Korelin Economics Report

John Rubino – Using Summer Doldrums Low Sentiment To Accumulate Quality At A Discount

John Rubino, publisher of his newsletter over at Substack, joins us for discussion on the macroeconomic forces moving the general markets, commodities, and precious metals in both the near-term and longer-term.   While the “summer doldrums” and low-volume weak sentiment in the commodity sector can be a drain in investors enthusiasm, John makes the case that now is the perfect time to be patiently accumulating the strongest quality companies that are on the discount rack along with the rest of the sector. 


We touch on the precious metals sector, but also dig into the energy sector getting his perspectives on the uranium, oil, and copper stocks that he sees as deep value with longer-term growth trends solidly in place.  John also points out that in particular, during time periods like this with so much macroeconomic uncertainty, that he likes the revenue generation of producing oil companies with dividends and the revenue generation from PM royalty companies that don’t have the operational project risks or labor risks that individual producers have.  


John is still interested in using a portion of his investing capital to continue acquiring the best-of-breed quality gold and silver exploration companies.  He specifically mentions New Found Gold (NFG) (NFGC), Snowline Gold (SGD) (SNWGF), Nevada King Gold (NKG) (NKGFF), and Dolly Varden (DV) (DOLLF) as companies in his personal portfolio that he feels are repeatedly putting out some of the strongest drill results.





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