Current state of the resource stock market
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In this show Al discusses:
- Segment 1 – Al opens the show with Marshall Berol, Co-portfolio Manager, of the Encompass Fund.
- Segment 2 – Al and Peter Grandich discuss the current state of the resource stock market.
- Segment 3 – Al and Keith Schaefer discuss investing in fixed income trusts.
- Segment 4 – Al and Trader Rog comment on listeners’ comments found in our blog.
- Segment 5 – Al and Yale Simpson, Chairman of Exeter Resources and Extorre Gold, discuss the business environments of Canada and the United States.
- Segment 6 – Al introduces new sponsor Soho Resources in a conversation with Ralph Shearing, company president.
- Segment 7 and Segment 8 – Al discusses the mining industry and opinions about future price directions of for precious metals with Cecil Andrus, former U.S. Secretary of the Interior and former Governor of the state of Idaho, and with Del Steiner, president of Premium Exploration.
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You guys just keep doing what you’ve been doing. Why mess with success? We all listen to you because of what your views are. Comments should not dictate what you do. Your program is successful…..why change anything.
Hi Denis and Dagen,
Many thanks for the kind words.
Big Al
I suppose divisive was a wrong word to use. I just thought that I wanted to keep focus on what You call “Hard Assets”, I call the “stuff” markets: metals, oil, wood,potash, etc.. But it is true that no market exists independent of political ploys: stimulus bills, QE1, QE2, social programs ( a term word for taking $$ from taxpayers not yet born).
I feel famous (almost).
But I liked reading the comments. I find that people who are attracted to these sites have above average acumen, insight and know history. I will not try to convince you or them to buy shares in Citibank or Goldman Sachs, as examples.
But like you my biggest exposure is TD, followed by two other Canadian banks.
Ugly truth: Muslims have killed far more Christians than Jews. I personally think that Rog is correct. Their blood line is from Saudi Arabia and they are cannon fodder between Israel and the muslim world. The Palestinians are middle east version of the Polish or Korean people, caught between two mighty powers ( i.e., Germany and Russia or China and Japan).
But given the fondness for Palestinians to solve their dilemma with 1) awful and cruel violence against defenseless babies and 2) ugly propaganda, hard to have a lot of compassion for them. No its its time for Israel to wrap things up. I am also not happy that a Member of the Israeli Knesset is paid so well; $ 10,000 a month and the pensions and the bodyguards. PM Netanyahu’s munchkin Ehud Barak has been in the govt for almost 20 years and has a fondness for $600Us a night hotels in Paris when he is there on “business”. I do not think that Israel could afford that. So in a way I do not support all of the largess of US aid to Israel ( nor of all foreign countries) because it allows for this. But the reality is that the Europeans are very generous to the palestinians and UNRWA ( despite their financial nightmares) and there is no accountability there. Pure socialism. Palestinians are welfare bums. Israelis are very productive people and will always be friends to America, Canada and even Europe, despite different points of view.
Lets face it:
1) there is a lot of muslim money zipping around the globe encouraging biases against Israel, the right wing, Conservatism, FOX News, Michael Savage and its very discouraging to discuss things that the mainstream media will never touch because they are mediocre people who could not do calculus, accounting or law but excelled in Russian studies like the White House spokesthingy, Carney.
2) If the US had to finance a presence in the Mediterranean, if Israel was not there, to compete against the influence of Russia or Iran, it would cost much much more than the money the USA currently sends to Israel.
To tell you more about myself, I live in Montreal, passed the American CPA exams 17 years ago and I am the CFO (bookkeeper and accountant) in my part time of a very very young mining management company here, with financing of $1M Canadian we finally just received last week. I should know. I deposited the checks myself! My salary for the last 12 months was $800. I am a tax advisor, former employee of the Canadian IRS, by day and fyi, I am a shareholder.
In addition to gold, silver ( the property was producer of Silver, to the Canadian and American armies, until the end of WW2), cobalt, copper, iron,chromium, the property is 99.999% endowed with muscovite!; according to the 43-101.
It is not as sexy as silver or uranium but it has increased from $20/ ton to $600/ton in the last decade since world govts have banned the use of of asbestos
We are now undergoing the listing protocols to be a public company on the OTC since we can now pay the US lawyer, CPA, security firms,,.
We intend to go public when we enter the production phase or shortly before.
Honored to be a guest on your show one day.
Hi James B.
Your comments about the Israelis being efficient, productive, etc. is certainly true. Interestingly enough, an Iranian friend of mine brought this to my attention 10 -12 years ago.
The comment about the amount of money the Muslims are throwing again conservative factions is interesting. I have not heard that before and would like a bit of elaboration if possible.
As a point of interest, I spent over 30 years working with companies like the one you are involved with. According to the SEC, our company assisted more Canadian mining companies in their registration efforts in the U.S. than any other organization. Your total cost in these efforts should not exceed U.S.$15K and a bit for your auditor. Let me know if you have any questions along these lines.
Big Al
1) regarding the muslim money zooming around the globe – can I prove it? No but I look at actions at the media, statements by former diplomats to Saudi Arabia, the degree to which this Dem. admin. ( re: VP Boyden, SS Hillary Clinton and POTUS Obama) became so enraged at the building of condo extensions by Jews in what the West calls the “West Bank” compared to the anger or lack thereof re: building of Nukes in Iran and just reading the statements by (D) Jim Moran, for example, the way the entire Israeli/Palestinian issue is presented in the media/entertainment industry. I could list many examples where Islam gets a pass or not even discussed or called an “Abramiac religion” when it is neither.
The Muslim money issue is one that Daniel Pipes ( discusses on his website. Jimmy Carter is a well known recipient of muslim money as is George Galloway ( at least $150,000) was uncovered in his account via Saddam Hussein. Money is at the root of everything and noone wishes to discuss this. And what can explain the lack of investments in Solar Energy? GM designed the Solar Energy buggy that is still on the moon. The technology is there to some degree. The very first thing that Ralph Nader said during his Pres. campaign on ” Meet the Press” was to make rabid comments about the Israeli military campaign in Lebanon. Given that his roots are Lebanese, I do not think that his comments helped him and the commentator at the time, never challenged him. As though it was all theater. Plus the recent comments by Pres. Obama and all his fluffy comments on Islam, it is clear to me that this is all payback for their donations to him during his 2008 campaign. Again I cant prove that because the Dems will not discuss this nor will the American press investigate. Nor will the Republicans even investigate. The Law firm of James Baker III has an office in Dubai or Riyad for many years. He was always biased against Israel. His report on Iraq and the wording against Israel proved whom his well paying masters are.
I really cannot provide you with checks or contracts but things do not seem right.
In Canada, we have a show called ” Little Mosque on the Prairie” and judges who are loathe to give strong sentences against muslim moms and dads who stab their daughters because they come home late at night.
It all comes down to cost benefit test. Votes and money. Audience and money. Jews only represent 2% of votes in the USA so do the math.
Republicans are not immune to. The choice of Condeleeza Rice as SoS was so bad and showed how out of touch – by design? or intentional to deflect attention from the ME – Pres. GW Bush was.
2) as for our company, we have already paid $10,000 to the Manhattan CPA to audit the statements and support I did and now must pay $20,000 to the Florida lawyer and more money to a security company et al. I was never party to these negotiations but it seems quite excessive.
But I have been to the property 2x and the tailings are visible everywhere. I have really come to believe in the great potential or else I would not have invested so much time in this.
We would love to know about your services to assist us in promoting the company even if it means paying you to come visit us when we are close to production which we hope will be in early winter 2012 or by Dec. 2011..
I just read the most interesting book in many years! It’s titled “The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin. It’s an extremely well documented and researched analysis of the Federal Reserve System. Anyone in ANY business or the Markets must read this “bible!” I look forward for a review by Big Al, as soon as possible! R.H.
I’m sure Al and many others here have read it. As you said, it’s definitely a must read.
Here’s a MUST watch. A younger G.E. Griffin interviews Norman Dodd.
Thanks Matthew,
I will watch it.
Big Al
Hi Dr. Hepperla,
I have read the book and have had Mr. Griffin on my show in the past.
Know what? I will invite him on again next week.
Thanks for the comment,
Big Al
hey guys check out my cnnahel me and my mate got silver camo guns on zombies call of the dead dont no how but its EPICmy cnnahel is zombiekiller2665
Al & Rog,
I really enjoy your show and appreciate the daily insights as well as the market trends. I don’t think you could invest intelligently without reviewing the politics of the day. I also enjoy reading everyone’s comments.
Hi Karen,
As always thanks and please keep your comments coming.
Have a great weekend,
Big Al
I just heard John Hathaway (Toqueville Funds) perpetuate the myth that Ron Paul said the U.S. should sell gold to balance the budget. As Hathaway said, this would be idiotic. I’m just disappointed that he bought the story so readily. The interviewer was clueless as well and said nothing. To find out what really happened, go here:
By starting this way: “Those of you out there who believe that Ron Paul can do no wrong,…” Dan Norcini seems to have had a problem with RP to begin with. Again, disappointing.
I think it’s time for RP to go on KER to set things straight.
Thanks Matthew,
I will invite him to be on the show this next weekend or as soon as he is available.
Big Al
In the last segment you made the statement; “Lord knows, the country needs to increase its revenues.”
I could not disagree more with that statement. It’s the spending, Stupid!
The waste and corruption of the US government is boundless. The problem is not income, but spending, at a time when the US aready taxes its citizens at a rate higher than most other countries in the world.
David, DEFINITELY a spending issue.
Hi David,
You are absolutely correct.
Pretty grave mis-statement on my part.
That is what is great about this forum. When folks say something that makes no sense guys like you hit them upside the head and get them thinking clearly.
I was thinking very short term and am not quite sure why I said that. Must have been what we call a “brain freeze”.
Big Al
I believe Ron Paul made the statements concerning selling the U.S. gold to prod congress to push for an audit of Fort Knox which hasn’t been done in something like 50 years. I highly doubt RP is serious about selling the gold IMHO.
RJ, Agreed. That is exactly why he said that.
Click on the link I provided above. RP didn’t make the suggestion at all. Another Ron did.
I guess I’m one of those who thinks RP can (almost) do no wrong, BUT, I am not someone who won’t recognize it if he does. Admiration is not the same as idolatry.
Matthew … to me it really does not matter … if he did, as I stated before he’s being clever … if not then he will probably come out and say so … I am not dismissing what you are saying just stating my stance … looks like Al is going to invite RP on so MAYBE next week we’ll know for sure … then again maybe RP won’t want to tip his hand …
Can’t argue with that!
You’ve got it in one. Colnud’t have put it better.
Hi Guys,
I am going to discuss this question with Jeff Deist on today’s Daily Editorial which will be posted this evening.
Good idea.
Big Al
DR RON PAUL. (R.P.) When i first read that (R.P.) had suggested that the U.S. should sell some of its GOLD…” REAL MONEY” i tough ” WHAT”, has he lost the plot . As we all know he is a very clever man, & has being calling for years , for an audit of the ” PEOPLES GOLD”………….(THE GOLD IN KNOX & OTHER VAULTS BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE , NOT THE GOVERNMENT) The people of the U.S. worked hard , paid taxes , which the government used to buy the GOLD. As all taxes belong to the PEOPLE , therefore the GOLD, belongs to the PEOPLE, & NOT THE GOVERNMENT…..SIMPLE.
Getting back to (R.P.) Somebody i read or listened to week ( \ cant remember who ) suggested that he (R.P.) was calling a bluff. Think about it , if they did decide to sell some , 1st they would have to audit ,before deciding how much they could sell………….” HEY PRESTO ” (R.P.) GETS HIS AUDIT……..SIMPLE…………
By the way, i think (R.P.) is one of the most, HONEST AND SINCERE, politicians in the U.S. For what its worth i prefer to call him a STATESMAN = somebody who cares for his COUNTRY & ALL OF ITS PEOPLE.
“WHY”……..,Why i just like (R.P.) & lots of other clever people , DO NOT believe that all the GOLD that should be there is “NOT”!…………..
“WARS” “GOLD” “MONEY CHANGERS” First there was wars then came the gold followed by the money changers >>>”BANKERS”. The same people “JESUS” trew out from the TEMPLE. The same people that paid the ROMANS to kill “HIM” Wars are very expensive undertakings , enter the “BANKERS”, scary music playing in the back ground. Country’s borrow from the bankers for their wars , you might think that the banks are takeing a big risk , suppose that country lose’ . They have tough of that so they loan to both country’s , see they win because they always back the winner. My point is AMERICA has had so many wars , that they MUST HAVE BORROWED FROM THE TOP BANKERS, not your high street bankers, you know the ones i am talking about, but this time they did not have to loan to both sides . Because AMERICA the most POWERFUL nation on the planet , always goes up against THE LITTLE FELLOWS. so they win & so do the BANKERS
Thats why i believe the GOLD is gone because “THEY” are holding it as guarantee.
So write to (R.P.) & offer your support to the man, for a full PUBLIC AUDIT………
My crazy suggestion will follow shortly. Bye for now.
Who in the hell give you the moniker “madirishanthony”? Your comments prove that you are one of the sanest people around!
You guys are all absolutely correct, in my mind, with your comments.
I will send an e-mail to Jeff right now and arrange for either him or the Congressman to be on the Show this coming weekend and I will ask him (Jeff) to do a Daily Editorial on this subject sooner.
Keep the great ideas coming this way,
Big Al
Al and Rog,
I posted this on your blog a while back:
“I’d really like to hear a discussion about the legitimacy of a system in which Government activities are primarily funded by debt that is expected to be paid by the people, but the majority of activities the Government engages in negatively impacts those same people while enriching those who assume the debt.”
I see Governmentally imposed debt as the root of most of the ills we suffer from these days and I’d love it if you’d provide your thoughts on the subject.
I’ve seen/heard very few discussions about this topic around the web, but Ron Paul likens the process to identity theft here:
…and this article on zerohedge provides thoughts akin to my own:
Also – I too would love to hear Ron Paul address the “sell our gold” story. Mish says he was confused with some guy named Ron Utt, but it seems people believe it was RP. John Hathaway even mentioned it in his KWN interview over the weekend.
Other than that I suggest you to go off on whatever tangents you like – politics, religion, whatever. I come here to consider thoughts/ideas/events and stimulate my mind. The broadcasts and blog discussions have been well worth my time – I just wish they were longer and more people were involved.
Hi John,
Listen to today’s Daily Editorial.
Good idea on your part for a discussion.
Big Al
Hello Big Al, Trader Rog, and all you wonderful bloggers,
What a delight to come here (almost) every day and sample the vast variety of wisdom, knowledge, sarcasm, humor, in-depth analysis, astute observations, etc… Why, it’s a veritable smorgasborg of intellectual pleasures. You guys and gals keep the good stuff coming. I love attending class.
Matthew; I’m enjoying the interview with Norman Dodd. Ed Griffin is an excellent writer and researcher as well.
James B. of Canada; also a great post. Point #1 was particularly enjoyable, as I agree with you 100% that the Arab Lobby with their 100s of millions of petro dollars have invested heavily in our government, media, industry, and academia. This is why “news” outlets won’t call a terrorist and terrorist, but instead choose to dance around the obvious, nuancing and massaging the story until it no longer resembles anything remotely truthful. They’re bought and paid for just as Obama was bought and paid for.
Madirishtony; BEAUTIFULLY put together piece. I enjoy your “crazy” rants. Keep ’em comin’.
To all of you, all the best,
Hello Matthew,
I just finished the interview with G. Ed Griffin and Norman Dodd. Terrific info. It ties in exactly with a book I’m currently reading, called “Hope of the Wicked”.
Thanks for the tip. Good stuff.
Hi Dan,
I watched it again myself, for the first time in years. I wouldn’t have thought of it without Dr. Hepperla’s post!
HI DAN & MATTHEW Yes, i watched it, well worth the time. TA.
Okay guys, I not only watched the suggested video, but I also watched President Eisenhower’s which he gave back in 1961.
I did also watch some of the others. I found the audio with President Kennedy discussing secret societies interesting. I would appreciate it if someone could authenticate this one. Was it actually President Kennedy speaking or was it someone else?
On matters this serious, everything needs to be completely authenticated.
Big Al
you sulhod a whole team just playing with balistic knife, crossbow, tomohawk and c4 and try and get some crazy stunts! that would be epic!
AL . I am going to drop the mad. thank you.
Hi Guys,
I agree completely with what Dan wrote. I learn a lot from all of you.
Good idea “saneirish”!
Off to watch the video Matthew.
Big Al
Is there some reason my comment was not approved by the moderator?
I’ve posted here before without a problem and my comments were positive…
I have absolutely no idea why your comment was not posted. Please reply to this comment from me with your original comment.
I censor absolutely nothing. That is a guarantee!
Big Al
Sorry Al – my first comment appeared after I posted the second comment so I guess I spoke too soon…
The concept of Government debt thing is important to me because it’s so rarely questioned, yet it inspires such wanton irresponsibility and lack of accountability.
The price is simply too high for what we’re getting.
I’m a high school Econ teacher.
I wrote a pice over the weekend and took some heat just for being a teacher,
In hour four you said to Rog “We’re not school teachers”.
Can you elaborate on your thoughts when you said this?
Thanks for a great show.
Hi Big Al,
I too listened to the interview with JFK. Interesting!!
Your question, ie. gov’t debt is a good one and valid. What makes it so important is that even beyond the publicly touted number you have posted, is that the “off the books” debt is so much larger than that. Ron Paul has confessed that it is much larger and worse than he suspected and he quotes a number of around $100 trillion dollars, which includes unfunded liabilities, collatoralized debt obligations and trillions from the credit default swaps. Other economists have estimated that the debt numbers could be up around $600 – 700 trillion. Unbelievable! This is why I believe that even if we were able to turn this ship around, it would do no good. The game has been strung out so far that there is no easy way back to sound economic and fiscal solvency, at least not without a return to zero and starting over from scratch. But I confess, I don’t know what this would actually look like in real terms. Just some of my thoughts. I’m no economist so I entertain your feedback everyone. What does the end scenario look like in terms of real possibilities with such a massive debt? Has anyone thought this through to its logical conclusion.
Hi Mike,
I do not believe that our role in these discussions should be to come across as if we were teachers because we are not. My goal is to facilitate discussions. That is the purpose of both this blog and the show.
You appear to be an expert in economics otherwise you would not be entrusted with teaching the subject to students. You, my friend, are providing one of the most valuable services found in this country.
Thank you,
Big Al
Thanks you for getting back to me, very nice of you.
An economics expert..i don’t know about that.
I appreciate your kinds words about being a teacher.
Again great service you provide. Thanks you.
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