

Really no good news today

Big Al
September 19, 2023
Press play symbol to listen
    Sep 19, 2023 19:23 AM

    Welcome back, Big Al.

    The good news is that the F35 did not fly to Cuba.
    At one point it was speculated that China broken into the computer system and was flying the plane to Cuba.

      Sep 19, 2023 19:29 AM

      We have inflation. CAUSED BY OIL PRICE INCREASES. Due to an economoron in the White House cutting off exploration and exploitation for oil.
      Most things in the world have prices that include energy costs for transportation.

    Sep 19, 2023 19:41 AM

    The 2020 election, in my opinion, was illegally stolen.

    Sep 19, 2023 19:50 AM

    Journalist jailed for claiming 2020 election was rigged.

    Sep 19, 2023 19:09 PM

    Isn’t it amazing what $20,000,000 in bribes will do to change a corrupt politician:

    Sep 19, 2023 19:42 PM
    Sep 19, 2023 19:51 PM

    Some American politicians are honest and want to cut spending, but they are heavily out-numbered by corrupt scum, getting kick-backs and bribes (for their election campaigns).

    If you think we have a funding problem now, Jimmy, just wait until interest rates double and ALL TAXATION is sucked up by interest cost of carrying 30 Trillion dollars of debt.

    Sep 19, 2023 19:01 PM

    Surprise, surprise…….
    The lying incompetent Brennan, Clapper and Kolbe all get their rewards from our senile puppet….They’re back.

    Sep 19, 2023 19:03 PM

    Spending bill pulled

    Sep 19, 2023 19:21 PM

    4 minutes ago i pressed the play button , to listeZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    Sep 19, 2023 19:27 PM

    Demerit Garland is as crooked as a staple.

      Sep 19, 2023 19:03 PM

      Name one idiot in bIden cabinet that is not perverted ….lie steal cheat….🤔🥸

    Sep 19, 2023 19:13 PM

    Col Douglas Macgregor: Eight Were Destroyed By The Russians

    Sep 19, 2023 19:09 PM

    Col Douglas Macgregor: We Don’t Want War With Russia

    Sep 19, 2023 19:04 PM

    “Putin Has Got All He Wants…” Seymour Hersh On Russia-Ukraine War & What Could Happen Next

    Sep 19, 2023 19:00 PM

    ‘Definite causal link’ between all-cause mortality and Covid vaccine rollouts

    Sep 19, 2023 19:06 PM

    The Chris Hedges Report Podcast with former Financial Times reporter Matt Kennard about his book “Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy”

    The Chris Hedges Report

    Sep 19, 2023 19:23 PM

    Treason……….allowing illegal entry, just counting heads.

    Senile or not, the President DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO IGNORE THE LAW.

    Sep 19, 2023 19:25 PM


    Should any president be above the law ?

      Sep 20, 2023 20:02 AM

      We are a nation of laws… excess laws available for arbitrary enforcement.

    Sep 19, 2023 19:20 PM

    Tucker Carlson: “You have no idea what is coming…” PREPARE NOW!

      Sep 20, 2023 20:14 AM

      Thanks for that link SF….Brutal defeat of Ukraine force will become ours next?…political MIC maniacs….

      I heard the Eurasian troops have extreme high moral and that the Oceana populous is demoralized….and that Eastasia will provide reliable troops to support Oceana…..Not sure if true…

      Sep 20, 2023 20:34 AM

      Powerful information and analysis from Tucker and his well informed guest… Everyone should listen, especially 🦉

    Sep 20, 2023 20:31 AM

    West is a crumbling empire – US journalist to RT

    There is no hope of stifling the success of a multipolar world, Jackson Hinkle said.

    Dont know if anyone here has heard this fellow.
    He is pretty much up to speed.

    A bothersome thing he says is that people under aprox. 30 believe what our government says.
    They are completely brainwashed.

    When I joined the forces at 18, I sure was.

      Sep 20, 2023 20:01 AM

      “It really is a suicide mission”….al that is good news for Russia the victim…Do you not agree?

    Sep 20, 2023 20:30 AM

    Once again DR. Vernon Coleman…SPOTON….Was a major leader speaking truth to power regarding the entire covid and jab scam….He reported from day one this was a central powers control psyop….

      Sep 20, 2023 20:58 AM

      Thanks larry

        Sep 20, 2023 20:34 AM

        apparently only bloggers engage in investigative journalism?…..When will you get a laptop Jerry?

          Sep 20, 2023 20:37 PM

          That is a good question..

    Sep 20, 2023 20:46 AM

    Whether intended or unintended consequence of the jab…the DNA is going cause more and more human mutations and defects going forward…will humans that survive take on the appearance of zombies?…Well yes…That is minimal…the neurological component of damage will be almost incalculable….Spell sad or tragedy or incomprehensible…Not a good thing for future generations…Like et all….where is Doc Freda when questions emerge?…lol, not really

    Sep 20, 2023 20:55 AM

    Two weeks in a row.

    No owl 🦉 not 🪖😭

      Sep 20, 2023 20:16 PM

      Really looks like Al is done with the site.
      Maybe is health but in any case imo he should be done with Jim and simply post informative guests interviews.

      Maybe he cant tho, might be some copyright issues. Not that I know, just wondering.

      Ukraine, Ritter,Johnston,southfront,military summary and Macgregor.
      For politics, Macgregor has that covered too.
      Ron Paul channel as well.

      That would save you alot of work Al and the information to your listeners would be infinitly superiour. 😉

      Course as Jackson Hinkle the under 30 crowd believes the government propaganda but I doubt too many in that age group listen to Ker anyway.

      Jackson Hinkle would be a good person to post too.

        Sep 20, 2023 20:35 PM

        b..🦉 is done and has been for a long time….at least three years.
        MSN is about all he relies on..

        I like the site because the bloggers are spot on with info. And some really good added site info
        And feed back.

          Sep 20, 2023 20:16 PM

          Gotta agree Jerry.

          But imo the site pretty much died when Jimmy started. The site lost any credibility it still had.

            Sep 20, 2023 20:40 PM

            Well, you could be right. It is a shame…
            At this point…

    Sep 20, 2023 20:02 AM

    What time is it?…..Sorry, but it is DEAGEL time…. apocalyptic posting is really exhausting, ya know?

    Really I want to get in shape and get a gun along w about 10 million other able bodied americans…I have spoken w military guys at a gym I go to…they really believe the troops will fire on american patriots if ordered to…and their weapons are mucho better and lethal than any rag tag insurgency……

      Sep 20, 2023 20:59 PM

      U the man ♂️ now larry….
      Operation OOTB..
      is on reserve, until operation. Computer 🖥️ is acquired 😄

        Sep 20, 2023 20:38 PM

        OH NO Jerry…Get Irish in here to keep the flow go up…I get distracted and trapped in rabbit holes all the time…..Get the machine and suffer through the set-up…and it is suffering at least when I do it…..🔊🔊🎉😜💩💩💩

          Sep 20, 2023 20:53 PM

          I can tell.

          Irish I think 🤔is pissed off 🧑‍🦯, ….u🏗️.💩..has left it’s toll.

            Sep 20, 2023 20:41 PM

            🎯 Jerry… Irish 😭… Most bloggers here are 😠 🤬 😡 about u🏗️.💩 put out by the deep state neocons, MSM, and 🪖 here with support from 🦉…. The disclaimer “Not necessarily the opinion of Big Al” is a big cop out: if opposing views are NOT presented, it is the opinion of management… just like main stream media fails proper journalistic standards by never presenting opposing views – effectively censoring them, the broadcast material on KER politcs has become no better than MSM.

            Sep 21, 2023 21:53 AM

            Tommy 👍💯🎯🪖💩🦉🤐

            Sep 21, 2023 21:27 AM

            Another good emoji-gram Jerry… Worth 700 words… figure 🤔 each emoji is worth 100 words. 😊

            Sep 21, 2023 21:42 AM


    Sep 20, 2023 20:05 PM

    Azerbaijan – Armenia conflict escalates ! A new truble ! Europe sanctions to the Russian Diamond World ! Day can’t stop to Sanction enyting ((( To GO Green ))) The santions are the Green Agenda !

    Sep 20, 2023 20:12 PM

    BREAKING NEWS: Rand Paul Issues Issues Stark Warning To Biden, Senate, & House About Ukraine Funding

    Al/Jim dont look, Rand Paul doesnt want to fund the Ukraine war, obviously a Russian agent. 😉
    A “blowhard”. lol

    Sep 20, 2023 20:44 PM

    BREAKING NEWS: Rand Paul Issues Issues Stark Warning To Biden, Senate, & House About Ukraine Funding

    This got deleted, maybe because I said Jim /Al dont look, Rand Paul is a Russian agent. 😉
    A blowhard. lol

      Sep 20, 2023 20:01 PM

      No more money for Ukraine AND shutdown the gooberment! After all, the US Gooberment is a government of the criminals, by the criminals and for the criminals and is the greatest criminal enterprise the world has ever known…not to mention it’s run by mass murderers.

      Sep 20, 2023 20:17 PM

      Ditto Rand P.


    Sep 20, 2023 20:47 PM

    Skiff..was live…just missed it…

    US Feral Gooberment Debt went up a trillion in just 3 months!

    And Skiff got a new camera…when he gets all the doodads you boys will be able to see him and his pretty shirts in high defecation.

    Sep 21, 2023 21:19 AM

    The Kiffness x Lonely Cat – Sometimes I’m Alone (Singing Cat)

      Sep 21, 2023 21:06 AM

      JUST saw that sff…..I think it is trending on youtube…I luv it…will save to my cat folder….I am a cat lover…..Do not ask…when they pass it rips you apart….Lovely little creatures of god

    Sep 21, 2023 21:31 AM

    Watch the look on Dr. Birx face when Trump asks to research the suppressed medicine that works.

      Sep 21, 2023 21:27 AM


    Sep 21, 2023 21:50 AM
      Sep 21, 2023 21:05 AM

      Out of Russia comes the hope of the world.

      Book of Cayce 😉

    Sep 21, 2023 21:26 AM

    Cannon Fodder: Number of Ukrainian Amputee Soldiers Going Through the Roof

    Tens of thousands of Ukrainians have become amputees, while many more sustained other injuries or died on the battlefield. The scale of amputations in Ukraine has reached that of the First World War, according to Western media.
    Between 20,000 and 50,000 Ukrainian soldiers have lost one or more limbs since the beginning of the conflict, Western press has reported.

    Sep 21, 2023 21:33 AM

    Interesting report…and analysis by Taylor…I didn’t think the cover was drab, though…

      Sep 21, 2023 21:54 AM

      Thanks 👍💯🎯
      Gongoress should be ashamed

      Sep 21, 2023 21:44 AM

      Does this infer that somehow Trump will win 2024…..They , military, are trapping the corrupted actors?

        Sep 21, 2023 21:34 PM

        Trump is still commander and chief.
        The 2020 election was a sting operation.
        He probably will be back before this year ends.
        At least, I hope he will.

    Sep 21, 2023 21:52 AM

    Cannon Fodder: Number of Ukrainian Amputee Soldiers Going Through the Roof

    Tens of thousands of Ukrainians have become amputees, while many more sustained other injuries or died on the battlefield. The scale of amputations in Ukraine has reached that of the First World War, according to Western media.
    Between 20,000 and 50,000 Ukrainian soldiers have lost one or more limbs since the beginning of the conflict, Western press has reported.

    I recall posting “Ukraine is doing bayonet charges into machine gun fire”
    Jimmy figured my info was nuts.

    American “intelligence” has no idea, they should pray not to get into conflict with either Russia or China.

      Sep 21, 2023 21:34 PM

      🪖 is sleeping 😴

    Sep 21, 2023 21:07 PM

    You could have been an astronaut?