

Weekend Politics Posting

August 10, 2024

Happy Saturday everyone! Here is the weekend political positing for you all.


I hope you all have a great weekend!

    Aug 10, 2024 10:03 AM

    Thanks Cory for taking over the job…… appreciate it very much….

    Aug 10, 2024 10:48 AM

    HEY CHARTSTER……………..

    Michelle Moore… Mike Gill…..Aug 9…
    Concerning the Trillions printed…. THE 35 TRILLION… (national debt)…
    has been laundered trough corporations, LLC, etc…
    out of N H, for the crime families and lackies….Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden,
    CIA, and FBI, and Robed Judges… all know what is happening with the money….
    because they are getting the kick backs….via the LLCs and other Corporations
    which the Sheeple are unable to trace….

    Oh,…General Flynn.. behind setting up Trumpster…. (J6, election fraud)
    a long with Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell (pillow man)
    One big Show….
    Trumpster , was dupped “baited”, “bamboozled”, “betrayed”, “conned”,

      Aug 10, 2024 10:43 AM

      Man….that Mike Gill video was heavy…
      I have to listen again! I think he’s right about some of them. But it makes sense for the deep state to deploy those type of assets, now that everyone has dropped the main stream news.
      I’ve met most of those people he was talking about, because I was invited to some of those events.

      It’s going to be interesting to see how the credits roll after the hammer drops and the movie is over.

      Thanks for mentioning the video.

        Aug 10, 2024 10:37 PM

        Thanks for the reply,,,,,
        Glad you took the time…..
        Going to be interesting….
        If, you go back over the material……Think about $32 Trillion , going to the deep state, and the lackies
        associated with those crooks…cabal, gangsters, thieves, …..
        SO, the US DEBT…. does not belong to the WE THE PEOPLE….
        CLAW BACK….. need to get a hold of all the LLC and Corporation in NH…..
        BOTH PARTIES are corrupt…. Bush, Clinton, Obama… and the rest..they all

          Aug 10, 2024 10:39 PM

          That’s why I’ve always said, “the debt is not real”.
          Only 6.5T of the debt is real. The rest of it is fiat garbage.
          Even if it were real. Most of the bonds that created the debt have matured. Which clears the debt.
          And most of that debt is at the fed, and the fed is all but abolished anyway. The DC fed is gone. The rest of them are shells of their former selves.

            Aug 10, 2024 10:17 PM

            Thanks for the reply….

    Aug 10, 2024 10:13 AM

    The Pilgrim Fathers were the first in North America to try communism.
    It failed dismally and Native Americans saved them from starvation.
    Why do we not learn from history ?
    Bill O’Reilly started out as a historian….

    Aug 10, 2024 10:20 AM

    CFS…late for work…again…

    Jesse Ventura has gone insane…

      Aug 10, 2024 10:40 AM

      Yep….. gone insane… biz nut job Jesse HOLLY WOOD… touched by the stick… lol

        Aug 10, 2024 10:27 AM

        at least AJ will be happy.

    Aug 10, 2024 10:27 AM

    I was here, but my posting disappeared.

    The Pilgrim fathers first tried pure communism in North America. It totally failed.
    Can we not learn from history ?
    Bill O’Reilly started out as a historian…

      Aug 10, 2024 10:28 AM

      …did the 🐶 eat your homework, too??? 🙂

    Aug 10, 2024 10:36 AM

    Thats funny Eb.
    He is probly right, its men that screwed things, nutin to do with the congress being bought and paid for.

      Aug 10, 2024 10:46 AM

      I can’t believe he wants to dance to the Kamaltoe Walz….he was talking for years about the uniparty…

      Here’s what he was reported saying:

      Ventura said, “I’ve only got a few elections to go, I’m 73 years old now … so the window’s closing. I want to be alive to see the first woman President of the United States of America, and the first woman Commander in Chief, and we’ve got her right now! Yes, I want to see a woman President. It’s time for a woman President. We men have screwed it up enough!”

      So he is voting for her just because she is a woman??? But if a Demonrat Supreme Court justice said she cannot define what a woman is because she is not a biologist how can he???

      If he is against the uniparty how can he vote for any career Demonrat politician???

      And speaking of women, look at all the death and destruction Killary Klinton caused…and she wasn’t even the Emperor.

    Aug 10, 2024 10:48 AM

    If Kamala uses Biden’s campaign funds, it is illegal…….at a MINIMUM it should be subject to GIFT TAXES.
    , at a maximum it is FRAUDULENT USE OF NON-TAXABLE FUNDS, and subject to criminal penalties (jail-time).

    Aug 10, 2024 10:00 AM

    (b) Tax imposed
    A tax is hereby imposed for each taxable year on the political organization taxable income of every political organization. Such tax shall be computed by multiplying the political organization taxable income by the highest rate of tax specified in section 11(b).

    (c) Political organization taxable income defined
    (1) Taxable income defined
    For purposes of this section, the political organization taxable income of any organization for any taxable year is an amount equal to the excess (if any) of—
    (A) the gross income for the taxable year (excluding any exempt function income), over
    (B) the deductions allowed by this chapter which are directly connected with the production of the gross income (excluding exempt function income), computed with the modifications provided in paragraph (2).
    (2) Modifications
    For purposes of this subsection—
    (A) there shall be allowed a specific deduction of $100,
    (B) no net operating loss deduction shall be allowed under section 172, and
    (C) no deduction shall be allowed under part VIII of subchapter B (relating to special deductions for corporations).
    (3) Exempt function income
    For purposes of this subsection, the term “exempt function income” means any amount received as—
    (A) a contribution of money or other property,
    (B) membership dues, a membership fee or assessment from a member of the political organization,
    (C) proceeds from a political fundraising or entertainment event, or proceeds from the sale of political campaign materials, which are not received in the ordinary course of any trade or business, or
    (D) proceeds from the conducting of any bingo game (as defined in section 513(f)(2)),
    to the extent such amount is segregated for use only for the exempt function of the political organization.
    (d) Certain uses not treated as income to candidate
    For purposes of this title, if any political organization—
    (1) contributes any amount to or for the use of any political organization which is treated as exempt from tax under subsection (a) of this section,
    (2) contributes any amount to or for the use of any organization described in paragraph (1) or (2) of section 509(a) which is exempt from tax under section 501(a), or
    (3) deposits any amount in the general fund of the Treasury or in the general fund of any State or local government,
    such amount shall be treated as an amount not diverted for the personal use of the candidate or any other person. No deduction shall be allowed under this title for the contribution or deposit of any amount described in the preceding sentence.
    (e) Other definitions
    For purposes of this section—
    (1) Political organization
    The term “political organization” means a party, committee, association, fund, or other organization (whether or not incorporated) organized and operated primarily for the purpose of directly or indirectly accepting contributions or making expenditures, or both, for an exempt function.

    (2) Exempt function
    The term “exempt function” means the function of influencing or attempting to influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of any individual to any Federal, State, or local public office or office in a political organization, or the election of Presidential or Vice-Presidential electors, whether or not such individual or electors are selected, nominated, elected, or appointed. Such term includes the making of expenditures relating to an office described in the preceding sentence which, if incurred by the individual, would be allowable as a deduction under section 162(a).

    (3) Contributions
    The term “contributions” has the meaning given to such term by section 271(b)(2).

    (4) Expenditures
    The term “expenditures” has the meaning given to such term by section 271(b)(3).

    (5) Qualified State or local political organization
    (A) In general
    The term “qualified d+State or local political organization” means a political organization—
    (i) all the exempt functions of which are solely for the purposes of influencing or attempting to influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of any individual to any State or local public office or office in a State or local political organization,
    (ii) which is subject to State law that requires the organization to report (and it so reports)—
    (I) information regarding each separate expenditure from and contribution to such organization, and
    (II) information regarding the person who makes such contribution or receives such expenditure,
     which would otherwise be required to be reported under this section, and
    (iii) with respect to which the reports referred to in clause (ii) are (I) made public by the agency with which such reports are filed, and (II) made publicly available for inspection by the organization in the manner described in section 6104(d).
    (B) Certain State law differences disregarded
    An organization shall not be treated as failing to meet the requirements of subparagraph (A)(ii) solely by reason of 1 or more of the following:
    (i) The minimum amount of any expenditure or contribution required to be reported under State law is not more than $300 greater than the minimum amount required to be reported under subsection (j).
    (ii) The State law does not require the organization to identify 1 or more of the following:
    (I) The employer of any person who makes contributions to a the organization.
    (II) The occupation of any person who makes contributions to the organization.
    (III) The employer of any person who receives expenditures from the organization.
    (IV) The occupation of any person who receives expenditures from the organization.
    (V) The purpose of any expenditure of the organization.
    (VI) The date any contribution was made to the organization.
    (VII) The date of any expenditure of the organization

      Aug 10, 2024 10:23 PM

      YOU should listen to a few min. of MIKE GILL…. on the MONEY….


    Aug 10, 2024 10:23 AM

    No ‘solid’ way to distinguish man from woman – IOC chief

    I couldnt help but get a good laff from that one.
    PCR was 100% right when he said that people have lost the ability to reason.

      Aug 10, 2024 10:19 PM

      Some have lost the ability to reason…. 🙂

      Aug 10, 2024 10:26 PM

      Maybe he got biology lessons from Uncle Joe’s supreme court idiot…Ketanji..

    Aug 10, 2024 10:48 AM

    Killing the mocking bird.
    The new Q proofs are coming in the form of truth social posts from Donald Trump.

      Aug 10, 2024 10:23 PM

      OUT WITH MSN………….. WORTHLESS PIECES OF … (fill in the blank)
      Got to really dumb , if, they have not figured it out by now….(referring to the Sheeple)

    Aug 10, 2024 10:36 PM

    ANYBODY…………. hear about BIDEN IN LAS VEGAS …. having a medical event….???????????
    details at zerohedge….just in…

      Aug 10, 2024 10:39 PM

      On Friday afternoon, the Heritage Oversight Project released audio recordings from the Las Vegas Metro Police Department’s protective detail during President Joe Biden’s sudden medical emergency on July 17 that was kept from the public.

      ▪ The recordings were obtained through a FOIA request and confirmed initial reports that Biden had planned to go to Las Vegas University Medical Center after canceling a speaking engagement due to a sudden illness.
      Once the emergency was called in, officers can be heard fervently coordinating with Biden’s protective detail to clear the routes and get POTUS medical attention over the next 20 minutes of the clip…

      ► Listen to the Police Audio & Read the Full Breakdown Here.

      Aug 10, 2024 10:19 PM

      Thanks Jerry… I had heard about that medical emergency somewhere… perhaps from Loomer, she reports interesting hidden news… Thanks for the posting the latest details.

        Aug 10, 2024 10:25 PM

        Hello Tommy…………
        Thanks for the comment,…hope all is going well…. hoping you are enjoying the week end…

        I am in the process of doing a lot of deep digs ….
        Trying to uncover some of the BS.. going on…

          Aug 10, 2024 10:23 PM

          Hi Jerry… I am doing well… Just finished a beef brisket I smoked a couple days ago… We are enjoying tasty meat while we still can… My son’s chickens are producing great pullet eggs… Life is good as we prepare for the interesting times.
          Short of time, I can’t keep up with everything… I rely on your, and others, contributions here to help stay informed… Concur: SERIOUS TROUBLE is here and more just ahead. All the best to you and the other bloggers.

      Aug 10, 2024 10:03 PM

      In 2016, there was Russian election interference and hacking disinformation… In 2024, it looks like Iran is the new scapegoat of choice… Fits the Zionist plans to have Iran in everyone’s crosshairs.

    Aug 10, 2024 10:26 PM
    Aug 10, 2024 10:32 PM

    Former US President Donald Trump’s Boeing 757 – known as ‘Trump Force One’ – was diverted on Friday on the way to a rally in Montana due to a mechanical problem.

    The plane was heading to Bozeman, where Trump was expected to hold a campaign rally on Friday evening. It made an emergency landing in Billings, the staff confirmed. The two cities in Montana are around 140 miles (225km) apart.

    “His aircraft had mechanical issues, and he was diverted into the Billings-Logan Airport,” airport officials said, without elaborating on the issues. “He’s continuing to Bozeman on a private jet,” they added.

    Aug 10, 2024 10:42 PM
    Aug 11, 2024 11:01 AM

    Oh, the Irony! Trump Campaign Enraged by Email Hack

      Aug 11, 2024 11:46 AM

      “Many called it poetic justice that the Trump campaign documents were hacked and sent to news organizations. ” says the article…..
      LIKE DUH…….. who owns the NEWS ORGANIZATIONS…..

    Aug 11, 2024 11:02 AM
      Aug 11, 2024 11:38 AM

      IS this guy mentally deranged….? Where do you dig up this stuff???
      Do not forget to donate…. LOL….

    Aug 11, 2024 11:45 AM

    Lefties colluding to deny advertising on X May be guilty of conspiracy.

    Aug 11, 2024 11:51 AM

    HERE IS YOUR HERO…………..HARRIS HERO…. in the making…….. LOL
    You can hear the nervous chuckle when she claims over and over again, “Bidenomics is working.” But in reality, America’s working poor and middle class have been financially devastated by elevated inflation and high interest rates. If you talk with any blue-collar American and bring up supermarket prices, they instantly become enraged. The same goes for auto prices, shelter costs, power bills, insurance rates, pump prices, and on and on and on.

      Aug 11, 2024 11:15 AM

      Its just part of the process of a dying currency.

      Heck almost nobody realises its the currency depreciating as opposed to price increases yet.

      Metals is still a “niche” market.

      What Kennes say? what dif?, in the long run were all dead anyway.

      If the people had any clue they would hang the entire congress and senate.

      Henry Ford Quotes
      It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

    Aug 11, 2024 11:00 AM

    Israel’s airstrike on Saturday hit a mosque inside a school in Gaza City where thousands of people were sheltering. The Gaza Health Ministry said that 80 were killed and around 50 others wounded during morning prayers. The Israeli military disputed the toll and said that it killed 19 Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants. Hamas and Palestinian activists disputed that, saying two of the 19 had been killed in earlier strikes, and others were known to be civilians or opponents of Hamas.

    Mosques are Israeli targets,
    Just as synagogues are Islamist targets.

    Aug 11, 2024 11:10 AM

    Since the moon has no atmosphere, long term habitation on the moon would require some alternative protection…..e.g. going underground.
    This now appears possible……

    Aug 11, 2024 11:00 AM

    The Kamala V.P. pick….i watched him in action on youtube….The crowds appeared sort of large in number and enthusiastic…That is different…..and

    Although his policy platform and reasoning is an anathema to my sensibilities…He is a better orator than Trump…..I am very concerned…The dems could rapidly gain poll positions….

    The V.P. debate will be no slam dunk for Vance…He knows this….

    amerika goes down the tubes if the Trump ticket looses….

      Aug 22, 2024 22:35 PM

      It is not going to matter who wins. Stop worshipping Trump.

    Aug 11, 2024 11:29 AM

    UK doctors ordered to ask men if they’re pregnant
    The NHS reportedly issued the new guidance after an expecting transgender person had a CT scan, which could endanger the fetus

    Is this insanity or just plain stupid?
    How can a person believe the human race will evolve?

      Aug 11, 2024 11:34 AM

      …it’s the new normal…and if the USSA dances to the Kamaltoe Walz in November you are going to see much more of this nonsense…

    Aug 11, 2024 11:29 PM
    Aug 11, 2024 11:38 PM

    Just out of interest, you may have said but I forgot.

    We know now that pretty much everyone living north of the saharah has some neandrithal dna.
    Neantrathals lived 130k-40k years ago.

    What Ive forgotten is how christians rationalize that.
    Maybe Im mistaken but I think christians still think we have only been around 6-12k years depending on which christian thinking.

    I was just watching some archeology history info and realised I forgot.

    Me thinks Im getting older by the day, I keep forgetting my memory is going. 😉

      Aug 11, 2024 11:00 PM

      Tell me how the “science” works on that…. “evolution of man kind”….
      You did not come from MONKEYS….. like duh…
      WHO, created the DNA….? WHO made up the charts?
      WHO wants you to be less than HUMAN…. ?

      Like Medicine from OIL….. WHO created the AMA… Rocky and Bullwinkle… lol
      WHO writes the journals… for the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOC….
      WHO pushes the pills, …
      WHO pushed the COVID JAB… humm

      WHO created MONEY CREATION out of THIN AIR…

      NOBODY knows for sure… Especially , when MAN IS A LIAR….
      “We know now that pretty much everyone living north of the saharah has some neandrithal dna.
      Neantrathals lived 130k-40k years ago.”….. SAYS WHO….. 🙂

      Which Group , thinks you are lower than low…. humm..

        Aug 11, 2024 11:20 PM

        When saying nobody knows for sure…….
        Believing that you are saved by grace takes faith,….. FAITH PLUS NOTHING…
        It takes faith, to recognize that creation was 6,000 years ago…
        MAN created in the likeness of GOD…Genesis 1:27
        Have to believe there is GOD, which created everything…

        Unfortunately…, the WORLD would like you to think differently….

        THE RULERS OF DARKNESS….. created the MONKEY MAN…. 🙂

          Aug 11, 2024 11:34 PM

          Ya ok, I guess the way the group of christians you agree with simply deny.
          Fair enough.

          Thx for the response.

          Dawkins, a prominent biologist and author, had argued against policies that allow athletes with male chromosomes to compete in female sports, leading to his account’s removal from Facebook. The incident has sparked a wider debate on free speech and the role of content moderation on social media platforms.

          Just interesting, Im kinda tickled to be grouped with Dawkins as a banned person.
          Im in good company.
          I know you dont like him but I do.

            Aug 12, 2024 12:12 AM

            LIKE I SAID…………… YOU TRUSTED MAN…………

            DARWIN………. THEORY……….. LOL
            Do some more studies………….

            NOT ALL Christians……… are wise….

            All is good…….. for training…and rebuke….

            Aug 12, 2024 12:11 AM

            Jerry, no offence,I understand those are your religous beliefs.
            But consider that it might be yourself that could use some studying.

            Aug 12, 2024 12:18 AM

            2 Timothy 2:15 KJV
            Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

            Dawkins, a prominent biologist and author, had argued against policies that allow athletes with male chromosomes to compete in female sports, leading to his account’s removal from Facebook………..
            WELL that is a NO BRAINER…
            Perverts and lucifer…believe otherwise…
            GOD, created Man and Woman….

            Aug 12, 2024 12:40 AM

            Not sure you got the point of my post concerning Dawkins.

            The point is he is banned for pointing out there are difs between men and women.
            He is qualified to explain the biological difs.

            Nothin to do with religion.

            I am aware you dont like education in the area. so, dont approve of Dawkins types.
            No worries, the point is he got banned.

            Aug 12, 2024 12:24 AM

            I got the point on DAWKINS……..
            as I said…. or should have said more clearly…
            Dawkins was right, and that is a “no brainier.”… on men and women…

            We could do an entire series on FACEBOOK….
            and how perverted it is, and for all the data collection of all the SHEEPLE’s info.
            All going into the big Aladdin machine… Data harvesting for later, to help out with AI
            and “human” control… all for the NWO…… and the FAKE JEWS….. (which you
            claim to already know)… THE HOUSE OF SATAN..ILLUMINATE….

            Aug 12, 2024 12:57 AM

            Dawkins can explain the dif biology of the 2 sexes.
            The answer really is not “god made em”
            which is why he was banned.
            Had he said “god made em” he wouldnt have been banned.

            And Yes I “claim” to have known jews think dif than christians about satan.
            Its never been a secret as far as I know.

            Beliefs & Practices
            Do Jews Believe in Satan?
            In Jewish texts, the devil is sometimes an adversary and sometimes an embodiment of evil.

            By My Jewish Learning


            A quick read for you if your interested.

            Aug 12, 2024 12:53 PM


            Since I have never followed Dawkins…. nor do I care to….
            But,.Please .. fill me in on , what he calls a woman and a man….
            And HOW each became separate , from the evolution point of view….

            Aug 12, 2024 12:43 PM

            Became separate Jerry?

            Maybe you should ask him, I think it has something to do with ribs. 😉

        Aug 11, 2024 11:17 PM

        Who created your God. ?
        And don’t answer,”He has always existed”……..because that logic allows the universe to always have existed. Then given enough time evolution does the rest.

          Aug 12, 2024 12:03 AM

          6And He said to me, “It[c] is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. 7He who overcomes [d]shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. 8But the cowardly, [e]unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
          REVELATIONS 21….

            Aug 12, 2024 12:10 AM

            YOU GUYS….. GOT THE JAB………….. Trusting MAN…. ???

            Galations 6…
            7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction

            Aug 12, 2024 12:25 AM


            Nowhere in what you wrote answers the cfs question “who created god?”

            No big deal, but you avoided the question.

            Aug 12, 2024 12:47 AM

            ….(but good question, I should not be smart)…………. NO ONE CREATED GOD…….otherwise it would not be GOD…

            Here we go again….
            1 Corinthians 3:19
            King James Version
            19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

            WHO created the AIR….. that you breathe…..
            Lungs, brain, heart, blood… Not from pond scum… 🙂

          Aug 12, 2024 12:09 AM

          Dont know if you ever heard Matt Dillahunty, he has a radio show in Texas and you can find it online, @ You Tube.

          He debates christians about the bible.

          Raised Southern Baptist, Dillahunty considered becoming a minister. His in-depth examination of his Christian beliefs, instead of bolstering his faith as he had intended, led him to no longer believe in the basic tenets of Christianity and, eventually, all religions.

          He knows at least 3 dif chritian bibles upside down and backwards, amasing memory.

          You might find his show interesting if you like the topic.

            Aug 12, 2024 12:14 AM

            1 Corinthians 3:19
            King James Version
            19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

            Aug 12, 2024 12:00 AM



    Aug 11, 2024 11:04 PM

    Black Rock and the AI control of trading using Aladdin. And the EO that will crush them.

      Aug 11, 2024 11:08 PM

      FINK AND Aladdin…. controlling all the trades…
      Heard that one the other day….
      You can do a lot with $32 TRILLION backing you….

    Aug 11, 2024 11:47 PM

    Only in upside down world.
    What a movie!🍿

    Aug 11, 2024 11:42 PM
    Aug 11, 2024 11:42 PM

    The Kings of the Copybook Headings.

    Aug 11, 2024 11:48 PM

    Without interruption….

    Aug 12, 2024 12:19 AM

    …Uncle Joe…at the beach…working hard…

      Aug 12, 2024 12:51 AM

      Jerry I have known of the conection between the Jews and the big bad guy for years.

      Actually, I find it kinda funny that those guys came up with the god of abraham so many worship.

      See where the god says its ok to commit genocide in the old testiment comes from.
      Its ok today too, course maybe people will finally see who these people are.

    Aug 12, 2024 12:03 AM

    Do not get to confused on “Jews”…..12 tribes…. not all are from the same tribe…

    Revelation 3:9
    King James Version
    9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

    Aug 12, 2024 12:17 AM

    Yup, I have read that when the jews killed jesus they didnt expect all the tribes to be blamed.

    So do you have any evidence as to which tribe came up with the god of abraham.
    It was a few hundred years before it got popular if I recall, which kinda says it wasnt really abrahams tribe that made him popular Who knows? Maybe it was tho.

      Aug 12, 2024 12:44 AM

      Several theses were advanced to explain the narratives—e.g., that the patriarchs were mythical beings or the personifications of tribes or folkloric or etiological (explanatory) figures created to account for various social, juridical, or cultic patterns. However, after World War I, archaeological research made enormous strides with the discovery of monuments and documents, many of which date back to the period assigned to the patriarchs in the traditional account. The excavation of a royal palace at Mari, an ancient city on the Euphrates, for example, brought to light thousands of cuneiform tablets (official archives and correspondence and religious and juridical texts) and thereby offered exegesis a new basis, which specialists utilized to show that, in the biblical book of Genesis, narratives fit perfectly with what, from other sources, is known today of the early 2nd millennium BCE but imperfectly with a later period. A biblical scholar in the 1940s aptly termed this result “the rediscovery of the Old Testament.”

      Thus, there are two main sources for reconstructing the figure of father Abraham: the book of Genesis—from the genealogy of Terah (Abraham’s father) and his departure from Ur to Harran in chapter 11 to the death of Abraham in chapter 25—and recent archaeological discoveries and interpretations concerning the area and era in which the biblical narrative takes place.


    Aug 12, 2024 12:21 AM

    The State of israel as ” CARTOONISHLY EVIL ” ….. A long read but worth it.

      Aug 12, 2024 12:13 PM

      You know Tony I am so disgusted by what the Israelis do I have a very hard time following it.

        Aug 12, 2024 12:38 PM

        Don’t worry, b…Uncle Joe is working very hard for peace…the US taxpayers are definitely getting their money’s worth…

        Aug 12, 2024 12:53 PM

        I am not pro-Jewish. Far from it.
        But when any enemy (unprovoked) enters your country, kills many citizens and then takes away hostages, I understand why they would get pissed.
        Of the 122 hostages unaccounted for, my sources indicate less then 30 are still alive.
        If I heard some of the leaders of my enemy were hiding in schools, do you think that would stop my retaliation ?
        Hell, NO.
        I would choose a time when a minimum number of innocents were there, but I’d bomb the heck out of the school.
        Sorry, but that’s the way I feel.
        (And I don’t particularly like Jews.)

          Aug 12, 2024 12:47 PM

          Unprovoked cfs?
          Thats the same as calling Russia moving into Ukraine unprovoked.

          I thought you were educated.

            Aug 12, 2024 12:53 PM

            ………. UNPROVOKED……..
            .. 🙂
            You have to not like the “FAKE JEWS”… of which I see , some are CLUELESS on the subject.
            should have been reading some of the articles submitted over the last
            20 yrs….

    Aug 12, 2024 12:53 AM

    Unbelievable DEMOCRAT SCUM BEHAVIOR……..

    Aug 12, 2024 12:44 PM

    Our good friends the Israelies…do what they want…with your money, of course…

      Aug 12, 2024 12:05 PM

      Of course there is an Israel lobby.
      But does the U.S. always follow the wishes of that lobby ?
      Much more insidious, if you ask me, are undisclosed Chinese bribes to American leadership.
      E.g. payments to Hunter Biden.

        Aug 12, 2024 12:49 PM

        How much “aid” plus weapons does Uncle Sucker send to China? Just be a good tax serf and get back to work to pay those taxes…our good friends the Israelies need more aid…

          Aug 12, 2024 12:42 PM

          China, by virtue of zero import taxation, was allowed to price-undercut American goods and hollow out U.S. industry……how does one dollar-measure that ?

            Aug 13, 2024 13:00 AM

            At least we get relatively inexpensive products from the Chinese that are useful. What the h#ll do we get from Israel for all the money our politicians take from us and give to them???

    Aug 12, 2024 12:57 PM
    Aug 12, 2024 12:06 PM

    Too stupid to be stupid….as Greg H used to say…

    Dr. Fauci Admits He’s Infected With COVID For Third Time After Being “Vaccinated And Boosted Six Times”

    Aug 12, 2024 12:13 PM
      Aug 12, 2024 12:58 PM

      GO to the 27 min mark for YOUR MILLIONS OF YEARS…. enjoy
      System for dating … different types… not dependable…

      Problem… there is a commitment for the MILLIONS OF YEARS(egg on the face.. 🙂 28 min mark
      Darwin, is going to look kind of stupid, since he based his theory on someone else’s theory…
      29 min mark…

        Aug 12, 2024 12:34 PM

        Let’s start with Genesis.
        The origins of Genesis come from the mythology of Sumer which predate the Old Testament by a couple of thousand years.
        Although I’ve been to and have been amazed at the beauty of the Grand Canyon, I have not studied its origin. (If I had to guess its origin is not primarily erosion, but electrical discharge.)
        However, much of theory, pre-20th century, is in error in failing to account for the North American ice sheet up to 3 miles thick – you simply don’t get plant evolution or rock erosion under ice.
        Paleontological data shows several different hominids inhabiting earth, as does DNA data.
        Homo sapiens have survived, but even homo sapiens interbred with other hominids
        e.g. we now have up to 5% of Neanderthal DNA.
        (Neanderthals went extinct about 40,000 years ago)

        Was there a Great flood ? Yes, about 12,000 years ago.
        Maybe other great floods earlier.

        The main problem with “history” is an assumption that changes occur smoothly in time.
        Whereas, in fact, comet collisions (e.g. killing dinosaurs) or solar flares can cause step discontinuities in history.

    Aug 12, 2024 12:47 PM

    CFS says…..”The origins of Genesis come from the mythology of Sumer ”

    Some say that the biblical accounts in Genesis 1–11 may have been influenced by Sumerian legends due to similarities in storyline and language, and because the Sumerian creation story predates the Bible. However, others say that the Bible’s distinctive characteristics indicate originality rather than borrowing from other cultures.

      Aug 12, 2024 12:50 PM

      CFS …says.”Although I’ve been to and have been amazed at the beauty of the Grand Canyon, I have not studied its origin. ”

      Well, then you might want to listen to the experts… in the tape /video provide….

        Aug 13, 2024 13:30 AM

        Unfortunately that is the assumption of most climatologists and paleontologists.
        We do know all planets in our solar system have suffered from collisions, and most suns flare.
        Ad in major volcanism and you have 3 distinct sources by which smoothness of change may be invalidated.

          Aug 13, 2024 13:02 PM

          8 hours ago

          EXACTLY………… 🙂

    Aug 12, 2024 12:19 PM

    What we can be sure about is that the flood stories of Noah or Gilgamesh were not the original flood myths and were nowhere geographically near the origins of the myth.

    The Oldest Flood Myth and its Origin

    Cant say you will like this Jerry, it goes back 60-70 thousand years, I just skimmed it so maybe further back.

      Aug 13, 2024 13:09 AM

      I guess,………you did not view the video (which I provided), or you did not comprehend the content ….

      I will look into YOUR video… and compare………”the myth”….
      considering millions of years vs. 6 thousand…. (which I think my tape explained)

        Aug 13, 2024 13:10 AM

        I will be out today, and will be back later…. thanks for sharing your info…

        Aug 13, 2024 13:42 AM

        You got me Jerry, I cant “comprehend”.
        I cant comprehend almost 2 hours.

        The vid I posted concerning flood myths is one of many.
        I was looking for the one that discussed 4 of them and how we know they are all long before noah and sumaria.

        They show that the noah story is far from original.

        As far as the grand canyon goes, we dont need convincing it shows there was a flood.

        2 off the top of my head, we have evidence of the north ice cap had a large melt that raised the sea level and we have the asteroid that hit around mexico which also raised the sea level.
        Thats just 2, over billions of years Im certain the earth has been hit many times, some of which we will have zero evidence for as time will have erased all memory.

          Aug 13, 2024 13:41 AM

          Here is an example of a major flood, probably, about 6,000 years ago

          Occurring in South America

            Aug 13, 2024 13:10 PM

            Older, in Indonesia…..
            Hominids have been on earth at least 250,000 years and probably about 500,000 years.
            DNA genetic pools show. Centers in Siberia, Australia ,Africa all having fairly distinct DNA, WITH SOME INTER-BREEDING.
            (The older the specimen, the fewer there are to compare)

    Aug 13, 2024 13:08 AM

    I saved the Trump-Musk interview for latter….bottom…..

    The VP communist Wahl is beginning to unravel credibility status…..Ex-military in the know call him a fraud and liar…We already know that…but will brainwashed dem voters deny it are accept it….i hate almost all current politicians…they are pure garbage…plus want us in prison camps or dead or just starving…..biotches

    Aug 13, 2024 13:52 PM

    Ben…..b……… I listened to the video… on the FOKELORE….

    The guy is one sided…. by his words. …jumbling the myths… with a version of
    the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD….. concerning “the FLOOD”…

    Since……. the Noah Story…. is coming to us…via…. THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD….
    …people can choose which story they like….MYTH or GOD’s WORDS….

    Obviously, …. the guy has zero knowledge in the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD…

      Aug 13, 2024 13:12 PM

      However, others say that the Bible’s distinctive characteristics indicate originality rather than borrowing from other cultures.

        Aug 13, 2024 13:57 PM

        I did mention you wouldnt like it Jerry.

          Aug 13, 2024 13:08 PM

          Yes , you did…

          He reminds me of….. Scripture…

          2 Timothy
          7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

    Aug 13, 2024 13:51 PM


      Aug 14, 2024 14:18 AM

      That was a good documentary.
      I think Eisenhower was warning the cabal about the white hat military industrial complex that was forming because of all the war crimes that FDR, Truman and Eisenhower himself did.
      JFK tried to activate the white hats, but it failed.
      And here we are 60 years later in a war between good and evil witnessing the white hats in the military industrial complex take down the cabal.

    Aug 13, 2024 13:55 PM

    BOYS! Your new friends are here to stay…and to vote…and there’s plenty more where they came from…and with Kamaltoe and her token old white man who is a communist…we will all be dancing to the Kamaltoe Walz….if they have their way.

    NY Times: Feds Accelerating Naturalization Of Immigrants To “Reshape The Electorate”

    Aug 13, 2024 13:31 PM

    Looks like there will be a lot more assassinations in Iran…

    Iran Signals It’s Climbing Down From Israel Attack Plans, 2 Weeks After Hanyieh Killing

    Aug 13, 2024 13:41 PM

    Boys! Step right up and get your Crispr Cream donuts…filled with fruit flies….right around the corner…

    Aug 14, 2024 14:12 AM
      Aug 14, 2024 14:32 AM
      Interesting that network broadcasting is putting in mid- and higher-frequency oscillations when Trump is speaking to make him appear feeble and stuttering.
      (Do a frequency analysis, if you have capability of the !usk-Trump interview
      How dishonest !

      Aug 14, 2024 14:58 AM

      NYC Migrant Crisis To Cost Staggering $5 Billion For Shelters, Security And Food..

    Aug 14, 2024 14:06 AM

    You have to wonder how some military equipment decisions are made…..
    e.g. F-16

    Aug 14, 2024 14:14 AM

    And I thought things could move slowly in the US !
    Germany, however, wins !

    Aug 14, 2024 14:55 AM

    I think its pretty obvious what the leaders are doing.
    No reason for any shock any more.

    How much was the estimated cost of a Maui rebuild? 12 billion.
    Israel aid from 2022 150 billion, pledged to Ukraine? 380 billion.

    Aid sent to maui? 3 billion.

    If this cant make it absolutly clear who the government is concerned with, nothing will.

    Go back and listin to George Carlin, “They dont give a f about you”

    imo the discussion of this guy or that guy is criminal is pointless, the discussion should be how and when do we remove the government and charge them for treason.

    Which of course will never happen.
    The people have been trained to bow down, they do now and I expect they will continue.

    Aug 14, 2024 14:16 AM

    How do you shut up a libtard?
    Ask them to explain Kamala’s accomplishments.

    Aug 14, 2024 14:17 PM



    Biden administration is ignoring the law.
    The Biden administration repeatedly ignores the law…..
    e.g. spending money by executive order without it being in the budget passed by the House.

    Aug 14, 2024 14:20 PM

    Well the Taliban really made Biden the King of the Asses today by holding a parade of U.S. ABANDONED VEHICLES.
    $7 Billion worth.
    The King of the Asses did not even ordered the equipment destroyed before we left. How senile and stupid was Biden when he took office ?

      Aug 14, 2024 14:08 PM

      …just get back to work…to pay those taxes…that’s all your gooberment masters care about…and Israel needs more of your money and more bombs…

      Aug 14, 2024 14:10 PM

      …and if you are so angry about this…get over there and take the weapons away from the Taliban and get them to Israel…you’ll be a big hero with your gooberment masters…but they won’t cut you any breaks on those taxes…sorry..

    Aug 14, 2024 14:37 PM

    And you don’t think there was a REAL AND ORGANIZED ATTEMPT TO KILL TRUMP ?

    Aug 14, 2024 14:05 PM

    Live schiff show…schiff hits the fan…

      Aug 14, 2024 14:08 PM

      Didn’t have his mic on…sounded like he was in a can…mic hits the fan…

      Aug 14, 2024 14:54 PM

      …skiff is the only person who turns the lights off in his house…

        Aug 15, 2024 15:09 AM

        that is because,…..he is paying the bill…. waste not , want not… 🙂

    Aug 14, 2024 14:14 PM

    She will be dancing the Kamaltoe Walz…as your next Secretary of the Treasury…if Kamaltoe wins…

      Aug 14, 2024 14:56 PM

      Can’t make this stuff up…maybe Kamaltoe will make Lightfoot Inspector General…or head of the FBI…

      “Believe it or not, former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was hired to lead the investigation into the Dolton, Il mayor. “

        Aug 15, 2024 15:18 AM

        The club of psychopaths will rapidly grow under the next demon regime…..rapidly become another error state on behalf of the rulers who hate all but other psychopaths….sadddd Ed very…..

          Aug 15, 2024 15:00 AM

          2 Timothy 3:13 King James Version (KJV)
          But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

          I am going to tie this to Dean H’s book…. and then the “book”

    Aug 14, 2024 14:49 PM

    And so it goes in England, where politicians may be even more stupid than in the U.S.

    Aug 15, 2024 15:16 AM

    OK Jerry…..I am 3/4ths through the Royal Bloodlines book by Henderson…..Opened my eyes…I understand messaging and propaganda and control and war and science and religion ect… much deeper way…..So much in our world is manufactured for benefit of elites……It is quite disturbing…..their club and I am not invited……As all the men in my area told me as a child and boy….all you have is your family….never truer….

      Aug 15, 2024 15:57 AM

      thanks for the comment….
      Do not forget,….. I said,….. I do not agree with Dean On everything….

      Your comment on the “family”… I believe is true…
      But, … I will reserve my further comment… until you finish the “book” …

    Aug 15, 2024 15:34 AM

    The Case for Publishing the Hacked Trump Documents

      Aug 15, 2024 15:09 AM

      from the article……….

      Third world migrants are hired muscle for the political elites. They can terrorize the populace, and if the native population takes action to defend itself the government can step in, call them hateful racists and declare martial law. It’s a win-win. The migrants then help with the enforcement of that martial law as the government doubles down on two-tier policing.

      Sheeple need to wake up……..

    Aug 15, 2024 15:34 AM
    and Biden’s corruption proven.
    Now Harris reverses many of her California position AND LIES REPEATEDLY.
    (Because, of course, she realizes most of the country still rejects Californian socialism/communism.)

    Aug 15, 2024 15:38 AM


    Aug 15, 2024 15:44 AM

    White House confirms, CIA director will attend ceasefire negotiations in Qatar.
    …why the CIA director…? Ding ding ding!!🛎️

    Aug 15, 2024 15:20 AM

    Trump announces he will cut energy costs by more than 50%! Boom!💥
    That’s the end of the gouging of the grid that the Rockefeller/Rothschild families controlled.
    This is Bigly HUGE!
    How about that plan!

    Aug 15, 2024 15:28 AM

    Prediction for 2028…..Lori Lightfoot becomes a key appointment on the Kamala team…..Lori convinces Kamala that she should get to be the next V.P. during the second term….Finally Kamala agrees….

    Then a month before the 2028 election Lori gives Kamala a bit too strong hit of crystal meth laced w fentanyl and poof…Lori is amerikas commander and chief in 2029….slam dunk

      Aug 15, 2024 15:05 PM

      Ditto………. on RFKjr…..

    Aug 15, 2024 15:59 AM

    Telegram CEO with Tucker Carlson.
    Very interesting outlook.

      Aug 15, 2024 15:08 PM

      I am having a hard time listening to TC…..
      Since there is a lot of distraction among the pod casters…. “PAYTROITS”….

        Aug 15, 2024 15:43 PM

        Tucker and Joe Rogan are red-pilling the normies.
        Juan 0 Savin and Mike Lindell are not bad people like Gills says. He’s right about Pete Santilli being a shill. And I’m not sure about Flynn.

          Aug 15, 2024 15:21 PM

          I would TRUST GILL…………. more than Juan… “boot show”…. these they are PAYTROITS….
          that is the connection….
          In any case……. the real kicker, was Michelle Moore’s take on the matter…

          I have deleted Juan and Lindell from any info…
          Lyndell and TINA Peters …. Lyndell contributed $300,000 per his comment to Tina’s
          legal defense…

          Like MIKE KING says…..98% of the Paytroits pod casters are CIA CONTROLLED….

          If, you are not sure about FLYNN,….. you have not followed the details….
          Flynn and his brother… first of all…

            Aug 16, 2024 16:23 AM


            Aug 16, 2024 16:53 AM

            Conversation here about Flynn. Im not sure if this is the Flynn your talking about but if it is this might be intetresting.

            HIGH ALERT! “The next phase of the COUP is coming” Gen. Mike Flynn warns | Redacted w Clayton Morris


            This Flynn is very pro Israel and their genocide, guessthat makes him pro war #3 as well.
            His talk is fix the U.S., Trump is great except for a line or two that shows his true thinking.

            Just out of interest, Texas oil firm expanding presence in Russia – FT

            Aug 16, 2024 16:56 AM

            b…………. MIKE FLYNN……………

            I do not have time to listen… on the go today……..

            What is the outline?… thanks

            Aug 16, 2024 16:15 AM

            He goes on about the country has to be saved, trump is a spanner in the bad guy cogs.
            The deep state wants the country to be comunist.

            Thats the basic theme, then he brings up how Iserael is good and anyone for the palistinians should be discounted.

            Basically a zionist. A pro Trump Zionist.

            Its all some kind of game, thats why I posted the american oil company still working and expanding in Russia.

            Recall barbarosa not happening if american oil wasnt involved.

            Smedly Butler was right and it really doesnt “look” like anyone can change it.

          Aug 16, 2024 16:25 AM

          YOU HAVE BEEN SOLD OUT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 57 min mark…………

    Aug 15, 2024 15:46 PM

    J6 was a sting operation.
    Was Flynn part of it? Hmm..
    Mike Lindell is a real deal patriot!
    I care not what Gill says about him.
    In fact, I’m starting to question Gill.

    Mike King is spot on.

      Aug 15, 2024 15:18 PM

      If, you question Gill……….
      What do you think, about him , uncovering the Arizona primary rigging .. with Shelly Bush and Taylor…?
      You do not have to answer, just think about it…. for now….

      Do you know the story on Tina Peters.. and the domino effect, ..
      if, she rolls over….

        Aug 15, 2024 15:54 PM

        I’ve met Tina. There are many people that have iron clad proof of election fraud. Tina is one of them.
        The 2020 election is not over….

          Aug 16, 2024 16:34 AM

          More to come, I am sure…. concerning Tina Peters… is she going to jail? Will she flip on the others?

          Oh, I am sure there was VOTER FRAUD in 2020… and has been for decades…

            Aug 16, 2024 16:16 AM


            Aug 16, 2024 16:20 AM

            Go to the 5 min mark……… on FLYNN….

            and the comment on Lyndell……..

            Aug 16, 2024 16:37 AM

            Go to the 15 min mark…. on the SETTING UP OF TRUMP…. on the voter fraud….

            Trump is being set up… according to the tape…

            Thinking cap required…

            Aug 16, 2024 16:46 AM

            It’s quite evident by now, that Trump and the white hats are setting up “everyone” in the deep state.
            No one corrupt and paid by the deep state will escape the net.
            Nothing can stop what is coming.

    Aug 15, 2024 15:47 PM

    Proof that DEI can be insane…..

      Aug 15, 2024 15:27 PM

      Would seem it doesn’t happen…but if they tried to kill him and failed, why not?

        Aug 15, 2024 15:28 PM

        …maybe they give him the Epstein treatment…a lot easier to kill him there…

      Aug 15, 2024 15:28 PM

      That could get interesting….
      That is one big concern… 34 counts,… of fake info….
      all based… on him writing “legal expense”.. on his check…

        Aug 15, 2024 15:09 PM

        Attorney friends tell me his criminal conviction will not be used to jail him, because Supreme Court emergency appeals would stay that punishment, pending full appeal hearings.
        More likely, the judge will jail him for contempt.
        I believe Rikers Island is a New York State, not Federal facility.

          Aug 16, 2024 16:42 AM

          THe 34 counts……. are STATE charges… according to what I have read….
          Bragg is STATE
          The New York State “Hush Money” Case
          DATE INDICTED March 30, 2023

          SCHEDULED TRIAL DATE The trial was scheduled to begin on March 25, 2024, but was moved to April 15.

          COURT New York State Supreme Court

          JUDGE OVERSEEING New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan

          PERSON LEADING THE INVESTIGATION Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg

          CHARGES 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree

      Aug 15, 2024 15:51 PM

      I don’t see why Trump should be killed.
      He “won” the last election only to have the Pewsidency stolen by fraudulent ballots and counting.
      They will do that again.

    Aug 15, 2024 15:02 PM

    Increasingly China subsidizes student to study in the U.S. inSTEM SUBJECT and retur eventually to China or Hong Kong, taking U.S. know-how.
    In the last few years, according to an ARPA research document, 162 scientists funded by the U.S. Military have left America for Chinese companies.
    e.g. OST recently Liao Yitao of Boston University, developing UV LEDs was set up in Hong Kong, and numerous patents went with him.
    At the same time strategic elements, e.g. antimony, used in chip fabrication, are getting restricted in export from China.
    Looks like more prep for U.S. being taken over.

    Aug 15, 2024 15:15 PM
    As France and Germany went, now U.K..

    Aug 16, 2024 16:50 AM

    and speaking of cuckoos…….
    Or someone bananas ?

    Aug 16, 2024 16:29 AM

    We’ve got to top Walzing around……..

    Aug 16, 2024 16:15 AM

    Required viewing / required learning.
    ( if you “really” want to know what’s going on )

      Aug 17, 2024 17:07 AM

      that was a good show…….. good summary… of past events….

    Aug 16, 2024 16:04 PM

    Trump pledges support for Israel’s ‘war on terror’
    The Jewish state must “win fast” against Hamas, former US president Donald Trump has insisted

    No Trump doesnt serve Israel, say it aint so Joe. Big dif tween Trump and Biden.
    Sorry Chratster, youve been had.

    The entire population has been, the owners continue to rule.

    My post about the Flynn interview got deleted twice.

    Its at sgt report, probly page 7-8.9.10 around there.

      Aug 16, 2024 16:31 PM

      b…….. thanks for the reply above ,… on the outline of MIKE FLYNN…..(CIA)
      the word is out….. MIKE FLYNN, is CIA, a bad guy…. trying to set Trumpster up,
      so the FLYNN crew can slide in and take the President’s job…
      Haley is still in the running, laying in wait, just in case there is another take out…
      There was a set up, in Arizona , prior to the RNC convention,,, that got foiled…. by MIKE GILL… calling out Shelly Bush and Lisa Taylor…which were caught on tape (see Michelle Moore show)
      THE FLYNN group, and people like Lindell, Juan were reported as screwing the “Q” Trumpster crowd…
      and stealing money that was suppose to go to Trumpster …
      Flynn, was going around to the Christian Churchs gathering money … for himself…his big bus tour…

      Hope I got it all correct… but, I am sure there is a lot more going on….
      CIA, using everyone…

    Aug 16, 2024 16:15 PM

    Sorry Benjie, you’ve been duped by your controlled opposition shills.

    Aug 16, 2024 16:13 PM

    b………… is this the post …. above ,…. that you were trying to post………??????????

    I am back and going to go through it…. thanks…

      Aug 16, 2024 16:57 PM

      After viewing the tape…. ON GEN. MIKE FLYNN……………..

      He ( Flynn)maybe stepping back, and letting Trumpster run… for the 4 years…. (since he was caught
      in Arizona )
      As he spoke, he said …”it will take longer than 4 yrs”.. maybe 12…
      does that put him in a position to run for President after Trumpster?

      Regardless…….. Flynn is correct on the commies in charge now…