Korelin Economics Report

Off-Mic Pre-Call Banter That Set Up Our Tuesday Daily Editorial w/ Dave Erfle

During our daily editorials we often reference a topic or point we had discussed “off-mic” before we start recording the actual segment.  Sometimes these discussions are quite engaging and often very insightful.  We thrush out different ideas and topics and just casually talk about the markets to get a good back and forth going and an idea of where we may want to go in an interview.

This is short clip from earlier this week on Tuesday in a candid conversation with Dave Erfle, Cory, and Shad as we opine and debate ideas before the segment about the precious metals markets, what data has our attention, and what we may want to discuss.  After reviewing the audio file here on Friday night it seemed like it may be interesting for listeners to get a peak behind the veil at how we crunch out different ideas and opposing viewpoints to arrive at a daily editorial.  Enjoy!


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