

Outback Goldfields – More Information On The Acquisition Of A Portfolio Of Finnish Gold Projects From S2 Resources

May 1, 2024

Outback Goldfields (TSX.V:OZ – OTCQB:OZBKF) recently announced a shift in focus to Finland, through an acquisition of the portfolio of projects from S2 Resources. This news was announced on March 1st and follow up news on a concurrent $5million financing announced on April 25th.


Chris Donaldson, President and CEO of Outback joins me to provide more information on the deal, which includes an option for S2 to earn into the Outback projects in Australia. 


We discuss the portfolio of Finnish projects, all located in the Central Lapland Greenstone Belt, where Agnico, Rupert Resources and Aurion Resources are all active. See the map below from the March 1st news release to view the location of the projects.


We start with the Panna Project and how the Company will follow up on an early stage discovery. We also discuss the JV agreements in place with Kinross and Rupert Resources. We then tie in the $5million financing and what the post-financing valuation will be. 


If you have any follow up questions for Chris please email me at



Click here to visit the Outback Goldfield website to read over the news release outlining this deal.


Figure 1: Map showing the distribution of S2’s project portfolio with respect to significant projects and companies in the district. 


Upcoming live events! May 2nd

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    May 01, 2024 01:07 PM

    Platinum……….just jumped ahead of Palladium ……. FIRST TIME IN A DECADE…

    May 01, 2024 01:27 PM

    Americans have become so smug printing endless amounts of their currency and producing no consumer goods that the world wants or needs anymore. They are in for a rude awakening when they lose the World’s Reserve Currency status, and they must compete with the rest of the World. They will be absolute shocked with the inflation we are seeing in Canada, and we have a lot of mineral wealth that Americans don’t have.

    The wiseacres of Wall Street, have fooled The American public, but the last laugh is when they have to readjust their market to compete with the rest of the world. The world has changed, and they have yet to figure it out. DT

      May 01, 2024 01:57 PM

      In 1927 most Americans could afford a new automobile and buy a home, fast forward to 2024 and most Americans cannot afford a new automobile or buy a home, and the crash has not yet happened. It has been delayed by the printing press that is run by a country that will soon lose its exclusive right to money printing.

      The Greater depression is so close, but most can’t see what America has done to itself. In the 1920’s America was a creditor nation with a gold backed currency now it is the biggest debtor nation The World has ever seen with a currency that is backed by nothing, not even industry, except for war armaments that aren’t a threat anymore. DT