

Politics – The Upcoming US Election

October 31, 2020
Full Hour
  • Segment 1 – Al and Jim McKinney opine on the voters’ actions on Tuesday.
  • Segment 2 – Business Consultant Andi Gray discusses the impact of Covid 19 on small businesses.
  • Segment 3 – Dr Charles joins Jim and I in a discussion of medicine in America.
  • Segment 4 – Jim Al and Dr Page opine on the future of medical care in America”.

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4

        Oct 31, 2020 31:13 AM

        Truly one of the better actors, OOTB

          Oct 31, 2020 31:20 AM

          We still have Michael Caine and Robert Duvall. Herb Adderly died too at 81.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:26 AM

            Only the good die young!

            Oct 31, 2020 31:27 AM

            Couple of my favorites, Bonzo

            Oct 31, 2020 31:08 AM

            Bince Lombardi died at 57, mostly because he was so driven and determined to tough things out, he didn’t tend to his health.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:09 AM

            Er, that’s Vince Lombardi, after whom they named the Super Bowl trophy.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:17 PM

            Thanks for the correction Rufus, Vince definitely deserves that!

        Oct 31, 2020 31:23 AM

        Jerry, Zero Hedge has gotten too confusing for me because of all of the pop up adds so I don’t even go there anymore.

          Oct 31, 2020 31:23 PM

          Put on an ad blocker……

            Oct 31, 2020 31:55 PM

            Which one do you use?

            Oct 31, 2020 31:57 PM

            ad block plus….

            Oct 31, 2020 31:00 PM

            All rights reserved. Adblock Plus® is a registered trademark of eyeo GmbH.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:04 PM

            the ad blocker does not kill all the ads, but, greatly reduces the number of pop ups

          Oct 31, 2020 31:02 PM

          Rufus445. I’ve got a great Vince Lombardi story for you.

          It’s 1980 and my Irish Catholic girlfriend from ‘jaysey’ and I decide to cross the Hudson River into Manhattan to take in a Knicks game at the ‘gahden’. So I pick her up and she gets in the back seat? What’s this i think. ‘Mind if my aunt comes to the game?’ Of course not.

          Into the front seat slides a middle aged nun decked out in full habit. Aunt Mimi aka Sister Charity and from this point on referred to by the name she answered to ‘Char’ pronounced ‘chair’.

          The head of her order. Shy she wasn’t. Loved basketball. So we’re in the ‘gahden’ me, my girl and Sister Charity. She spent the whole game on her feet cheering on her beloved Knicks, getting on the refs and just generally enjoying the game.

          The creatures in our section exercised, for them, great restraint–no ‘Potvin sucks’ chants never mind the more obscene parts of their repertoire–and generally toned down their act. They did chime in on her own ‘c’mon ref’s with loud ‘you tell em sistah’ and ‘attagirl sistah’. ‘Char’ was a hit. A memorable night.

          What’s this got to do with Vince Lombardi? Well, Sister Charity had been a catholic high school principal in the fifties and sixties. She had a very well regarded Latin teacher on her staff who doubled as the football coach. A nice catholic school boy. Vince Lombardi.

          She said he was a nice guy. Always a gentleman. Never used profanity on the sidelines. And a first rate Latin teacher.

          So, here’s to the greatest coach and Latin scholar in NFL history.

            Nov 01, 2020 01:34 AM

            Too bad……..Latin went out of style………My son taught Latin at UF…… 🙂
            We need a little more VInce Scholars……

        Oct 31, 2020 31:26 AM

        Marks the end of the bond market…too…interest rates are going up…

          Oct 31, 2020 31:29 AM

          Just a bit at this point, Eddy. They continue to climb and the economy is gone!

      Oct 31, 2020 31:21 AM

      I think that regardless of who wins America is in trouble. I say that CFS because the magnitude of the current problem is huge. I am sorry to say this but in order for this to come out where America is saved, Trump has to win and the resulting anarchy has to be totally curtailed by the Federal Government. The Soros supported Democrats have to be stopped and they will not accept a Trump win.

      Give me your opinion, please!

        Oct 31, 2020 31:32 AM

        I think that regardless of who wins America is in trouble…

        Give me your opinion, please!

        If Trump wins the Demorats and their BLM and Antifans will burn the country down. And if Trump loses this country turns into one big San Franshitsco, especially if the Demonrats capture the Senate. The feces will be dancing in the streets! Just look at any Demorat run city like San Francisco, Seattle, etc. So watch your step when walking on the sidewalks and streets.

          Oct 31, 2020 31:35 AM

          Eddy, the important question here is, “How did America every turn into this”? Who gave up?

            Oct 31, 2020 31:38 AM

            This what you get when generations turn their kids over to the government schools for 16 years.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:52 AM

            The lamestream media has been telling the country for the last 6 months Trump hasn’t a chance. Headlines like this

            Can you image after hearing stories like this for 6 months of certain Trump defeat how the Demorats and their BLM and Antifans will react if Trump wins?

            Oct 31, 2020 31:54 AM

            And can you imagine 4 or 8 years of this or worse…you know the thing…


            Oct 31, 2020 31:57 AM

            And they are proclaiming this…Kamala Harris: On the cusp of US election history


            Can you imagine how they will react if Trump wins?

            Oct 31, 2020 31:49 PM

            Care to put odds on that Eddy

            Oct 31, 2020 31:31 PM

            I have no idea. But I did figure out how to make money at on that bet no matter who wins. Buying a certain ratio of Biden No’s and Trump No’s I could make 7.5% no matter who won. But then I found that takes 10% of your profit and a whopping 5% “withdraw fee” which is 5% of everything you put up and your winnings. Ridiculous. After all that my return would only be 1.375% so I passed. Today the prices of the No’s have changed so the return is even less.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:36 PM

            Just ran the numbers based on the current prices and the return is now negative.

            Nov 01, 2020 01:09 AM

            Mentioning this is probably a waste of time since there appears to be no interest but…the prices have changed once again…and now the return is positive.

            Biden No is .35 Trump No is .6 So if for every $200 you wager by my calculations (and please correct me if you think I’m wrong) assuming you bought 126 Biden No’s and 74 Trump No’s you could make $10 if Biden wins and $11.43 if Trump wins which is a profit of 5 to 5.715%. Last night the prices were different and the profit was higher.

            However, this is before the 10% fee on winnings and the insane 5% withdraw fee which now makes the bets unprofitable by about 1%.

          Oct 31, 2020 31:35 AM

          In San Francisco they pay members of the city “Poop Patrol” damn near 200k a year…If Demorats have their way I’d go long Clorox stock…

            Oct 31, 2020 31:52 AM

            Some powerful people sure wanted Harris.

            After Tulsi ripped her apart by exposing her she was done in the debates, people realized her character.
            Now insouciant and short memories could make this vile creature the leader of the country.
            Maybe its time to be happy the prez is simply a puppet.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:22 AM

            She will do anything for power…even sleep with Willy Brown.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:11 PM

            That’s what I heard Eddy, but I certainly cannot verify that!

        Oct 31, 2020 31:26 PM

        Ditto AL………….on……… I think that regardless of who wins America is in trouble.

          Oct 31, 2020 31:59 PM

          Pendulums always swing back in the opposite direction. Might take a while longer this time.

    Oct 31, 2020 31:48 AM
      Oct 31, 2020 31:31 AM

      That’s one way to characterize most of them, CFS The problem is that their supporters are not prosecuted. So no law, no order and safety!

        Oct 31, 2020 31:14 AM

        Neighbors across the street put up a BLM sign in their front yard a while back, then a Biden-Harris sign. Their neighbor next door in 2016 kept a Clinton-Kaine sign in her front yard for a week after the election. They talk to each other a lot. Seem like nice people, and I can talk to them, but not about politics.

          Oct 31, 2020 31:43 PM

          They are brainwashed…more brainwashed than the people of the former Soviet Union. Most of those people knew their system run by commies was a pile of feces…

            Oct 31, 2020 31:03 PM

            The probably did not want to believe it so they could retain their sanity.

          Oct 31, 2020 31:16 PM

          Neither could I Rufus. The closer we get to 11/3 the more difficult it bwecomes.

      Oct 31, 2020 31:33 AM

      Since America was once the leader you are correct. There still is a chance if current laws are simply enforced. Pretty simple!

      Oct 31, 2020 31:38 AM

      CFS, your substantiated comments and links are making this site better and better with every passing day! Thank you!

    Oct 31, 2020 31:56 AM

    Thanks for that AL….Dr Page , was so honest about whats going on in the US .RE. the medical system….Thanks to the KER crew for another weekend show.

      Oct 31, 2020 31:41 AM

      You are welcome Irish. Keep you comments coming when they are substantiated and honest in your mind.

    Oct 31, 2020 31:06 AM


      Oct 31, 2020 31:42 AM

      Kind of the bottom of the barrel isn’t it CFS?

      Oct 31, 2020 31:45 AM

      The DEA seized Biden’s other laptop? THAT’S GREAT NEWS FOR BIDEN! The DEA will do what the FBI did, NOTHING! And the public will never see the proof of more Biden crimes from that laptop. It all goes down the memory hole!

    Oct 31, 2020 31:11 AM

    What happens when you are soft on crime at the start?

    Tuesday night is going to be a nightmare. Just imagine the impression we are setting around the world.

      Oct 31, 2020 31:44 AM

      All I can say, CFS, is that I am completely ashamed that it has gotten to this point.

    Oct 31, 2020 31:18 AM

    U.S. Image Plummets Internationally as Most Say Country Has Handled Coronavirus Badly

    Honestly it can’t get any worse

      Oct 31, 2020 31:19 AM

      It is, of course, a fairly trivial disease if handled correctly.
      Unfortunately, its seriousness was blown out of proportion by the scoare tactics of media.
      Countries HAVE COMPLETELY mishandled it.
      For if they had concentrated on giving therapeutics, we could have herd immunity already.
      EVEN AT THIS POINT IN TIME, there is evidence that Sweden and some other countries are actually in HERD IMMUNITY or approaching it.

        Oct 31, 2020 31:49 AM

        With the exception of two of them every doc who I have spoken with agrees with Dr. Page. But then again he is a Texan!

      Oct 31, 2020 31:48 AM

      AJ, this makes me ashamed. In spite of my feelings, I am glad that you brought this to our attention. I call this whole situation a complete lack of class and character. I guarantee you that I will not fall into this terrible trap! I have gotten to the point where class and character are the only things that matter to me aside from my Faith which is saving my bacon!

    Oct 31, 2020 31:19 AM

    While not affecting spread of covid, there is evidence masks reduce the severity by reducing the initial viral load.

      Oct 31, 2020 31:51 AM

      We continue to wear them in public because of our high risk category. People with class and character generally use common sense.

      Oct 31, 2020 31:58 PM

      Very true. Wearing a good quality mask definitely helps.

      Oct 31, 2020 31:55 AM

      Well, we know who believes in The Second Amendment.

    Oct 31, 2020 31:27 AM

    How long does it take fo looters to strip a boutique in Philadelphia?
    Can’t you just feel the love brother?

      Oct 31, 2020 31:57 AM

      Those people need to be put in jail, but BLM would not stand for that! Just how low has America sunk. And, just who has put most of the holes in the boat? Don’t answer that because that would not be politically correct!

      Oct 31, 2020 31:59 AM

      Someone I know who gets waay more e-mails on politics received this info about Philly: Rioters were going after the Liberty Bell until Nat. guard troops were called out.

      Oct 31, 2020 31:00 AM

      What does that tell you, CFS?

    Oct 31, 2020 31:32 AM

    Why is it more Democrats appear to be immoral?
    Correlates with voting down Christianity in schools.

    Oct 31, 2020 31:34 AM
    Oct 31, 2020 31:29 AM

    Thank goodness for Tucker Carlson. May god keep him alive and well.

    Oct 31, 2020 31:33 AM

    Zack Vorhees Censorship whistleblower.

    Oct 31, 2020 31:48 AM
      Oct 31, 2020 31:41 AM

      I thought this was the KER show . Turns out its the cfs show.
      Comments so far .
      cfs = 20………..others = 3………………………

        Oct 31, 2020 31:46 AM

        I appreciate the links CFS posts…alternative perspectives with little commentary. My vote is keep KER commentary open and free…thanks CFS

          Oct 31, 2020 31:29 AM

          It’s always good to hear from cfs, Matthew, Tony, Larry, excelsior, jerry, etc. And Vic and Hedgeless Horse!

        Oct 31, 2020 31:43 AM

        CFS…is very prolific…could “he” be a bot?

        Oct 31, 2020 31:19 AM

        I recall Bob predicting exactly that Tony.

        Al appreciates all those cfs posts and obviously the occasional reader does too.
        The cost has been, so many other interesting posters.

        Personally I miss the conversations but it is what it is.

          Oct 31, 2020 31:12 PM

          Can you elaborate on that b?

        Nov 02, 2020 02:29 PM

        Other people post a lot also like OOTB Jerry. If you do not like it then do not read it.

          Nov 03, 2020 03:16 AM

          Wayne,……both CFS and OOTB …….have been on the this SITE from the beginning…..
          Seniority….. 🙂
          BTW, I think Tony was just making funny……Tony has been here for a long time also, just saying….. 🙂

            Nov 04, 2020 04:04 AM

            I think he was just being an ass.

            Nov 05, 2020 05:53 PM

            You are correct Wayne.

            Nov 06, 2020 06:56 AM

            There are other people on this site are also asses.

    Oct 31, 2020 31:36 AM

    Al: Your vote for trump won’t count anymore than mine for Biden since I live in a red state and your home state of Washington is a blue……….It will all be decided by others voting in the “swing states” where the archaic electoral college sham will be the deciding factor. JMO

    Oct 31, 2020 31:07 AM

    i repeat…we just had a show about how to pay for a computer repair method that is a failure….almost a negative learning curve…sad….when so many americans suffer from rockefeller allopathic non health

      Oct 31, 2020 31:34 AM

      Doc, I will deliver Texas to Trump if you will deliver Michigan. I bought some AUIAF, KOREF, NFGFF, ELRRF, and IRVRF last week. Do you own any of those?

        Oct 31, 2020 31:47 AM

        What’s Butto O’Dork up to down there in TX? If Biden wins Butto says he’s coming for your guns.

          Oct 31, 2020 31:58 AM

          Or did Butto move back to Taxachusettes or New York…he was always a carpetbagger.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:45 AM

            Butto has accepted a teaching job next semester at Texas State U. in San Marcos, which shows how low are universities have sunk. That’s where LBJ went to college.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:37 PM

            What’s he teaching? How to be a corrupt politician for fun and profit? I think that’s the only thing he knows enough about to qualify as a teacher.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:09 PM

            TSU at San Marcos?

            Oct 31, 2020 31:38 PM

            And LBJ…one mean and very corrupt old SOB. You cross him and you stood a good chance of losing your life.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:04 PM

            He did make some serious mistakes and still ended up as president.

    Oct 31, 2020 31:56 AM

    Interesting the Democrats are always projecting….
    They claim a Trump-Russian link, when everything points to Democrat-Russian links.

    Think about it……Does Russia want the U.S. more socialist or more free enterprise Capitalist?

      Oct 31, 2020 31:13 PM

      Don’t have to think very hard about that question!

    Oct 31, 2020 31:59 AM

    Trump may have spoken over the telephone with Russians….Recorded by N.S.A.

    But Biden met in Secret…..unrecorded.

    Oct 31, 2020 31:13 PM

    This Is Not a Time for Insouciance–Democrats Intend a Coup

    “We have seen it all before. In Ukraine with the Maidan “protests,” in Belarus, In Venezuela, in Hong Kong. Lies repeated endlessly become truth. We are now going to experience the methods of the American Deep State here at home.”

    PCR figures the U.S. is about to get a taste of their own medicine, exactly what the U.S. military has been doing for how long?
    Just what Smedly Butler explained in War is a Racket.

    I wonder if the american public will clap and thank the military for their service as it plays out.

      Oct 31, 2020 31:47 PM

      “Democratic mayors, city councils, governors, and district attorneys will hinder and demoralize the police. ”

      In Portland, the police just let them go and the DA never prosecutes, just dismisses the cases. So in effect, theft, assault, arson and other destruction of property and mayhem are legal.

        Oct 31, 2020 31:47 PM

        I do not understand the store owners.

        It is standard practice for all public officials to take an oath of office.
        Every oath I have ever heard involved allegiance to the Constitution, which implies upholding statutory law.
        If any of my property is ever damaged, after I have notified an appropriate public official, I will be throwing every last cent I have at getting the public official fired and getting compensation from the City. (AND I have done it once before in getting a judge unseated.)

          Oct 31, 2020 31:51 PM

          Good for you, CFS

          Oct 31, 2020 31:35 PM

          HEY CFS…………U might want to listen to this one on the CONSTITUTION……

            Oct 31, 2020 31:37 PM

            Why the Constitution Had to Be Destroyed | Thomas J. DiLorenzo

            Oct 31, 2020 31:17 PM

            I’ve heard DiLorenzo before. He iswrong, the Constitution is not destroyed.
            (Because Government spending is self-limiting.) Over-spending typically leads eventually to over-printing and hyperinflation, which then KILLS the existing government.

            Yes, the rights guaranteed within the Constitution must occasionally be defended.
            Wait and see if Freedom of speech is lost.
            Wait and see if the right to bear arms is lost… will only be over someone’s dead body, maybe mine.
            Socialists may think they can bribe the masses with goodies, but they have to silence the knowledgeable first and that is not as easy as they may think.

            Oct 31, 2020 31:45 PM

            Those are not his main points as to HOW it was destroyed or continues to be destroyed…that he discusses…..try listening and thinking where he talks about the Supreme court …

            Freedom to bear arms……no need in taking away the guns, when they are doing mind control , IF, they took away the guns, …the idea, of going and fighting someone else’s war, would give the idea of serving in the military a different light.and no more free fodder to spoil foreign wars , you have to give the sheeple a cause , that the sheeple think is good, while the MICC gets what they want…

            Oct 31, 2020 31:47 PM

            Freedom of speech…….now that is a good one…..

            Nov 02, 2020 02:05 AM

            No, CFS, DiLorenzo is right. Your statement that “the Constitution is not destroyed because government spending is self-limiting” is ridiculous. The trillions upon trillions spent still amounts to massive theft and the destruction of the private sector for the benefit of the government.
            You’re as sloppy as any lefty with your beliefs about what is constitutional or not.

        Oct 31, 2020 31:58 PM

        The key two words are, “in reality”!

      Oct 31, 2020 31:07 PM

      PCR could very well be absolutely correct. Let’s however hope not!

    Oct 31, 2020 31:05 PM

    Someone posted the following on another site and it is worthwhile regardless of your religious beliefs…

      Oct 31, 2020 31:57 PM

      Thanks for the link as it goes along with a number of my prior posts!

      Oct 31, 2020 31:54 PM

      Great post and letter within………..

    Oct 31, 2020 31:51 PM

    Big Al………If you enjoyed the homily by the Catholic Priest that you posted, you will really like this message by Pastor Gary Hamrick. A bit long, but excellent.

    Oct 31, 2020 31:38 PM

    I have not seen this big a divergence among bookies.
    Currently Las Vegas is giving Trump 41% chance of re-election.

    One major UK betting firm puts Trump up at about 58% with Biden 50%.
    (The odds don’t have to add to 100%, but you usually see them not add up to greater than 100%…..Probably means there was heavy early betting on Biden at poor odds.

    (Could also mean they are giving odds for Biden to drop out and Harris to replace before the election, but it’s very strange.)

    Oct 31, 2020 31:46 PM
    Oct 31, 2020 31:51 PM

    EXCLUSIVE: National security nightmare of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop containing phone numbers for the Clintons, Secret Service officers and most of the Obama cabinet plus his sex and drug addictions – all secured by the password Hunter02

    Oct 31, 2020 31:17 PM

    Biden campain escorted out of Austin by trump supporters

      Nov 01, 2020 01:38 AM

      Escorted for his safety…… LOL….

    Oct 31, 2020 31:20 PM

    Great show, Al.
    Jim and Dr.Chuck were spot on.
    And yes, Trump is going to win, and win Bigly.

    Nov 01, 2020 01:54 AM

    A fake Kamala Harris Body Double Got Loomered today at a Palm Beach polling place!
    On Sunday afternoon Laura Loomer was campaigning in Palm Beach, Florida, President Donald Trump’s home district. Laura was greeting voters at the Lantana Branch Library in Palm Beach

      Nov 01, 2020 01:24 PM

      No need to fake these things, Uncle Joe makes enough unforced errors on his own – how any rational, educated voter can vote for him is beyond me.

    Nov 01, 2020 01:42 PM

    My favorite election headline: “jason-miller-trump-will-be-ahead-on-election-night-and-then-dems-will-steal-it-back-by-counting-votes”