

Why This Is The Year To Be Buying Metals Stocks

January 23, 2019

Doc is with us today to outline why he things this year is the year to be buying metals stocks. There is no rush right now but the value of building a number of select stocks and buying on dips will set you up for what could be a good couple years.

    Jan 23, 2019 23:49 AM

    Hi Doc, glad to hear you like AUY. Maybe one day when gold gets to 2K I’ll be in the black on AUY. Do you own NSRPF or MUX? They look cheap again to me. And MO is now yielding over 7% which I’ve never seen before.

      Jan 23, 2019 23:59 PM

      BB, I owned NSRPF before it took off and then sold it. I’m waiting to get back into it. I think there is no hurry according to my charting. I own MUX and will add in the future. MO is waiting for me. I don’t like the chart yet. Keep reminding me about it over time. I might purchase in the future.

        Jan 23, 2019 23:36 PM

        Doc – good comments in today’s daily editorial. I wouldn’t be that concerned about a pullback in Gold to $1200-$1220, as place for support to come in for the next move higher.

        There are many stocks just like Yamana that have traded down a number of times where it was good to scoop them up, and then watch them rally for a bit where it’s good to trim, and then pull back for the next place to add.

        While sideways markets are boring and can be quite frustrating to some buy & hold investors, they are actually a great way to lower one’s cost basis buying the dips and selling the rips, without worrying about the stock running away from you.

        Obviously, a nice impulse leg to a new higher high would be preferred, but for those that like swing trading, watching any sector ping-pong back and forth can be a nice way to accumulate a better position in a stock.


      Jan 23, 2019 23:07 PM

      With the way things are going with miners vs gold, AUY will be $4-5 if gold hits $2000.

        Jan 23, 2019 23:41 PM

        Spanky, I agree.

          Jan 23, 2019 23:14 PM

          I was being sarcastic. lol.
          A doubling from here in AUY with gold at $2000 represents an absolutely pathetic risk-reward ratio. If AUY only managed a double, there is absolutely no reason to buy it, now or ever. If anything just buy a levered futures position in the metal, IMO, which would have been a far better thing to do over the last 15 years.

            Jan 23, 2019 23:42 PM

            At $2000 Gold I’d expect a stock like Yamana to be a 3-4 bagger, not just a 2 bagger.

            Jan 23, 2019 23:46 PM

            Personally, I’m more interested in looking at stocks that would be 5-10 baggers from their present valuations to where they would be at $2000 Gold.

            Jan 23, 2019 23:18 PM

            Ex, Yamana is much more likely to be a 20 bagger at $2,000 gold than a 3 or 4 bagger.
            For too many reasons to count, the miners will respond in a far better way than they did in 2011.

            Jan 24, 2019 24:51 PM

            That works for me. I’m ready for a meaningful move in the miners on this final stretch of the secular move higher in the PMs over the next few years.

          Jan 25, 2019 25:29 AM

          SILV -I’ve been enjoying a 30 bagger the last 40 months in SilverCrest as a buy & TRIMMER FROM $.11-.13. Even at these $3.20 levels, there can be no doubt this is the premiere metal stock to have owned & traded for 3 years, bar none

    Jan 23, 2019 23:20 PM

    OPUS 117 Sackler Crime Family RAW

    Jan 23, 2019 23:54 PM

    This sector is depressing.

      Jan 23, 2019 23:49 PM

      Ditto……… can say that again……..rigged more like it…….
      We must be the middle of the 60 yr cycle……

        Jan 23, 2019 23:50 PM

        where is that big………..cup and handle ….that shows the cycle……..back to 1970

          Jan 23, 2019 23:51 PM

          Matthew……..put out the chart the last time , if ,my memory serves me correctly…..

            Jan 23, 2019 23:54 PM

            The pattern is still good. The only problem is that such a big-picture look at silver doesn’t help us in the short term. The following chart is almost a year old…

            Jan 23, 2019 23:30 PM

            + 1972

            Jan 23, 2019 23:23 PM

            thanks for the chart……as you know….I like LLLLLLLLLLLLLong Term ….JtheLong.
            I guess I just got use to investing in long term projects with real estate….

            Jan 23, 2019 23:24 PM

            Ex……..hope cory did not piss you off…………..

            Jan 23, 2019 23:29 PM

            I thought you had a good summary…..of the Towers of Babel One and Two…. ..and the….leaning Tower of Pizza …no 7…take out order….to go.
            Heck of a side distraction those were…….. 🙂

            Jan 24, 2019 24:54 PM

            Thanks OOTB. No worries from me. The back and forth was getting annoying, but some of the good posts embedded got removed, so the baby got thrown out with the bath water. It happens, but the blog was better off overall for the pruning.

            Ever Upward!

    Jan 23, 2019 23:07 PM

    I’m done posting for now. I think things look dire for the mining stocks longer term to be honest. The biggest red flag is their action relative to gold, which frankly looks godawful.

    After everything shareholders have had to endure for the last 2.5 years, to see miners flat with gold up $120 is outright ominous (and extremely depressing). No one needs to hear my posts with things shaping up like this.

    I’m not expecting any sort of imminent crash or anything, but I think the rest of this year has the potential be more of the same–sideways to down.

    I genuinely hope that this week or next sees the miners rocket higher, but that is literally a fantasy at this point, IMO, with gold and silver so extended.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.

    Jan 23, 2019 23:43 PM

    Auditing the Fed is supported by nearly 75 percent of Americans. In Congress, the bill has been supported not just by conservatives and libertarians, but by progressives in Congress like Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders, and Peter DeFazio.

    President Trump championed auditing the Federal Reserve during his 2016 campaign. But, despite his recent criticism of the Fed, he has not promoted the legislation since his election.

      Jan 23, 2019 23:30 PM

      You should listen to usawatchdog…….latest post……..

      Jan 23, 2019 23:31 PM

      Audit ………never going to happen……..

        Jan 23, 2019 23:33 PM

        I dont believe it will.

        I figured it was interesting our fearless leader was promoting the idea before being elected and viola, once elected that idea got forgotten.

        He’s gotta be deep state, looks like he’s pressing for war in Venezuela now too.
        Hurray, more victims for american bombs.

    Jan 23, 2019 23:52 PM

    Gold Attempt’s to Find Footing and Price Support

    The Gold Forecast – (01/22/2019) #VIDEO

    “Considering the recent rally in gold pricing which in essentially began in the middle of November when pricing was about $1200 per ounce, and its recent surge to $1300. This most recent decline can be put in the context of either a simple shallow retracement, or the beginning of a much deeper correction. So the question becomes, was the recent decline in gold a consolidation/profit taking or an indication of lower pricing up ahead. Although that question can only be answered as more data is presented to us, there are some observations that we can use to gain a feel to what is the most likely outcome…”

    Jan 23, 2019 23:53 PM

    Gold Attempts to Find Footing and Price Support

    The Gold Forecast – Jan 22, 2019 #VIDEO

    “Considering the recent rally in gold pricing which in essentially began in the middle of November when pricing was about $1200 per ounce, and its recent surge to $1300. This most recent decline can be put in the context of either a simple shallow retracement, or the beginning of a much deeper correction. So the question becomes, was the recent decline in gold a consolidation/profit taking or an indication of lower pricing up ahead. Although that question can only be answered as more data is presented to us, there are some observations that we can use to gain a feel to what is the most likely outcome…”