

Weekend Show – Mike Larson & Bernie de Groot – Where Are The Best Opportunities During This Market Weakness?

September 7, 2024


Post Labor Day markets kicked into gear on Tuesday and didn’t stop all week. US markets fell hard, with the S&P down over 4% for the week. Oil lead the way lower this week with copper also down. Gold held in pretty much flat for the week. 


On this weekend’s show we bring on two very different guests. One to discuss trading strategies for a wide range of markets and commodities. The other guest focuses on managing a portfolio of resource stocks in what could be the early stages of a bull market.


We hope you all enjoy! We will be at the 2024 Precious Metals Summit next week meeting with a wide range of resource Companies. Please send us the stocks you like and we will do our best to have a chat with management. Click here to see what companies will be there. 

Our email addresses are and


  • Segment 1 and 2 – Mike Larson, Editor in Chief at Money Show, discusses why September has historically been weak, the potential Fed rate cuts, and their impacts on the bond and commodity markets. Mike also touches on real estate trends, central bank policies, and the outlook for the U.S. dollar and precious metals.
  • Click here to find out about the upcoming MoneyShow conferences.
  • Segment 3 and 4 – Bernie de Groot, Senior Investment Advisor – Options & US Licensed, Canaccord Genuity, wraps up the show by analyzing the short-term bearish and long-term bullish outlook for gold, highlighted by a recent report from TD Securities’ Daniel Ghali. Bernie shares insights on fund positioning, central bank buying trends, and the implications of anticipated Federal Reserve rate cuts. The conversation also explores the disparity between gold prices and mining equities diving into the types of gold equities that are being favored by investors.


Mike Larson
Bernie de Groot
    Sep 07, 2024 07:03 AM
    OIL : Likely Bottoming : Retest Possible
    SILVER : Trading Range?

    Sep 07, 2024 07:27 AM

    Silver …………. I posted an article on solar panel companies yesterday……

    100 small companies doing solar panels….. BANKRUPT….. should tell some of the
    silver stackers something… 🙂

      Sep 07, 2024 07:20 AM

      The Half Inch Hail Effect?

        Sep 07, 2024 07:32 PM

        Short silver… or short electricity…. LOL 🙂

    Sep 07, 2024 07:41 PM

    Merger and Acquisition Opportunities In The Metals Resource Stocks – Part 4

    Excelsior Prosperity w/ Shad Marquitz (09/07/2024)

    Gatos Silver (TSX: GATO) (NYSE: GATO) – First Majestic Silver (NYSE: AG) (TSX: AG), Silvercorp Metals (TSX: SVM) (NYSE American: SVM) – Adventus Mining (TSXV: ADZN) (OTCQX: ADVZF) , of Omai Gold Mines (TSX.V: OMG) (OTC: OMGGF), Integra Resources (TSXV: ITR) (NYSE American: ITRG) – Florida Canyon Gold (TSXV: FCGV), and feature on Skeena Resources (TSX:SKE)(NYSE:SKE)

    Sep 07, 2024 07:45 PM

    There are almost no posters here that talk about other stocks that they have looked at as possible winners. It just shows you how little people understand the machinations of the resource market or the stock market period, they don’t want to invest time to do their own research they just what others to tell them what to do. A few hang off of a couple of analysts like Doc Jones and think he is right. Other than their jobs most people have very little depth. Jerry is right the sheeple are clueless. LOL! DT

      Sep 07, 2024 07:50 PM

      If anyone wants to challenge me on what I have just said, I am looking at a stock right now that I am accumulating. It is a gold stock that is involved in a reverse takeover. Nobody here including the analysts or Shad or Cory have even mentioned it. I will reveal it in two weeks’ time because I believe it is a great buy. I am not interested in doing this unless another poster challenges me by presenting a stock that they are researching that hasn’t been discussed on this forum, and they must explain why they are buying and have bought. LOL! DT 🤣

      Sep 07, 2024 07:57 PM

      Read your post and ask yourself if there is a factual basis for any of it. A better approach would be “anybody have any ideas for miners to invest in and why you may be following it?”. Then when they respond, a good answer might be “ thanks for that idea and I will look into it … or thanks… I hear they are having funding issues… might be worth a followup”.
      Starting with most people don’t understand what they are doing is an automatic turn off. And by the way, every stock that Doc Jones covers has his research that is more in depth than most people have ever done … plus he makes the offer to check it out and tell him where he is wrong. If you want to discredit Doc Jones, do it with fact.

        Sep 07, 2024 07:07 PM

        You are exactly the kind of person I mean; I have never heard you come up with an original idea that is your own. You don’t like what I just said because you like to think you are your own person well now you can prove it by giving us some of your wisdom that is not someone else’s idea. I don’t think you can, so prove me wrong.

        You have no approach you only parrot other people’s thinking! DT

          Sep 07, 2024 07:29 PM

          Your issue is with me and not investing. I will guarantee you I will never have an original idea as I am not a prospector. But, I have heard things from those that do it for a living, or pulled some off the best performer of the day listngs, or ran across one on conversations or from daily news. Over to you … for an original idea. Define it first so we all know what one is. If you got an idea now … put it up. I have gotten a bunch of “original ideas” from Michael Gentile recently. But he does it for a living and is on boards, etc. He also appears to be honest and an ethical person that has an agenda that is positive toward the Sector. That’s where “orignal ideas@ come from including Cory and Shad. Get over Me and move along.

            Sep 08, 2024 08:33 AM

            L-2 says, “Get over Me and move along”, It wasn’t me who responded to you it was you who responded to me, I think you should get a brain scan something is not working up there. DT😜😉🤣

          Sep 07, 2024 07:23 PM

          As usual you are way out over your skis again DT. Better pull back level out and try to get control of yourself.

      Sep 07, 2024 07:52 PM

      Thanks for the mention DT………………
      The Sheeple have left the classroom……….. LOL……..
      I guess they are out getting their booster shot for Covid 2030…. LOL…

        Sep 07, 2024 07:58 PM

        Quadrupled vaxxed, as if once isn’t enough. My neighbor was one of the first to get vaxxed and now he is looking at a wheelchair. If the lack of mobility from his wheelchair doesn’t get him the booster (clot) shot will. LOL! DT

          Sep 07, 2024 07:22 PM

          Clueless…… must be watching too much hockey….. and got brain freeze…. LOL….

    Sep 07, 2024 07:21 PM

    My answer is missing. Hopefully it will be recovered.

    Sep 08, 2024 08:50 AM

    When gold hits $10k ; $20k ; $33,333 will gold bugs get along?
    Somehow, I have my doubts.

    Disclosure: I only own phyz. If I ever buy even one share of a miner again, somebody better shoot me.

    My go-to gambling venue is now Canadian O&G.,SU.TO,CVE.TO,TOU.TO,ARX.TO,IMO.TO,MEG.TO,WCP.TO,PSK.TO,NOA.TO,TPZ.TO,CEU.TO

    Sep 08, 2024 08:22 AM

    DT Brother are you off your meds again? Seems like this happens about this time of month. Maybe you need a 5 week supply, just so there’s no lapse in coverage!


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