

Sean Brodrick – A Focus On Uranium, Silver, and Gold Resource Stocks

Sean Brodrick, Editor of Wealth Megatrends and contributing analyst to Weiss Ratings Daily, joins us today to outline how he positioning his portfolio in uranium, copper, silver, and  gold resource stocks, as the commodities continue to ratchet higher.  We look at some of the pricing drivers and the supply/demand fundamentals of those markets, and then drill down into the types of resource stocks that have Sean’s attention.   It’s a nuanced discussion where we get into fading into and out of positions based on the trends, the stages of companies in each sector that Sean likes best, and how he sees this cycle continuing to develop.




Click here to follow along with Sean’s work at Weiss Ratings Daily


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    May 21, 2024 21:18 PM

    Cool Technology! Making wood as strong as steel at half the price. Then using it to build any size structure low, medium, or high rise. DT

    May 21, 2024 21:14 PM

    The Sach’s Realty channel invited me on their Tuesday night live program earlier tonight, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to have chimed in on a few topics. Just thought it would be nice to share it with the good folks here at the KE Report.

    The show is mostly about real estate, but we did get into the impact of interest rates and the higher for longer effects, and eventually in to gold as sound money (there is always a way to work that into the conversation); not to mention Todd worked up a great title. 😉


    Alabama Abolishes Capital Gain Tax on Gold and Silver – Real Money Returns to the U.S. Economy!

    Sachs Realty – 05/21/2024

      May 21, 2024 21:45 PM

      Well done, very screengenic.

        May 21, 2024 21:51 PM

        Thanks Terry. I felt like a goober just sitting there for long stretches, and prefer the audio format better.

          May 22, 2024 22:43 AM

          Attention All Program Managers For Mining Conferences:

          If you need a Keynote Speaker: Shad Marquitz
          If you need an Expert for Panels: Shad Marquitz
          If you need a Master of Ceremonies: Shad Marquitz
          If you need a Panel Moderator: Shad Marquitz

          That is the conclusion I came to after watching the above video. That was an extremely professional and information packed interview on Shad’s part and a wasted opportunity by the host to elicit information from the guest. The public will want more of Shad Marquitz.

            May 22, 2024 22:13 AM

            Those kind remarks are very much appreciated Lakedweller2.

        May 22, 2024 22:25 AM

        Very well done..and agree..very screengenic!!

          May 22, 2024 22:32 AM

          Much appreciated Ann.

      May 22, 2024 22:12 AM

      Hi Ex, it is typical at the end of a capital boom to see commercial real estate be the last part of the debt cycle as money pours into real estate. The problem that most people don’t think about is the massive fraud that enters into the picture as the boom matures. There are a lot of huge hedge funds as well as banks that have participated in the fraud which becomes evident as the interest rate stays high and goes higher for longer. Many of these banks and hedge funds are intertwined so when one collapses it effects so many others. It is like the construction worker who loses his job because the buildings are no longer going up and for every person thrown out of work two others are affected by that loss. The domino theory, construction is always the largest employer in any economy. DT

        May 22, 2024 22:40 AM

        Very well-stated DT on the intertwined nature of the banking institutions to the hedge funds as it relates to toxic commercial real estate assets that are in trouble as loans will start to roll over in this higher interest rate environment. It’s going to get more problematic over the next 12-18 months, and more regional banks are going to be daylighted with big problems.

      May 22, 2024 22:39 AM

      Hi Ex, I think when you get older you will look like Andy Rooney on sixty minutes, your eyebrows will touch the end of your nose and you will give the final definitive statements on the state of the markets and the World. LOL! DT😉

        May 22, 2024 22:44 AM

        Thanks DT. Haha! I’ll have to remember to trim back my eyebrow hairs before they reach the end of my nose when making definitive statements on the markets. Duly noted!

      May 22, 2024 22:58 PM

      Oh lordy, lordy, we are all in trouble friends…. I knew Ex was a bit of a smooth talker, but I didn’t realize he also sports such an honest and clean-cut looking visage.

      Shad, don’t hesitate to leverage your video presence in the future given your demonstrated ability to shine onscreen.

      Good job buddy.

        May 22, 2024 22:47 PM

        Those are very kind comments Canuckski. Thanks man.

    May 21, 2024 21:34 PM

    Silver Price Analysis: Reaches A Technical Crossroads

    By Joaquin Monfort – FXS – 05/21/2024

      May 22, 2024 22:50 AM

      Congrats on your appearance on Sachs Realty. I left some remarks .

        May 22, 2024 22:06 AM

        Thanks Marty!

          May 22, 2024 22:50 PM

          I just saw your comments under the video and wanted to let you know they were appreciated.

    May 22, 2024 22:57 AM

    Looks like this week is preprogrammed.