

China’s Stunning Stock Market Moves in One Huge, Annotated Chart

August 26, 2015

This post includes a great chart outlining the policy changes by China since late 2014. The PBOC and government have gone so many different directions to keep the market going and then to stop the fall, nothing seems to be making any more than a short term impact.

Click here to visit the original posting page over at Bloomberg.

Chinese stocks continue to plunge. Despite a Tuesday rate cut from the People’s Bank of China, the $5 trillion rout rolls on. Authorities in China have escalated their blame game, looking for market selloff scapegoats.  The situation has captured the attention of the world, and market reverberations everywhere are being attributed (at least in part) to what’s going on in China.

Bloomberg Intelligence economist Tom Orlik has put together a fantastic, annotated chart that shows both the market’s huge upswing and subsequent crash. As he notes, “Along the way there have been five rate cuts, a raft of interventions from the government aimed at stabilizing the market and a global stock correction with China at its core.”

(Click the chart to enlarge or click here to see full size.)

    Aug 26, 2015 26:16 PM

    Zero sum game.

    Aug 26, 2015 26:17 PM

    Hey guy, I posted a piece under Doc’s today.

    Awaiting moderation. It was just informational. No insults or bad language.

      Aug 26, 2015 26:29 PM

      I’ll take a look right now CFS

    Aug 26, 2015 26:33 PM

    Thanks, Cory.

    Anyone thinking about geared shortening should consider this “shortened timelines “piece.
    High gearing or leverage can give huge profits fast, and can also kill assets fast.

    Aug 26, 2015 26:38 PM

    Chris Martenson today on youtube:

    Aug 26, 2015 26:48 PM
      Aug 26, 2015 26:08 PM

      you can get Miles Franklin emails if you like…….

      Aug 26, 2015 26:10 PM

      Andy is on audio at FSN.(financial survival network)on his weekly Weds. coverage….

    Aug 26, 2015 26:10 PM

    Jim Grant on youtube today:

    Aug 26, 2015 26:49 PM

    On detailed examination of volume data, it seems to me that the P.P.T. has only acted twice this week.
    Specific occasions can be seen at approx 10:40 a.m. Tuesday
    and at approx 10:30 a.m. Today.
    On Monday there is so much noise, that it is hard to identify any of the trades to be big enough (My identifying criterion) to have positively have come from the P.P.T.
    Those are my conclusions.

    I cannot think of any reason why the PPT cannot “control” the stock markets indefinitely.
    The trade-off, of course, is that printing money out of thin air will result (theoretically) in a declining value of the US dollar.
    The interesting thing, however, is that these bankers discuss things.
    It is possible that they have discussed things together and decided that if ALL major countries inflate the money supply about equally, then all they will achieve is price inflation, not any relative currency fluctuation.
    I suspect collusion at least between Western nations; China and Russia probably not included, so there may be small variations among the western nations; a little bit complicated when countries like Greece hit the news media.
    As Mauldin has often said countries always try to muddle through longer than analysts can imagine.