

Doc – Outlook For Gold, GDX, Silver, Copper and US Markets 

September 17, 2024

Richard Postma, AKA Doc, joins us to discuss his long-term technical outlook on precious metals, other commodities, and the U.S. equity markets. Doc provides an in-depth analysis of gold’s performance, highlighting its recent all-time highs and discussing potential overbought conditions. He also evaluates the current positioning of gold stocks, including both mid-tier and junior mining companies, and shares his bullish projections for the precious metals market over the next several years. Additionally, Doc addresses the impact of potential Federal Reserve rate cuts, the broader equity market environment, and the situation with other commodities such as copper and silver.



    Sep 17, 2024 17:40 PM

    4 Green days so far but still range bound. Up is better than down, but so far nothing close to a breakout of substance.

    Sep 17, 2024 17:03 PM

    Gold And Gold Stocks Update – Are You Fired Up Or Is Your Wood Wet?

    Excelsior Prosperity w/ Shad Marquitz (09/17/2024)

    – Charts on gold, GDX, Agnico Eagle, and Alamos.
    – Thoughts on the coming Fed rate cuts, AISC, margin expansion, and metals assumptions used in economic studies.
    – Interviews with Mako Mining and Thor Explorations with low AISCs.

      Sep 17, 2024 17:16 PM

      Excellent. I have been waiting for some clarity. The experts are stumbling.

    Sep 18, 2024 18:11 AM
    Current DOLLAR : Trending North
    Both Gaps Above Will Fill
    Sept 12th & 17th

    Sep 18, 2024 18:01 AM

    Sheeple waiting for the FAKE FED….. to speak….. LOL……
    Do your history lesson SHEEPLE…….

    Central banks and Central planning by a group to put you in slavery….
    . Now go back to sleep… 🙂

      24 hours ago

      My account capped and down as if what The Fed does has some degree of reality. Same ol Same ol. Getting the feeling that this current Bull Market could be only 3-4 days as usual.(Algo targets appear to be those in the green. Not hard to create that one.)

        23 hours ago

        THE reality is they CONTROL THE SYSTEM…
        Central banking is by design….. designed by the HOUSE OF ROTH/LONDON(which are our enemy)
        The US govt was taken over by THE CORPORATION, in 1871….(crown take over in London) via debt)
        Central banking was by charter for only 20 yrs at a time… in the beginning of the US…
        NOW, the FAKE FED… has a LIFE TIME GRANT…. all by design…..

        INFLATION IS NOT GOING AWAY…. under the design…. LOL…. 🙂
        2%,,,,,, lol….. that is a joke,….

    20 hours ago

    The XAU is heading for a huge quarterly breakout as well as its best quarterly close since 2012…

      19 hours ago

      In the short time since I posted the above SLV chart it went from positive to negative and even took care of Friday’s gap. Nice.
      Remember that more often than not the action you get right after a Fed decision is the opposite of what you end up with.

    20 hours ago

    Now down into the Jewish Holidays?
    (Early October this year.)

    20 hours ago

    Negative … then positive …now negative. Some up some down. Leaders on the positive side have previous close incorrect. Just like the good old days.

    19 hours ago

    GOLD $2609…… today high………


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