Dr. Birnbaum discusses the psychology of Putin and other politicians

How much of Natural News do you own?
This is from a close friend of mine an Anapolis Grad who is astute politically.
Freda (last name) is right on in describing the goings on of that bumpkin in the WH and deleterious Putin who has initiated tens of thousands of deaths for his own aggrandizement. Both are a detriment to good order and discipline and it’s been costly to and for good people. We need to find the proper people with good and/or benevolent hearts. We’ve got to stop the financial elites who are putting these recalcitrants in power.
doc freda covers for this …see article below…that makes her an elitist helping them retain power over the sheeple…i would gladly invest in Natural News if it was a public company……that site grows by millions of clients per year based on truth telling rather than sponsoring the fraud liar agents of our destruction…simple, unless low iq is the goal….
written by Steve Kirsh and is a narrative fully backed by his PHd math talent…no drooling dribble their….i like ker site because the stupidity seems impossible to exist in a world of such talent….freda is using the site for personal marketing…she is a fraud and liar based on her stated positions and what she omits from saying…i have always said, she needs a mea kulpa to set her repressed soul free….glta
Larry sounds like a dysfunctional liberal. Freda hits the nail on the head — she’s quite erudite in describing the current bumble-head in the WH and the reckless Putin who has no regard for anything or anyone other than himself. Keep Freda on your show, Al. I’m sure she’s got a lot more prudent input.
Should be be concerned…………… ? ………………… LOL…………. seriously………..
Now consider that when doing simple math by taking US debt and dividing it by citizens we clock in at $778,000 per citizen (not per household).
And we have a caravan on the way……… which will UP THE DEBT……………. THESE PEOPLE NEED TOILET PAPER…………….
Finally…………..showed up…………. day late and a dollar short…..
WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS SITE………………..??????????????
Have one heck of a time posting anything……………..
To the best of our knowledge, nothing is wrong with it. We will keep watching.
There is something wrong………… with the DELAY………………
Hard to KEEP WITH THE FLOW OF INFO,…….if, there is a DELAY……..
Next Day………………. and the info I posted has not appeared………….. YOU MIGHT WANT TO LOOK INTO IT…………….. not complaining just informing………..
Time to invest in new servers.
Here is what you got with OBAMA BARRY……..
Probqbly not the only mother who has done that.
MOTHER ………….that should not be in the USA….. that is for sure……….
To the best of my estimation, the Census Bureau has been corrupted; presumably by progressives. Statistically East and West coast states appear to counted as having more citizens than they, in fact, have. Midwest states are reported as having fewer citizens than in actuality.
Why does this matter and how does it give power to democrats ?
The answer lies in apportionment.
If democrat-leaning states are given 6-8 Representatives than the population deserves, and if Republican states are given 6-8 fewer Representatives than the population deserves, the majority in the House of Representatives can be stolen.
This is separate from gerrymandering of districts.
We have a problem of attempted theft of power throughout the US.
It was so obvious the disinformation board was really THE PROPAGANDA BOARD
The war in the Ukraine marks the end of globalism. America will be stronger than ever.
The UN, NATO and the WEF are all has-been global cabal pipe-dreams of world domination.
In the next several weeks, we will watch that whole deal collapse.
And these propaganda (agency) shills blaming Putin and Russia are going to look goofy as can be. The Jan 6 committee is going to look stupid as well. Big backfire coming with that.
Constitutional sheriffs are about to start making arrests regarding the election fraud.
New elections and paper ballots are coming.
And Trump will be back!!
More information about the biden crime family is extracted from the laptop.
Cant say I agree with the way the west views Putin. Altho I do think I understand it.
“Proponents of Washington’s proxy-war have no idea of the magnitude of their mistake or how much damage they are inflicting on their own country. The Ukraine debacle is the culmination of 30 years of bloody interventions that have brought us to a tipping point where the nation’s fortunes are about to take a dramatic turn-for-the-worse. As the dollar-zone shrinks, standards of living will plunge, unemployment will soar, and the economy will go into a downward-death spiral.” unz
Pretty normal, alot of people dont understand whats happening, they dont understand the significance of Ukrainian events. They simply say “Putin bad”
Well, 75% aprox of the world supporting him, say “Putin good”. We are a minority and all we have left is nukes.
Voting is pointless, discussion of it is a waste of time, we gotta crash and burn then rebuild.
What would be helpfull is to convince people to grow gardens
There are police forces now taking fuel prices into consideration before responding to calls
Does anyone have any idea whats coming?
Putin/Xi have crushed us, its time to man up accept defeat and do whats gotta be done.
We have no leaders with brrains so thats not gonna happen, so, its grow gardens. Good luck with that.
Glad I live close to grocery stores.
Dollar is going to crash…….. Full Faith of the Govt……… NOT ANYMORE………
Gold is GONE…Britton WOODS (more paper please)……. $32 TRILLION plus $9 TRILLION (Fed Balance)……… someone owes the MONEY….
b…………… I posted above………….unz …….good article
It is good and I think accurate. I posted the pce of it I thought was interesting.
Its just a matter of time now, the U.S. has got to withdraw into itself.
A good thing for the world. imo
The MONEY CHANGERS…………. have hoodwinked a lot of sheeple………. for a very long time…..
doc freda shows no remorse for providing an official doc to doc dumping ground for the medical cartel…she provides cover for the their endless damaged wounded wounding outcomes…total fake fraud…rambling about putin?…..total psychotic clueless incoherent….will not make her look good…narcissist ….not relatable…..breakdown….empty fraud being exposed live on KER…..lmao lol
what about the fraud of anti-human medical cartel served by doc…not outraged?…..lol