

Weekend Show – Brian Leni & Dana Lyons – Key Stock News & Investment Strategies For Active Traders

April 27, 2024


Welcome to The KE Report Weekend Show! On this Weekend Show we mix it up bey discussing a couple important company developments in precious metals stocks and for the active traders, a number of ways to trade the recent pullback in the markets.


  • Segment 1 and 2 – Brian Leni, Founder of the Junior Stock Review kicks off the show discussing the G Mining and Reunion Gold merger as well as AbraSilver Resource financing with Barrick Gold. We also chat about portfolio management focused on resource stocks and diversification.

Click here to visit Brian’s site – Junior Stock Review.


  • Segment 3 and 4 – Dana Lyons, Fund Manager and Editor of the Lyons Share Pro wraps up the show sharing his trading strategies for a wide range of sectors. We talk hedging strategies, market leadership, international markets, commodities, gold and copper miners, oil equities, uranium and Bitcoin.

Click here to visit The Lyons Share Pro website to follow along with Dana.





Brian Leni
Dana Lyons
    Apr 27, 2024 27:12 AM
    NatGas Week : Elliott Wave
    Late Summer Deep Low?

    Apr 27, 2024 27:01 AM

    The Thrill Factor Is Back for Retail Investors – Trading activity at Charles Schwab, Morgan Stanley and Robinhood reaches highest levels since early 2022

    Hannah MiaoFollow – Wall Street Journal – April 26, 2024

    “The rally that powered stocks higher for much of this year made everyday investors excited about trading again. Amateurs flocked to trading platforms during the pandemic but pulled back in 2022 when the market dropped. When stocks climbed to new highs in 2024, many jumped back in—and had fun trading once more.”

    “Before a 2.9% drop in April, the S&P 500 notched its best first-quarter performance in five years and clinched 22 record closes. The benchmark index is now up 6.9% this year. Shares of chipmaker Nvidia, a popular stock among individual investors, have soared 77% in 2024. Ten of the 11 sectors in the S&P 500 are up this year.”

      Apr 27, 2024 27:18 AM

      What is happening with Nvidia is a group of powerful speculators with fortunes made in The Technology field are buying in unparalleled volume. Some of them think that business is going to come out of its doldrums. Some of them believe in their own speculative imagination. Some of them know that thousands of speculators have been selling stocks short in the expectation of a collapse in the market, would continue to sell short, and could be forced to repurchase if prices were driven relentlessly up. Some are venal promoters. Some know that the American public has a normal desire to get rich quick.

      What I know is that Nvidia is selling in the cloudless empyrean, and like all markets it has become hugely overbought and will crash like The Hindenburg in Lakefield New Jersey. The few winners are already out the losers are going to be stripped of any delusions they might have about this market. Now is not the time to be beating one’s chest.

      There are far too many black Swans flying around and this coming month the commercial real estate market will probably be the catalyst for “The Big Swan Dive.” DT 😉

    Apr 27, 2024 27:15 AM

    The Bull Case For Commodities Is As Strong As Ever

    Jesse Felder – The Felder Report (04/27/2024)

      Apr 27, 2024 27:48 AM

      “I’ve never been more enthusiastic on the outlook for copper,” says Freeport-McMoRan CEO

      CNBC Television – Apr 23, 2024

      “Richard Adkerson, Freeport-McMoRan CEO, joins ‘Closing Bell Overtime’ to talk the global commodity supply chain, metal commodity demand, markets in China and more.”

    Apr 27, 2024 27:25 AM

    Gold’s Bull Run Is Not Just A U.S. Dollar Story

    Frank Holmes – April 22, 2024

    Apr 27, 2024 27:46 AM

    Top Gold Miner Blow-Out Q1 has Shorts Running for Cover

    David Erfle – The Junior Mining Junky – Friday April 26, 2024

    “With the gold price becoming extreme overbought following a $450 move to the upside from its major bottom at $2000 in mid-February, a healthy correction of outsized gains continued this week.”

    “After fighting in the Middle East calmed down last weekend, nervous longs began to take some large short-term profits off the table on Monday. The effects of “higher-for-longer” interest rates on the U.S. economy came back into focus ahead of the next FOMC meeting conclusion on May 1.”

    At the Economic Club of New York on Tuesday, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon warned investors about a period of stagflation. “Stagflation has the negative effect of no growth and inflation. That hurts profits and consumers and jobs. And yes, I think there is a chance that could happen again,” he said. “I worry that it looks more like the 1970s than we’ve seen before…”

      Apr 27, 2024 27:12 AM

      We could be forming a short term top here for gold and may start forming a new higher trading range for awhile. It would be a good thing to consolidate for awhile. Some of the stocks won’t see their lows again but will also look at consolidating and trading at a higher range. The technicals continue to look positive for the PMs and we have a long way to go before we ultimately top out. Investors will have to have patience and hold their long positions for further gains in the future. The fundamentals and technicals are starting to move in sync and the Fed and congress will only help us in the future with their irresponsible actions.

        Apr 27, 2024 27:43 PM

        Thanks for sharing your thoughts Doc, and I’m looking to deploy some funds raised through trading into any consolidation pullbacks we see in the sector. Cheers!

    Apr 27, 2024 27:49 PM

    Republic Bank collapsed late last night. Hundreds More Coming…………. Just wait till The Fed raises rates again, they know what’s coming and so should you. DT

      Apr 27, 2024 27:09 PM

      I’m thinking of making my first purchase of New York Community Bank which recently was assigned to the abyss and then bailed out by an investor group led by former treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin. NYCB.Of course, they’ve ascertained the risk in the commercial space and it’ll take a good amount of time for them to establish reserves for those risks. Since Mnuchin is one of the “in group”, they’ll never let the bank go under now that one billion dollars has been infused. The patient investor should do fine in the future.

        Apr 27, 2024 27:44 PM

        Not all banks will go under but there are only limited funds in the FDIC, unless they print a lot more money and then hyperinflation is guaranteed. DT

          Apr 27, 2024 27:23 PM

          There are only two choices, one print the money and destroy the dollar or pull the money and let the system cleanse itself. Which Depression would you prefer “Inflationary or Deflationary.” All roads lead back to Gold, do you want honest money or a CBDC backed by nothing. The Fed won’t have a choice because The Brics are already trading amongst themselves with a digital currency that is backed by gold held in Shanghai. The West is learning very fast that even their defensive munitions can’t stop hypersonic missiles. You either join the World economy or you slip deeper into a quagmire. You make your bed, and you lie in it as the saying goes. DT

        Apr 28, 2024 28:54 PM

        Re: buying New York Community Bank shares, “you are a braver man than I Gunga Din!”

        Apr 30, 2024 30:53 AM

        Good thoughts on purchasing a bank Mnuchin is “buying” as We know from experience that he is getting the assets and leveraging the buy side with other people’s money. The bad stuff goes to former “secured” investors, stock holders and/or the FDIC (tax payers).

    Apr 27, 2024 27:11 PM
    Gold Week : Targets

      Apr 27, 2024 27:54 PM

      My take is that many tradable lows will be generated around the coming month end. Stalwarts Newmont and Agnico Eagle have beaten this timetable over the past week, the former bullishly bouncing off of a 38.2% retracement on Tuesday, and the latter, not to be outdone, skirted but never penetrated the 23.6% level throughout April, and has even pierced its April 12th high on Thursday and then again Friday. Will great success now be the surprise? BDC

    Apr 27, 2024 27:41 PM

    My latest rant over on Substack…. come over and subscribe if you haven’t, to take deeper dives into my outlook on the commodities and resource companies.

    Opportunities With Mid-Tier And Junior Royalty Companies – Part 3

    Excelsior Prosperity w/ Shad Marquitz – 04-27-2024

    Apr 28, 2024 28:42 AM

    You don’t need to be a chart or graph reader to realize that Gold is going higher because money printing will continue, and with-it inflation is going much higher and subsequently so will rates. This as Marc Faber suggests is a true breakout in precious metal and particularly gold because The Central Banks have been the ones who are buying while the people have been selling. DT

    Apr 28, 2024 28:30 PM
    Apr 29, 2024 29:24 AM

    The Transfer of Wealth and Federal cover-up continues. Diversions continue to build.

    Apr 30, 2024 30:02 AM

    Same ol, same ol…the more they get in the hole, the more intervention.