Quinton Hennigh, Technical Advisor at Lion One Metals (TSX.V:LIO – OTCQX:LOMLF) joins us to recap the last round of high-grade gold intercepts at the Deep Feeder 500 Target on the Tuvatu Gold Project, in Fiji. After these round of results the high-grade zone is now extended over 300 meters vertically and 150 meters latterly. We have Quinton comment on the potential of the Deep Feeder 500 Target in terms of size and where the drilling is continuing.
Since we have received a number of questions on the development plans for the known resource we also have Quinton provide an update on this front.
Please email us with any follow up questions for Quinton or the team over at Lion One Metals. Our email addresses are Fleck@kereport.com and Shad@kereport.com.
Click here to read over the full news release highlighting the recent drill results.