As the 2 way market continues here are 2 sectors Dana is long and 1 he is shorting
Dana Lyons, Fund Manager, joins us to share the sectors he is taking positions in during this summer market. As he has stated over the past couple months, this is a market to go for singles and doubles rather than home runs. It’s worked out very well this year for Dana. The sectors he likes are bio-tech and bonds (although his long term assessment of the bond market is very different) and he is shorting China stocks.
Click here for his subscriber site where you get more specific trading advice.
Bugs buzzing around and no air conditioning, some things are just so nice in their simplicity!
Where the Astros played in Houston the first few years before the Astrodome, it was said the outfielders had to be careful, keep moving so that the mosquitoes didn’t pick them up and carry them away.
that temporary stadium in Houston had no roof on it. I went to an afternoon game and came out feeling like BBQ at a beach party.
That’s true. I once heard 2 mosquitos at the old Colt 45’s stadium say, “Shall we eat them hear or carry them back to the swamp?” “We better eat’em here. If we take them back to the swamp the big skeeters will take them from us.” I saw Mantle hit the 1st home run inside the Dome stadium in April 1965.
I saw Aaron hit way too many in the Astrodome.
What a thrill to see those two sluggers in action. Willie Mays was another one blasting 660 homers and making a catch look easy.
Did you catch Joe Buck’s estimate that the 5000 tickets available to Iowans were sold by lottery, at $3000 each?
Yes, I noticed that, The White Sox pitchers last name was Bummer, the crowd was chanting “Let’s Go Bummer”!
IB just made a bearish recommendation on KWEB
I could see (KWEB) possibly pulling back down from $49.24 where it closed today down to support around $40, but it’s pretty beat up from it’s huge slide from the high earlier in the year at $104.94.
I had mentioned yesterday taking an initial position in a similar 2x China internet bull fund (CWEB) at just a penny over $23, because it is even more beat up from it’s high earlier this year at $110.93 and it closed down near 6% further today at $21.82, and is down over 80%. If it sinks another 5-7% then I may throw another log on the fire with CWEB, because it is looking a bit overdone to the downside now.
While Dana is seeing more weakness in the general Chinese equities and specifically the Shanghai composite, he noted off-mic that internet stocks in particular have led the charge down and may have the potential of turning back up sooner than the rest of their equities markets or something like the (ASHR) where he sees the potential of it rolling over again soon and making another leg lower.
Thomas – If you see this post, it just came to my attention that Orocobre & Galaxy, (of which I own both and they are merging to form the 4th largest Lithium producer), do have a dog in the fight with the DLE boom that is underway and has caught investors interest as of late. Orocobre partnered with a private company, EnergyX, to work on their DLE process.
I just thought this was an interesting way to play the DLE area, while also getting guaranteed Lithium production from traditional brine and hardrock deposits in tandem.
Direct Lithium Extraction company EnergyX secures $20M in funding commitments
03 May 2021
“Direct lithium extraction (DLE) technology company Energy Exploration Technologies Inc. (EnergyX) has secured commitments of $20 million in financing. The company said that the funding makes it the highest-valued direct lithium extraction technology company on the market.”
“In 2020, EnergyX announced a pilot partnership with Orocobre Limited to deliver high-quality and comprehensive solutions that will lead to a cleaner, more efficient lithium extraction. On 19 April, Orocobre announced a $4-billion merger with Galaxy Resources to create a lithium major. EnergyX and Orocobre plan to deploy their pilots in the near future.”
“Rising global demand for electric vehicles and economic energy storage systems has led to projections showing an orders-of-magnitude increase in demand for lithium. In 2020 global supply was roughly 315k tons; this is expected to rise to 5.5M tons by 2040. EnergyX has identified how to improve lithium extraction methods while lessening the environmental mining impact.”
Hi ex – they seem to be at the very beginning?
Galacobre is a good and safe way to play the lithium bull market, especially when Sal de Vida goes into production
Galacobre is not a 10-bagger anymore, with its 6 billion market cap
Yes Galacobre may not be a 10 bagger anymore, but neither is Albemarle, SQM, or Livient, and II see more upside in it than the other Senior Li companies; not to mention I’ve already had a 12 bagger in Galaxy and 8 bagger in Orocobre, so pretty much a combined 10 bagger thus far. Anything from here (maybe another 200-300% in the next 2 years) is just the icing on the cake.
Well done ex
Did you made any progress to get some DLE play on the show?
I think there are some potential 10-baggers in this space
MacroVoices #284 Lakshman Achuthan: Economic cycle is turning…but what about assets?
Aug 12, 2021
“MacroVoices Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome ECRI co-founder Lakshman Achuthan to the show to discuss how all those economic cycle indicators that were turning up last we spoke with him are starting to turn down now, meaning the risk of an economic cycle downturn is heightened now. Then Grant Williams joins in the postgame discussion.”
Medical insanity, as described by an MD
Zijin Mining(601899:SS) up again 2.54% on .5B shares traded.
Emerita Resources puts out drill results on a Friday. They appear to be consistent with historic values. That is good news.
well, we are now positive on the week for gold. Let’s see what it does when / if spx finally has a couple of down days. May finally be the time to buy it if it ignores any downside and continues this hiccup.
Metals up and miners don’t know. Some up and some down and reality of no meaning.
I am shocked. More miners up than down. I want an investigation at the highest levels. Not sure what to get high on.
Watch this “doctor” (actor?) crack up and duck away from the camera:
From RFK Jr.’s site:
We’ve Never Seen Vaccine Injuries on This Scale — Why Are Regulatory Agencies Hiding COVID Vaccine Safety Signals?
In under a year, more than 500,000 post-COVID vaccine injuries have been reported to VAERS — nearly a third of all reports accumulated over the system’s entire three-decade lifespan — yet regulatory agencies remain silent.
Alex Jones has been pounding the table for years on this point. In Australia 99% of hospitalized covid patients had already been vaccinated, with only one non vaccinated patient. It’s the vaccine making people sick.
It’s very scary how effective the propaganda has been. The masses are under a fear-induced hypnosis.
wow Terry. That’s incredible. The more people get vaccinated, the more they contract covid. The world is being poisoned by world health authorities and there appears to be no way of stopping them. The same health authorities who in the past promoted vaccinations for small pox, polio, TB, measles, malaria, etc etc for the past hundred years or more, have gone rogue for some unknown reason with covid vaccination. Bizarre.
The lucky ones are those in third world countries who do not have access to vaccines, they will be the only remaining survivors. Best move to one of them countries, maybe Alex Jones can recommend the best available, Uganda, Ethiopia, New Guinea, and many more. Certainly not Australia.
I wonder how many pro-fauxvaxxers enjoy finding themselves in agreement with Trump and Schwarzenegger. Dorian Yates has it right…
Go ahead move to Uganda, take Andrew Cuomo with you.
Just following logic of your reporting Terry. You actually believe Australia has 99 percent of their covid cases resulting from vaccinated people.
And you, Jonsyl, actually believe the faux vaccines are beneficial when they have already killed thousands upon thousands and injured millions. It’s time you do your due diligence. The shots are indeed causing covid cases and it’s going to get much worse. Of course, the corporate media will tell you it’s the unvaxxed that are the problem and you’ll believe it out of fear and ignorance because you can’t be bothered to find out the truth for yourself. OR, you’re too afraid to.
Have you wondered why Sweden isn’t talked about in the news anymore? You should, but in the meantime, let’s have a laugh…
matt. your comments on the markets and metals are very much food for thought.
your pushing conspiracy BS about covid, and how in this instance, vaccines somehow are advanced by health authorities to undermine the world order are utterly stupid. Don’t need any amount of due diligence to recognize that. This is not to say that the vaccine is perfect and is ineffective and does in fact cause the negative effects you keep citing with some. This has been and continues to be true for all vaccines ever developed in the past 100 years. This is also true with most pharmacuticals advertised and promoted by drug makers. All of which have disclaimers on their use and effects as extensive as their very promotions.
None of which is part of a world wide conspiracy designed to enslave the human race.
My guess is Matthew would have a one word description of you..sheeple.
Atta boy, Terry!
Jonsyl, I just love the blind confidence that ignorance spawns.
When logic fails, resort to grade school name calling.
Are you blind to the fact that I replied appropriately to your dismissive, disrespectful, patronizing and condescending comment?
At least my reply was factual despite your taking offense to it and you know it. You are clearly going on assumptions and normalcy bias, not thousands of hours of investigation.
You really need to go back to grade school, master it, and then study logic to figure out why you deserved every bit of my blunt comment. Now go do that homework that you’re so sure you don’t need.
Jonsyl what I said was, 99% of those hospitalized cases had previously been vaccinated.
Matthew, the world is not ending with folks (the sheeple) taking the vaccine. The vaccine is not designed by a mysterious group to infect the sheeple with covid in order to control the masses. Thousands of hours of investigation will not make that happen and there is little point in getting angry over it.
My thousands of hours of investigation is actually in regard to the elite that you are oblivious to. I have not proven their activities beyond a reasonable doubt, I have done so beyond ANY doubt whatsoever.
Since I do not possess your challenges, whatever they include, I didn’t need much time at all to know that you are completely, 100% wrong if you think the vaccines are safe and intended to do what you think and have been told.
You obviously weren’t meant to figure anything out in life which makes you part of the 80% in the 80-20 rule (Pareto’s Principle). In plain English, your a sheep. I’d bet you have serious trouble with abstract thinking.
Now, take a look at the following graph and note the percentages per group. It’s Pareto’s Principle at work but it also shows something else. Notice that those with a high school education or less are only behind those with PhDs when it come to the percentage who don’t want the faux vaccines. Why is that? To me, it’s crystal clear. Our system of higher indoctrination very effectively destroys the common sense of everyone but the most intelligent. It does so by destroying the individualism required to use it.
You can disagree all you want but the facts are on the side of those who refuse the shot and that means that those with Masters degrees are the most gullible people of all. They’ve been thoroughly “squared away” as is symbolically depicted by that (Masonic?) mortar board that was slapped on their heads at graduation. 23.9% of PhDs, on the other hand, were smart enough to keep their critical thinking skills despite their higher education which keeps them on par with 20.8% of those who’ve had no college at all. Good for them.
You 80 percenters always succumb to groupthink because of your natural proclivity to find great comfort amongst the collective, or herd. Comfort is your highest priority, not truth. That translates to “going along to get along” or “not rocking the boat” and even swatting down those who do use their heads. Of course that’s a generalization but in your case, there’s no doubt about it.
Back to the graph, it is worth reiterating that in the absence of “higher education”, around 20% of the population can think productively. With higher education, the number drops significantly just as the written objectives of the elite have made clear was their intention. The proof is in their writings and even the minutes of the GEB (General Education Board) meetings of almost 120 years ago. Writings far older indicate the same. They have been very happy to tell us what they’re up to every step of the way if you know where to look.
Finally, the graph:
Matthew, what the hell is this all about. Higher education makes the sheeple gullible, especially those with a Masters degree, and you have scientific proof. With that evidence, I’m guessing we should shut down the universities for the benefit of the 80 percenter, group think, sheeple. Matthew, I must admit, that’s thinking outside the box.
I am watching baseball and The New York Yankees are playing The Chicago White Sox in The Field of Dreams. They have constructed a baseball diamond in the cornfields of Iowa where the movie was made and now once a year two major League Baseball Teams meet up for a professional baseball game. The umpires are from Iowa, all I can say is this America at it’s best!