

Weekend Show – Markets, Commodities and Energy Stocks, Where Is Looking Best Now

August 5, 2023

Welcome to the Weekend Edition of the KE Report. On this Weekend’s Show we focus on shorter term outlooks for US markets, metals and energy. While we all might have differing outlooks for the longer term economic and market environments there are profits to be made in the short term especially with a wide range of stocks moving higher.


Please keep in touch with Shad and I through email. Our email addresses are and



  • Segment 1 and 2 – Dana Lyons, Fund Manager and Editor of The Lyons Share Pro website kicks off the show by sharing his trading strategy for bonds, the USD, US markets, precious metals and energy. We tie in some longer term outlooks but the main focus in this interview is where you can make money now.
    • Click here to visit the Lyons Share Pro website to keep up to date with all of Dana’s portfolio moves.
  • Segment 3 and 4 – Dan Steffens, President of the Energy Prospectus Group wraps up the show with a focus on oil and natural gas stocks. We start with some macro comments then quickly get into the stocks he likes for dividends and growth.
    • Dan has offered all of our listeners $100 off his newsletter and to email him with any questions on energy stocks. You can email to activate your membership and ask questions. Just mention you’re coming from our show.

Dana Lyons
Dan Steffens

    Aug 05, 2023 05:30 PM

    H-E-L-L-O, this is not pretty, The Impact of Money Printing in The Last Few Years Will Destroy the Economy, Ron Paul on the Jay Martin Show! DT

      Aug 06, 2023 06:31 AM

      Hi DT … IMO the American Economy has allready been Destroyed , the only thing that prevents it from collapseing compleatly is the fact that the Dollar is the worlds reserve currency & the FED can just print as much fake currancy , as the Govt needs to survive . Talk about trowing more petrol on the fire. But then look on the bright side , the Elites are making out like bandits , with all this free money they get . While in the meantime , Joe Bloogs his Wife & Kids are suffering big time. Such a shame , America the beacon on the hill , is loosing it’s flame.

    Aug 07, 2023 07:50 AM

    Sad showing for a weekend show…..JMO

    Aug 07, 2023 07:08 AM

    I remember Jim Sinclair back in 2001 saying – the BOYZ would rip their own mothers face off just because they could & would get away with it.