

Politics Weekend Posting

July 27, 2024

Happy weekend everyone! Here is the political posting for this weekend.


I hope you all have a great weekend.


    Jul 27, 2024 27:25 AM

    Thanks CORY

    Jul 27, 2024 27:52 AM

    It was an “authorized assassination attempt….
    More facts are coming out – virtually ALL decisions made by the Secret Service seem to pave the way for assassination.
    E.g. local authorities offered drone surveillance….URNED DOWN NOT ONCE BUT SEVERAL TIMES BY SECRET SERVICE.
    Highest ground is the water tower ……NOT USED BY SECRET SERVICE- Not for surveillance, Not for secret service snipers.
    secret Service chose not to use usual Trump squad, but newbies and small females.
    Secret Service allowed Trump to mount the podium for his speech, EVEN THOUGH THEY NEW A PERSON OF INTEREST WAS IN THE VICINITY.
    etc, etc.
    ( If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck….damn it, it’s a duck.)

    Jul 27, 2024 27:05 AM

    It was an open secret that VP Harris slept her way into power in California….
    But did you know….
    And, of course, as Border Czar she was worse than useless, BY DESIGN
    THE DEMOCRATS WANTED ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (so their votes could be bought by government handouts)
    The Republicans wanted cheap labor.

    Jul 27, 2024 27:15 AM

    “The biggest mistake they made is allowing me to go,” Trump told Fox News on Thursday “They shouldn’t have let me go on the stage. Different groups of people knew there was some nut job on the roof.”

    Jul 27, 2024 27:20 AM
    Jul 27, 2024 27:13 AM

    So Joe Biden is not running for re-election.
    AND he has delegated various executive powers to his cabinet, so he is not really running the country.
    But we are in unprecedented territory……
    Can Joe reclaim powers delegated in the memoranda ?
    Executive memoranda are without precedent, so can Joe or his handlers just make up rules as we bungle our way through the next 100 days ?
    Why are we paying Joe and allowing him to live in the White House……..
    He is “President” in name only.

    Jul 27, 2024 27:32 AM

    Meanwhile certain parts of Europe are really acting insanely…….
    Let me ask a simple question, WHILE understanding why a green environment is preferable.
    “Why does any demand a green life COMPULSORILY for their own citizens, thereby by destroying their economy when the Chinese are building another COAL POWER STATION EVERY WEEK,with minimal green modifications.”
    ITT seems to me nothing really helps green-ness ……. Except pressure on China to minimize their pollution.
    Putting unreasonable restrictions on local production HAS CAUSED PRODUCTION TO MOVE TO CHINA.
    Time to wake up.

    Jul 27, 2024 27:49 AM

    Life and death in the heat. What it feels like when Earth’s temperatures soar to record highs

      Jul 27, 2024 27:12 AM

      It has been very hot and humid in the U.S., BUT IT HAS NOT BEEN HOTTEST EVER.
      If you claim it has, then explain why most big U.S. cities have high temperature records in the 1930s, which have not yet been broken.
      Secondly, since CO2 levels were much lower the 1930s, I jave a problem with THEORY that claims CO2 causes elevated temperatures.
      Finally, do you realize the “world temperature index” is not a measured temperature, but a model temperature .?

    Jul 27, 2024 27:11 PM

    Fear Porn…………….

    Jul 27, 2024 27:02 PM
      Jul 27, 2024 27:13 PM

      The Actual Declaration of Independence….

        Jul 27, 2024 27:26 PM

        Where are the borders of our country ?
        10 million illegal aliens ?
        12 million illegal aliens ?
        16 million illegal aliens ?
        How many have been allowed in and supported with OUR MONEY, ON BIDEN’S ORDER ?
        .Does Biden or his handlers have ANY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO DO THIS ?

        Jul 27, 2024 27:31 PM

        And the words of our best president…

    Jul 27, 2024 27:05 PM

    Joe Biden IS A TRAITOR.
    . and gets away with stealing, because many of our politicians in Congress are spineless.

    Jul 27, 2024 27:11 PM

    Joe Biden IS A TRAITOR.
    . and gets away with stealing, because many of our politicians in Congress are spineless.

    Jul 27, 2024 27:02 PM

    How different Biden and Reagan….

    Jul 27, 2024 27:09 PM

    Lest we forget……
    G. Edward Griffin
    Little wonder socialists don’t want history taught in schools…..

    Jul 27, 2024 27:41 PM


    How about the JAB AND THE MASK….. how many retards approved of the JAB AND MASK…. LOL

    Jul 27, 2024 27:54 PM
    Blackrock has been and is associated with the Deep State.

    Jul 27, 2024 27:12 PM

    Are you ready for Christmas ?

    Jul 28, 2024 28:16 AM

    Trump Promises To Make USA The “Bitcoin Super-Power Of The World”; Democrats Panic U-Turn On Anti-Crypto Crusade
    Tyler Durden’s Photo
    SATURDAY, JUL 27, 2024 – 02:50 PM
    In a spirited keynote address, Former President Trump promised to make USA the “bitcoin super-power of the world,” ensuring that cryptocurrency is “mined, minted, and made in the USA.”

    “We have to talk about Bitcoin. Our country is blessed with the extraordinary talent and genius in this room.

    This spirit built America and will help us make it great again.

    I admire what the Bitcoin community has achieved. In just 15 years, Bitcoin has gone from an idea to the 9th most valuable asset in the world.

    It’s already bigger than ExxonMobil and soon it will surpass the market cap of silver.

    That’s a big deal.”

    He went on with some big promises:

    “I pledge the day I take office the weaponization against Bitcoin ends.”

    “On day one, I will fire Gary Gensler and appoint a new SEC Chairman.”

    “I will immediately shutdown Operation Chokepoint 2.0”

      Jul 28, 2024 28:27 AM

      But it is way late to start mining Bitcoin.
      It is no longer as cost-effective as it once was, and uses a hell of a lot of electricity.

        Jul 28, 2024 28:45 AM

        Do not forget…………Mr.Tesla ….and free energy source or machine,
        supposedly Trumpster’s relation or connection….

        If, Trumpster suggest it,…. I am sure he has something in mind…. 🙂

          Jul 28, 2024 28:55 AM

          Do you really believe it is possible to break the laws of physics?
          .Do you really believe no one in America would not have exploited free energy in the last 100 years, if it was possible ?

            Jul 28, 2024 28:58 AM

            Why don’t you answer those questions?

            The second question is easy….. A lot of technology , especially concerning energy has been
            highjacked….. I would go into it , and I have in the past… but,
            you negated it…. … ethanol …

            Jul 28, 2024 28:24 PM

            Free or close to free energy is coming.

            The same people that used to own the federal reserve ( Trump ousted them ),own the electric companies. And they’ve been gouging the American people since the beginning.

            If you don’t understand that, you’re lost.

            Jul 28, 2024 28:39 PM

            Hey Chartster………
            Did you see the Channel 17….Mike King 0005 tape……?

          Jul 28, 2024 28:32 PM

          Trumps uncle was the one who confiscated Nikola Tesla’s papers when he died.

            Jul 28, 2024 28:44 PM

            thanks John for the added comment………….
            I knew there was a relationship there, but…forgot the exact detail..

    Jul 28, 2024 28:57 AM

    A closer look at Harris…..

    Jul 28, 2024 28:50 PM

    We got the muzzle flash in the window.

    Jul 28, 2024 28:00 PM

    More on the shooter in the window.

      Jul 28, 2024 28:12 PM

      Lot of good pictures ………. thanks…..
      I can see why , you do not agree with MIKE KING….on the ear shot….

        Jul 28, 2024 28:51 PM

        Hmmm… Why so long before muzzle flash evidence turns up? I must tell you that the one Cullen video which shows a women’s purse deflection is likely modified because I saw the same video without the deflection… Therefore, I do not trust Cullen… Either he is not vetting his evidence or, even worse, modifying it himself.

          Jul 29, 2024 29:50 AM

          there are a lot of doctored pictures….
          Tore…….. showed how they can alter a video , within split seconds ,,,even when viewing it in real time,
          so, gives me pause when I see any of the videos and people coming out with a conclusion.
          …have to decide, if , they are CIA, FBI cover ups, deep state cover ups, or reverse deep state

          I have started eliminating… a lot of “PAYTROITS”…….. from my viewing….

            Jul 29, 2024 29:39 AM

            You got that right. Here is one from ass clown John Cullen who has a doctored photo of the water tower.


            Photo on left shows a shadow at the top of the tower before the shooting and the photo on the right supposedly shows it gone after the shooting. He tries to say that shadow was a person up there and they shot Trump. Nonsense. That shadow never disappeared. It was there before the shooting and after the shooting. It is a shadow from part of the water tower.

            And no one shot Trump from the water tower because of the trees and that big sign that blocked the view. Several videos clearly show you can’t even see the water tower when standing down near Trump. Also the trajectory of the bullet that hit Trump was not fired from a very high location.

          Jul 29, 2024 29:26 AM

          John Cullen is an idiot. He has the two injured men located in the wrong stands.

          Only the bystander that was hit and killed was in that one stand. The other two injured men and the railing that was hit were in the opposite stand. He also has the first shot being fired clearly from the wrong location. It certainly was not fired from where the crowd was standing who were taking videos of the shooter on the roof. And the first three shots were all fired from the same rifle by Crookes. All the victims hit, were right in line from where Crookes was firing from, as seen with the yellow line.

            Jul 29, 2024 29:33 PM

            I think that Cullen does have the wrong stands. But it doesn’t make him an idiot. He’s just trying to figure it out. And the first three shots were from the second story window. And that was not Crooks.

            Just because you can’t differentiate between three muffled shots that had no echo and came from the widow, that was different than the five rapid fire open air shots. Followed by two shots near the stage, and then one from the sniper on the barn roof.
            No shots came from the windows on the bottom floor.
            And it didn’t sound like a shot came from the tower.
            But I hear the guy on the tower was shot too.

            Jul 29, 2024 29:22 PM

            He is an idiot. He has the first shot coming from the crowd of people who were standing outside. So who do you think fired the five rapid open air shots? Crookes or another mysterious shooter?

            Jul 29, 2024 29:42 PM

            I don’t know who fired the 5 rapid shots.
            It might have been the snipers on one of the barns.

            The five rapid shots would have been hitting the federal Marshalls that were around Trump if it was a shooter that could. So I think it was the good guys shooting.

    Jul 28, 2024 28:17 PM

    With the Green’s restrictions on power plants, it appears we will have significant energy shortfalls within about two years…..”.


    Jul 28, 2024 28:12 PM
    Jul 28, 2024 28:18 PM
    Why any conservative gives (by using) money to Google, I don’t know.

    Jul 28, 2024 28:12 PM

    I have been told that China has been given some electronic warfare technology by Russia.
    Further, it seems to be deployed on Chinese ships near Taiwan.
    This may very well affect Taiwan’s ability to defend itself.

    Jul 28, 2024 28:12 PM

    Tore shows evidence of ABC camera man, Art Vizthum at the Trump rally with camera. She said he brandished a .22 cal and shot at Trump. Then he was shot.
    Art Vizthum is now missing. And foul play is expected.

    Start at 11 minute mark.

      Jul 29, 2024 29:08 AM

      Thanks…….. just viewed ….. great info…

        Jul 29, 2024 29:51 PM

        Thanks Chartster… for the Tore Says details.

    Jul 28, 2024 28:28 PM
    Jul 28, 2024 28:33 PM

    Former US president and current Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has claimed that his rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, is a “low-IQ individual.”

    Speaking at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, Tennessee on Saturday, Trump called the cryptocurrency a “marvel of technology” and a “miracle of cooperation and human achievements.”

    The former president went on to praise the Bitcoin community as “very smart people,” and used the opportunity to disparage his election rival.

    “This room is amazing. The people in this room are high-IQ individuals. I’m running against a low IQ individual,” Trump told the audience. He had insulted Harris in the past, having described her as “dumb as a rock.”

    Jul 29, 2024 29:37 AM

    Tore says…. cameraman shooter ?

      Jul 29, 2024 29:34 AM

      Art Vizthum, the camera man shooter turned up missing. They say foul play is expected.

        Jul 29, 2024 29:09 AM


      Jul 29, 2024 29:46 AM

      Thanks Tommy…………

    Jul 29, 2024 29:38 AM

    Just watched Channel 17 #0005.
    It was real good. Watching a 🍿 movie.
    Those darn Q tards and their coincidences.😏

      Jul 29, 2024 29:48 AM

      THanks for watching ….
      Now we can bounce further ideas around…. the movie set…. 🙂

        Jul 29, 2024 29:12 AM

        Thanks for bringing 0005 to my attention.
        It brought me back to the 🍿 movie.

          Jul 29, 2024 29:32 PM

          You are welcome

    Jul 29, 2024 29:41 AM

    Half of the six flags America placed on the moon are still standing…..

      Jul 29, 2024 29:08 AM

      Is this ☝🏻a joke? Or are you serious?
      If you really think we went to the moon, God help you.

        Jul 29, 2024 29:35 AM

        I have been trying to get my hands on moon orbiter photos of where the Chinese landed, but all the photos are classified.
        How do you think the laser reflector was set up on the moon…….Still working, by the way.

          Jul 29, 2024 29:27 AM

          How do I think the laser reflector was set up on the moon…??
          I guess the same way Richard Nixon called from earth to the moon on a land line in 1969..?!

          Jul 29, 2024 29:05 PM

          CFS… It seems to me that the moon is sufficiently reflective that one does not need any special reflector to conduct the distance measurement experiment… They even confess that only a few photons make it back.

            Jul 29, 2024 29:22 PM

            It is difficult to collimate a laser bean over hundred of thousands of miles……so the laser bean, being millimeters wide on earth is several meters wide on the moon, so only a fraction is reflected and on its return to earth, the beam again spreads and only a fraction is defected.
            The moon is not particularly reflective and the dust scatters light rather than reflects.

    Jul 29, 2024 29:55 AM

    Olympic Games and most medals…….
    I noticed the U.S. currently has the most medals.
    Russia nowhere to be seen on the medals tables.
    Funny, I thought……they use to do better……
    due to the International Olympic Committee’s ruling on the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes. While initially banning their participation, the international body later ruled that a limited number of individuals from the two countries could take part in the Olympics under a neutral flag. Just 36 Russian athletes are thought to have been approved, but 20 have since refused to take part, citing humiliating conditions. ​
    (Not even televised in Russia)

    Jul 29, 2024 29:07 AM

    A number of fiber optic cables carrying broadband service across France were cut overnight in the latest attack on the country’s infrastructure during the Olympic Games.

    Connections serving Paris, which is hosting the Olympic Games this week, and the games themselves weren’t affected, a spokesman for Olympics telecom partner, Orange SA, said. Still, this is the second sabotage of French infrastructure in the past few days as the world converges on the capital. Coordinated fires on French rail lines disrupted trains ahead of the opening ceremony.

      Jul 29, 2024 29:17 AM

      Satanic ………… blaming it on… someone else?

    Jul 29, 2024 29:43 AM

    Trump proposed bombing Mexico and it somehow wasn’t a big story

    Next upcoming war

      Jul 29, 2024 29:26 AM

      Trump proposed bombing Mexican drug cartels, not random sites in Mexico.

    Jul 29, 2024 29:07 AM

    I came across a quote by V Putin on Bob Moriarty’s site.
    “Our future generations will be born without Rothchild’s chains around their wrists and ankles.”
    If that is the case, why then does V Putin put on a yarmulke when he is at the wailing wall?
    For that matter, why does every president do as well?

      Jul 29, 2024 29:30 PM

      “when in Rome, do as the Romans”………….. 🙂

    Jul 29, 2024 29:14 AM

    Back to you Jerry on General Flynn.
    Your comment that any comment is ok with you?
    General Flynn came out on twitter and said there was a stand down on the Israeli border Oct 7th.
    Much like the stand down on 9/11. Same play book, same characters.
    Same dumb ass people that follow a messianic prophecy that is a pile of crap.
    God’s chosen people. My ass.

      Jul 29, 2024 29:26 PM

      Thanks for the comment John……….

      Sheeple are CLUELESS,….. on the dispensation of GRACE…
      and the TIME LINE…..
      JEWS , have been set aside in this time period… and there is no difference
      at this point in time … and they are not special TODAY,…but will be later…

      SHeeple have been hoodwinked by the FAKE JEWS… been over it several times.
      CON GRESS……. is making a pile of money on this SCAM

    Jul 29, 2024 29:22 AM

    The best part of the Olympics, so far, in my opinion…..
    Canada’s contribution

      Jul 29, 2024 29:08 PM

      Did you see the pervert with his junk hanging out???

    Jul 29, 2024 29:49 AM
    Apparently, she does not think Gates Foundation spending of money was not mostly to buy influence…..

    Jul 29, 2024 29:02 PM

    Ebolan…late for work…again…here’s a Kamaltoe campaign ad to make up for it. 🙂

    Jul 29, 2024 29:08 PM

    It’s a Kamaltoe world and we are just visitors….or more accurately….tax serfs who have to pay for it all…

    Celente says a Kamaltoe win is a near certainty and is willing to bet money on it.

    Barnes says just the opposite.

    As things stand now I find it hard to see how the Demorats lose because they have the media, Deep State, etc. on board plus they are much better at cheating than the Republoclowns.

    Jul 29, 2024 29:20 PM

    Watch out….for Big Mike…

    Jul 29, 2024 29:23 PM

    Watch out…for Big Mike.

    Jul 29, 2024 29:30 PM

    Poor old Uncle Joe…Obammy and Kamaltoe said, “Off with his head!”

    Seymour Hersh says President Obama was “deeply involved” with the alleged coup and called Joe Biden after his “incident” in Las Vegas, which, from all outward appearances, looks like a major slip and fall – with a significant hit to the head.

    Jul 29, 2024 29:28 PM

    Really Jerry.
    When in Rome, do as the Romans?
    There is more to this story. Why does everybody kiss Israels ass?
    Why is it that Iran has a problem with the opening ceremonies at the Olympic games mocking the first supper with drag queens and no other Country does?
    When is a World leader going to have the balls to admit that Israel has never been a democracy and the whole thing is one big lie.
    I’ve read many of your posts quoting from the Bible, but I have never heard you talk about the creation of the Bible and the third council of Nicea and what transpired to produce the finished text.
    As a person of faith, I reserve the right to question everything.

      Jul 29, 2024 29:48 PM

      Really Jerry.
      When in Rome, do as the Romans?
      There is more to this story. Why does everybody kiss Israels ass?
      ANSWER….. Christians are clueless on dispensation, and they have been
      trained by the CORPORATE CHURCHES and 501 3b ..
      and the REWRITING OF THE SCOFIELD BIBLE translations
      Why is it that Iran has a problem with the opening ceremonies at the Olympic games mocking the first supper with drag queens and no other Country does?
      ANSWER, ….that is a good question.. mostly , because the NWO has taken over the govts…
      SATAN, is in charge of most govts….Does Iran have any Rothechild bankers in their govt.
      When is a World leader going to have the balls to admit that Israel has never been a democracy and the whole thing is one big lie.
      ANSWER….When they get a revelation on Paul’s Gospel of GRACE…which puts the FAKE JEWS IN THE RIGHT PLACE at this time period…. (WE are not under the LAW)
      I’ve read many of your posts quoting from the Bible, but I have never heard you talk about the creation of the Bible and the third council of Nicea and what transpired to produce the finished text.
      ANSWER:….. I talked about the making of the KJV 1605 and 1611… back years ago….

      As a person of faith, I reserve the right to question everything.
      ANSWER……. GOOD FOR YOU…. nothing wrong with questioning…

      In the Bible, Ephesians 3:3 says that God revealed a mystery to Paul to share with people of his time. This mystery was a secret that only God knew, but he revealed it to Paul to write as part of the inspired Word. Paul was to reveal things that other men had not known


        Jul 29, 2024 29:16 PM

        I never talk about the
        The Third Council of Constantinople, counted as the Sixth Ecumenical Council[1] by the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches, as well as by certain other Western Churches, met in 680–681 and condemned monoenergism and monothelitism as heretical and defined Jesus Christ as having two energies and two wills (divine and human)

        Because it is ROMAN CATHOLIC……
        Do your history on the beginning…. at about 300 ad…
        Constantine I[g] (27 February c. 272 – 22 May 337), also known as Constantine the Great, was a Roman emperor from AD 306 to 337 and the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity

          Jul 29, 2024 29:39 PM

          That was an interesting time in Roman history.
          Consantine had 3 sons, then Julian became the last emperor to rule the entire Roman empire.

          His army said be emperor or die. Picture a drunken bearded large man holding a sword to your throat and giving you the choice, be empeor or die. Julian saw the better part of valor. 😉

          Julian was the last pegan emperor, he beleived rome had to be pagan or it would crumble. He was right.
          He was troubled due to not finding a successor, the man he thought would be best was christian so couldnt be as his religion said not to kill. How could he enforce the law for treason.

          The christians killed Julian, as he was returning stolen temples back to the pagans among other things Im sure..

          Some say his last words were you won jesus, something like that.
          I believe his last words were dont go into battle without your breastplate.
          Who knows Tho? I wasnt there.

          The reason constantine became emperor is debated, nobody knows for sure, some think the christian god gave him a victory on a battlefield, others think it was political, the christian population had grown and had a great deal of influence.

          In any case, a very interesting time for the empire.

          A great story if you have the time to look into it.
          Its been a long time since I did so Im sure Ive forgotten alot.

          Hadnt thought of that for years, thx for the reminder.

            Jul 29, 2024 29:19 PM

            There are multiple stories about how Julian the Apostate died, including some that involve Christians:
            Christian soldier
            In 364, Libanius, a fourth century politician and intellectual, claimed in a funeral eulogy that a Christian soldier in Julian’s army assassinated him. However, other historians, including Ammianus Marcellinus, do not corroborate this claim. Libanius later retracted his statement and said that Julian was killed by a Lakhmid cavalryman, who were allied with the Persian Empire.

            Jul 30, 2024 30:21 PM

            Why did Julian become an apostate?
            Julian the Apostate

            This was partly due to his studies, which had included both Christian and pagan doctrines, but as Dr. Calvert notes, it was likely due even more to the brutality that he had witnessed in his Christian cousins.

            Jul 30, 2024 30:50 PM

            Those be ROMAN CATHOLIC cousins….. ? humm

    Jul 29, 2024 29:18 PM

    Jerry…..the entire thing is a corrupt lying self-serving war against the regulars…you would think civil war is ignited….I read that the Biden drop our was really a coup by the demon party…Black mail…Either quite your re-election ambition or we will distroy you and your family with selective truth….

      Jul 29, 2024 29:46 PM

      SHeeple need to wake up on the CORPORATION… DC… Columbia… check it outto
      I was going to attach , where the Name came from… and it’s association with Baal…
      and Jesuits….

    Jul 29, 2024 29:40 PM

    Children dead in ‘horrendous’ UK stabbing attack
    Eleven children and two adults have been knifed at a Taylor Swift-themed event in Southport.
    knife-wielding attacker has injured eleven children – two of them fatally – and two adults at a Taylor Swift-themed yoga event in the town of Southport in northwestern England.

    Merseyside Police were called to Hart Street in the town of 95,000 just before noon on Monday, and said they detained a man armed with a knife.

    Police identified the suspect as “a 17-year-old male” from the nearby community of Banks and said the incident is “not currently being treated as terror-related.”

    Channel 3 named the suspect as Ali-Al-Shakati, an asylum-seeker who arrived in the UK by boat last year. He was reportedly “on the MI6 watch list and known to Liverpool mental health services.”

    Two of the stabbed children died, Merseyside Police Chief Constable Serena Kennedy said on Monday evening. Of the nine that were injured, six were still in critical condition, as were the two adults wounded while attempting to confront the attacker.
    Cfs comment: I wish U.K. Police wore and used guns.
    Mersey….Liverpool is northwestern England, not southwestern.

    Jul 29, 2024 29:00 PM

    The equivalent of the ZAPRUDA film…….TWO ASSASSINS.

    Jul 29, 2024 29:15 PM

    While the gov builds thousands of miles of tunnels w high pressure resistant door seals and equipped w vast supplies…they globally market co2 and climate change chit…folks,it is the galactic cycle and sun micronova cycle…..period…wake up sheeple….

      Jul 29, 2024 29:31 PM

      I agree.
      There is clear evidence that every 12,600 years or so there is serious damage to flora and fauna on earth, associated probably with solar coronal mass ejections.
      The deep state is not so dumb in building D.U.M.B.s

        Jul 30, 2024 30:08 AM

        By the way, it is not only micronova that create coronal mass ejection……
        The electrical activity associated with sunspots can cause smaller, but still significant CMEs.
        In fact we are currently in the middle of small CMEs due to sunspot activity..
        Earth was hit twice yesterday by two small CMEs and another two hit later today.
        These disturb the ionosphere nd can cause turbulent upper atmosphere, inducing higher temperatures.
        Higher temperatures on earth are due directly to the sun and radiation, not CO2.

    Jul 29, 2024 29:25 PM

    Right Jerry
    I have the roman coin which commemorates Constantine moving the capital to Constantinople.
    It is called the Angel of Constantinople.
    The council of Nicea decided what books were in the Bible. Many were left out. The selection process is an interesting story in itself.

      Jul 29, 2024 29:59 PM

      Thanks for commenting JOHN

    Jul 29, 2024 29:52 PM

    Succinctly put…….
    OUR POLITICIANS are corrupt and mis-spending our tax dollars…..
    The sheeple are being fleeced.
    Time to revolt.

    Jul 29, 2024 29:18 PM

    Big Mike…strikes again…

    Rebel Archbishop Slams Olympics As “Vile Attack On God”, Says Macron Married A Tranny, Obama “Accompanied By Muscular Man In Wig”

      Jul 29, 2024 29:25 PM

      …and of course the NWO had a tranny with his junk hanging out…for the children to see…and the NWO tyrants will tell you this is quite normal and if you object these POS will censor you and worse…why would anyone NOT boycott this evil???

      Can *you* please join me in a complete and total boycott of the blasphemous sickening satanic occult ritual formerly known as the Olympics?

        Jul 29, 2024 29:55 PM

        Programming the Sheeple……. the assault is in everyone’s face….

    Jul 29, 2024 29:40 PM

    Can we get to January before the puppeteers controlling Biden get us into WWIII ?
    It is looking less likely every day……

    Jul 30, 2024 30:17 AM

    Until the documents concerning the Kennedy’s assassinations are released, the USA will remain a Banana Republic controlled by Zionists whose only concern is Israel.
    The Big Lie.

    Jul 30, 2024 30:29 AM

    Climate change and global warming are real, but as Larry and CFS have stated, the cause is not that of human activity.
    Prince Charles launched the Sustainable Markets Initiative in Davos in 2020.
    The initiative aims to address climate change, global warming and biodiversity loss by working with “Natures Economy”
    What a bunch of crap!

    Jul 30, 2024 30:43 AM

    Fake polls now saying Kamaltoe extending her “lead” over the Trumpster…got to have those fake polls to cover for all the cheating…are you boys ready for 8 years of this???

    Jul 30, 2024 30:52 AM

    Just like Charles Darwin’s evolution.
    It’s all manufactured crap.

      Jul 30, 2024 30:02 PM

      That surprises me John. Evolution manufactered.

        Jul 30, 2024 30:40 PM

        Probably poor choice of words.
        Any evidence to the contrary, scientifically dismissed or addressed as not fitting into existing acceptance.
        Much like ancient stone structures that cannot be explained. Much easier to call into question the dating methods used than to explain the anomalous evidence.

    Jul 30, 2024 30:13 AM

    Host of Discovery Channel’s Popular Show “Dirty Jobs” Mike Rowe Asks “Why are Healthy People Dying Young?”

      Jul 30, 2024 30:14 AM

      …dirty job…but someone has to do it…

    Jul 30, 2024 30:39 AM

    Forbidden Archeology-The Hidden History of the Human Race. Cremo and Thompson

    Jul 30, 2024 30:02 AM

    Cracks are starting to show in the real estate market. And then there’s this.

      Jul 30, 2024 30:45 PM

      Very interesting on the real estate tax issue…… “you will own nothing and be happy”….humm

      Real estate taxes are OUT OF CONTROL…. PERIOD….

        Jul 30, 2024 30:04 PM

        Real estate taxes are ways for governments,city, county, state to seize property.

    Jul 30, 2024 30:29 AM

    Israel just bombed a Beirut residential neighborhood. I would venture to say, Israel has pretty much sealed it’s own demise.
    A most unfortunate situation for the American Public as well.
    Senile President of a banana republic supporting the Zionist cause for the demise of humanity.
    For what?

    Jul 30, 2024 30:14 PM

    Irans Supreme Leader “We condemn the insults directed at Jesus Christ.”
    Imagine that.
    No wonder the Israeli’s want to attack Iran so bad.
    Just like the Russian Orthodox in Ukraine.
    The ultimate Zionist mindf*ck.

    Jul 30, 2024 30:20 PM

    “They Need War”. SouthFront’s Interview With Martin Armstrong

      Jul 30, 2024 30:46 PM

      Hi South;
      I like Martin, but I’m sorry it is a repeat of the same ol crap.
      No talk of how the Zionists (AIPAC) have created a two headed snake.
      No talk of the Zionists part in the Kennedy’s assassinations.
      Until the cancer that is eating away at the U S like the parasites they are is talked about in an open forum, we are useless eaters waiting for the inevitable slaughter.

        Jul 30, 2024 30:12 PM

        I agree John.
        I cant see we, the west, doing anything to fix anything.

        I believe the hope of the world comes from Russia, as the sleeping prophet forsaw.

        I think there will be a change in consciousness for the better.

    Jul 30, 2024 30:29 PM

    Here is another if anybody still questions D Trumps loyalty to the Zionists.
    Jan 20,2021 D Trump pardoned Ariem Sella. Ariem was Jonathan Pollards handler. Jonathan Pollard was convicted of spying on the U S on behalf of Israel. Sentenced to life and was later paroled and moved to Israel. Jonathan was responsible for the many deaths of U S agents. Not a few either.
    D Trump doing his part pardoning those responsible for American Intelligence Officers deaths.

    Jul 30, 2024 30:55 PM

    I’m no Trump fan, with that being said, the Zionist media is going to try and mindf*ck you into believing Camel toe is a viable candidate for president.
    Anybody with two functioning brain cells left understands this woman isn’t fit to lead anything.
    What a sad state of affairs the USA has become.

      Jul 30, 2024 30:55 PM

      Ditto John………….. on the SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS…..

    Jul 30, 2024 30:58 PM

    At this point, everything that happens must be questioned.
    The Zionist media are masters of deception.

    Jul 30, 2024 30:50 PM

    While D Trump talks about deporting illegal immigrants, could somebody explain to me how Melania was granted a “Einstein Visa” H-1b for extra ordinary ability in sciences, arts, education, business or athletics?

      Jul 30, 2024 30:54 PM

      Good question John………

      Jul 30, 2024 30:00 PM

      Trump says he will deport, but….
      How does he find country of nationality for an undocumented person ?
      How does he force country of origin to take back their citizens ?
      Wenezuela refuses, Cuba refuses……. .?

    Jul 30, 2024 30:03 PM

    The Unites States has become the Zionist Political sh*thole of the planet.

      Jul 30, 2024 30:54 PM

      Like I said…..several weeks ago…….. You would be lucky to find 10 congresspeople worth a dang…
      Oath of Office…. BS….

      Jul 30, 2024 30:48 PM


    Jul 30, 2024 30:23 PM

    United States

    Jul 30, 2024 30:40 PM

    Wargames show the US could burn through its ammo in ‘as few as 3 to 4 weeks’ in a war….

    Jul 31, 2024 31:26 AM

    B Netanyahu is again trying to drag us here in the U S into a hot war with Iran. The latest is an assassination of a Hamas leader in Iran.
    Israel and their version of the CIA (Mossad) have been assassinating people ever since this organization was started. A lot of them. There have been books written about Mossad’s tactics and assassination is one of them.
    Assassination is terrorism at the State level.
    America has been hood winked into the narrative that these are Gods chosen people, when in reality they are little more than a State sponsored terrorist organization.
    The claim of Israel as a Democratic Country is another load of crap. Israel has always had the problem that there were more Palestinians than Israeli’s. The only way they could correct this was by killing and driving people from their homelands. Israel has been committing genocide ever since it’s inception.
    Jerrod Kushner and his ilk are lining up to scarf up the stolen real estate.
    Remember when Israel attacked the USS Liberty? I do.
    The Big Lie that Israel and their Zionists has been exposed. I feel sympathy for those who got sucked into the Zionist lie that Israel is.
    America is going to be forced to wake up from the fear and traumas when JFKennedy was assassinated.
    The Zionists are an organized crime network that has infested the U S with their Satanic beliefs and their lack of empathy for anyone who isn’t on board with their lust for power and the worship of money.
    AIPAC- legitimate organized crime.

      Jul 31, 2024 31:33 AM

      All true John.
      The christians believe the Jews are their gods chosen people.
      Maybe thats true, maybe they are “chosen”, I dont know.

      Personally I think that Israel is the epitome of evil, born in genocide, murder never ending.

    Jul 31, 2024 31:33 AM

    The only question left is when does B Netanyahu and Israel become so desperate that it resorts to using one of it’s nukes?

    Jul 31, 2024 31:35 AM

    Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: US Subservient to Israel

    Judge Napolitano

      Jul 31, 2024 31:10 AM

      b, this is the United States of Israel…it is our job to pay the taxes and inflation so our good friends Nutandyahoo and the rest of the Israeliars can do whatever they want…and you being in one of the Empire’s vassal states mean you have to pay, too. So we all better just get back to work…to pay those taxes and for the inflation…

      Jul 31, 2024 31:13 AM

      b, this is the United States of Israel…it is our job to pay the taxes and inflation so our good friends Nutandyahoo and the rest of the Israeliars can do whatever they want…and you being in one of the Empire’s vassal states mean you have to pay, too. So we all better just get back to work…to pay those taxes and for the inflation…

        Jul 31, 2024 31:38 AM

        I’m not sure why people pay taxes.
        Why doesnt the government simply print it.

        They are killing the currency anyway.
        Maybe its just to keep the people down.

          Jul 31, 2024 31:42 AM

          THE TAX money goes off shore…. the debt stays on the books of the US heeple……
          IRS is a Corporation of the Crown…..
          Look up the book STRAWMAN…. Canada is a little different…. since you never got
          away from the CROWN…

          Was it Cynthia McKinney that said , the IRS was a scam…

          Jul 31, 2024 31:27 PM

          …just another way to control, punish and enslave the little people…sorry, b…and it’s Nuttyyahoo’s world and we are just visitors…sorry.

    Jul 31, 2024 31:50 AM

    Another assassination that goes unnoticed was when Shinzo Abe of Japan got wacked.
    Another disgruntled lone gunman of course.
    This is what happens when you refuse to play ball and every Politician knows it.

    Jul 31, 2024 31:40 AM

    The Part of “Project 2025” We’re Sure to See

    On ‘Schedule F’

    Jul 31, 2024 31:57 PM

    Colonel Douglas Macgregor
    “Israel is prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons against Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon.”
    Judging Freedom interview.

      Jul 31, 2024 31:58 PM

      The evil ones always tell you what they’re going to do.
      B Netanyahu is that special kind of evil.

    Jul 31, 2024 31:32 PM

    First Celente…now Rogan…says Kamaltoe will win…

    You boys ready for 4 years of this??? Or maybe 8…

    Jul 31, 2024 31:33 PM

    “Planet of the Apes fears as scientists analyse chimpanzee speaking English”

    Maybe the sheeple can elect chimps…couldn’t be any worse than the current crop of critters in the District of Criminals.

    Jul 31, 2024 31:46 PM

    ED …If Shakespeare was still alive….Plenty of new tragic tales to spin…It is getting way old…the behavior of Kamala is so bizarre, no one would have voted for her in my H.S. elections…ya know?…but 50yeara later she is prez material……WTF
    ?…too bizarre……i did not know Celente prefers K….that seems strange for him…but that is the age we live in…..the ascent of an idiocracy

      Jul 31, 2024 31:52 PM

      Celente doesn’t prefer her. He just thinks she will win the selection.

      The whole thing is nuts and with the way the demographics are changing who knows what things will be like in ten years. Even without all the demographic change this country was going down the tubes, now much faster.

      With all the cheating I would not be at all surprised if Kamaltoe wins. Seems more likely than not but what do I know? I thought Uncle Joe was going to hang on. But I still think he is going to roll out the pardons for the Biden crime family after the selection, probably on his last day in office.

    Jul 31, 2024 31:01 PM

    Billionaire George Soros has long been a household name. But he is now 93 years old and, unlike Biden, he has arranged for the transition of his family business in good time, handing over the major assets to his 38-year-old son Alexander.
    Alexander Soros has certainly not been idle. But if his activities abroad are not particularly noteworthy (he continues his father’s work of ‘spreading democracy’ of the Soros kind), Alexander’s vigorous activity inside America has become the object of increased attention against the background of the current election campaign. To show how deeply immersed he is, it suffices to say that the Soros’s, together with the Clintons, were the first to support the replacement of Biden with Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s candidate.
    Soros Jr. has a frequent presence at the White House – between January 2021 and May 2023 the visitors’ log recorded 20 of his visits. The twenty-first appearance took place on the 31 May. He arrived at the residence of Vice President Kamala Harris in the company of seven major donors to the Democratic Party and a young model named Savannah Huitema. They stayed at Harris’ home from 4pm until midnight. The details of the conversation have not been revealed. All we know is that they discussed the presidential election. But eight hours in the company of the second most powerful person in the country in the middle of the working week is a lot of time, even for a valued donor.
    . The Soros’s have long been close friends with Harris – George supported Kamala when she was a prosecutor in California.
    Over the years, from Latin America and the former Soviet Union to the Middle East and Southeast Asia, the Hungarian billionaire has meddled in domestic politics and sponsored changes of government. The US is no exception. But the Americans use a different system, which means that change is better instigated at the county and state level. That’s why Soros’ organisations have invested in local politicians and legislators who are overwhelmingly ‘progressive,’ i.e. on the left of the ideological spectrum.
    One of the first to call attention to this practice was the ubiquitous Elon Musk. Discussing Soros’ election funding policy, Musk remarked: “The lowest value for money is a presidential race, then the next lowest value for money is a Senate race, then a Congress, then city and state district attorneys, “Soros realized that you don’t actually need to change the laws. You just need to change how they’re enforced.”
    Early in her career, Harris was one of those who Soros thought could apply the law in the right way. It’s not known exactly which of her legal initiatives Soros funded, nor when he began to do so. What is known, however, is that Kamala attended Soros’ flagship conference, Vision 2020, and Soros Sr does not invite unverified people to speak publicly at such an event.
    In 2020, however, even Soros’ patronage did not help Harris win the Democratic Party’s nomination. She was left off the presidential shortlist in part because most of her law enforcement initiatives turned out to be highly controversial. In particular, many voters were alarmed by her support for bias training for police officers, initiatives to cut police funding and the Safe Neighborhoods & Schools Act, which would have reduced sentences for a number of previously serious crimes (forgery, counterfeiting) and thefts under $950. The latter caused particular irritation among small shopkeepers, who realized that the thieves they had to deal with would no longer be afraid of the consequences.
    Many black people were also unhappy. Despite her Jamaican roots, Harris has defended the conviction of African-Americans when there was evidence of their innocence and proof of police misconduct. Perhaps for this reason, one of the most prominent liberal human rights groups, Black Lives Matter, is wary of Harris and has not yet endorsed her nomination.
    Why Harris became the only possible opponent for Trump
    Kamala’s political biography is full of examples of inconsistent behavior. For example, as district attorney of San Francisco, she opposed the death penalty, but after becoming California’s attorney general, Harris fought to end the moratorium on capital punishment.
    As a result, Kamala has developed a reputation as someone who possesses two important skills for a modern politician: behind the scenes, she is flexible enough to do what her sponsors want, and in public, she is persuasive enough to justify that decision, even if it means flip-flopping.
    For the average American citizen, paying only little attention to politics, Harris a get away with changing positions because the media will not call her out.
    Indeed, what was a liability for the Democrats in 2020 is being presented as an asset four years later. Now, Harris is a seasoned prosecutor, Trump is a criminal, and the campaign is a public trial. This is the model now being promoted by Democratic political technologists. And the shift from Vice President Kamala to Prosecutor Kamala is a clever move to gloss over Harris’s failures as Biden’s deputy and focus voters’ attention on her merits as a guardian of the law. As they say, it’s all about the narrative. Harris’ love affair with the former mayor of San Francisco that launched her career? That’s a young girl thing! Soros funding her campaign? Well, all his entities are non-profit, so there’s no shame in taking money from Soros, unlike another billionaire Peter Thiel, who backs Trump and J.D. Vance!
    In July, Alexander Soros announced his engagement to Huma Abedin, 47, a long-time aide to Hillary Clinton, whom she calls her “second daughter”. A practising Muslim with extensive government experience and influential friends in Washington, Abedin has become the ‘bridge’ in the relationship between the Clintons and the Soros’s.
    “Soros is doing things that erode the fabric of civilization,” warns Elon Musk. Whether Harris is part of this sinister plan or this is just another conspiracy theory by right-wing conservatives, Americans may get to find out.

      Aug 01, 2024 01:02 AM

      The United States is and has been a banana republic since the JFK assassination.
      Zionist Jews run the show. Soros is of that ilk.
      Huma Abedin’s husband Anthony Weiner , remember dick pics, was financed into congress by Ehud Barak. Jeff Epsteins handler.
      It’s all the same crew.
      Zionist blackmail is still running the show. This is why term limits are needed. Once the Zionists get their hooks into you, you are toast.
      The constitution has it’s faults. No term limits is one of them.
      The Presidential pardon is another.
      The founding fathers were masons, masons started as Jews.
      Get it?
      Kamala Harris has recived $5,395,222 from AIPAC .
      Get it?

        Aug 01, 2024 01:07 AM

        Ditto…………”all the same crew”

      Aug 01, 2024 01:06 AM


    Jul 31, 2024 31:04 PM

    Clearly upper echelons of the F.B.I. wanted Trump dead.

    Aug 01, 2024 01:14 AM

    INFO…. on BARR…finally coming out after 6 yrs….
    WE COVERED it here….. hee, hee, ho, ho….way before zero hedge…..
    Of course, Jimmy would say, we are just bloggers know nothings… lol..

    Did Jeffrey Epstein & William Barr Attend Interlochen In 1967?

    Barr’s father, Donald, was the headmaster Dalton School, one of the most prestigious preparatory schools in the United States, when he hired an extremely unqualified, college dropout, Jeffrey Epstein, to teach math and physics at the school—seven years after the above picture was taken. (Interestingly, Donald Barr would resign from Dalton the same year he hired Epstein.) So, Barr had three solid reasons to recuse himself from all things Epstein.

    Aug 01, 2024 01:00 AM

    Something smells…….ACT BLUE.

    Aug 01, 2024 01:51 AM
    Aug 01, 2024 01:53 PM

    Warm,warmer, then cold……

    Aug 01, 2024 01:51 PM

    A FILM OF CROOKS, with explanations.

    Aug 02, 2024 02:57 AM

    Remember our good friends the Dancing Israeliars???

    They said their problems are your problems: The Palestinians.

      Aug 02, 2024 02:23 AM

      The Big Lie. Just like the Kennedy assassination.
      Brain washed sheep. Trump tards. Kamel toes. Take your pick.

      Aug 02, 2024 02:12 AM

      Palestinians and Israelis alike deserve a future of peace and prosperity. A realistic two-state solution will protect Israel’s security, fulfill the aspirations of self-determination for the Palestinian people, and ensure universal and respectful access to the holy sites of Jerusalem.

      This Vision would achieve mutual recognition of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people and the future state of Palestine as the nation-state of the Palestinian people—each with equal civil rights for all its citizens. The plan designates defensible borders for the State of Israel and does not ask Israel to compromise on the safety of its people, affording them overriding security responsibility for land west of the Jordan River. For Palestinians, the Vision delivers significant territorial expansion, allocating land roughly comparable in size to the West Bank and Gaza for establishing a Palestinian State. Transportation links would allow efficient movement between Gaza and the West Bank, as well as throughout a future Palestine. The plan does not call for uprooting any Israelis or Palestinians from their homes.

        Aug 02, 2024 02:14 AM

        FOOD FOR THOUGHT……………….

          Aug 02, 2024 02:38 AM

          Greater Israel. Never compromise, assassinate.
          Greedy Zionist pigs.

            Aug 02, 2024 02:49 AM

            Hello John……
            Glad you responded to the info…..

            I wanted to bring this point out…. for Trumpster, just for further discussion….

            Did you know Trumpster speaks Russian and Chinese…. ?

          Aug 02, 2024 02:48 PM

          Thanks for the food Jerry… Even though I fear Trump may be a pro-Israel Zionist, considering he minimized foreign conflict during his first term, I tend to believe that he is a man of peace… Clearly, forming a Palestinian state is needed to achieve lasting peace… I agree with the TrumpWhitehouse position statement.

            Aug 02, 2024 02:33 PM

            Tommy………… you are welcome…….

    Aug 02, 2024 02:53 AM

    Christopher Wrey….. connected to Council of Foreign Relations…via his father…
    Deeper State…. than one thinks… 🙂

      Aug 02, 2024 02:00 AM

      Hey John………. I am over at DUKE REPORT and George Webb..listening to their take on the assignation attempt on trumpser…

    Aug 02, 2024 02:37 AM

    US senator calls for ‘military force’ against Iran

    Lindsey Graham has introduced legislation that could drag Washington into a war with Tehran if Israel is attacked
    US senator calls for ‘military force’ against Iran if Hezbollah attacks Israel, or if Washington determines Tehran is on the cusp of acquiring nuclear weapons.

      Aug 02, 2024 02:25 AM

      Term limits would take care of people like Lyndsay Graham. I wonder what the Zionist have on Lyndsay, after all everybody knows he’s a wack.

    Aug 02, 2024 02:11 PM

    I am not watching any of the Olympics, but I hear the trannies are having their way…no surprise after what they did in the opening…you can bet Soros, Uncle Joe, Kackletoe and the rest of the evil perverts couldn’t be happier…

      Aug 02, 2024 02:35 PM

      I am NOT watching any of the Olympics………. waste of time…
      Men beating up on women, in the boxing area… WOKE BS….

      The guy with his balls hanging out says it all……. PERVERTS in charge…

    Aug 02, 2024 02:59 PM

    Dustin Nemos… ? Anyone heard of him ?

    Aug 02, 2024 02:30 PM

    For many decades the general public assume organizations like the F.BI., the C.I.A., the police, etc. are politically neutral……..just following the law and catching law-breakers.
    They can and will lie…….to serve their financial or political ends.PERHAPS, NOT ALL, BUT DEFINITELY MANY.
    (Even assassination of JFK, AND 9/11 are not as fbi/cia would have us believe.)
    I believe the assassination attempt was at a minimum allowed, or even worse could have been planned by the deep state.

    Aug 02, 2024 02:33 PM

    Public non-cooperation or even revolution is near.

    Aug 02, 2024 02:42 PM
    Or they have known in advance who, what, and when.

    Aug 02, 2024 02:45 PM
    Aug 09, 2024 09:47 AM

    Coming soon to the USA ?
    The U.S. has a tendency to follow anything that gives politicians more power, despite the limits supposedly enforced by the Constitution.