

Politics Weekend Posting

September 14, 2024

Hi everyone, here is your political weekend posting! 


I hope you all have a great weekend. I have a lot of catching up to do this weekend from the conference. Feel free to email me

    Sep 14, 2024 14:32 AM

    CFS…late for work again…but will he be late for the war?

    Russia Formally Notifies United Nations: If US/UK Approve Western Weapons Strikes Deep into Russia – a “State of War” will exist

      Sep 14, 2024 14:43 AM

      You are all late for work!

        Sep 14, 2024 14:16 AM

        …dang…no one showed up for work this morning….maybe the Haitians will show up. 🙂

      Sep 14, 2024 14:28 AM

      Ed I just heard about that….Jerry will have to believe war rumors are intentional to encourage people voting to continue with this regime…That will backfire imho…..I am beginning(understatement) to truly hate politicians…lol

        Sep 14, 2024 14:06 AM

        Dang, well at least someone showed up for work… 🙂

        I tell you Larry, this government is our worst enemy! We are just their tax livestock…they bury us with taxes, debt and inflation…and use our money to create enemies for us and murder people all over the world. They are truly evil.

          Sep 14, 2024 14:24 AM

          I refuse to vote for them.
          But we are stuck with them, I posted an interview a day or 2 ago that explained our situation.
          The only thing that will change anything is the collapse of the empire.
          Which is consistant with every empire before ours.
          Sit back and watch.

            Sep 14, 2024 14:29 AM

            …yes, it will take a collapse…but the little people will pay dearly for that…the little people always get screwed while the criminals in the government, MIC, Deep State, banksters, wall street, media, etc. walk away without a scratch or even benefit from it…

            Sep 14, 2024 14:24 PM

            Which EMPIRE …. will they go after next……
            It is all the same BLOODLINE/and puppets……all the same group…

            Revelation 3:9, which reads, “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee”.

            If, you do the history lesson….. WHO ARE THEY….. humm
            Whitney Webb…….covered it several times… and we have posted a few times…

        Sep 14, 2024 14:35 AM

        8 hours ago
        ……..'”Ed I just heard about that….Jerry will have to believe war rumors are intentional”
        ANSWER:……………. AGREE, but…. how else will the banker cabal keep making TRILLIONS
        and putting everyone on EARTH in BONDAGE, with the DEBT.. more wars.. Like I said before
        there are only a few at the top.. who want total WORLD BONDAGE, been going on for
        The plan was for THREE WORLD WARS…. WW1 and WW2 complete…..
        anyone doing there DD, … now knows the plan… They told you the plan (George Bush, told you
        the plan, they always tell you the plan,.. the right side of the brain has been indoctrinated
        with the plan, Sheeple are programmed and brain dead at this point….

        …..” to encourage people voting to continue with this regime”
        ANSWER: “the regime”…. is both parties,…. CONGRESS IS THE REGIME….

        …”That will backfire imho…..I am beginning(understatement) to truly hate politicians…lol”
        Politicians are either liars or stupid, or greedy…..
        There might be 10 who are not… maybe….

          Sep 14, 2024 14:16 PM

          It is what it is, and nobody in the west will do anything about it. Nobody with any influence anyway.

    Sep 14, 2024 14:32 AM

    War, war and more war…

    An Act of War! Putin’s Final Warning as NATO Prepares to Attack Russia

    Sep 14, 2024 14:35 AM

    Open up your wallets, boys, wars ain’t cheap…

    Sep 14, 2024 14:37 AM

    …and there is this…

    The family of Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov, has reportedly left the United States and returned to Russia. The families of other senior Diplomats from Russia’s Embassy in Washington, and its Consulate in New York, also reportedly departed the U.S. earlier this week.

    Sep 14, 2024 14:44 AM

    …and besides the wars…and the millions of new “migrant” friends your rulers have bestowed on you…Kamaltoe, if elected, will make YOU pay for tranny sex changes for criminals in prisons…and that’s just the beginning of the DemoNRat degeneracy if KamalToe has her way…

    Sep 14, 2024 14:50 AM

    “I hope you all have a great weekend. I have a lot of catching up to do this weekend…”

    Thank you, Cory. I don’t know if it is going to be great…we all have a lot of catching up to do…and even more preparation…for what our rulers have wrought for us…

    Sep 14, 2024 14:45 AM

    …and when you working to pay for all the taxes and inflation…for the war and the other insanity…never forget, the government is not just corrupt, it is evil and so are the monsters in it!

      Sep 14, 2024 14:19 PM

      Good one….. SHeeple and the conspiracy….. lol…

    Sep 14, 2024 14:25 PM

    As we uncover Russia’s influence operations, Russia turns to Hungary as a cutout

    Sep 14, 2024 14:58 PM
      Sep 14, 2024 14:50 PM

      …a lot more than your weekend…your corrupt, evil buddies in these evil western gooberments are going to get your arse nuked…

    Sep 14, 2024 14:02 PM

    I think ‘it’ is fairly clear by now….The business model in USA corp is…. disruptive internal guerilla warfare against citizens using our imported non-citizen gangs that luv amerika…

      Sep 14, 2024 14:14 PM

      I wrote about this last week…. the Clinton VOODOO…. all part of a plan….
      Problem is the status… which is BS…..

    Sep 14, 2024 14:24 PM

    How is voodoo part of a plan?

      Sep 14, 2024 14:27 PM

      You need to go back and view the Clinton video…..which I posted…
      then I will explain.. or connect some dots….

        Sep 14, 2024 14:32 PM

        no big deal Jerry.
        I just cant see voodoo having much influence.

          Sep 14, 2024 14:48 PM

          Pizza Gate anyone……………. LOL ……

            Sep 14, 2024 14:50 PM

            Remember the tape…….. Abiden.. Weiner Clinton’s playmate…..had for INSURANCE….that the NY cops threw up when they saw it… hummm

    Sep 14, 2024 14:29 PM

    What are the main beliefs of voodoo?
    Voodoo Religions | Definition, Origin & Rituals – Lesson …
    The West African roots of Voodoo come from the ancient practices of ancestor worship and animism, which is the belief that spirits inhabit all things, including animals and plants. Voodoo practitioners believe in a supreme god named Bondye who is all-powerful yet remains detached from human affairs.

    That doesnt sound too far removed from “love is the fabric from which all realities are woven.”

      Sep 14, 2024 14:46 PM

      That is not even close to the practice……… Voodoo and Black magic…..
      which is explained in the tape…. which you have no time to review…
      Which ties the connection of what is going on in Springfield, brought to you
      via the Clinton HAITI …show….

        Sep 14, 2024 14:21 PM

        Maybe your video is not even close to the practice.

        Maybe there is more than 1 voodoo belief, like moslems,jews and christians.

        In any case I didnt see your video anywhere.

          Sep 14, 2024 14:36 PM

          You must not have looked very hard…..

          Sep 14, 2024 14:45 PM

          OOTB Jerry
          Sep 11, 2024 11:11 PM

          OOTB Jerry
          Sep 11, 2024 11:13 PM
          I posted a comment on VOODOO……
          with the Clinton Admin…. this tape popped up on my Email…….. 🙂

          OOTB Jerry
          Sep 11, 2024 11:34 PM
          “it takes a village”…. has a new meaning…..

          Listen to the end of the tape……… this will be a flash back….
          Understanding the CLINTONS are into VOODOO….

          Read the entire article to get up to spe

            Sep 14, 2024 14:26 PM

            Thx for reposting Jerry.
            I did see it when you posted it the first time.

            You think the american government is all into voodoo? killing chidren, they eat them?
            Killing children they do all over the world including within the christian churches at home, but I cant see many of them eating the children.

            I wonder what the Israelis think of that.
            They like to kill children too, torture is a bonus.

            Whackoes in every religion I guess.

            Sep 15, 2024 15:27 AM

            b…..asks…”You think the american government is all into voodoo?”
            CLINTONS …YES.
            killing chidren,….YES…Trafficing..YES…500,00 children missing ( I think that is the number, I heard yesterday..)
            they eat them?…. The people associated wth them harvest the organs and BLOOD, for their
            high…. They must first terrify them, then harvest the blood.for some kind of high. according to sources…
            There are sources which are associated with this CULT… Hollywood is associated with this …
            I could go deeper, … but, you need to do your own DD….

            …”Killing children they do all over the world including within the christian churches at home,”
            NO DOUBT ,,… the fake “christian” PEDO group… are in churches…..
            POPE’s RED SLIPPERS…. might want to check it out….
            I am not implying all the “baby Christians” in the Catholic faith… are bad… far from it….
            but, some of the higher ups.. have been know and proven to be no so good….
            Do your own DD on that one….
            We are noting going to LUMP all the CHRISTIANS in the same BASKET…..
            Just like you do not want to LUMP all the VOODOO religions in the BAD BASKET….. 🙂

            Sep 15, 2024 15:46 PM

            Ive seen all that stuff Jerry.
            How many times have I mentioned that we are the great satan. Iran is right.

            As for christians I do lump them all together, they all like Jesus and they all focus on what they are told. Not all but pretty much. Beliefs of Jesus seem to vary.
            Obviously there is enuff dif to create thousands of denominations.

            2nd phrase at Delphi Nothing in Excess.

            The religions dont seem to have the ability to look at anything other than what they are told. Seems excessive.

            It is also most unfortunate, there is so much they are not seeing.

      Sep 14, 2024 14:59 PM

      Bondye, also known Gran Maître (Haitian Creole: Gran Mèt), is the supreme creator god in the African diasporic religion of Haitian Vodou. Vodouists believe Bondye was responsible for creating the universe and everything in it, and that he maintains the universal order.

        Sep 14, 2024 14:03 PM

        Bondye directly as he is above the concerns of men, and he is so unfathomable that human beings cannot understand how to communicate with him.

          Sep 14, 2024 14:45 PM

          Historian C.L.R. James described Voodoo as a “medium of the conspiracy,” meaning Voodoo was at the center of inciting the 1791 revolution in Haiti against slavery and colonialism.

            Sep 14, 2024 14:47 PM

            Are you into VOODOO now…. 🙂

            Sep 14, 2024 14:00 PM

            I started pretty young looking into dif relgions, occultism, parapsychology and “spiritual” stuff.
            I looked into voodoo the same time I was going to dif christian churches. Where I grew up we had lots of dif christians.

            I also learned tarrot cards, rune stones, tea leaves, palmistry,astrology, numerology etc.
            I thought voodoo was interesting as you learned to cast spells.

            My mother followed her brother thrughout the second war reading the leaves.
            I lived with a catholic woman in Mexico, she read the cards, we had 2 people lost 1 night on a mountain in Tepotzland, she followed them all night with the cards. When they got back they confirmed she was accurate.
            So, Ive seen these things work.

            In any case, no, Im not into voodoo or any of it now.

            FYI, Edgar Casey is excellent, you need to allow that he views things through christian eyes tho.

            The Budhist path imo is superior to the religions.

            The very best info I found was a fellow called Seth. There are 10 books in the series.

            Ultimately, wether you know the truth or do not know the truth, it doesnt change the truth 1 iota.

            You can take yourself into the depths of creation if you want to live your life that way.
            For me to go any further than I did I would of had to devote my life to it, I didnt want to as I know there is no need, so I stopped.

            But there is some pretty interesting things to find out about.
            How far a person can go is pretty amazing.

            Sep 15, 2024 15:43 AM

            Sounds like you have been running in the WRONG CROWDS……which most have , vs “gate narrow”…. me included…. NO NOT ONE are without SIN… (KJV)
            Satan will help you in every way….. deceived and being deceived….
            It is a shame, … the churches which you went to were deceived.. with the message …
            I posted Paul’s message, which 90% of baby Christians are CLUELESS ….
            501 c3 are part of the problem… no money in it…

            “You can take yourself into the depths of creation if you want to live your life that way..
            For me to go any further than I did I would of had to devote my life to it, I didnt want to as I know there is no need, so I stopped.”
            “Need”…… is where are you going next….after death….?

            Sep 15, 2024 15:20 PM

            There are more than 45,000 denominations globally. Followers of Jesus span the globe. But the global body of more than 2 billion Christians is separated into thousands of denominations.

            Who says you “divide the word” correctly?
            If it was obvious there would only be 1 denomination. So there are many ways to inerpret the bibles.

            I read the books, imo there is alot of contradictions and even outright misdirection. (putting it mildly)

            Because I dont stick to 1 opinion is the reason I can draw my own conclusions.

            You talk about “after death” you have this belief in a death, that is not my belief, thats your religion. Which I see as a deception as you call it.
            I believe in creation, ever lasting, ever expanding.
            The gods to me are just a step on the path of understanding.

            Stopped short? Obviously,
            we will never understand all of it, it is ever expanding.

            Try not to think like your “divide the word” is complete, you too are “short.”

            But, wether you know the truth or dont know the truth, the truth doesnt change 1 iota.
            So you have time to learn it……….if your interested. 😉

            Sep 15, 2024 15:57 PM

            There is only ONE GRACE MESSAGE….. 🙂

            Yes, there is death…. actually, there are TWO DEATHS….

            “Ever expanding”… Ever Lasting Life…more like it… 🙂
            YOU SAY….”Who says you “divide the word” correctly?
            If it was obvious there would only be 1 denomination. So there are many ways to inerpret the bibles.”………………
            It is NOT OBVIOUS… to most,…. They get the KINGDOM Message, screwed up…which is
            WORKS… and the LAW… lol….. Therefore GRACE appeared ,… lol… CLUELESS to most… 🙂

            Sep 15, 2024 15:41 PM

            You would think a god would make it obvious to everyone.

            There might be 2 deaths in your religions stories, but there is no death, the creator is eternal.
            Ask the masons, or do they have a “builder” I forget.

            No death, thats a deception.

            Sep 16, 2024 16:12 AM

            GOD ………does make it OBVIOUS………… to those who know HOW…to RIGHTLY DIVIDE… 🙂

            If, “No death, that’s a deception”…. then in that case…….. I win either way…. 🙂

            Sep 16, 2024 16:36 AM

            There you go with your “rightly dividing” again.
            So all the other christians dont understand god. Sure.
            God speaks in a secret code so only a few can understand.
            I thought the time of keeping bibles written in laten/greek hidden away had passed.
            Nope, now you gotta know the code.

            Thing is, you say stuff like the world has only been around for how long? 6-12k years?
            Scientists dont know squat.
            dna means nothing. etc

            Which kinda makes me think your not basing opinions on all the facts.

            The bibles are not the whole story. There are pcs and clues tho.

            I had a teacher once that wanted me to spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
            I couldnt do it.
            But he is dead now and Im not so I win. 😉

            Sep 16, 2024 16:02 AM

            There is NO CODE…………just UNDERSTANDING….

            As I have been trying to explain to you for over a DECADE…..

            RIghtly dividing…. is knowing in the Bible….. WHO GOD is talking to…at the TIME…
            not all the passages are directed at “gentiles”.
            Old Testament, …law……… New Testament… is transition.. from law,,,and giving the GRACE
            to everyone….Jew and gentile….
            I AM NOT UNDER THE MOSIC LAW… which is Jewish…. which they could never attain….

            GRACE VS LAW(which no man can fulfill)….

            I will stick with KNOWING… what the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD IS….
            and NOT SOME MADE science , by MAN…. the SINNER…. 🙂

            Sep 16, 2024 16:04 PM

            Me thinks you protest too much Jerry.

            Im sorry Jerry, there is no way you or anybody could convince me of any of the bibles so called rightousness. Or whatever you happen to call it.

            The god of abraham doe not seem like a nice fellow to me.

            But it does have a step towards the true nature of creation along about the same time period as the Zorastrians, within a couple hundred years of each other anyway.
            1 god as opposed to many gods.
            But that is just 1 step in the right direction, its not a conclusion.

            The god wrote or inspired the bibles depending on your religion, but you have to divide the word properly to understand it.
            If the point was to explain things to people, it wasnt very well written was it?

            There are pcs of info and clues within them, they are not the conclusion.
            Sorry my friend, you wont be able to convince me otherwise.

            Sep 16, 2024 16:45 PM

            Romans 3 :10………. there is no one that is righteous……no not one…. 🙂
            KJV….. 🙂

            If, you ever figure out ,,, we are in another DISPENSATION,,,
            rather than keep bringing up Abraham… which is the Abrahamic Covenant,… OTest…
            and not even close to this time period… of GRACE… 🙂
            We might be able to compare notes… 🙂

            Sep 16, 2024 16:45 PM

            Abraham is traditionally considered to be the first Jew and to have made a covenant with God. Because Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all recognize Abraham as their first prophet, they are also called the Abrahamic religions.

            God of Abraham.

            The Mesha Stele bears the earliest known reference (840 BCE) to the Israelite God Yahweh.

            Female deities were worshipped at least 7000 bce, thousands of years before Abraham served as prophet of Yahweh, and some say as far back as 30,000 bce (based on Upper Paleolithic figurines, cave paintings, and other archaeological finds in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa). My personal fave was known simply as The Godess. Similar story to god, made everything created life yadda yadda.

            Is it any wonder the abrahamic religions claim the earth has only been around 6-12k years?
            See why they have you doubting dna,archeology and carbon dating?
            Even the age of the earth.

            There are pcs of info in the bible and some clues, but they are not a conclusion.

    Sep 14, 2024 14:49 PM

    Americans Can’t Hide From Nuclear War, Moscow Warns As West Mulls Escalation

    Sep 14, 2024 14:28 PM

    No americans cant hide, unless they are rich. They build a hole in the ground and intend to stay in it for….who knows how long.
    Cant say I would want to live that way.

    Worse would be in the bunker with multiple women, could you imagine the nagging? 😉
    The living would envy the dead.

      Sep 14, 2024 14:25 PM

      …what is the old saying??? Women…can’t live with ’em….can’t shot’em…

      Sep 14, 2024 14:29 PM

      I have to agree totally sf…..what ever happens in terms of resets or massive catastrophes…When the tunneled and bunker-ed down elite reemerge it will be a police state like never imagined…

      I have no idea…lol….but it is what I do imagine…because in those tunnels is vast weaponry and technology supplies…the restart will be at a higher tech level than ever….

      Sep 14, 2024 14:36 PM
      Sep 14, 2024 14:08 PM

      ..switch from Green Grid to Target Orange…Stay on the bomb run boys. I’m gonna get them bomb doors open if it hairlips everyone on Bear Creek…

      Sep 14, 2024 14:22 PM

      …how many times have I told you boys I don’t want no horsing around on the airplane???

      Sep 14, 2024 14:28 PM

      Well boys, I reckon this is it…nuclear combat toe to toe with the Rooskies…

    Sep 14, 2024 14:29 PM

    …and CFS never showed up for work today…AWOL from his post…

    Sep 14, 2024 14:45 PM

    Battle for Hill 943…wouldn’t you really rather have a Buick?

    Sep 14, 2024 14:09 PM
    Sep 15, 2024 15:24 AM

    Behind the Trump Crypto Project Is a Self-Described ‘Dirtbag of the Internet’

    On Trump’s “World Liberty Financial” crypo project

    Sep 15, 2024 15:27 AM

    Behind the Trump Crypto Project Is a Self-Described ‘Dirtbag of the Internet’

    On ‘World Liberty Financial’

      Sep 15, 2024 15:26 PM

      No. There are several NGOs that are the REAL DIRTBAGS OF THE INTERNET”…..
      HOW ABOUT “Catholic Charities”, an NGO responsible for much human trafficking and sexploitation in the U.S.A. ?
      After all the U.S. is the biggest country IN THE WORLD for allowing underage transportation of small girls for prostitution, sex slaves and pornography..

    Sep 15, 2024 15:11 AM

    In my area youtube access is offline…Related to the X-4 coronal magnetic ejection off the sun today?…You decide…X is the most powerful class…..With earths weakening magnetic field the ability to deflect the mass has decreased about 50%…..X-25 will be a society collapsing grid destroying hit…glta

    Sep 15, 2024 15:34 PM

    Will Trump be alive on Election Day ?

    Sep 15, 2024 15:57 PM
    Sep 15, 2024 15:07 PM

    Re: WWIII…….Russian armament.
    EVERY U.S. SUBMARINE IS INDEFENSIBLE against Russian hypersonic torpedoes.
    3 EMP Russian nukes can take out the U.S. ELECTRIC GRID, which will kill by starvation the majority of Americans.


      Sep 16, 2024 16:40 AM

      THEY LOVE EVIL……… and enjoy KILLING….
      And Man is not a sinner(lol)………we have demonic people in charge…

      Sep 18, 2024 18:47 PM

      I think you are right cfs……we are a ship of fools

    Sep 15, 2024 15:36 PM


    Sep 16, 2024 16:49 AM

    Trump shooter appeared in propaganda film for AZOV in May 2022.

    Sep 16, 2024 16:19 AM
      Sep 16, 2024 16:30 AM

      Humm………. payment to the “second shooter”…………Ryan Routh….
      First shooter CROOK,, pays the second shooter….. humm

        Sep 16, 2024 16:37 AM

        Looks like Routh…… was working for the CIA…….
        Routh was kind of sloppy… in his attempt….

    Sep 16, 2024 16:03 AM

    Ian Carroll knocks another one out of the park.

    Sep 16, 2024 16:19 AM

    former President Donald Trump. He intends to share with them his so-called “victory plan,” a four-point roadmap which he believes will allow Ukraine to end the conflict with Russia on its own terms. Continued US military support and permission to conduct strikes deep inside Russia with Western weapons is understood to be crucial for his plan.

    Trump doesnt know Putin said that means nuclear war?

    These attempts on Trumps life have to be for show.
    RFK jr and Gabard would know what Putins response would be, Jerry showed me info I hadnt seen of Gabbard, she could be deep state too.

    How the heck are we going to avoid the 6th mass extinction?

      Sep 16, 2024 16:24 AM

      I agree again sf…Miracle if the globe avoids a deepening war cycle…which ever one it actually is…depends if you were in the wars not counted….in my home we will be eventually be relocating closer to the east entrance of Yellowstone park….I know…what if it blows…..i will not be around to starve?…Jerry will tell me to cheer up….Thanks Jerry…lol


        Sep 16, 2024 16:36 AM

        Hello Larry……….

        You are welcome….. lol………. 🙂

      Sep 16, 2024 16:38 PM

      THAT WAS GREAT……..

      Sep 16, 2024 16:41 PM

      …dang…two guv thugs…and that suv they were driving is probably $75k…we tax serfs have to pay for all the tyranny…

        Sep 16, 2024 16:10 PM

        Mike King..Channel 17……….. would say we are WATCHING A SHOW…..

        How many people are going to watch the video…. and continue to respect the FBI….
        just about zero… Wrey…. is on his way out…

        Sep 16, 2024 16:39 PM

        It has been a few years since I got a visit, but they’ve always worn suits for me !

    Sep 16, 2024 16:20 PM

    b….thanks for the comment….. You wrote… and . My comments are within the post… IN CAPITAL LETTERS…
    Abraham is traditionally considered to be the first Jew and to have made a covenant with God. Because Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all recognize Abraham as their first prophet, they are also called the Abrahamic religions. …………… SO, THAT IS NOT A PROBLEM…NOR THE QUESTION AT HAND…..
    I THINK WE WERE TAKING ABOUT ………… GRACE in this time period…. VS … LAW (TEN COMMANDMENTS) …JEWISH LAW….. , in Times PAST

    The Mesha Stele bears the earliest known reference (840 BCE) to the Israelite God Yahweh.
    Yahweh, name for the God of the Israelites,
    THEY CAN WRITE ANYTHING THEY WANT…on these tablets,….since they WON (Moab)
    Mesha Stele details the victories of King Mesha of Moab over the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

    Female deities were worshipped at least 7000 bce, thousands of years before>>>>>

    served as prophet of Yahweh, and +++some say +++ ( WHO SAYS WHO IS SOME)as far back as 30,000 bce (based on Upper Paleolithic figurines,+++++++ WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING..CONCERNING LAW VS GRACE+++ cave paintings, and other archaeological finds in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa). My personal fave was known simply as The Godess. Similar story to god, made everything created life yadda yadda.

    Is it any wonder the abrahamic religions claim the earth has only been around 6-12k years?
    See why they have you doubting dna,archeology and carbon dating?…. WHO DOES CARBON DATING,
    Even the age of the earth…..
    WE COULD GO ON AND TALK ABOUT ….. the REWRITING OF THE BIBLE.. in 1800…SCOFIELD REFERENCE …..which the current supposed bible scholars espouse..

    MY CONCERN……. LAW…. VS…. UNDER GRACE… which is in the KJV…
    SAVED or UNSAVED….. WORKS VS GRACE(no work required, and for a reason, that no one is RIGHTEOUS enough to be saved by works)

    There are pcs of info in the bible and some clues, but they are not a conclusion.

      Sep 17, 2024 17:04 AM

      Man Jerry…that is genius interpretation and commentary….a true scholar of religious history…which is most history….5 more chapters until I finish royal Blood lines…..It is a harsh lesson plan in those chapters…Harsh….I should just be thankful I managed to survive my life of serfdom….Really…..I mean that…the cards are Sooo stacked against the regular non-hybrid and un-related to Annunuki royal Basterds….

      As a young fella I do remember going to some social/political/business events…..and something was off…there were banker types present and they did not seem seem to speak real or of this world…Elites!…they judged me as a strong 6’2″ serf but a serf non the less and nothing more….wow…..has taken me to almost age 69 YO to realize the chasms between sectors of peeps….I lived in an illusion…Not now Jerry…not now

        Sep 17, 2024 17:46 AM

        Thanks Larry………….. for the comment…… appreciate you reading….

    Sep 16, 2024 16:24 PM

    You were commenting about me saying god of abraham, I was showing you why I do.

    I actually just realised I have lost track of the purpose and what began this conversation.

    Showing you female deities were worshipped for thousands of years before god worship was to show you 2 things, first the god of abraham teaching of the earth 6-12k years old is decieving and that all the gods and godesses pass.

    Anyway, saved,not saved,law,grace is your religion, your belief.

    Ive already said, I dont think the god of abraham is a very nice guy so Im not really concerned with his views.

    Again, I see in the bibles some pcs of truth and clues to what creation actually is. Other than that I dont see much use for them..

    Im just not christian Jerry.

    Funny enough tho, I called myself christian when I joined the forces and learned how to hurt people.
    They wouldnt put christian on my tags, had to be a denomination, so I got no religious convictions.
    Guess it wasnt cool to be christian at that time.

    I do think Jesus existed tho, so we can agree on that much.
    I dont believe the bible stories about him are entirly acurate.
    That we could never agree on, the stories pretty much are what your religion is based on.

      Sep 16, 2024 16:03 PM

      “I do think Jesus existed tho, so we can agree on that much.”

      Thanks for the exchange and comments…..

    Sep 17, 2024 17:27 AM

    Roger Stone
    They are trying to “look” incompetent……….., but it is intentional………….
    Assassination hoping.


    Sep 17, 2024 17:57 AM

    BOYS! Your rulers love you so much they are making sure you have new friends EVERYWHERE!

    Better get back to work, boys….to pay those taxes….friends ain’t cheap, you know….

      Sep 17, 2024 17:59 AM

      It isn’t just Springfield. It’s happening everywhere.

      In Charleroi, Pennsylvania—a low-income town of just 4,000—the immigrant population has increased by 2,000% over the past two years. And it’s almost all Haitians.

      You see that, boys??? Everywhere…get back to work, boys…to pay those taxes…a lot of incoming low income/no income folks….your new friends…

        Sep 17, 2024 17:51 AM

        YEP ED…..the new civil war in USA is outsourced to illegal immigrants/what do they get in return…..Your home your sons school seat your day care your job….who ya gonna call…ghost busters?…I must say I am impressed by the evil cleverness of the whole battle-plan…Demonic

          Sep 17, 2024 17:30 PM

          …yup…and our jobs are to just shut-up and keep paying those taxes…and do as we are told…by our loving mainstream media and benevolent rulers….

            Sep 17, 2024 17:30 PM

            …and most…99%…do just that…

    Sep 17, 2024 17:12 AM
    John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs | All-In Summit 2024

    views 349,426
    Sep 16, 2024

    (0:00) Sacks intros John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs
    (1:10) What is the Deep State Party, and what are their goals?
    (13:35) Should America leverage its power against dictators?
    (21:45) The China threat: avoiding the escalatory path to nuclear war
    (35:47) India’s growing role; are China’s wounds self-inflicted?
    (46:45) Conflict in the Middle East and the path to peace

    Sep 17, 2024 17:37 PM

    …and boys…never buy a pager from an Israelie….you will take it in the shorts…literally…

      Sep 17, 2024 17:08 PM

      Next, you might see cell phones 📱 blowing up… They have a bigger battery and might be more deadly. 🤳💥

        Sep 17, 2024 17:17 PM

        …true…I ain’t buying anything from our good friends the Israelies…if I can help it….you know…in some states it is illegal to boycott our good fiends…er…friends…

        Sep 17, 2024 17:18 PM

        …make sure…you don’t take it in the 🩳

        Sep 17, 2024 17:12 PM

        I tell you, Tommy, those Israelie pagers and cell phones will knock your 🧦 off, literally…and your 🦵🦵 off, too.

        Sep 17, 2024 17:25 PM

        …and you can bet, Tommy…your tax dollars paid for those pagers…one way or another…

          Sep 17, 2024 17:40 PM

          Those explosive 🧨 personal communication devices must be very sophisticated… Supposedly, not the battery exploding… Some chemical or plastic explosive 🧨… Sufficiently embedded to be undetectable… Hezbollah is likely to have inspected some of the product delivered… Clearly the work of deep state scientists… Of course, funded by our tax dollars to our MIC or foreign aid to you know who.

            Sep 18, 2024 18:20 AM

            ….dang, Tommy…don’t go to the funerals of anyone killed by the Iaraelie exploding pagers….or your Iaralie walkie talkie will explode…


            Sep 18, 2024 18:34 AM

            Dang…those Gold Apollo pagers….got a whole new marketing campaign….”Our pagers will blow your socks off….your legs, too.”

            Meanwhile, there’s been several reports, including in the NY Times, which purport to have uncovered details of precisely how the pager attacks happened:

            According to officials briefed on the matter who spoke with the New York Times, the thousands of encrypted pagers which exploded in Lebanon, resulting in hundreds of Hezbollah members killed or critically injured, were Imported into Lebanon by the Taiwanese-Based Pager Company, Gold Apollo… with the pagers having been boobytrapped by Israeli agents before reaching Lebanon, where roughly 1-2 ounces of explosive material was placed next to the device battery, alongside a trigger to allow remote detonation.

            At 3:30PM earlier Tuesday, the Pagers received a Message that appeared to be coming from senior Hezbollah leadership, which then activated the explosive within the device, with the pagers being programmed to “beep” several times before exploding.

      Sep 17, 2024 17:35 PM

      …keep the Isaeliars out of your pants…

    Sep 17, 2024 17:41 PM

    How about those Haitians………………………. REPLACING JOBS….. of AMERICIANS….
    Watch: Resident Of PA Manufacturing Town Exposes Reality Of Haitian ‘Great Job Replacement’
    the SCHOOL SYSTEM is screwed…. TAX payers are screwed with the REAL ESTATE TAXES for these
    WE OWE YOU NOTHING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Sep 18, 2024 18:55 AM

    A lot of good points discussed in this roundtable.
    Several gems dropped.

    Sep 18, 2024 18:19 AM
    Sep 18, 2024 18:02 AM

    Is the migrant invasion organized enough to transition from beta testing to full on assault….Seems so…glta…

    I wonder which departments of our government are behind this ?

      Sep 18, 2024 18:50 AM

      Larry………. the entire govt has been captured…. by the bankers/corporations/cabal ….
      all by design… and the FAKE GOVT, has been doing it for over a 100 yrs….
      Since the ACT OF 1871…..when the “CORPORATION”…. took over….
      Every DEPT…… is controlled….

      America is under attack and has been for over 100 yrs…..(cabal bank of london family)
      Larry Ballard ,,,, has a nice picture , short story , takes about 15 mins…
      it is the history of the central bankers/house of Roth…as it pertains to the US.

      The source…… is always the money families…. bloodline connections…
      Every WAR…. BAR NONE….. this time is no different…..

      Sep 18, 2024 18:06 AM

      When are the SHEELE going to WAKE UP……….
      that is a good question….
      The puppet politicians are part of the problem….

      SHeeple think by moving they are going to be safe….
      it is happening everywhere…. SHeeple are going to realize this soon….(maybe)

        Sep 18, 2024 18:36 AM

        sheeple are hopeless…can’t even get them to stop passing local tax increases and bond measures…but even if the sheeple voted them down…the government people counting the votes would just cheat…I don’t see any of this changing any time soon…or probably ever

          Sep 18, 2024 18:17 PM

          It just shows how effective government bribery via welfare has become

            Sep 18, 2024 18:44 PM

            At the local level the city councils and county boards of supervisors are just puppets for the public employee unions, quasi-government agencies and firms with local government contracts. And they know nothing about running a government, they just do what the bureaucrats tell them to do. Makes no difference if they are Republoclowns or Demonrats…all they want is to satisfy these special interests…and they will do whatever it takes for that.

    Sep 18, 2024 18:52 AM

    This is rich! Info everyone will know, but doesn’t currently.

    Sep 18, 2024 18:59 AM

    The Daily Mail is reporting a bomb was found and removed from a Trump speech location in New York.
    This is getting ridiculous….. !

    Sep 18, 2024 18:14 PM

    This comment wilproably make people think I’m pro-Israel.

    At a time when
    Israel was being heavily criticized for innocent people being wounded and kill by their bombs, I have to admit the pager attack was brilliant in concept.
    It was highly specific attacking of Hezbollah terrorists.

      Sep 18, 2024 18:43 PM

      No CFS:
      I think you like people dying as long as it is not you. Especially women and children.

    Sep 18, 2024 18:29 PM

    It has been reported that some home solar systems in Lebanon also blew up…..
    My guess that this involved the battery systems, rather than solar systems per se, but that is just my guess.


    Sep 18, 2024 18:44 PM

    TRAGICALLY, judging by pro-government, anti-Trump propaganda in the media, the media is proving “the pen is mightier than the sword” yet again.

    Sep 18, 2024 18:25 PM

    ALL RIGGED…………..
    After Overwhelming Pro-Trump Polling, Teamsters Will Not Endorse Any Candidate For First Time Since 1996

    Trump met with Teamsters officials in January to court their endorsement, while Harris met** Monday with the group’s leadership in Washington D.C.

    Sep 18, 2024 18:45 PM

    I left a comment for you CFS. I don’t expect a comment.,

    Sep 18, 2024 18:44 PM

    OK… Israeli have gone over the edge…..but..someone must be working them to keep it all up the ww3 type instability…..a plan…To blame inevitable collapse chit on them….……war psyops rather than virus epidemic this turn… if…I was so terribly boorish regarding virus virus virus stuff…ya know?…lmao

    Springfield sounds like a regular Lexington moment….Just different…Because no one is fighting back except screaming at city counsels…lol….

    Total chit show…No wonder the royal elites laugh at us and draft us to charge into machine guns…laughing all the while….

      Sep 18, 2024 18:49 PM

      Shti…. for sure…..

      Royal (London Crown)………. laughing all the way to the bank… of course they own the bank..

      Another DOG AND PONY show today… with the FAKE FED….. lowering rates… lol…
      and most Sheeple fall for this crap….. over and over again….
      2% inflation… HOW ABOUT ZERO ….

      The CENTRAL BANK, FED… is a freaking FRAUD….. under the Constitution…
      SHeeple are so stupid…. sickening really….

      SHeeple … are so stupid, we keep falling for the same crap , ….from generation to generation….

        Sep 18, 2024 18:10 PM

        99.9% of the sheeple don’t even know what the feral reserve is….or that it exists…

    Sep 18, 2024 18:44 PM


    and a live skiff in 16 minutes..

      Sep 18, 2024 18:02 PM

      …skiff…not so live….yet…late for work…who does he think he is???? CFS???

        Sep 18, 2024 18:07 PM

        …finally wheels up on the shiff show…

    Sep 18, 2024 18:30 PM

    Now that Israel has shown it is possible to blow 3,000 pagers simultaneously, I have to wonder if pagers and phones might get banned from flights, unless electronically isolated.

    Sep 19, 2024 19:30 AM

    Trump’s health care plan exposes the truth about his “populism”

      Sep 19, 2024 19:40 AM

      “The Affordable Care Act effectively forced the healthy to subsidize the sick. … The upshot of all this was that coverage became a little more expensive for some healthy people,”
      Big lies! Before obummer care, I was paying about $100 a month for individual health insurance… After obummer care, my insurance plan was regulated out of existence and I had to get insurance for over $400… the year after, it went over $600… I said F* that and have not had health insurance since.

      Subsiding healthcare for the sick and pre-existing conditions is a lot different than punishing the healthy and destroying market based incentives… Obummer care was and is a healthcare system disaster… Socialized medicine for the purpose of transferring wealth to the Medical Industrial Complex… With pHarma the biggest winner.

        Sep 19, 2024 19:18 AM

        ….with Bammycare we’d better hope we never need “healthcare”….so stay away from Isarelie pagers, walkie-talkies and solar panels…

      Sep 19, 2024 19:19 AM

      Truth in advertising…It is the Unaffordable No Care Act…

        Sep 19, 2024 19:57 AM

        ..or the Unaffordable Kill You With “Care” Act….just ask all the dead people put on ventilators or given Rimdesivir.

    Sep 19, 2024 19:31 AM
    Sep 19, 2024 19:06 AM
      Sep 19, 2024 19:57 AM

      AZT, useful like Remdesivir…but not as useful as the COVID jab… All profitable for the pHarma industry…

      Sep 19, 2024 19:22 PM

      Instead of the dynamite 🧨 vest 🦺, a pager or walkie-talkie would be more appropriate 🤯💥

    Sep 19, 2024 19:41 AM
    Sep 19, 2024 19:24 AM

    This smug PoS thought he won the game just before Trump came down the escalator. Now he gets to visit GITMO, which they were unable to close.

    Sep 19, 2024 19:14 AM

    Where did Route get his money ?

      Sep 19, 2024 19:51 PM


        Sep 19, 2024 19:10 PM


        Sep 19, 2024 19:05 PM

        Very funny…. Hoe Hoe Hoe

    Sep 19, 2024 19:22 AM

    Trump plays Nessun Dorma after the 2nd assignation attempt. He also played it at the RNC convention.

    Nessun Dorma is played in the film, Sum of All Fears, when all the deep state traitors were executed.

    Sum of All Fears appears in several Q drops. 💥

    How many times ,Q drops that are ‘coincidence’ become mathematically impossible to be coincidence?

      Sep 19, 2024 19:23 PM

      Derek,,,,,,, was on channel 17…. was a great summary…..

      Mike Gill….. was kicked off Michelle Moore show…..

    Sep 19, 2024 19:21 PM

    I am not sure about this CIA guy…..seems like CIA works for elites power base and we pay the salary….you decide…….

      Sep 19, 2024 19:49 PM

      …looks like that guy has some “moral flexibility” with his hair…

      Sep 20, 2024 20:18 AM

      Why take a chance on ANY CIA person…………..
      They are trained to LIE………. How do you know that they have changed…..How can you be assured,
      guaranteed… that they(the person) will not continue to LIE….. gambling at this point….
      I will look for my INFORMATION elsewhere……
      Besides……… MK ULTRA, might be in play on the mind of this CIA x agent…. never really know…. JMO

      But, thanks for sharing… the info…..
      Oh,…BTW……….. I have listened to this guy before…. all sounded believable….
      He does tell you a lot ….

      Sep 19, 2024 19:50 PM

      …gooberment is 101% waste…

      Sep 19, 2024 19:36 PM

      “If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.” Demonrat motto.

    Sep 20, 2024 20:01 AM

    Kamel Toes, numbers are going DOWN….. like they were ever up…. lol… CLOWN SHOW….

    Sep 20, 2024 20:36 AM

    Gold ……….. early bird special….. $2620……………. 🙂

      Sep 20, 2024 20:20 AM

      Hello Jerry… While fundamentals look great, I see an ending diagonal on the gold chart… And in accordance with the GSR discussion we had a while back, silver is still lagging just enough that I lean towards seeing a significant correction in the near future… -just my opinion. That lean could be totally wrong… The answer on that Rorschach test could turn into a leading diagonal.

        Sep 20, 2024 20:06 AM

        Hello Tommy………………..

        Fundamentals…….. my main thought is……. as long as the Fed prints and we have
        US DEBT,… over $35 Trillion and continues to grow….
        GOLD GOING HIGHER,……Long term…
        I Just listened to Gareth S… he is looking at short term $2660 ., for some resistance….

        GSR…….. My thoughts are the same at this moment on silver…. until it breaks out above $32.50
        and Test… … and then we still have to contend with $49 high… on the LONG TERM CYCLE…CUP AND HANDLE….,
        … I am waiting and I think this is where the SIGNIFICANT CORRECTION begins…..
        But…. I see where you are coming from on the significant correction… and I think you are
        correct…. just a matter of time.

        Street talk……………. silver is pouring into the dealers…. mom and pop giving up… or needs the cash?

    Sep 20, 2024 20:03 AM

    UV laser to sicken blind kill Trump while giving rally speeches…..This is not Venezuela….no Venezuela has gone straight…lol….

    Sep 20, 2024 20:17 AM

    I listened to Bob this morning, he figures its Russia driving the price of gold.
    I guess american sanctions are having an effect, so, Russia is paying bills in gold.
    Kinda funny if its the american sanctions that drive the world back to a gold standard currency.

    Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

    Sep 20, 2024 20:33 AM

    You F**KING IDIOTS in America , who support the EVIL MURDERERS in israil , by voting for the bought & paid for congress & senate are responceable for THIS. And to the IDIOTS on this page who think Trump is going to make a difference , well i’m here to tell you … He loves & supports the EVIL ZIONISTS.

      Sep 20, 2024 20:31 AM

      …Tony…this is the United States of Israel….that’s not going to change…makes no difference who we vote for…and there will never be a viable candidate for Emperor who would oppose the Jews…just the way it is…and always will be…we little people have no say in the matter…and they make us pay for all the mass murder and maiming and tyranny through taxes and inflation…and if we don’t pay the taxes they will imprison us and if we resist they will kill us…we are nothing more than tax slaves…that’s just the way it is…

      Sep 20, 2024 20:45 PM

      Thats right Tony.
      But Trump says “maga”, chartster fell for it hook line and sinker as so many others have,

      Nobody has been able to tell me when the U.S. was great tho.

      I guess they didnt watch star wars, Yoda “Wars make not one great”.

        Sep 20, 2024 20:52 PM

        The U.S. is corrupt.

          Sep 20, 2024 20:35 PM

          Corrupt and evil Eb.
          It is what it is.

        Sep 20, 2024 20:12 PM

        “But Trump says “maga”, chartster fell for it hook line and sinker as so many others have,”

        I think chartster knows it’s complete nonsense…chartster is just yanking our chain…to see how we will react…and of course, to get a good laugh…

    Sep 20, 2024 20:44 AM

    imagine the vast numbers in CA, Co., OR, NY…ect…..they will not do this hygiene…nope…

    Sep 20, 2024 20:35 AM

    …evil COVIDs enforcer….what a POS…

      Sep 20, 2024 20:37 AM

      …Dr. Jay Vermin….

    Sep 20, 2024 20:27 PM

    When I talk to people about the Zionists in Israel and the genocide of the Palestinian’s, most people’s answer is “They have been fighting forever.” In reality that means I don’t know shit about history and I am to selfish of a person to care about someone other than myself. Sound familiar?

      Sep 20, 2024 20:57 PM

      I find the same thing John. There really is no point in talking to people about it, they think Im nuts.

      An old friend of mine called me yesterday and he mentioned how Ukraine was defeating Russia.
      When he said that I mentioned he is getting his info from the msm.
      I mentioned Ukraine has lost over 15000 people in Kursk alone, he got slightly miffed.

      Some people actually believe Ukraine can beat Russia.

      Its interesting how people believe what they are told to believe but thats just how human brains work I guess.

        Sep 20, 2024 20:11 PM

        Hi South:
        There is never any winners in war. Just dead soldiers.

          Sep 20, 2024 20:57 PM

          Never forget the purpose of war is to kill people and break things.

    Sep 20, 2024 20:31 PM

    Those that are waiting for the correction in Gold, I mean a real correction, say 20%, will be in the nursing home before they see that kind of correction without the world financial system completely falling apart first.

      Sep 20, 2024 20:12 PM

      Ditto John…..
      the Sheeple clueless, will be waiting a long time…..
      Gold going higher ,……. a lot higher…..

      When a Pick Up truck is $100,000…. something should give them a clue….. 🙂

    Sep 20, 2024 20:36 PM

    I can’t help but to point out how the Israeli’s have duped us here in the U S for years.
    1. JFK calling for AIPAC to register as a foreign lobby-assassinated
    2. USS Liberty attack. 40 dead, 170 injured. Swept under the rug-LBJ, John McCain Sr
    3. Promise software. Back door into the computers.

      Sep 20, 2024 20:40 PM

      …John…this is the United States of Israel….our job is to be their tax slaves and cannon fodder…sorry…that’s the way it’s been, is and will always be…if our rulers have their way…

    Sep 20, 2024 20:53 PM

    BOYS! Your UN death pact for your globalist future…

    Never forget, your rulers are not just corrupt…they are evil.

    Sep 20, 2024 20:57 PM

    I was reading and scanning internet sites….If the goal of elites was to break all societal cohesiveness…check…mission accomplished…

    Reality is what they say it is…people buy it…..reality is just an other talk show topic….glta

      Sep 20, 2024 20:09 PM

      Good point Larry………….. SHeeple are clueless…..