On this update with Graphene Manufacturing Group (TSX.V:GMG) I wanted to step back and provide an overview of each product division (battery development, Thermal XR and lubricants) as well as the scaling up of graphene production and a look ahead to the next key milestones.
Craig Nicol, CEO of GMG joins me to walk us through the ongoing work in each product division and what the next steps are to move toward significant revenue and commercialization. On the battery front we focus on the development of pouch cells. For the Thermal XR we recap recent news on distribution agreements. On the lubricants I ask about current revenue and growth opportunities. Finally on the graphene production front we discuss the progress in growing production and the possibility or selling the end product or licensing the production process.
I greatly appreciate all the emails and questions you all have been sending me so please keep those coming. On our next interview we will dive more into the finer details to answer some of you more specific questions. I hope this bigger picture overview is helpful.
Please email your questions to Fleck@kereport.com.
Click here to visit the GMG website to learn more about each product division.