

Byron King – Resource Investment Conference Recap, Tombstone Gold Belt Investment Angle

January 29, 2024

Byron King, Geologist and writer with the Paradigm Group, joins us to recap his time at the recent resource investment conferences in Vancouver last week. We also focus on the Tombstone Gold Belt in the Yukon. This is the area that Victoria Gold, Snowline Gold, Banyan Gold, Sitka Gold and Rackla Metals are all active in. While Byron was not seeing any new companies and stories at the conference he points to the companies he thinks are doing the best work to advance their projects.


Click here to visit the Paradigm Group website to keep up to date with Byron.




1 Comment
    Jan 29, 2024 29:59 PM

    In 1979 bought a Landcruiser J40 at an Edmonton Toyota dealership from a young salesman who had just quit his job. He and his friend had purchased a Cat bulldozer and they were going to the Yukon to look for gold. Talking to him, it was clear they didn’t have a clue what they were gonna do. I didn’t have a clue either but at the time at least had a small collection of Krugerands. Who knows what happened to those guys.