27, 2024 27:53 AM

        …and Kamaltoe Walz campaigning on…”Mind your own d@mn business”

        Sep 27, 2024 27:55 AM

        …been 23 years…maybe after another 23 years the sheeple might wake up a little…at least a recent poll showed over half of Amerocons don’t want our good friends the Israeliars to receive any “aid.” You can bet Bubblyyahoo could not care less…he will get the Benjamins…and all the sheckles he wants…

    Sep 27, 2024 27:12 AM

    A prominent House Democrat is introducing legislation Friday that would prevent former President Donald Trump from dismissing his ongoing criminal prosecutions if he were to win the presidency again.

    The new bill, shared exclusively with TIME ahead of its release, is being led by Rep. Adam Schiff, the Democratic nominee for California’s Senate seat who has been a leading Trump antagonist. He says his bill, which would prevent a sitting President from quashing a criminal prosecution against him or herself, aims to ensure that no President can use their position to evade accountability.

    I thought the SCOTUS…. already made remarks on that one….
    Note., I am not against the legislation, only the timing… and the aim….

      Sep 27, 2024 27:47 AM

      He will be going from the House to the Senate…will easily win election to the Imperial Senate from the state of Commiefornia…and once there…he’s there for life…assuming he doesn’t become Emperor after 8 years of Kamaltoe….

    Sep 27, 2024 27:21 AM

    What can people do when they disagree with their government?

    Recall the people that had some impact concerning their government and or informing people.
    What changed?

    I just dont see anything happening without a collapse or major war etc.
    Something tramatic and detrimental will have to happen, tramatic and people can still live with it wont count.

      Sep 27, 2024 27:49 AM

      “What can people do when they disagree with their government?”

      Write your representative…just kidding…theyanswer of course is absolutely nothing, of course…”democracy” is a sick joke…it is thugocracy…

    Sep 27, 2024 27:50 AM

    If its MINIONS keep this up , then the chances are that The STATE of SATAN may not excist by the end of the year.

      Sep 27, 2024 27:57 AM

      …which State of Satan??? The Great Satan???

        Sep 27, 2024 27:14 AM

        Hi EBO….. I was refering to the single state, the US has many states & a lot of those are SATANS playground…… See my link.

    Sep 27, 2024 27:08 PM

    Trump just met with Zelensky.
    Not Byeden, not Commiela.

    The conspiracy theory is becoming the obvious.

      Sep 27, 2024 27:50 PM

      Are you saying… Trump met with zelensky , but not with not biden, or harris ?
      Or are you saying zelensky met with Trump , but not with biden or harris ?

        Sep 27, 2024 27:27 PM

        Yes, they met in Trump Towers in New York.
        Zelensky did not go to D.C.

    Sep 27, 2024 27:05 PM
    Sep 27, 2024 27:20 PM

    Congress is preparing to replace members of Congress WITHOUT SPECIAL ELECTIONS, in the event that a significant number of members of Congress are killed.
    Governors of states to select appointments.
    This would normally take an amendment to the Constitution, but they are trying to do it by act of Congress.

      Sep 27, 2024 27:54 PM

      Only on a FREAKY FRIDAY…………… when everyone is asleep…..

      Sep 30, 2024 30:45 AM
