

Weekend Show – Dana Lyons & Dan Steffens – Investing Strategies For Volatile Markets & Energy Stock Picks

August 17, 2024


Welcome to The KE Report Weekend Show!


It was another fun week in the markets with a lot of green on the screen and gold closing at over $2,500.


On this weekend’s show we focus on where the best opportunities are in individual sectors across a wide range of assets, including commodities. For the back half of the show we shift our attention to the range bound energy sector a couple stocks picks that are expecting huge growth into next year. 


Thank you all for tuning in this weekend and please keep in touch with Shad and I though email – and




Dana Lyons
Dan Steffens
    Aug 17, 2024 17:15 AM
    Aug 17, 2024 17:17 AM

    Seems that DOC was wrong with his Gold price prediction from last weekend?

    We are over $2500 now

    What are the next technical resistance levels and where it goes from here?

    Next stop $2700?

      Aug 18, 2024 18:41 PM

      I think 2700 is a likely spot for a stop but not an important top.

      Aug 19, 2024 19:46 AM

      To many bears still thinking commodities drop back down to $2100 for gold and have been left behind. I already mentioned few names. This classic wall of worry is what I’m loving. And I fully expect the miners to keep doing the same with in between weeks of rip.

      Correct next target should be give or take $2650-$2720 at which point guys like Chris v will be wrong again thinking the big drop is coming. US dollar down everything else up to elections

        Aug 19, 2024 19:14 PM

        Glen…. I am with you…. few people(gurus) have been wrong, and will continue to be wrong….
        Was not that long ago… gold was $1049… 🙂

    Aug 17, 2024 17:08 AM

    Commodities Update – Week In Review And The Week Ahead – Part 15

    Excelsior Prosperity w/ Shad Marquitz – (08/17/2024)

    Gold, GDX, Silver, Copper, COPX, URNM, and more…

      Aug 17, 2024 17:21 PM

      There are a lot of reasons why the precious metal stocks haven’t been doing well.

      1) The tech sector is eating our lunch as money has started moving back into The Magnificent Seven, I thought it was in for a crash, but I think The Fed intervened in this election year and propped them up. They can’t afford a tech crash that will bring down the whole market. Institutional investors and The Moms and Pops saw this move and held on and some moved capital back into the tech market.

      2) Trump has talked about Bitcoin replacing The U.S. dollar and this too made money flow back into cryptocurrencies and away from precious metal stocks. We are only seeing 1/2 of 1 percent of the available investment funds in the miners, this is at an all-time low. That amounts to a flea on the back of an elephant.

      3) Inflation is much worse than it is reported and that eats into investment income from all levels. The wars being fought by The U.S. have transformed American life. Everything is going up, food, rent, housing, clothing, energy, and taxes. Meanwhile the family income is dwindling as prices rise and Mr. Jones is looking for a permanent full-time job instead of 2 or 3 part time jobs.

      4) Enter the fear income if you have any money to invest in securities and you know about precious metal it is much better to buy physical metal instead of the related securities which are much riskier and the physical metal is also much more of a secure investment than holding fiat currency. Costco has tapped into the fear income by making it much easier to buy Gold and Silver because it is now seen a necessary commodity like food. This too has diverted money away from gold and silver securities.

      5)Finally, there is a psychological reaction to the overspending and overprinting of money by every government and with the open borders people do not feel safe anymore. You can’t make a sound investment if you don’t have a sound economy and as we saw during The Great Depression it is not always wise to have all of your money where you can’t access it in the case of a major downturn. DT

    Aug 17, 2024 17:51 PM

    All good points DT.

    I have been watching gold coin sales on kijiji, if its not small it takes some time to sell.

      Aug 17, 2024 17:11 PM

      Hi southfront fan, are you a Canadian? We have two Federal bye-elections on September the 16th. If we can elect a Progressive Conservative government, they are very friendly to oil and gas development in Canada. Our energy sector is going to see a big boost if The Conservatives form the next government however the next general election isn’t until October 25th, 2024.That is probably when I will start buying Canadian energy companies again. DT

        Aug 17, 2024 17:54 PM

        that should read October 25th,2025.

          Aug 17, 2024 17:04 PM

          Hi DT, yes,
          I live in Alberta Canada.

    Aug 19, 2024 19:02 AM

    The riggers , sure do not like that $2500 number…. 🙂

      Aug 19, 2024 19:43 AM

      Ponzi would be pleased if he were alive today. He could see the biggest Ponzi scheme ever that is the printing of money to cover government shortfalls in a World of debt gone wild. DT

      Aug 19, 2024 19:43 AM

      I dont know if you can be too sure about that.
      The “riggers” are people, nothing says they dont hoard for themselves.
      Its a good way to profit knowing when the take downs will be.

      Notice who it is that owns the major hoards of bitcoin, why would gold be dif?

        Aug 19, 2024 19:20 AM

        “rigger”……. are liars…. cheats…
        Like DT says… the Ponzi would be pleased …

    Aug 19, 2024 19:30 AM

    DT………. You got that right……….. Fake FED BS….. and the Sheeple do not understand….

    The $32 Trillion has gone to the political scum bags and the puppets….

    Aug 19, 2024 19:49 AM
    Aug 19, 2024 19:32 PM

    The pullback in NG since June never did threaten the bullish big picture and now it seems we will soon have a H&S bottom in play…

    Aug 20, 2024 20:18 AM

    Price is now confirming what momentum already knew and told us months ago…

      Aug 20, 2024 20:24 AM

      Great confirmation post…. and chart……………

      Confirmed….. Looking good… I said…. “GOLD GOING HIGHER”

      The BIg CUP AND HANDLE worked out just fine…took longer than expected…. IMHO…… J. the Long… 🙂

      Now silver needs to do it’s thing…..

    Aug 20, 2024 20:41 AM

    Now what……. ?………. $2530….. What do the momentum charts say…??

      Aug 20, 2024 20:16 AM

      OOTB, since you are also called J. the Long, how long have you been buying precious metal, as long as you can remember……….. Maybe we should call you J. the Deep… (for deep pockets) LOL! DT

        Aug 20, 2024 20:58 AM

        I started out when I was 10 1/2 years old… collecting Morgan Silver Dollars… at a $1.00… these were gems … like new out of the bag…. value well exceeds $30 silver…
        I am now 75 years old……. it takes a Long time to go DEEP….. 🙂 LOL…
        Gold phyz is now my habit …. LOL.. Silver got to heavy to carry in an emergency… LOL
        I should add….. Gold Pre 1933…. gives you two avenues … collector value and bullion value…
        Which works all the time,.. up and down markets… buy right , hold tight… 🙂

          Aug 20, 2024 20:19 AM

          Hi Jerry,………..Thanks for sharing! DT