

Dave Erfle –  Pro Tips On Narrowing Down The Field Of Investable Gold And Silver Stocks

Dave Erfle, Editor of The Junior Miner Junky, joins us to share his technical outlook on gold, silver, and the PM mining stocks, and offers some pro tips to help investors narrow down the field of investable gold and silver stocks.   With silver starting to outperform gold, bringing the gold:silver ratio down, and with silver stocks starting to outperform the gold stocks, we are finally seeing the kinds of patterns of a more sustainable bull market in the precious metals sector.  However, not all stocks are going to rise with the tide, and Dave shares a number of insights as to how to assess permitting, jurisdiction, economic studies, drilling programs, acquisitions of land or other companies, and much more.




Click here to visit The Junior Miner Junky website to follow along with Dave.

    May 14, 2024 14:47 PM

    Don’t Buy a Junior Gold Mining Stock without 3x-10x Upside says Pro Gold Stock Investor David Erfle

    Mining Stock Education – 05-14-2024

    0:00 Introduction
    0:46 Gold price commentary
    2:58 Selling one junior mining stock to buy two others
    7:03 Buying a mine build junior mining stock
    9:21 Deploying money into an outperforming mining stock
    13:54 Why you need your watchlist prepared
    15:28 Time to buy gold explorers?
    18:11 West African gold mining stocks
    20:18 Importance of timing in junior mining speculation
    21:14 Gold producers
    25:40 Keeping an eye of gold mines Newmont is divesting

    May 15, 2024 15:13 AM

    Santacruz is CRUISING……………., Go Baby Go! Oh Yeah!!!!!!!!!!

      May 15, 2024 15:14 AM

      Nice to see with SCZ for sure. It shot up to my top weighted silver position today, so I pared just a little bit of the position back to ring the register, and drop it down the batting order a bit.

      Now that silver is finally getting more traction, the smaller to mid-size producers are finally starting to wake up and stretch their legs a bit to start runs higher.

        May 15, 2024 15:22 PM

        Hi Ex, when Santacruz starts to really fly you will need to buy a high-performance muscle car and go CRUZZZZZZZING! LOL! Young guys and fast cars are what the ladies want. Every time I walk down Bay Street you invariably see some young executive cruising in a European sportscar flexing his engine. HEY BABY HERE I AM! LOL! DT

        May 15, 2024 15:31 PM

        I bought Santa Cruz and Impact a few months ago each at 0.27.

        SCZ hit .42 today while IPT is stuck at .265 apparently because of a recently announced private placement. I’m no trader so will sit tight with both though it did occur to me that this is an opportunity to trim SCZ and rotate into more IPT as I like it every bit as much as SCZ.

        Otherwise I noticed Argonaut hit .44 today. What’s with that? The recent acquisition of AR will close soon at .40. I guess those spinoff shares factor into this valuation. Any thoughts?

          May 15, 2024 15:17 PM

          A real sleeper for me is CFE Cartier Silver, located in Bolivia. You need to do your own DD! Bolivia is where the really biggest silver deposits have been found since the 1600’s. Santacruz has figured this out have you. DT

        May 16, 2024 16:07 AM

        SCZ ended yesterday as almost half my portfolio but I’m going to hang on for a bit.