

When Will We See The PMs Breakout?

February 1, 2018

Doc joins me today to share his thoughts on the precious metals and the inverse relationship with the USD. With the USD breakdown gold and silver were unable to breakout to the upside. We also discuss how the PM stocks would shake off a pullback in the underlying metals price. This is a great market to be a buyer but it will still take some time for a takeoff.

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    Feb 01, 2018 01:39 AM
    Feb 01, 2018 01:42 AM

    GG and AUY making up for lost time. They could consolidate here (the 20 DMA) for a couple of weeks to allow the MAs to catch up. That would be bullish. They are trying to make up for lost ground.

    Feb 01, 2018 01:21 AM

    I nibbled some UEC. I hope it drops further.

      Feb 01, 2018 01:51 AM

      Cali, it should drop more—nibbling is okay. I’ve done that with stocks and then hit them harder when they get into my buy zone.

        Feb 01, 2018 01:57 AM

        Exactly my strategy Doc. Still hoping for a gapfill at $1.15 on UEC.
        Doc, do you pay attention to shipping sector? There’s some great bargain at the moment. With global economy improving a bit, shipping rates are climbing albeit at a slow pace. I own SSW in my portfolio. Pays nice dividend too.

          Feb 01, 2018 01:14 PM

          You’re right Cali. I bought NMM over a year ago and continue to hold it as it moves up. The BDI has been slowly moving up although it currently is moving down again. The lows and highs of these movements continue to move higher. I will also start accumulating oil tankers more as the year unfolds. Inventories of oil continue to move lower and oil prices are slowly strenghthening. The purchasing of “newbuilds” will drop considerably next year with scrappage increasing.

      Feb 01, 2018 01:07 PM

      Sold 1/2 when UEC hit $2 (THANKS RICK ACKERMAN and KEREPORT!)

      Would have sold 100 percent, but nobody bought the 50 percent in the other account at $2 … and I got distracted by other things.

      (Am not complaining … the remaining UEC is essentially free … perhaps even a little better) 🙂

    Feb 01, 2018 01:33 AM Trey Gowdy Says Adam Schiff Obstructed Justice In Attempts To Block Courts From Releasing Fusion GPS

    Feb 01, 2018 01:40 PM

    Mueller asked for delay in sentencing of Flynn.
    I would suggest this is because Mueller knows the FBI lied to court in obtaining information via spying illegally on Flynn.

    Feb 01, 2018 01:43 PM

    Volume of gold buying in India appears to be increasing.
    Don’t know cause……just an observation.

      Feb 01, 2018 01:09 PM

      Bitcoin……getting slammed by Indian govt……might be the reason…..

      Feb 02, 2018 02:55 AM

      Considering that the cryptos have been clobbered since December of last year, it looks like a good time to add a bit more DIVE….. (cough… I mean HIVE).

      Longer term, they’ll still keep acquiring more Cryptos as a payment system when they mine and verify transactions. Ethereum and Bitcoin are pulling back down, discouraging new miners to enter the space, and they’ll continue churning right along despite the smashdown in the crypto sector.

      Once people see a few back to back quarters of what they are generating, then HIVE will be a steady climber with quarterly revenues – like a royalty company.

      * I love buying when sentiment is bad and there is blood in the streets…. 🙂

    Feb 01, 2018 01:59 PM

    Matthew, we are still waiting for the mythical silver outperformance. It’s now or never for silver. How many more lower lows–oh sorry “pullbacks”–do we need?

      Feb 01, 2018 01:09 PM

      “It’s now or never” is usually a foolish assertion when dealing with markets, spanky. And that is the case now.
      I did increase my IPT position today by about 2% (22,000 shares). I don’t know how many pullbacks we “need” but I enjoyed this one. 😉

        Feb 01, 2018 01:55 PM

        Other than the myriad black candles at lower prices, the IPT.V chart does look like its bottoming and should pop soon. MAs look good and the MACD is primed. Would be too perfect if she broke lower instead.

        Feb 01, 2018 01:59 PM

        EXK has almost an identical DMA (55, 89, 144) setup too. I’m sure that will give you warm fuzzies.

        Feb 01, 2018 01:02 PM

        It even has the ichimoku cloud on its side. If it screws the pooch here, my god I will have to come up with a new descriptor. Utter trash and POS won’t suffice. lol.

          Feb 01, 2018 01:50 PM

          j/k about POS of course. I hope it goes up 1000%

          Feb 01, 2018 01:14 PM

          I think it can still go to .315 but probably not for long.

        Feb 01, 2018 01:49 PM

        Matthew – does that give you 1.1 M shares of IPT then? Nice work amigo.

        When this bull market gets going in earnest that will be an amazingly profitable position.

          Feb 01, 2018 01:40 PM

          Roughly, yes. I’m bullish silver and IPT has a great risk/reward profile that seems hard to beat.
          You can’t see the reason on the following chart but .35 is an important level this month.

            Feb 02, 2018 02:04 AM

            I may ratchet down a few of my Silver holdings to beef up my IPT and get more a concentrated position in it myself, but already have a nice weighting in it. Right now I have too many silver stocks because there is so much potential in many of them, but realistically, IPT will likely outperform most of them and so it makes sense to consolidate down a few of the laggards.

            Thanks as always for the charts and input.

    Feb 01, 2018 01:04 PM

    Im not siding with the PM bears here but with the dollar falling into the mid 88 level and the PMs unable to enforce their inverse relationship, it is a little concerning. Particularly silver. Gold is currently up about $5 from the opening yet silver is down 10 cents.

    I did mention yesterday that gold and silver may need their own positove development in order to book further gains. With todays current action, it would appear such a development is more likely.

    Maybe the metals play catch up tomorrow?

      Feb 01, 2018 01:12 PM

      I would personally focus more on the yen ($XJY).

      I too share your concerns

      Feb 01, 2018 01:18 PM

      We have a new closing low for the buck but not a new intraday low. Some follow through tomorrow should be helpful to gold since the market still probably thinks the dollar is bottoming here.

    Feb 01, 2018 01:39 PM
    Feb 01, 2018 01:55 PM

    HL was smashed below it s 144 WMA. That is not very encouraging. It needs to recover the 89 WMA like yesterday. It has never done something like that as far as I can see, though. Usually, when the 144 WMA is breached it suggests a bear market.

    Feb 01, 2018 01:31 PM

    Yea, the 89 rolling over ain’t pretty. Hecla is one of my faves, but not now. Most of the PMs got a little ways to go regarding time and price.

    We still need that bear-ending smash.

    Feb 01, 2018 01:03 PM

    #Silver Miners that had a nice Green day

    $FASV First American Silver Corp. +24.88%
    $RYO Rio Silver Inc. +18.18%
    $AUU Aura Silver Resources Inc. +16.67%
    $G1A.AX Galena Mining Limited +9.24%
    $NBR Nubian Resources Ltd. +8.33%
    $BHS Bayhorse Silver Inc . +7.69%
    $SSE Silver Spruce Resources Inc. +7.69%
    $CLZ Canasil Resources Inc. +7.14%
    $SVB Silver Bull Resources, Inc. +7.14%
    $REX Orex Minerals Inc. +6.90%
    $IVR.AX Investigator Resources Limited +5.00%
    $GRG Golden Arrow Resources Corporation +4.84%
    $MTR.L Metal Tiger plc +4.76%
    $DEF Defiance Silver Corp. +4.55%
    $AZR Azarga Metals Corp. +4.17%
    $MRP.AX MacPhersons Resources Limited +4.00%
    $NUAG New Pacific Metals Corp. +2.94%
    $BCK Blind Creek Resources Ltd. +2.90%
    $MSV Minco Silver Corporation +2.74%
    $AZS.AX Azure Minerals Limited +2.70%
    $SVL.AX Silver Mines Limited +2.38%
    $SSV Southern Silver Exploration Corp. +1.54%
    $MYA Maya Gold and Silver Inc. +1.43%
    $EXN Excellon Resources Inc. 1.88 +0.80%
    $GPL Great Panther Silver Limited +0.79%
    $FRES.L Fresnillo PLC +0.37%
    $SMT Sierra Metals Inc. +0.32%

      Feb 01, 2018 01:03 PM

      Gold Major and Mid-Tier #Producers that had a nice Green Day

      $KCN.AX Kingsgate Consolidated Limited +13.85%
      $DRM.AX Doray Minerals Limited +6.25%
      $ORV Orvana Minerals Corp. +4.76%
      $DRD DRDGOLD Limited +4.76%
      $KLDX Klondex Mines Ltd. +3.18%
      $KOZAL.IS Koza Altin Isletmeleri A.S. +2.88%
      $JAG Jaguar Mining Inc. +2.56%
      $RMS.AX Ramelius Resources Limited +2.33%
      $CG Centerra Gold Inc. +1.73%
      $BTG B2Gold Corp. +1.66%
      $ASR Alacer Gold Corp. +1.40%
      $HGM.L Highland Gold Mining Limited +1.27%
      $MUX McEwen Mining Inc. +1.14%
      $AUY Yamana Gold Inc. +0.87%
      $IAG IAMGOLD Corporation +0.85%
      $GFI Gold Fields Limited +0.70%
      $NCM.AX Newcrest Mining Limited +0.62%
      $ABX Barrick Gold Corporation +0.28%
      $ACA.L Acacia Mining plc +0.27%
      $KGC Kinross Gold Corporation +0.23%

        Feb 01, 2018 01:04 PM

        #Gold Small #Producers that had a nice Green Day

        $WPG.AX WPG Resources Ltd +12.50%
        $ANX Anaconda Mining Inc. +10.47%
        $PBR Para Resources Inc. +8.11%
        $HAV.AX Havilah Resources Limited +8.00%
        $MQR Monarques Gold Corporation +6.76%
        $ORA Aura Minerals Inc. +6.43%
        $CGN.AX Crater Gold Mining Limited +6.25%
        $BLK.AX Blackham Resources Limited +5.66%
        $GXS Goldsource Mines Inc. +5.56%
        $MXSG Mexus Gold US +4.84%
        $SAU.AX Southern Gold Limited +3.92%
        $ALK.AX Alkane Resources Limited +3.33%
        $SFR.AX Sandfire Resources NL +2.78%
        $ABU.AX ABM Resources NL +2.78%
        $ASO.L Avesoro Resources Inc. +2.41%
        $PG Premier Gold Mines Limited +2.02%
        $AMI.AX Aurelia Metals Limited +1.64%
        $RPM Rye Patch Gold Corp. +1.57%
        $TMR TMAC Resources Inc. +1.47%

          Feb 01, 2018 01:05 PM

          #Gold #Developers that had a nice ~Green Day

          $CGE Corex Gold Corporation +13.33%
          $NEE Northern Vertex Mining Corp. +7.84%
          $BSX Belo Sun Mining Corp +5.56%
          $GOM Golden Dawn Minerals Inc. +4.00%
          $VIT Victoria Gold Corp. +3.49%
          $USAU U.S. Gold Corp. +3.14%
          $MAI Minera Alamos Inc. +3.13%
          $MAX Midas Gold Corp. +3.13%
          $CNL Continental Gold Inc. +3.01%
          $GSV Gold Standard Ventures Corp +2.78%
          $NVO Novo Resources Corp. +2.50%
          $HUM.L Hummingbird Resources PLC +2.22%
          $LYD Lydian International Limited +1.96%
          $TRX Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corporation +1.53%
          $DCN.AX Dacian Gold Limited +1.46%
          $WAF West African Resources Limited +1.22%
          $SFEG Santa Fe Gold Corporation +0.99%
          $MOZ Marathon Gold Corporation +0.96%
          $PZG Paramount Gold Nevada Corp. +0.76%
          $AGB Atlantic Gold Corporation +0.59%
          $AAU Almaden Minerals Ltd. +0.47%

            Feb 01, 2018 01:08 PM

            I’m not going to bother with posting all the Exploration and Prospect Generators that also had a positive day as there are too many of them to deal with.

            Needless to say it wasn’t all carnage and gnashing of teeth today regardless of the negative sentiment that some expouse.

    Feb 01, 2018 01:17 PM

    Newmont is higher vs SIL than the 2016 peak (higher highs for 3-4 months now). Also, quite frankly, gold looks like it is continuing its bull market vs silver. The weekly and monthly ratio charts are telling. It’s just a matter of time before the 2016 gold:silver peak is taken out. The very brief period that silver outperformed gold in 2016 looks like nothing more than a blip on the weekly and especially monthly charts.

    The fact that Newmont is making new highs vs the silver mining complex is pretty telling. Sure, someday silver will bottom out vs gold, but it looks to me like silver is cooked. There is absolutely nothing on the daily, weekly or monthly charts to suggest there is any imminent change of trend. To the contrary, gold looks as strong as ever vs silver

    Feb 01, 2018 01:26 PM

    Goldman all but says the mining supercycle is back
    “The environment for investing in commodities is the best since 2004-2008” – Goldman Sachs

    read »

    well, thats gotta be the official okey dokey

    Feb 01, 2018 01:27 PM

    Mining News Digest
    Friday 2 February 2018
    Home Gold Coal Copper Iron Ore Oil Sands Rare Earth Silver Uranium
    Goldman all but says the mining supercycle is back
    “The environment for investing in commodities is the best since 2004-2008” – Goldman Sachs


    Feb 02, 2018 02:44 AM

    (KNT) (KNTNF) K92 Operations Update and Latest Drill Results
    by @nasdaq on February 2, 2018

    * Highlights include:

    > Drill intercept of 6.49 m at 23.66 g/t Au, 27 g/t Ag and 0.16% Cu (24.24 g/t AuEq)

    > Face sampling taken while mining the K1 Kora vein reports values of 0.6 m @ 1,126 g/t Au in one face and 0.3 m @ 2,171 g/t Au in another face

    > Process plant feed grade in excess of 40 g/t Au over consecutive days, including a peak of 82.98 g/t Au over a 12 hour period.

      Feb 02, 2018 02:51 AM

      Once again, in contrast to the drill results many hyped up Explorers or Developers have, some of the quality Producers are just crushing them with drill results like these from (KNT) K92 or the ones posted yesterday from Superior Gold (SGI).

      ** Again, a producer can take the results like these posted above and monetize them over the next year or two by putting them by doing this crazy thing called “mining” and they actually will get this Gold out of the ground. (likely into rising prices).

      These are already very economic grades that they are hitting even if gold prices were at $1100-$1200, but at $1350 these exploration results are literally hitting paydirt.

        Feb 02, 2018 02:05 AM

        The vast majority of market participants will likely not even consider how these kinds of drill results will benefit the producers moving over the next few years into the future, so it will be a slow realization that develops over time when more analysts start following the mining sector.

        However, right now if these stocks get further sold off, it will be the time to be acquiring them for a fraction of where they will be trading in 1-2 years time.

    Feb 02, 2018 02:15 AM

    Buying opportunity today….Friday……get it while you can.

      Feb 02, 2018 02:16 AM

      Silver …..$16.70

    Feb 02, 2018 02:01 AM

    My EXK, hanging on for dear life. If it breaks below the cloud, it’s going to be an ugly slog into March. It needs to hold on here for dear life.

    Again, with the USD apparently entering a countertrend move, it doesn’t look good.

    AG is at a new multiyear low today. It’s anyone’s guess where the bloodletting stops.

      Feb 02, 2018 02:22 AM

      As long as EXK stays above those prior $2.07 and $2.04 recent troughs it will be fine. If it dips below those I’d be more concerned.

      EXK currently at $2.30 above harms way.

    Feb 02, 2018 02:51 AM


      Feb 02, 2018 02:56 AM

      Uh-oh…. spooky…. 😮

    Feb 02, 2018 02:20 AM

    Spooky……… 🙂