Big Al and Trader Rog discuss Premium Exploration and Rye Patch Gold
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HI Tom,
I played golf with the president, who is a good guy. And that is pretty much the last communication I had with the company.
Big Al
Hi Big Al, I believe it has been more than two weeks since you spoke to Del on your sight. Del did say that the revised 43-101 was ready and should be out in the next week or so. The fact that the 43-101 is still not released yet seems to indicate that indeed there is something more is going on behind the scenes….JV, buy out? I don’t know. Also the fact that the drills haven’t started turning yet is another flag for me, hopefully it is not a red flag. I feel that the property has tremendous upside potential; therefore purchased over 50,000 shares two weeks ago. Hopefully we hear something next week. I understand Del can’t say much right now but hopefully any decision he makes will benefit us shareholders.
I am also a shareholder in these two companies Rye Patch and Premium as well as Aurcana due to the info provided on this website. I am most excited about Rye Patch and Aurcana’s results as of late and feel they are greatly undervalued and expect that by the first quarter of 2013 that these share should grow to new highs. As for Premium I am hoping for a buyout offer. Thanks for the updates as always and happy investing.
Hey AL
Was Trader Rog mistaken when he mentioned Rye patch and the railroad claim. I don’t see that on their website.
I believe that he was mistaken.
Big Al
P.S. – I’d love an update from Aurcana sometime soon on your site. They are being run by a good team now and are blowing and going.
Hi Dan,
I have heard nothing since the last time I spoke with Del.
I am sure that he and the staff are working their you know whats off.
I will call him this week.
Big Al
Hi Shad,
I just sent Lenic and e-mail. Look for him to be on the show this coming week.
Re: PEM, if you just recently purchased 50K shares you could do really well. My price is now $0.15.
Big Al
I still think a buy out of PEM by Midas is not out of the question now more so than ever.Premium shareholders have bee asking Midas management to buy out PEM.Midas share holders have asked the same as I was told by Midas.Midas has been to the PEM property 3 times as I was told by Midas.To make a 90km drive 3 times shows more than just a passsing interest.This bring me to the share price of both companies.If a deal back when Midas was trading at $4 instead of now $2 Premium shareholders might have said that Midas was using inflated Midas stock to buy undervalued PEM stock.But now with both companies grossly undervalued a stock deal would be more mutual to both sets of shareholders as PEM folded into Midas would get any capital gains owning MAX shares as Midas drills of its deposit to 10 million oz while at the same time moving 5 or 6 rigs on the Friday discovery and taking that to a near term 5 million oz.I still think if Del gets the 43-101 cleared by the BCSC that could set PEM in play.By doing so Midas would have a near monoploy on future Idaho gold production.How would Barrick or Newmont view Midas with that kind of lock up?
PEM shares are a steal at these levels and Midas knows it.
Good Morning James F,
I think that something will happen as your logic makes a lot of sense to me.
If, in fact, a buyout of some kind occurs I would simply question at what price would that occur.
Any thoughts?
Big Al
Thanks Big Al. Lenic seems like the kind of leader that makes things happen.
Thanks Big Al.
Hi Al,
When and or if you can have Lenic Rodriguez on the show can you ask him a few questions for me,please?
How many shares and share options does he personally own in the company?
Lenic stated in a January,2012 interview in Vancouver that the revised 43-101 on LN would be released in February.As it is now mid July and six months have passed can you ask him why the company has waited this long for the release?
Lenic stated in his April 14th presentation in Geneva that the company had already purchased two separate new properties,one being an extension of the LN mine and another high grade gold property in the east of Mexico.
AUN’s IR man has stated and is quoted as saying the company will not NR those acquisitions so can you ask Lenic why the acquisitions are not NR’d/public knowledge despite the fact he has released that information in April,already?
Finally,is the ‘commercial production’ announcement at Shafter being held up with the cyanide plant wait or is there any other issues shareholders can be advised on?
Many thanks,
Hi again Big Al,
In the spirit of Trader Rog detailing the viability of juniors being bought up by their senior neighbours….
Could you please ask Lenic Rodriguez if AUN has any interest in picking up the moly/copper project just 7 mns west of Presidio?
The deposit is owned by Tosca Mining but has drifted to a low of 7 cents with just 40 million shares o/s.
Tosco has- from their inception- expressed a positive attitude to and possible synergy combo with Aurcana.
Why not just buy out the majority of shares or make an offer and buy up the deposit and the associated lands that Tosca retain?
It would be an inexpensive,viable acquisition that will also provide what may prove to be valuable exploration land in and around Presidio/Shafter.
Many thanks.
I am also about to purchase another 20000 shares I’m PEM this week. I bought 4500 shares around .50 cents so buying this will help bring my cost basis down. But could be a black hole. We shall see. I like The Idaho play
Just when we thought she couldn’t go any lower………..BAM 5 cent low today for PEM. Not sure what management of PEM has up their sleeve, but it sure doesn’t seem good right now. What happened to the revised 43-101? The silence is deafening. Hopefully Del can get this thing going soon and PEM can stage a nice reversal. I just got in this game, so I am only under water half a penny yet, but I feel for the shareholders who paid much more for it.
HI Dan,
I will give Del a call.
Big Al
Thanks. looking forward to an update. Much appreciated.
We have been waiting since February for a promised,revised 43-101 at La Negra.
Lenic keeps saying it will be a few more weeks and it has turned into five months.
IR never gives an answer and Lenic just keeps schmoozing his millions of options.
Hi Al,
Speaking of companies we haven’t heard about for a while. Did you ever call Caza Gold and speak to thier IR guy? Thanks. Tom