Politics Weekend Posting
Here is the weekend politics posting! I hope you all have a great weekend.
Please let me know through email if any of you have suggestions on people that would like to guest host the political show. My email address is Fleck@kereport.com.
No doubt ,…. it is going to be an uphill battle….
And you don’t think we WILL be facing a food shortage in the future?
Are you ignorant?
What with China buying US land to feed the Chinese……
What with the Federal Government mis-using waterway laws……
Now individual states are going after farmers. e.g. …….
Is just one blatant example of many……NOW HAPPENING.
And you don’t think we WILL be facing a food shortage in the future?
…and have you seen the prices…lately??? Good thing you showed up for work today…the paycheck will help deal with the Bidenflation….
Do you seriously believe manufactured meat will be either cheaper or safe?
Do you fully understand diversity in NECESSARY amino acids intake?
And you think your opinion is known via elections….
You think we are a nation with laws !
Not for the big guys .!
THE CROWN strikes again…. BAR LAW…. lol….. sheeple better get educated on the ACT of 1871…
Judge Tosses Challenge, Upholds Law Allowing ‘Noncitizens’ To Vote In DC
FRIDAY, MAR 22, 2024 – 11:00 PM(zerohedge)
A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit challenging a District of Columbia law allowing “noncitizen residents” to vote in local elections.
Noncitizen Voting Act
The law in question, known as the Noncitizen Voting Act, removed the prior citizenship requirement for voting in municipal elections, allowing all residents over 18 who have lived in the district for 30 days, regardless of immigration status, to vote in local elections only.
Those who qualify can vote in district races for mayor, council, attorney general, and advisory neighborhood commissioners. They can also vote on local initiatives, referenda, recalls, or charter amendment measures.
Additionally, in combination with other laws, the Noncitizen Voting Act permits illegal immigrants to serve as D.C. mayor, to serve on the D.C. Council, and to serve on the D.C. Board of Elections.fugious
And …. just WHO gets the money…. 🙂 humm
You think we are a nation with laws !
Never said that…did say this is a nation of criminals…just calling it what it is.
Tucker Tonight
You are 100% correct about China.
Many organizations including the LaRouche Org who I support are touting the “China Miracle” as the answer to the world’s economic quandry.
What these people do not realize is that there is no solution to a quandry.
Thanks for your comments.
And you don’t think the country is going to the dogs !
….going to the squatters….
Nadia Vitels, 52, who was found stuffed in duffel bag in her Manhattan apartment was ‘killed by two SQUATTERS who beat her to death
…typical day in the USSA…a nation of criminals…
Tucker Talks……
Ozempic and weight loss and more.
…what will kill the sheeple first??? The inflation or the Ozempic poison??? Maybe another jab….
Controversy continues to grow across the U.S., and China is the primary target of the new rules. However, China doesn’t own the most farmland in the U.S., according to a new USDA report. It’s actually Canada, which accounts for 32%, or 14.2 million acres.
Rounding out the top five are the Netherlands at 12%, Italy at 6%, the United Kingdom at 6% and Germany at 5%. Together, citizens in those countries hold 13 million acres, or 29%, of the foreign-held acres in the U.S.
China owns less than 1%, or 349,442 acres.
I dont understand why you think China is such a threat due to farmland ownership CFS.
They are FAR from the largest foreign owners of american farmlands.
Heck Gates is as influential as China.
Bill Gates owns almost as much U.S. agricultural land as China at 248,000 acres, according to The Land Report.
I do wonder about your thinking, for example you have always been a big Israel guy, now the truth is obvious to more people do you still think the same way?
I disagree totaly with your outlook concerning China as well.
Just my opinion of course.
….Executive Director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Arkansas killed by the Feds…figures…
Ebo………. I missed that one…….
Well,…. Hilly and Billy body count… well over 110….
Wonder how many are still unaccounted for, in Haiti…
Interesting story…
…never a dull moment…in the world of the Clintons…
….when will a prison be named after the Clintons??? Clinton State Pen….or Fed Clinton….maybe Trumpster will fulfill his promise…if he becomes Emperor again…and then put the Clintons in prison and name the prison after them…don’t hold your breath…unless you trust the plan…
Trumpster Is not going to lock her up……. period……lol .
DOJ… CIA…FBI….Courts… DNC/RNC…. lol……
…bet they smuggle a lot of drugs and guns…into Clinton National….just like Mena, AK
…dude killed by the Feds…
Announcement on the Passing of Bryan Malinowski, executive director of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport by Bill Walker, chair of the Little Rock Municipal Airport Commission:
…prolly got on the wrong side of the Feds with the drug and gun smuggling…probably illegal aliens/human traffic too…muscling in on the Federales turf…
…of course…old Clinton National…doesn’t mention the shoot out….with the federales….
Billy and Hilly’s airport…smuggling guns to alien gang criminal invaders…just what they want…
One of the guns cited in the affidavit was found on a 15-year-old Norteño gang member in California in 2022, the document added.
…dude was just the front man…for the Clinton Crime Family…
SHOCKING! The US Border Invasion EXPLAINED in under 2 minutes | Redacted with Clayton Morris
imo the gov has to be overthrown.
Thats not going to happen of course (people still believe they live in a democracy)so the hope imo is a complete disintigration.
Send that link to everyone you know.
good tape……. sheeple should watch it…. those coming in will be sheeple too….
Chicago minority snap card holders, … are seeing it first hand.. 🙂
The whining about to rigged system will continue as long as the corrupt in DC and local elections scam their way in power.
Single day voting.
Positive ID screening.
Paper ballots.
Stop the whining.
Be the change you want to see (for a change).
Chartster,…..if, you live in Ga…. what is your first move…?
Cobb County…. Fani needs a spanking ….
Chartster, how can a person “be the change”?
Personally I have no influence concerning voting, zero,zilch,none, even if I did care to vote for a dictatorship.
There is only 1 way the people can change things, thats to end their government and build a new one.
Maybe sucession? You would only need to influence the people in your state, good luck with that.
So, how can a person “be the change”?
Your not the first Ive heard saying such things but never a suggestion that means anything.
Except for Douglas Macregor of course.
They got you conned into thinking you can’t make a difference, SouthFront. You can make a difference locally.
Most state constitutions give the power to the people regarding elections on a county level.
That’s where you make the difference.
Need some illegal ….. in Air traffic control…. 🙂
FAA Turning Over Newark’s Air Traffic Control Duties To Philadelphia To “Address Staffing Issues”
SATURDAY, MAR 23, 2024 – 01:25 PM
As air traffic is on the verge of breaking records heading into the summer, Newark, New Jersey’s airspace is being turned over to Philadelphia.
The move, prompted by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, seeks to “address staffing issues and congested traffic in the New York City area”, according to a
SURE NOT FLYING EAST anytime soon…. 🙂
Former Georgia insurance commissioner John Oxendine pleads guilty to health care fraud
Hey Chartster……….. do you live in GA…?
Oxendine served as the elected state insurance commissioner from 1995 to 2011. He ran for governor in 2010 but lost the Republican primary. The state ethics commission began investigating and prosecuting campaign finance cases against him in 2009, alleging Oxendine broke state law by using campaign funds to buy a house, lease luxury cars and join a private club.
Oxendine settled that case with the Georgia Ethics Commission in 2022, agreeing to hand over the remaining $128,000 in his campaign fund while admitting no wrongdoing.
He was also accused of accepting a $120,000 bundled contribution, 10 times the legal limit, from two Georgia insurance companies in 2008 when he was running for governor. A judge ruled state officials waited too long to pursue Oxendine on those charges.
I do. And there is a big group of people pushing paper ballots here. And it’s going to happen.
And the election fraud is being proven.
You have a BIG MESS on your hands in GA………….as every state is not far behind…in corruption.
Hope you are successful … in the paper ballot….
Of course one little county is just the beginning….
EDUCATING THE SHEEPLE……… is a big job… 🙂
If we lose the country to the communist globalist lizard people. I can look my kids and grandkids in the eye and say, “ I tried “.
I’m not going to be in the “do nothing” crowd that will be responsible for the fall of America and the world.
All that said, we’re going to win!
I have no problem with any of my kids looking me in the eye………
Train up a child…….
Proverbs 22:6
King James Version
6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
I used to believe that about using cash. Said the same thing.
Guess whats happening.
Concerning paper ballots , I have to look no further in History than the Presidential election between Bush Jr and Al Gore.
“Hanging Chads” in Florida. Bush Jr and his brother Jeb.
Regardless how you tally the votes, until you get Citizen United and the Zionist lobby AIPAC out of the picture , there will never be an honest election in the United States.
Good points John……….
The hanging chad incident was all about going to an electronic vote. And the sheep took it hook line and sinker. All the votes have been rigged since then.
AIPAC and citizens United are huge money pools from foreign interests to buy politicians and sway the public opinion of the sheep.
AIPAC should be registered as a foreign entity but it’s not.
Paper ballots is the only way.
HEY CFS………….. did you know………….
Climate Engineering: Tennessee Senate Is First To Pass Bill To Ban Geoengineering
March 21, 2024
Dane Wigington
The Tennessee State Senate has now passed an anti-geoengineering bill, this needs to serve as an example to all other states and countries around the world.
Regarding the video posted by Southfront , I will concur that the illegals crossing the border is a major problem. With that being said I would not go as far to say that this is exclusively a Democratic agenda.
To do that would delegitimize the conclusion arrived by most everybody on this blog with two functioning brain cells left, that there is neither a Democrat or Republican Party. There is a two headed snake that answers to the same masters.
…yes…they all want us as serf slaves…or…dead
Good point John.
Thanks South.
The video reminded me of a “Limited Hangout”
News distributed by the CIA which gives you a truthful part of a subject then followed by agenda driven news which many times turns out to be disinformation, especially when it comes to Countries that are not in line with that agenda ,or they are trying to get the public to think a certain way.
Spooks own your stocks, boys…
Not only are taxes for the little people…so are all the other laws…
Nancy Pelosi’s Son Dodges Charges In Money Laundering, Mail Fraud Scheme Linked To San Francisco Flop House
…the Turks may be sending Nuttyyahoo on a trip…
‘Will Send Netanyahu To Allah’: Erdogan’s Words Spark Outrage In Israel
Did you verify this one…. 🙂
…People Mag, Kushner, the Trumpster…they all deserve each other…watch Trump bring Kushner into the WH again…Trumpster affirmed everything I suspected when the night of the election he called the Klintons “good people” and then when he went on to push the jab and shutdown the economy…he should have put Fraudci in prison instead of letting him go on to murder even more people…and then there was the insane government spending and more debt he thought was just great…not to mention he was Bibbi’s b*tch…
…and of course the endless list of swamp creatures he drained from the swamp right into his administration….
…and Trumpster never came clean on the clot shots…and he never will..even if he knows he was wrong his ego will never let him admit it…
Thanks Ebolan… Kushner seems to be as slimy as Hunter… Just smarter and not a drug addict… But all these elites do not care one iota about ordinary people…
Ebo……….. thanks for the added article…..
Where is Wilbur…. lol 🙂
Dang right….. what are the odds….
Romney leaving Congress, and going to look for his planet in space …
Some accounting needed…. Left Jab… lol
The number of BIOLABS……
D….. for ding dong…..
Face The Nation….
Big Mike….
Seen any of their supposed kids in the news…. humm
How do we know ,,,Barry is not a girl…. lol…… 🙂
Good stuff Eddy.
Cede and Company was an eye opener.
Years and years ago, Tom Flocko did a internet drop on the shell corporations of the CIA. He ended up murdered for it.
Also there was something with 9/11 that was going to reveal CIA ownership of Bonds.
CEDE and company….. I bet 90% of the stock investors do not know CEDE and company…..
Like Sinclair said …. hold your own stock certificate….
Hi Jerry:
What a crazy world.
Hello John……….. Crazy is correct…..
Oct , Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb and now March…..6 months…. I think it is OVER….
As Ross Perot used to say, “It’s just sad.” 🙁
Yes, very sad ☹️… It would be nice if we could get some information on 🦉 health… chances of coming back… but we must also respect his right to privacy.
The United States of Israel…and Johnson is also Bibi’s b*tch…and a swamp creature….
…and of course he’s buddies with the Demonrats….just a different wing on the evil bird of prey that is the US gooberment…
…Rooskies aren’t going to take much more of this…gloves coming off…
Rooskie Helicopter Anti-Tank Tactics
CFS…you got out of Commiefornia…just in time….before you became….LUNCH!
Hard to believe but Trumpenstein may pick Kushner as his VP….given his horrible picks before I guess anything is possible with the Trumpster…and you could have your first AshkeNAZI prez if anything happens to the Trumpster….
Thanks Ebolan… Such nepotism, pro-Israel, pro-genocide would guarantee Trump would not get my vote.
Sheeple are between a rock and a hard place…..
D.Trump will say anything to get elected. All one has to do is go back to when he said the dancing Muslims were photographing 9/11.
This was a lie, not only was it a lie, it was a lie to protect his Zio Masters.
The average Trump Tard is willing to turn a blind eye to most things. I doubt they ever made it past the second page in the encyclopedia.
X None of the above.
…there’s no way an honest person could ever be selected Emperor of the USSA…you gotta be a crook…
So many people think Trump is some kind of savior.
Its taking a long time for people to realise its a uni party.
I wonder if the border will ever be closed to illegals.
Whats the number they are aiming for, 50 million? 100 million?
Right now it looks like they can bring in as many as they want.
The border is a page right out of the Zio Playbook.
Lets talk about some Really Important things, for a change.
Alaster Crooke , on Judging Freedom , Judge Nap. .. Is Europe Preaparing for War , 36 minutes , & well worth the listen.
Being Pro Palestinian and calling for a cease fire does not mean being a Hamas supporter, or an anti-semite.
In recent years we’ve seen accusations of anti-semitism as a tool to silence any criticism of Israel.
Israel does not represent all the Jews in the world, and it alone must take responsibility for the crimes it commits.
Hello John … I agree 100% ….. Alastair Crooke says this , in my above link about the Jews , have a listen.
And in the US & UK , we have these huge problems, that our Govts. dont seem to want to address. If we the people handled our household budgets in this sort of sloopy way , then we would be liveing on the streets.
Trouble Ahead for Bidenomics … The Duran >>> 14 minutes.
The firmament thunder dome.
About bloody time , some GOOD news for a change. UN Security Council call for Immedite Gaza Ceasefire. …. But will the murdering SCUM in isreal comply ?
Even the Puerto Ricans hate Kamaltoe….but she’s too clueless to even know…looks like she started cackling before the aid told her…
oops……………… ding dong………..but,… the song had a good beat… lol….
Just think of all the money spent to fly Kamaltoe on Airfarce 2 all over the world to embarrass herself and all of us…what a complete waste.
Chaos coordinator on Twitter is Tore of ToreSays.
Good to hear from you Tony;
Always appreciate input from the rest of the world.
The U.S has been in trouble financially for some time. So has Europe. The “China Miracle” is struggling as well.
West Texas crude is back over $82 a barrel.
The financial genie is out of the bottle. The money changers had to kill Jesus to keep it that way.
Bitcoin over $70,000. Wall Street is in control now.
In watching the George Harrison brainwashed video, I see a picture emerging.
The public opinion against Israel and support of Palestine is growing. When the info of Obama creating ISIS comes forward. And ISIS is connected to Israel. And so is Hillary.
In the court of public opinion, Obama will get smoked. That’s what’s coming!
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Then again, the George Harrison brainwash post probably went over most heads. 🤭
Probably better just to move along.
Michigan Offering Citizens $500 Per Month To House Illegal Immigrants…..zh…today
Really dumb…. for anyone housing an Illegal ….. drug dealers, law breakers….like duh…
think they may not ROB YOU…. lol….
Michigan is a swing state. One of I believe seven that will decide the next Presidential election.
Yes, …. I do think, You are correct John…
80% of all the fentanyl comes across the Arizona border. Why is it that Politicians always go to Texas?
Our Economy And Politics Are Broken
Tyler Durden’s Photo
MONDAY, MAR 25, 2024 – 03:00 PM
Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,
Awakening from the dream of painless financial / political solutions, we find the status quo is not the solution, it is the source of our decay.
Our situation as a society is akin to awakening from a dream of loved ones to the realization that they passed away long ago. Our economy and politics are broken, yet we continue dreaming that they are functional.
Let’s start with politics. American politics now bears an eerie resemblance to pre-collapse Soviet politics: a geriatric, sclerotic, stuck-in-the-past leadership, five-year plans (four year plans in the U.S. with one goal–get re-elected) that do nothing to change the trajectory of social decay, and a populace increasingly opting out of political engagement as people realize the pointlessness of the entire charade: the commoners are powerless and the elites are incompetent and disconnected from reality.
Recall Smith’s Neofeudalism Principle #1: If the citizenry cannot replace a kleptocratic authoritarian government and/or limit the power of the financial Aristocracy at the ballot box, the nation is a democracy in name only.
Take a look at the charts below and tell me how transferring power from one party to the other changed the trajectory of social decay, kleptocracy, authoritarianism or the predations of the financial Aristocracy. You can’t, as “business as usual” politics is incapable of changing the trajectory of inequality, debt and social decay.
The two-party “Business as usual” politics offers us a false choice, as neither party has the means to identify or address the fundamental sources of our decline as a society. What we’re offered is histrionic claims that one policy or another will fix the symptoms of decay rather than the sources of decay.
Historian Christopher Lasch (who died in 1994) saw that the either-or mindset of left-right, Progressive-Conservative was already a dead-end in 1990 when he wrote The True and Only Heaven: “We need to ask whether the left and right have not come to share so many of the underlying convictions, including a belief in the desirability and inevitability of technical and economic development, that the conflict between them, shrill and acrimonious as it is, no longer speaks to the central issues of American politics.” (page 23)
Look at the charts below and identify the great sea changes in trajectory caused by changing the party in power. There are none. The Imperial Project continues apace regardless of what party claims power. This is the result of a broken political system that offers up a false choice while society careens toward a precipice.
Federal debt: where’s the big reversal of trajectory caused by switching parties?
Like the only thing left for us to do is get the popcorn.
Ditto…………. CONGRESS ….. is WORTHLESS………along with every STATE AND LOCAL govt….$$$$$$$
BAR LAW… lol………
Popcorn time is right……………….
Try and get 3300 townships together on anything… lol
Cars in USA on the block…Trump will over turn this Biden decree on his first day…imho….https://www.technocracy.news/car-mogul-manic-move-to-electric-vehicles-will-destroy-the-auto-industry/
The deep state is getting desperate.
Spot on comments from Juan.
Me thinks the attack on the Francis Scott Key Bridge was retaliation for attacks on the Kerch Bridge (actual and being planned) and the Crocus concert… This return volley was a nice message, with minimal loss of life, but next time… Will the neocons listen?
I think you are on to something…… Sure not an accident.
I was wondering…. why not a tug boat escort out of the bay…
After see the above film,…. engine problem … as suggested by the narrator..
Thanks Jerry… Good detailed report… Now questions… Did they completely loose rudder control?
You know modern cars can have computer control of certain systems hijacked… Are the ships plots stupid? Going into reverse is futile…
The fact that authorities immediately dismiss terrorism is a red flag in my mind… Why did the power fail? Twice? Were they attempting to reboot failed control systems?
Hello Tommy….. Not sure of the rudder control…. I think the guy mentioned something about that
in the video…
All seems fishy to me………
Ditto Jerry…. Fishy 🐠 🐟 Oh, the smell 🦨
A ( AI ) Operation Boy’s Computers are taking offer and will destroy ALL WE KNOW ! The Revange off Russia will make us think !
The attack at the concert hall in Russia sounds a lot like the concert shooting in Vegas.
Probably just a coincidence.
They are not coincidences, just random events.
The triumphant USA is now producing more oil and gas than any nation ever has
The Death of Serious Politics
I watched an interview yesterday with an american fighter pilot.
He left the military as he realised what the american government is doing.
He suggested that people should prepare and provided a list of 10 items and actions people should take. A logical list.
In any case the interesting part of the interview was his description/explanation of how the members of the military think.
I guess they are gung ho, the american government is correct in everything it does.
The U.S. is the good guys and all other nations are the bad guys except of course the vassals.
It doesnt sound like a 3rd world war will be prevented from within the U.S. military.
No chance there will be a defense from domestic enemies.
The americans are pressing for war, there is no negotiation, Putin has said multiple times, there is noone to negotiate with.
I really wonder how this can be stopped.
Good info SF… The military jab mandate helped to remove the smartest soldiers… either by them refusing and getting kicked out, or by the slight brain damage the jab inflicts on every taker.
At this point, like the ship that hit the Key bridge, the course was set, power failed, the rudder is now stuck, and going in full reverse won’t stop the disaster. JMO.
Dali container ship that crashed into Baltimore’s Key Bridge bringing it crumbling down previously smashed into a dock in Antwerp.
Dang…. that is real interesting…. wonder if, you will hear it on MSN… lol….
Everything is planned.(IMO)….. sheeple just do not keep track of the demons,sheeple have
an attention span of about 8 secs…..lol
The brilliance of Trump.
DJT was the symbol of his stock years ago that ceased trading in his bankruptcy with casino’s.
The stock holders have now done very well with todays open. He did good by his investors.
However, the cabal that shorted his stock back in the day with DJT and with DWAC recently has to cover massive shorts! They helped fund his stock with short covering. Brilliant!!
Mar 26 Mikkel Rosenvold Interview Bob Moriarty Riverside
Seems Bob agrees with me, we are alot closer to ww3 than anybody realizes.
The exception of course would be the Russians, wouldnt surprise me if China,Iran etc understand as well.
This guy did something.
Great idea!
‘Literally Anybody Else’ announces US presidential campaign
The man admitted that mounting a serious challenge to Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be “very hard”
‘Literally Anybody Else’ announces US presidential campaign
A photo of ‘Literally Anybody Else’ from his campaign website © literallyanybodyelse.com
Texas voters could get the chance to cast their ballots for a man named ‘Literally Anybody Else’ this November, if his long-shot scheme to protest the US’ two-party system is successful.
TOMMY…………………. You can make this stuff up….. lol… 🙂
Update (1423ET):
Maritime job placement company BalticShipping shows the captain of the container ship is a Ukranian.
Southfan……b………………. just for you……
………Wonderful news’: UK High Court grants Julian Assange leave to appeal extradition
Thx Jerry, I saw that. Ive been following.
There is a hurdle or two for Assange to get past yet.
There is only 1 answer to all the garbage the american government is doing.
I doubt the american people will do anything.
Its posssible Putin and friends pull a rabbit, but ya really gotta wonder.
The American Sheeple, still think we have a govt….for the PEOPLE….
Those days have been long gone …. just nobody knows it….
We have been electing nothing but con men, set up by the cabal…
“the CIA, of the cabal”… front runners….of evil…
Lara Logan in the war room.
Comments about the Key bridge.
The bridge had explosives and detonation charges to help with the collapse.
(Lara not saying that, I saw the video)
Good interview with Lara.
The bridge is named after the author of the Star Spangled Banner…….hmmm!
As she said……………..”this is all by design”……. (FBI knew about it)….. 9 min mark…
Like I said….earlier today…..something fishy… not an accident…
OOTB Jerry
17 hours ago
I think you are on to something…… Sure not an accident.
She goes over the timeline… of the Biden insiders cabal/scum sell outs…at about 10min…
(Congress is full of sell outs)
She does not know the entire story……
She did not go back far enough…. it was not just OBAMA/BIDEN scum….
Great info from Lara… Thanks Chartster… And Jerry for the follow-up info.
The Biden administration is tyrannical SCUM……
RFK Jr…… should have selected MacGregor… for VP…..
The SHEEPLE might have a chance …. LAW and Military minds….
I dont know if Macgregor would be interested in joining RFK.
Macgregor will know that he is too close to Israel.
He did know about Trump and Israel, but now he seems to believe the way to go is a whole new option.
Maybe check out the website. ourcountryourchoice.
I look at it as ……… Two parts………
RFK, can clean up the inside group… CIA/FBI/DOJ …..
Mcg….. can clean up the Military side of the complex…. no more wars…
Watch the buckle points on this bridge. You can see the thermite flash and molten steel.
more noticeable on the right column….
Not sure those are thermite explosions… I bet there were power lines up there… they broke, shorted out, producing arc flashes… Hitting that main support pillar was quite sufficient to collapse the bridge.
Yeah, the same type of power lines that caused building 7 to drop at free fall speed..
KISS principle… thermite charges were not necessary to take down the Key bridge… Demolition charges were necessary to take down building 7… Most agree fire alone could not take down building 7 like that.
Here is a better view of the bridge demolition.
Oh yea, and p diddy leads to Obama.
We can count on the FBI to “cover” the incident.
Interesting video in this one.
“This was the LAST straw for Ukraine, it’s over” Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted w Clayton Morris
I see a little hope from our”blowhard” in this interview.
Course Hezbollah and isis in Mexico and entering the states is kinda scary.
Open borders, what a pile of poop.
“This was the LAST straw for Ukraine, it’s over” Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted w Clayton Morris
I see a little hope from our”blowhard” in this interview.
Course Hezbollah and isis in Mexico and entering the states is kinda scary.
Open borders, what a pile of poop.
Good video……southfan…..
MacGregor is the real deal… like we said from the beginning….
Re. The Baltimore bridge. Here is my two cents , it was a freak accident, the ship lost power, just at the wrong time ……. i dont believe there was anything NEFARIOUS going on. & please dont point me in the direction of the logan person, that girl could find a conspirisy under your lounge carpet.
Appreciate the counter perspective Irish… Only a complete and proper investigation can get to the truth… I lean towards it not being just an accident… Stealth cyber attack is my best guess… and that capability is not going to be exposed by either side in the war, at least not until many more targets are taken out…
Irish………” logan person, that girl could find a conspirisy under your lounge carpet.”….
Now that is funny……….. lol……. 🙂
Red hot steel at the stress points (that the news and investigators are Not talking about) brought down the bridge.
The boat is a distraction for the dummies.
Chartster ….. Show us the evidence of red hot steel !!
Go watch the videos! Geeez!
Chartster . If you are talking about the tiktok video , they are NOT explosions , they are the lights on the bridge shorting out as the power cables snap….. that clown who posted that vid , should have looked at the vids , before the collapse. The problem with some people is , they see what they want to see. Not the facts. wake the f**k up …. man.
Steel doesn’t break like that. And it broke where the fire was.
The boat could have never taken down that steel without the help of detonations.
It’s common sense.
Chartster… Where did you get your structural engineering degree? What degrees do you have?
I get Tony is a bit indoctrinated.
But what are you trying to cover up?
What agency do you contract through?
I dont need an engineering degree to know how steel works.
If you can’t see that was a demolition, you are ignorant or agency.
I’m betting agency on you.
Chartster………….. You need to be nicer to the BLOGGERS…..
not many remaining… of the TRUE BLOODS…
Respect your elders….. 🙂
I guarantee ,….. You do not know everything…. , Nor do I…. 🙂
IRON SHARPENING IRON….. have a great one…
I’m not nice when I’m ridiculed for showing the truth about a situation.
And I guarantee you, I don’t know it all.
Ah…….. Chartster……
It is all good…. everyone here contributes… as we see things….
Not everyone is up to speed on everything… nor can they be….
We are not all next door neighbors… and do not have a real picture of what is going on in our neighborhoods down the street….
It is always good to share , what we see to be the truth of every situation.
We contribute, and hope that it is what we think is truth… and that I am appreciative of for those sharing.
Do not think we do not appreciate your contribution, for I appreciate those who contribute ..trying
to make sense of a society which is lead by corrupt globalist… but, that has been going on for a very
long time.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts…..
Jerry, good points… moderating the blog.
Chartster, I may disagree with you on many points, but I respect your contributions: Interesting sources and points of view… I may take some offense on a couple of your comments, but whenever people of honest intent interact, minor disagreements and arguments are possible… We should not completely hold back, go woke, and never offend. To err is human, to forgive divine. To go woke is to die emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Thanks Tommy….. for the reply….
Hello Irish………….
If, you go to the 49 sec mark on the video…. (go slow, pay attention to the right support on the bridge)
It might be what Chartster is thinking is “red hot steel.”…
glad you are reading…hope everything is ok.
Bottom line,….I think….. sure was not an accident…..JMO
Oh,. oops…… posted this before, I read your response to chartster…. 🙂
Hi Jerry . Thanks for the reply , i watched the video 7 times , & having done so , i will stand by what i wrote above.
Hello Irish,……
Thanks for the reply….. No problem here…. always glad to hear from you…
Myself,…. I am just taking it all in… 🙂
Oh, did you read the part where the ship’s pilot was a Ukrainian… 🙂 … humm
Irish, I will stand with you on this one… People, like Chartster, who what to see things when the evidence is very thin, if there at all, give conspiracy theorists a bad reputation.
So Jerry… Do you think that pilot is upset that Zelensky is ruining his country, or upset at US for not giving Ukraine more money?
My first thought,.. he is working for …. the war mongers….CIA plant… WATheory….
We must see, …. what is his background, … his family connections….
He did after all have another accident … seems he would have been docked for that one…
Heck he could be a drug dealer, or an alcoholic with bad eye sight… 🙂
I think you’re on to something Jerry with the eyesight… In these days of diversity and equality a mostly blind harbor pilot would need to be on staff… And what better shift to have he/she on duty than at night… Too bad it was a to clear night, reduced visibility because of fog or haze could have been another factor. Lol 😆
Think about the city BALTIMORE……. been going down hill since Pelosi , ram sacked the city…
the Mafia controlled harbors… got a buck….
Peabody…. and dance studio new leader… of classic dance…. lol….
Freaking arts have gone WOKE…. all the kids on assistance programs ,…like duh
There are four videos together in this link.
The one on the bottom left will show you steel being melted by explosives. Watch the bridge support on the right. It’s a demolition!
Hi jerry … It does not matter what nationaly the captain of a ship is. Entering & leaving a port , the habour pilot is in charge of the ship.
Good points Irish………….. Now who is the harbor pilot….
Someone said…… the ship was not in the channel coming out…
So, does that mean the harbor pilot is responsible…?
So, what is the harbor pilot’s back ground…. ?
All is good……. things are never as they seem….
The ship’s GPS navigation could have been spoofed… In one spot in the US, I found GPS navigation to be off by a couple of city blocks many times… Now, why a harbor pilot would be lazy enough to trust GPS, and not traditional visual markers is beyond me… but somehow I think the ship control was hacked.
Tommy…….. exactly…………
The harbor pilot should know the position of the channel in his sleep….
the river is not that wide……
Blind 🦯 and asleep 😴 at the wheel 🎡, the harbor pilot experienced a nightmare 🌉… failing the sleep 💤 test.
lol……… 🙂
Quite a mystery…. from mainstream reporting:
“When the Dali lost power, the pilot guiding the ship out of the Port of Baltimore ordered its rudder turned hard to the left and its left anchor dropped in an effort to slow the vessel and stop it from swinging to the right, Diamond said.”
“….and then the Dali appeared to begin turning to the right.”
A few possibilities, my thoughts…
1. No power to turn the rudder at all and the rudder was slightly right at moment of failure. Never to move again, even after power came back briefly.
2. The crew misunderstood the order and should have turned the rudder to the other left.
3. What was the impact of the current in the river and the tide?
4. Did the anchor drop quickly? Was there just not enough time and nothing but mud to bite?
5. No mention of the ship being out of the Channel, which I find as an interesting point touched on earlier by Jerry. By the time it got this close to the bridge it should have been on a straight and true path. If it was out of the channel, trying to get back in, the situation was ripe for catastrophic disaster.
Let’s Make Ukraine Green ! ? ( A Gain ) ! The western World and Russia work Hand in Hand to make Ukraine Green 21&30 Agenda !
No Gain… No Pain.. … should be Pain and gain….. mostly PAIN… for the SHEEPLE…. 🙂
Hope you are doing FINE…..and GOOD…. FRANKY…. glad to hear from you….
OWL, told me to say HI…. He misses you…. 🙂
Another twist in this bridge situation.
Angela Chao was the CEO of the shipping company. She was killed last month at a ranch in Texas when her car went into a pond.
She was the sister in law of Mitch McConnell.
Spooky……. Mitch in the ditch….stepping down…
Jimmy Dore on the terror attack in Russia…
The real covid conspiracy…….
Just a note……….on the…..Bridge in Baltimore,
zero article says…
..the pilot was Indian, not Ukrainian ? (so that puts the question of Ukraine out)
Indian pilot , skilled or unskilled.. hired because possible inclusion ….check out diversity info on the company of inclusion…
Baltimore harbor board… skilled or unskilled…. inclusion.
The slow death of Twitter is measured in disasters like the Baltimore bridge collapse
We were anchored in the mouth of the Naknek River during Salmon season when a barge broke loose and was coming at us with the tide.
We barely got our anchor up and moved. I have also been on a trawler when the rudder fell off.
I also was on a salmon gilnetter when we lost steering.
For me it was not to hard to imagine what happened. This kind of thing happens quite regularly. Admittedly , not every day some one takes down a bridge.
Gold future $2254.00
Gold looking good………… 12 months……… $2520… look out….. 🙂
Got phzy…. 🙂
Silver sucks right now…. hoping it gets a bid later in the year…. really do not care….
to hard to stack and to heavy to carry… 🙂
Went to the coin shop today…. sad news on the street for phyz silver…
Hi Jerry… The weakness in silver has me concerned here… But it may reflect that large money smart players see the sh*t hitting fan, but the small guy is still unaware or just so poor dealing with inflation that demand is adversely impacted… And yeah, AG is heavy, much cheaper to transport AU… I think more like 3000 gold is likely in 12 months… still, I think there will be a pullback down to at least 2100 before that launch. JMO.
Hello Tommy….
Silver is just slow to the party…..
Silver has some work to do….I am watching the $32 mark…before getting excited…. JMO
You could be right on the $3000…. within 12 months….
Morris Hubbartt feels silver takes off with an inflation report.
@321. I question if they tell the truth.
U.S. gold is over 2200, cdn over 3000, maybe Im wrong but Ukraine and U.S. debt might be creeping into peoples awarness.
Maybe gold backs off if Ukraine war ends but the debt might cause it to continue advancing anyway.
Gold looks to be up about 60 this last week, Im no guru but it wouldnt surprise me if that were to continue.
Aside from not being a guru Im not in touch with anyone from the adl.
So I really have no idea what it will do.
I got the $2530….. from a chart guy who is really good,….best I have seen for years….
I am not much into charts,…but , this guy makes you a believer…..
Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly chart action…. looking good…
I am more into the cup and handle….. long term chart…which is confirming break out…
Master Trader Gareth Soloway is the guy’s name… not promoting just think he is good,
and runs the numbers daily… on his web show…
Pre market….. show at 9 am central
Philadelphia Fed Admits US Payrolls Overstated By At Least 800,000
Tyler Durden’s Photo
THURSDAY, MAR 28, 2024 – 03:45 PM
The first red flags emerged in the summer of 2022: that’s when the Biden Labor Department started well and truly rigging the labor market data.
Well Duh……… who would think… lol…. way behind the curve….
Yeh……..PURE BULLSHIT out of Biden White House.
Port anchor dropped, not starboard, SO WHY THE HELL DID THE SHIP TURN TO STARBOARD?
Well CFS, that video is unavailable… censors acted fast?
Yeah, I would say that was a pretty rapid right turn… and executed extremely precisely to hit that support dead on… 🤔
Boat Story………………….. by Obama…. written last year……
Is about a ship running into a bridge….
George Webb on Twitter……
Judging Freedom … With Ray Mc Govern , & Larry Johnson … Moscow Attact & Ukraine + nudelman.
The bridge attack appears to have occurred through the use of cyber and/or EMF weapons that knocked out electricity and certain aspects of the Dali ship’s black box, and then turned it toward the bridge’s essential pylon. As was explained to me, the bridge is named after the man who wrote our national anthem, which is symbolic. The ship that hit it, the Dali, is also highly symbolic. Lest anyone think this was an accident, the symbols provide the evidence it was no accident. Salvador Dali painted “The Broken Bridge and the Dream” in 1945, which can be seen in the St. Petersburg museum, FL. Note Russia also has a St. Petersburg.
Collection of The Dalí Museum, St. Petersburg, FL (USA); Gift of A. Reynolds & Eleanor Morse 2007.7
The destroyed bridge is an unmissable signal.
What about the Crocus attack? It seems the 4 alleged perpetrators caught in Russia thought they were going to live through the attack—this never happens in a false flag. They always commit suicide or are killed by law enforcement. Remember how the young brother, the alleged Boston Marathon bomber, was shot about 100 times by police, while hiding under a cloth in a rowboat, miraculously escaping death? You would think the police want to question these suspects, but that never seems to happen.
Here is an interesting report on what very high Russian officials are saying to the media.
The most bizarre thing about the bridge incident is – according to the black box -……
When the possible collision was imminent, the PORT anchor was dropped.
Note port is the LEFT SIDE of the ship when facing forward.
Yet video evidence shows the ship turning to the RIGHT, hitting the bridge foundation, instead of a glancing blow, which would have happened without the turn to starboard.
Are there any pictures of the anchor cable on the port side of the Dali confirming that the anchor was deployed?
Thanks Obama – Biden scum.
And you don
.’t think killing off 10% of your population (mostly elderly) is a good way to reduce government obligations !
.and you don
You don’t think Obama-Biden is taking us to war ?
For info on SHIPS…..steering….tug use, etc.
Thanks CFS… Very informative… If truly just an accident, the current with the tide may have been just enough to result in the fatal change in trajectory… On the other hand, that current may be perfect cover for sabotage to allow the current to ram it into the pylon… With modern computer modeling of this scenario, a sophisticated saboteur would know exactly when to crash the power to make it so.
And so it goes……scum everywhere
Good example of proper political game playing… Note that it is unconstitutional to threaten to veto… The governor just did the veto… The rules they play under are necessarily narrow with technical loopholes… I laugh at almost every ethics law… they sound good in principle, but just provide the framework for being unethical, but abide by the rules. Lol. 😂
China prepares to invade Taiwan……
But not for a few months yet….
It is not just the covid vaccine design itself that is a problem……!
IT IS THE LACK OF QUALITY CONTROL and the CRAP that was also in the shots……
Pfizer should be put out of business.
Was it deliberate?
Whistleblowers indicate it was.
Pfizer lied on safety.
Pfizer lied on testing.
Pfizer cut corners and misled everyone.
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