Yesterday, December 20th, Graphene Manufacturing Group (TSX.V:GMG) announced new data on the Thermal-XR division. The data, which is verified by the University of Queensland, shows that when THERMAL-XR® is applied to aluminum it reduces the surface temperature by approximately 15% in temperatures between 70C and 90C.
Craig Nicol, Founder and CEO of Graphene Manufacturing Group joins me to focus on the Thermal-XR division. We start with what the news means for market penetration of the product as well as possible revenue sources. We also discuss other potential markets for this product and how quickly it can be scaled. I have Craig outline how the Company will balance the Thermal-XR division with the battery division and how it will allocate the graphene produced to each product. As Craig says, this data is a game changer for this product.
If you have any follow up questions for Craig on the Thermal-XR division, battery division or graphene production please email me at Thank you to everyone who has sent in questions following the last interview. I am saving those for another Q&A interview with Craig.
Click here to visit the GMG website and read over the recent news.